Chapter 14


It's been 3 years since I've seen her, but it's been an even longer 4 years since I've spoke to her. After she woke up she didn't remember anyone or anything, it broke all of us, hyung was the one most affected by it. She was his baby sister, his reason to smile and be happy. But she didn't remember meeting any of us, she didn't remember all the vacations we took to see our families, she didnt remember any of it. 


I still remember her smile, I still remember her laugh. I remember everything about her, but she can't remember anything. I remember the first time I met her, guk and nam hyungs had brought all of us back to his house after school one day, when we walked through the front doors and into the living room this girl so full of life came running down the stairs with the brightest smile calling for her oppas, I didn't know it back then because I was so young but that day that girl stole my heart. 


her parents hated all of us for what happened to yu-min, but they hated yongguk more then any of us. And because of their hatred they made my love move aboard as soon as she was allowed to, they were scared she would remember, but she needed to remember for hyung's sake. He has changed since the accident, when he was kicked out of the hospital he would go drown himself in alcohol. Himchan has found yongguk close to death so many times its just normal now. Yu-min has to remember so we can get both her and guk back.

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Sorry for the wait all, ive tried to think of more ideas for one of the guy's pov but came up with nothing. So im going to ditch that idea for a while


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Omg I love your writing style! This is awesome :) keep writing <3
haha shhhh. things are about to be revealed next
ohmygod she had.. DADADADUMMMMMMMM o__e;;
Update soon!
Really interesting ~
Hope you update soon. ^3^
This looks really interesting :D

I'll be looking forward to reading the first chapter~