The Words That Hurt?!?

One Night Can Change It All


They were all staring at my bra as if they never saw one before, i looked at Jinwoon he was staring at it too! I quickly got up with covers wrapped around me and yelled "WHAT ARE YOU ALL ERTS?! Why are you all staring at it? Get out get out get out!" as i began pushing all three of them out, before i closed the door i snatched my bra from seulong. I turned to look at Jinwoon and he was laughing, "What's so funny?" i asked. "Why am i allowed to stay?" he asked, OH yeah! i forgot to push him out too! " Well this IS your room! Why would i kick you out?" He got out of bed and stretched a little, i don't know why but today he looked extra tempting "Y-you should put a shirt on" i said. He began smirking as he walked closer to me "Why, is it bothering you?" he said in a seductive voice. OK that doesn't seem like he really cares if it's bothering me."OR don't tell me the problem is that you like what you see?". I stepped back "No, why would i?" i asked, he whispered "That's not what i heard" as he walked out of the room. SO HE DID HEAR?!

I was double thinking walking out of the room until I heard "Yoonji!! We're so sorry!!! We didn't mean misunderstand or to stare and embarrass you!!" the three yelled. "It's ok i forgive you! Anyone would've misunderstood, and the other one just don't go around touching things" i said with a smile. As we were eating breakfast Gain came over, "I heard what happened, these idiots! They need to learn to stop ruining moments!!" she scolded. i laughed "It's ok, we weren't doing anything" i said, "Yeah right! They were practically together in a bed" yelled jokwon. "Yeah, any guy would of done something especially after seeing her bra!" yelled  seulong, we all looked at him "Seulong what do her bra have to do about anything?!?" changmin asked. Seulong looked away "I'm just saying it's nothing to be ashamed about..", Jokwon shook his head," I don't know about the bra thing but seulong is right! Why didn't you do anything?" he asked jinwoon. Everyones eyes turned towards him, he smirked " Easy, i'm not attracted to her" he said plain and simple. They all looked at me as his words kept repeating in my mind, somehow those few simple words bothered me. "YAH! What do you mean your not attracted to her ?! That isn't something you say to a girl especially your WIFE!" Gain defended me while the other guys agreed, i smiled " Leave him alone, he didn't have a choice in that" i got up and didn't even want to look at him. I really don't know why those words hurt me so much, I went outside for air and i took out my phone to call Adri "The number you are trying to reach is disconnected". Again?! I need to talk to SOMEONE!


I tried to call Adri a few more times but it didn't go through, so i decided to walk a little. As i walked i began to think, if he's not attracted to me he didn't have to say it in front of me! Thats so rude!!!! And what does he think he is? The last piece a cake a diabetic will get to eat!?!?! NO! Well... ughghhh

I ended up walking for the whole afternoon without realizing it, wondering why it bothered me so much.....


~~~~Around 7p.m~~~~


Then my phone began to ring "Hello?"

"Yoonji!!!!! Where did you go?? Did you run away?! Don't! We're so worried about you!" yelled jokwon and i think changmin 

"No i didn't.... i just took a walk, why?" i said trying to hide my weird feeling.

"Cause we went out to go talk to you, but you weren't there" they said a bit relieved.

"Oh thanks, but i'm ok you don't have to worry. I'll be home in a little." i hung up and began heading home

On my way home, i saw a group of guys drinking. I ignored them, i kept walking when i felt something behind me. I turned around, and they seemed to be following me! I tried to speed up my pace but i felt their voices getting louder. Without a second thought i tried to run but then someone grabbed my arm, i turned and it was a drunken guy. "Hey cutie, are you alone? Do you want me to accompany you tonight?" WHAT?! This drunktard thinks i'm cute? He's attracted to me? This got me mad for some reason. Am i not good enough for JInwoon but good enough for a drunktard?! i pulled my arm hard away from him and began stomping away. "Hey you! I'm talking to you!" he said as he grabbed my arm again! This guy is pissing me off! " LOOK! Leave me alone! YES I'm alone! Happy? I just don't want your company! I don't want you to think i'm attractive. I don't want you to touch me! The only person i want to think i'm attractive doesn't so what makes you think you can go around thinking things about me like you know me?! Who are you to try and hurt me?!?! Do you think this was my choice do you think i planned it all? Do you think i wanted to wake up married to someone i didn't actually know?!?" Tears began to form, i don't know why but i started saying everything that was in my heart " I hate you! I was trying to forget but you just had to come and remind me! Why?? What did i ever do to you!!!?" i wanted to continue pouring my heart but then i heard tears and they weren't from ME??! I looked up and the drunktard was crying? "I'm so sorry! I understand you! I feel the same way! Why are guys such jerks!!!" he yelled as he fell to the ground in tears.... i looked down poor guy he must of been really hurt ....wait a minute, did he say GUYS?!?! "U-um did you say guys?" i tried not to sound rude. He looked up "Yes, you must think i'm weird right? Trying to pretend to be someone i'm not but i jut can't forget him.... I'm so sorry for trying to use you!!" He was about to cry again went i stopped him. "Don't! Don't cry anymore" i pulled him up, and we went somewhere to clear our heads and hearts! And what else does that better than ICE CREAM! We ate it, and talked about our pain. He told me about his jerk and i told him about mine, my first love the reason that made me come to Korea.... After we talked we became pretty good friends "Thank you unnie!! Your really nice! I hope you can find love again! and i'll do the same!" he yelled as we went our separate ways. I looked at my phone at it was now 10:30 p.m!!!! 


I finally arrived home. When i went inside changmin and jokwon attacked me with hugs and questions! "Where were you? Why are you so late? You said you were gonna be here soon!?" blah blah blah They asked them so fast that my mind didn't even process the questions right so i just answered "Yes" with a smiled and sat down. I looked in the living room to see Jinwoon watching tv, he looked at me and i just looked away. I was about to walk into the room when we heard a knock knock "I'll get the door" yelled seulong that appeared out of nowhere?!?! He opened it and yelled "OMO! It's you!!!!". I was a bit curious so i looked at the door and it was... ADRI?!?!?!?!!??!!


"Yoonji!!!!!!!!!" She yelled and jumped to me to give me a HUGE hug!!"Did you miss me?" she asked i was still in wtf? mode why are you here? But thank god! I need to talk to you!"......." It just didn't come out. "Hello!!!! Earth to Yoonji!" she began smacking me! I stopped her and gave her a hug "Ah what are you doing here?!?!?! Of course i missed you!!! How did you get here?! How did you know where i lived??!" She began to laugh "Yoonji, chill i'll answer one by one, I'm here cause i missed you, I got here by plane? and JYP told me!" JYP? "He got so happy when i told him i was your sister! He quickly got me a ride here! " JYP your a pretty crazy guy but i really love you right now Father-in-law!!!!!  "So how long are you staying here?" i asked she smiled "Just a week. Do you mind if i stay here with you?" OF COURSE NOT! but i need to ask if the guys mind, I looked towards them and they seemed happier than me. I guess that a YES! "I think the guys don't mind" i laughed as they looked away. "So Yoonji, where do i sleep?" thats right! Hmmm well i don't really want to make the guys uncomfortable... and i don't want to see Jinwoon! so "Why not sleep with me? Jinwoon can sleep with changmin" i said without caring whether or not he cared. "That's and awesome idea!" Yelled changmin as he stared at Adri... "Then it's settled!! Thanks guys!!!" i pulled adri into my room and closed the door!



"Ok Yoonji, What's wrong with you?" she suddenly asked. I knew there was no point in trying to lie. I sighed " He.." someone knocked on the door. We opened it and it was Gain! She waked in and started asking that same questions as jokwon and changmin did went i first entered the house! "Gain, chill! I'm ok and don't be rude!" i said as i pointed at Adri. They said hello to each other, it seemed weird but i knew they would get along just fine they have about the same personality! "So Yoonji, what was wrong?" she asked and then Gain answered " Jinwoon, you met him yet? Her stupid husband!" Adri nodded "Well he said he wasn't attracted to Yoonji in front of all of us!!!" Hearing it again makes me feel bad again. "HE WHAT!!!!" Adri yelled, she was about to yell something else when someone knocked on the door. Gain opened it and it was Jinwoon! "Can i get my things?" Gain moved so he could get in and he went over and took out a few things. The whole time Gain and Adri were glaring at him! They watched him as he left the room "He didn't even say good-night to you!!!" Adri yelled, "I know and who does he think he is? I have the right mind to open this door and show him a piece of my mind!" Gain yelled. They looked at each other and began to smile, but in a creepy way..... well no in a evil way! Adri and Gain both grab my arm "Don't worry Yoonji, he doesn't  know who he just messed with!!" adri declared! "Yeah! I know exactly what we're gonna do to make him eat his words!" Gain said as she looked at me.







So what did you think?

I have a quick question would you guys want a Jnwoon POV? Or keep it as Your POV?

Also thank you so much for the comment they really do encourage me!!! And make me so happy to write this story!! xD

Love you guys!



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gibbo2001 #1
can u plz write more its AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Chapter 32: i need more from this ff pls update soon...thisis os great
Cassiopeia501 #3
Chapter 32: o.O omona your majesty why didnt you send this earlier?
whateveryouthink #4
Chapter 33: Please update faster.. ^^
Chapter 33: OMG I NEED MORE!!!!?!??
I love this story so much. Please update, author. ^^ <3
exo1211 #7
thanks for the update XD
uchiayume #8
So im a new reader... I gotta say this sounds like the taiwanese drama drunken to love you or something like that with rainie yang. Butnim looking forward to it :)
littlemiss10 #9
AHHH YOU UPDATED!! Yay:) hehe awww jinwoon wants confess but hes to shy:( have some confidence! Thanks for the update!