First Real Day Married... Already Breaking Rules?!

One Night Can Change It All



(Your POV)


It was dark but i could still see him. He was staring at me, it was as if he was hypnotizing me because i couldn't look away. We stayed like that for a while until he placed his other arm around my waist. I looked down and realized i was still in a towel!!! I quickly pushed him off me and stood up "What are you doing?!" i yelled. " Me? Your the one attacking a sleeping person while ?!" he pointed out. " I wasn't attacking you! I fell. And i WASN'T staring either, i was trying to wake you up because i don't have anything.. to wear." I said the last part lower.

He looked at me and smirked " why not sleep like that?" my jaw dropped, this guy is a real ert but two can play that game. " Sure" i smiled, his eyes widened. I began walking towards him, i leaned and whispered in his ear " But you sleep outside on the couch".  He began to laugh " Why should i? This IS my room too", aishhh this guy " then give me something to wear, its kinda cold you know!" He stood up and grabbed some random clothes from a drawer and gave them to me. I looked at me and he kept staring..." What are you waiting for? I'm not gonna change in front of you!!" i quickly pushed him out the door before he could say something.

I looked at the clothes he gave me, boxers and a big blue t-shirt....i'm still gonna feel if i don't wear underwear! I grab the bag where the lingerie was and took it out. I guess this was better than nothing, i quickly put it on then threw over the clothes jinwoon gave me. It was a little big for me but it was really comfortable! Now that i was dressed i threw myself under the covers and closed my eyes, then i remembered that HE was still waiting outside. i got up and walked towards the door, i popped my head through to look for him and he was sitting on the floor falling asleep. I shook him a little and he got and stared walking towards the bed with his yes still closed. I looked at the time 4:23 a.m,  poor guy he must be really tired and i woke him up... i laid next to him and fell asleep without realizing it.


~~~The Next Morning~~~

"MORNING SUNSHINE!!!!!" someone yelled. I slowly looked at the clock and it was 7:30 a.m only slept for about an hour, i looked towards the door and saw jokwon and seulong. i grabbed the covers and began to cuddle with a pillow. " Wakey wakey!!! Come on JINWOON we have a schedule today!! Come on, come on come on.." they said while jumping on the bed they seemed like kids trying to wake up their parents. Then the jumping and noise stopped, i was too sleepy to look up so i just got more comfortable. All of a sudden someone ripped off the covers!!!! " Whooa, you guys look very comfortable!" said seulong then i heard a zoom sound. I tried to get up but something was holding me down, i looked in front of me and saw a bare chest, i looked down and saw jinwoons arms around me and my legs were wrapped around his. I jumped up and accidentally pushed him off the bed, " Ahhh, why did you have to push me off the bed!!" yelled jinwoon. "FINALLY! YOUR AWAKE!" jokwon yelled while pulling jinwoon out the door. I got up and went outside and saw the rest of the members plus Gain eating breakfast " Did they wake you up too?" asked the annoyed Gain. "They should really learn how to respect others sleep!!!" she yelled, they just continued eating. "Yoonji, aren't you gonna eat?" asked changmin. "Oh no i'm not really hungry" that and i also feel a little uncomfortable. "Are you sure?" i just nodded. "Tomorrow your gonna cook for us right? Lets see how good our sis-in-law can cook" said seulong while eating,"Sure, i'll try" i agreed. They looked at me and then looked at the time " Aisshhh we really need to go before we're late!" yelled jokwon, he hurried everyone to finish and they left.


"Is that what you wore to sleep?" Gain suddenly asked me. I looked down to see " yeah, i didn't have anything else to to wear so jinwoon leant me some clothes". The stared at me then said " Lets buy you some clothes! and some other stuff since i bet you don't even have a toothbrush!" I looked at her before i could answer she grabbed my arm and said "lets go! todays my day off and a girls day sounds better than staying home all day!"  I agreed cause she made a really good point!!

We were inside the elevator, i was wearing some clothes that Gain lent me and thick sunglasses to hid my face. This was Gain's form of a disguise as the elevator doors open looked outside and there were still angry people outside, hopefully they can't tell that its me. We walked outside and they looked at me, i looked away trying not to show fear ( i heard that they can smell it) After a few more steps they stopped staring and we got to walk to Gain's car still whole. On the way to the mall Gain began asking me questions, she found out that i'm from America but came to Korea because i wanted a fresh start in my life, then we talked about different topics we got a little closer. Then she suddenly asked " So do you love your husband?" I looked at her with widened eyes, how was i suppose to answer that? Umm no we got married after getting drunk and we're just together cause i don't wanna get SUED! " I don't really know him yet, also i don't really know what love is" she looked at me like she understood what i meant. " I know you guys HAVE to stay married, JYP told Oneday and well Jokwon told me. But you guys really seem good together maybe meant to be." i looked at her wondering why she thought that. After we arrived at the mall, i kept on thinking about what she had said in the car the whole time we were shopping i wanted to ask why but i never did.


~~~Hours Later Around 11:38 p.m~~~

I arrived at the apartment, it took me a while since the numbers are all fhjdgsdjksf and Gain had to suddenly go off to a schedule. I placed all the bags in my room, we really bought a lot. She was really nice she basically bought me a whole closet full of clothes, i went into the kitchen to eat something since i hadn't eaten all day, after that i took a shower to get ready for bed. I looked through all the bags and realized that we didn't buy any PJS! I looked for the clothes Jinwoon lent me last night and wore those. I looked at my phone and it was 12:15 a.m then i got a phone call.

" Hello"

"Your breaking the contract......"

"What are you talking about? Who is this?"

"Your Father-in-law!"

"........." JYP?

"What are you talking about breaking the contract?"

"You and Jinwoon both come to my office tomorrow! Don't ask questions just do it!" He hung up, he sounded really mad. I thought about it for a while then realized that me and jinwoon didn't have out daily meal nor phone call with each other..... Are we gonna get in trouble..... Am I gonna get in trouble?!??!


Ahh ok sorry it's short, i was a little busy studying for my state exam that i have tomorrow!

but i really wanted to update something!!

Hope you guys like it!

Love yas! And wish me luck i'll tell you if i pass!!

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gibbo2001 #1
can u plz write more its AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Chapter 32: i need more from this ff pls update soon...thisis os great
Cassiopeia501 #3
Chapter 32: o.O omona your majesty why didnt you send this earlier?
whateveryouthink #4
Chapter 33: Please update faster.. ^^
Chapter 33: OMG I NEED MORE!!!!?!??
I love this story so much. Please update, author. ^^ <3
exo1211 #7
thanks for the update XD
uchiayume #8
So im a new reader... I gotta say this sounds like the taiwanese drama drunken to love you or something like that with rainie yang. Butnim looking forward to it :)
littlemiss10 #9
AHHH YOU UPDATED!! Yay:) hehe awww jinwoon wants confess but hes to shy:( have some confidence! Thanks for the update!