The Phone Call?!!?

One Night Can Change It All




I pulled the phone away so i could keep my hearing!!!

"Who is this?" i asked the person became quiet. "I can't believe you don't know your own BEST FRIENDS voice?!" the person over the phone yelled. I thought for a moment " ADRI! Why are you calling me from a long distant number?!?!" i asked confused. " So you do know who i am! Pfft and here i thought you forgot about me now that you MARRIED and all.." she emphasized on the married. "No, sorry. so many things have happened that i haven't even had time to catch up with you. You should come over so i can explain everything!!" Adri got quiet again... then she said "I can't" i froze, she said what?! 

"What do you mean you can't?!" she stayed quiet for a while before talking "Yoonji. I went back to America, that morning when i called you. i tried to tell but you cut me off.  You know that i've been with this guy for a while, he wants to live here from now on... and i won't be coming back. I know what your thinking... why did i leave you alone right?" YES! That's exactly what i'm thinking!!! We've been through everything together. People call us siamese twins because we're always together... we're each others strengths, we're the total opposites of each other but i guess thats why we've been friends for so long. When i wanted to start a new life away from everything, everyone thought i was crazy or running away but she was the only one that supported me and came along for the ride. Tears began to blur my eye i don't care if she wanted to leave, but to choose a boyfriend over a life long friend is beyond something i never thought she would do.!" No, not at all" i finally manager, you see thats the type of person i am. I can't kill her happiness by telling her that she can't live her own life, i mean i can't overreact. At one point in life we have to grow up right... I just wish it wasn't that guy... i don't trust him and she knows it... "Yoonji? YOUR NOT GETTING ALL DEPRESSED ON ME ARE YOU?!?!!?!" She yelled again! I wiped the tears that wanted to go out and smiled "OF COURSE NOT! You know me!" She began to laugh "Thats why i asked, cause i KNOW YOU!" that made me laugh, i was about to say something when she said "Yoonji, he's home. Don't worry too much about this ok. It will be like i never left! I'll call you soon!! Byeeeeeee" she hung up.



I put the phone down and laid in bed, i turned and saw Jinwoon sleeping like a baby. I looked at him and i felt like i needed a hug, i closed my eyes and turned my face into the pillow. Then suddenly i felt something warm wrap around me, i turned my head and saw jinwoon hugging me... i smiled and closed my eyes.


~~~~The Next Morning~~~

I woke up, to find myself alone in the bed. Does that mean that he woke up to me cuddling with him?!!? I tippy toed to the door and opened it just a little to see outside. The guys were there eating breakfast, i tired to close the door "Yoonji, aren't you gonna eat?!" changmin yelled from the couch. I opened the door and went outside "Yeah, Good morning!" i said. I grabbed a plate and served myself some food than sat by the guys, they began to stare at me. "What?" i asked, "Who were you talking to so late on the phone?" asked seulong. I looked up "Oh you heard me? Sorry if i was being loud. It was my best friend Adri... she's in america" i said. Changmin looked up and seulong said" Oh Adri the one from the club??? You should invite her over when she comes back, shes really fun!" I remembered that she said she wasn't coming back and got up " Sure, i'll ask her. I'm done eating! I'll do the dishes later on when you leave so don't worry about it". i said with a fake smile i tried to walk towards the room when Jinwoon pulled me " What's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing, don't worry about it. It's stupid". i said, it's true. I can't go all depressed now!!! " Well don't go to the room! Let's hand out today! The only one that has a schedule today is Jinwoon so we'll be here all day!!" said jokwon. I smiled cause that sounds better than being alone!


Jinwoon had already left and we we're in the car on our way to who knows where?! "Ok so what do you wanna do?" asked jokwon, i looked at him and laughed "I don't know what CAN we do?" they looked at me and i guess they understood that we can't go anywhere with fans.... "Alright i know the perfect place!" yelled jokwon and then whispered something to changmin, which was the one driving! I hope this guys won't do anything drastic....

~~~Hours Later~~~

We FINALLY arrived at this random building that looked like it has been abandoned for years!! I looked around and there wasn't any sign of life! I looked at them and they had a HUGE smile on their faces.....ARE THEY GONNA KILL ME?!  " Ughhh where are we?" They began to chuckle " You'll see" they said together..... Ok that is creepy.... They grabbed my arm and pushed my towards the building, i tried to pull away but then changmin and seulong both picked me up. I was sitting on their shoulders and they looked like they were walking chairs "What are you guys doing?!?!?" they ignored me and we finally entered the building. I looked up and the inside was really amazing, i looked like a fun house... not the creepy kind! "Wow, what is this?" they put me down and they began to explain " They is own secret club house" jokwon said. Club house?? pfft " We come here to have fun or when we wanna think" said seulong, " this place is kinda a place to escape reality, so its kinda like your free here" changmin finally said. i looked around " why did you bring me to your secret club house?" i asked. "Because, we want you to trust us. When you have something bothering you its not good to bottle it up inside" jokwon said. I looked at him a little surprised, "I don't have anything bothering me?" they looked at me with disbelief. "We noticed that what seulong said this morning bothered you, so we got worried. Even jinwoon seemed worried." I felt bad, i hate worrying people. "I'm sorry." seulong said. "No, i'm sorry. I'm not normally like this it's just that Adri left and won't be coming back. We're really close, we've practically been through hell and back a few times........" i began to explain what Adri said the night before " And when she said that she left for a guy i just felt a little confused.... she's never been the type to choose a guy over friendship. Though she does do stupid things for guys, never something this extreme... Plus it doesn't help that i don't trust the guy she's with... what if she get hurt and i won't be there to make sure she doesn't fall apart?" I looked up and they just stared "I'm sorry, Friendship is just really important for me". They came close to me and hugged me "Don't worry we understand" they said together. Boy they are good at the unison thing!! We stayed in the club house for a while and they began telling me stories about their friendship and stuff i felt better knowing i wasn't the only one, i felt closer to them.. We looked at the time,"Well i think we better get going" seulong said. They looked like they were in a hurry, "What's wrong?" i asked. "Truthfully, we don't have a secret club house. We don't even know who owns this place?" jokwon confessed. WHAT?!?! These liars!!! "Then why did you lie?!!" i asked confused and a little angry "Don't get mad at us! It was all Jinwoon's idea!" said seulong. Jinwoon?!?!  I turned away mad and began walking towards the car, as i sat in i began to smile. These guys really are something..... but secret club house?! really Yoonji how gullible are you?!



We finally arrived at the apartment and i haven't said a word to them. I was pretending that i was mad at them to teach them a lesson! I looked at them and they had sad eyes awwwww i feel so bad! I think it's been enough time "Guys" they quickly looked my way with hope "I'm not mad at you, i just wanted to teach you a lesson!" i said with a smile on, they looked mad and ran up to me and ALL three POUNCED ON ME!!! They began to tickle me!!! "This is YOUR lesson for scaring us!!!!" they yelled. While they were tickling me, i guess through all the laughing we didn't hear someone come in. "WHAT. ARE. YOU. GUYS. DOING??" We stopped and looked up and saw Jinwoon standing looking at us with a confused face. They guys began laughing " Don't worry, we won't steal her from you!" as they said that they went into their rooms. I looked up at him, he was about to say something when my phone began to ring i looked at it and it was a long distant number i quickly picked up"ADRI!!!!!" I yelled JInwoon took that as a cue to leave.

We talked for a while, she informed me about what i have missed with her life, then she asked " Sooooooooo, how's the married life??" i began to laugh "It's nothing".

"Do you really not feel anything for him? LIke you've never wanted to kiss him or SOMETHING ELSE?! she emphasized on the something else part.

"NO! "i yelled.

"Come on Yoonji! I know you. When you yell no like that its a total LIE! So tell me you must find him attractive!!"

I began to laugh then Jinwoon came out of the room, he went into the kitchen "I'll tell you later" i whispered

"NO! NOW! And why are you whispering?!" she said.

"No later, and cause my husband just came out of the room" i told her.

"SOOOOOO, we're speaking in english! He doesn't understand you! So tell me have you?!! You know i'm not patient!"

Aissshhh this inpatient girl!!!! I looked up and i saw jinwoon still in the kitchen "Ok ok, but you better not make me repeat myself!"

"Ok ok" she squeaked!

"Yes" i said

"YES WHAT?! Answer in a complete sentence woman!!!!" she yelled almost causing me to become deaf!

"Ok ok! Stop yelling! Yes i do find him attractive, i mean who wouldn't seeing him in a towel and stuff?!" i said.

"What?!?! In a towel!! Detail detail!" she yelled again..

"The first night he came out in a towel and i can't lie he really looked tempting". i said

"So you have wanted to kiss him? And other stuff?!" she said.

"Yeah, i have wanted to kiss him. But THAT won't happen, and neither would that other stuff". i said

"Why? he is your husband??"

"I know he is, but i don't-" before i could finished Jinwoon stepped out of the kitchen and walked towards the room. He turned towards me and smiled "Good-Night" he said in ENGLISH!!!! and went inside the room.

Did he understand what i was saying about him?!!?!?!?



Ahhh such a tease!

What do you think?! Sorry if the beginning was a little dramatic!!

And YAY! I have 11 Subscribers!! Thanks you guys! This makes me so happy! And want to write even more!!!! I feel like we're a growing family!! xD

I hope you guys enjoy this!!

Loves you!!



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gibbo2001 #1
can u plz write more its AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Chapter 32: i need more from this ff pls update soon...thisis os great
Cassiopeia501 #3
Chapter 32: o.O omona your majesty why didnt you send this earlier?
whateveryouthink #4
Chapter 33: Please update faster.. ^^
Chapter 33: OMG I NEED MORE!!!!?!??
I love this story so much. Please update, author. ^^ <3
exo1211 #7
thanks for the update XD
uchiayume #8
So im a new reader... I gotta say this sounds like the taiwanese drama drunken to love you or something like that with rainie yang. Butnim looking forward to it :)
littlemiss10 #9
AHHH YOU UPDATED!! Yay:) hehe awww jinwoon wants confess but hes to shy:( have some confidence! Thanks for the update!