Love and Jealousy?!!?

One Night Can Change It All




~~The Day After~~


What I night, I said as I opened my eyes; I feel like have a hangover and I didn’t drink a drop of alcohol last night…. Though alcohol would have been an explanation for everything that happened at the party… I turn my head and I see Jinwoon deep in sleep only a few centimeters from my face!!! How was I even able to sleep next to you without having a heart attack is last night’s real mystery. He looked really cute, so peaceful then my eyes fell upon his lips, “Jinwoon and I kissed” I whispered to myself as I touched my lips, But that’s not all. I'm in love with him… that’s right I'm in love with him! But now that I know that… WHAT DO I DO?! I mean ok I have feeling for him but that doesn’t change the fact that he has a girlfriend or is cheating or whatever he’s doing!!!?  “What do I do!” I tried to whispered but I came out a tad bit like a scream “Hmmm” mumbled Jinwoon and he tossed a bit in bed. My eyes widened at it, how can a guy look so hot while sleeping!! And that noise! Is he trying to drive me insane? Case it’s working!! OK OK I have to calm down, I better get out of the room before I the guy.


I stepped out of the room and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water to cool myself off a bit, if I can’t even act normal around him while he's asleep I have NO idea how I'm gonna act around him while he's awake! Maybe I should talk to someone about my newly found feeling.. Adri? Somehow I feel like this will be to my disadvantage… Gain? She’d probably to so happy that she’d tell the world! JYP? Aahhahaahah good one! He’d probably be worse! He make billboards and post them everywhere omg! He’d probably go on a radio station and announce it! =.= I guess telling someone is out of the picture.. “Hey ___ why are you awake so early?” I looked up and saw Changmin oppa! “Uhh I guess I'm not that tired anymore” I told him, also I’d probably your maknae if I stay in that room any longer bt of course I can’t say that!! “Ohh is anything on your mind?! That happens to me when I have something on my mind, you can tell me if you’d like” he said. I stared at him for a while, well Changmin is nice and understanding and I DID want to tell someone “Well if you don’t mind, but you have to promise not to tell a soul!!” I almost yelled. He smiled “Deal”.



(Changmin’s POV)

“Well Changmin oppa I have something to ask you.. it’s about feelings” she started OMG! Does she know?! “The feelings are love..” she said. LOVE?! Omg did I get caught? Does she know my feelings?! Does she feel uncomfortable about them? I just can’t help it... she’s amazing! “I think someone is in love..” she does know! Should I just confess? Then maybe ask her for her approval? “Oppa, are you paying attention?” she said as she waved her hands in front of my face “Oh yes yes! Sorry what did you say?” I told her. She took a deep breath “I said that person’s me”. HER?! Oh good! I'm not ready yet…



(Jinwoon’s POV)

Gahhh what a night, my head hurts. My throat is killing me! I hope I'm not getting sick!! I walked to the kitchen to drink some water. Last night… what did I do?! Why did I so something so outrageous?! And in front of everyone?! Now everyone’s going to tease! ____ must be pissed at e since she didn’t speak a word after what happened last night. I walk down the hall to go to the bathroom when I heard “I said that person’s me” huh? Is that _____? Why is she in Changmin hyung’s room!?!?! I leaned my ear closer to the door to hear the conversation better! It’s NOT eavesdropping ok! It’s just being… like Key! :D “REALLY?!” Screams Changmin hyung! What did she say?! Gahh I didn’t hear her!! “Yes” she said.


“When did it start? How did it happen? Who? Wait I know.. Why? What?! ” Changmin hyung doesn’t seem to make sense….


“Oppa, shhhh your screaming are you trying to wake up the whole dorm!”


“No sorry, so tell me”


“Hmm I really like him oppa”


“Really? When did you realize this?”


“I think it was when I first hugged him, everything just felt so right and last night…”


WHAT!? ______ Likes Kikwang Hyung!? That’s impossible?! NO! It was just a hug?! My hug came first! I won’t accept this! She’s mine! My wife at least!! Then I suddenly banged the wall next to me! “What was that?!” said ___ . Oh no! Ummm




I ran out to the hallway to see where the noise came from, but I didn’t see anything?! “That’s weird?! I said to myself “What was it?” said Changmin oppa. “Nothing?” I said as I walked back into the room. I sat on his bed “So you really fell for Jinwoon?” asked Changmin, my face turned red as I nodded “Awww how cute! My babies are growing up!” he said as he pinched my cheek =.= “YAH! I'm not a baby!” I said “yeah you are and you’re a loud baby! You don’t let your oppa’s sleep” said a sleepy looking Jokwon and Seulong as they walked in to Changmin oppa’s room and both jumped on the bed. “Changmin oppa is the loud on screaming so early in the morning” I said as I pointed at him “Yeah we heard, so you finally admit your feeling huh!” said Jokwon “WHAT?!” I screamed.. ok NOW I'm screaming. “Changmin hyung screamed it out so we heard almost everything” said Seulong with his eyes still closed. I glared at Changmin, he doesn’t even deserve the oppa part!! Omg! If they heard…. Do you think... Jinwoon heard too?! “ Please, don’t tell anyone! I'm not ready for anybody to know.. plus my feeling don’t really change anything” I said as I remembered about Bi Laya “Ok no one else but Gain cause I already told her and she's on her way right now….” Said Jokwon… this guy… “I guess that fine! She better not tell anyone else!” I said. “We wont tell anyone else but what do you mean it won’t change anything?” Seulong said .. I sighed, it was about time I asked about her anyways.. “Guys, who’s Bi Laya to Jinwoon?” they all froze and just stared at me “WHAT! THAT AGAIN!?” Gain screamed as she walked into the room and locked the door.


We all stared at her for a while then I broke the silence “?” I said. “What about that person?” said Jokwon “Why do you know her? Is she bothering you?” asked Seulong. “She better not be! I’ll kill her!!” Said Gain, I looked at all them. Why does it seem like they all…hate her?


They all stared at me anticipating my answer to their many questions “I saw a text from her on Jinwoon’s phone a while back and I was curious… is she's his girlfriend? Am I interfering in their relationship?” I said. They all just stared at me blankly “NO!” They all screamed at the same time, which caused me to jump a bit. “ She isn’t his girlfriend. She should be nothing to him but she's like a cockroach and just doesn’t die!” said Gain. I looked at the confused “____ that girl is Jinwoon’ first and till this day only love.” Said Jokwon, hearing him say that it stung my chest “ She's the worst human being on this planet” said Seulong. I looked at him with more question “ She likes to use Jinwoon and he lets her. He.. how do you.. is blind when it comes to love or her” said Jokwon. I stared at them for a while “so your saying he loves her, but she doesn’t feel anything for him but takes advantage of his feeling for her?!” I said a bit irritated. “Yeah pretty much, though we thought he had gotten over her since there hasn’t been any sign of her since you came here.. but maybe we were wrong..” said Changmin staring at me making sure that the truthful words didn’t hurt me too much.


 “How… how can there be such people in this world!” I screamed with tears almost escaping my eyes. They all stared at me “I thought there could only be one such monster in this world.. turns out I was wrong, there seems to be two..” I said “Two?” said Gain. I looked at them then realized what I was saying “Ohh nothing..” I said as I whipped the few tears that escaped my eyes. “I think the worst part about when she appears is that Jinwoon doesn’t act like himself” said Changmin.. “That’s right! She's probably to reason behind all the proble..” Jokwon started but stopped when Gain elbowed him to stop and I looked like I was about to break down. “____ are you ok?” They all asked almost together, I looked up at them and smiled. “Yes, don’t worry. I can’t blame him for his feelings. We don’t choose who we love, I’ll get over it “ I said with the biggest smile that I could put on. They all stared “ ____..” Jokwon began when all our phones began to ring at the same time?!


“Yoboseyo?” we all said together


“Come to me office now” said JYP



~~~At JYP’s Office~~~


We all arrived at his office, I was a bit nervous but not because we were called to the office but because they ALL made me sit next to Jinwoon!? =.= They all snicker like its all good in the neighborhood but that not all then Jokwon had to make me think crazy things “What I wanted to say before..He may be in love with her now, but his love is an illusion and your love is real. I have a feeling you can change his feelings” WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!


“I'm sure you all know why we’re having this meeting right?!” said JYP

I looked at him confused as everyone nodded, ummm am I the only oblivious one?!

“Father in law?” I said and JYP’s suddenly jumped on to me and hugged me “Yes! What do you need?! He practically sang. “Why are we all here?” I asked “Because you and “ Seulong began but stopped “SHE ASKED ME!” JYP screamed then turned back towards me with a smile. “You’ll see in a little ok?” he said and he hesitated to let me go.


“Jinwoon, you know right? Why you’re here?” JYP said and everyone gaze just fell on him.



(Jinwoon’s POV)

I still can’t believe it, why Kikwang hyung? Why couldn’t it be.. no no that’s not the point! I can’t believe my hyungs actually approved!! I thought maybe they’d feel a little remorse for me. I mean my wife has feeling for another person, how could they be happy about that?! I mean she's my wife! She shouldn’t be looking at anyone else and other people shouldn’t be trying to take her away!! I know how this sounds.. but I'm not JEALOUS! I'm just saying what’s right! A married woman shouldn’t have eyes for another.. RIGHT!?!?!?


“Jinwoon, you know right? Why you’re here?” said JYP, I looked around and I noticed everyone was staring at me. My eyes met ____’s and I just stared at her. I can’t let her be with kikwang hyung. I don’t care if its sounds selfish I just can’t “Jinwoon!” JYP screamed I jumped up “Yes! sir I know” I said as if I was in the military. “Good then about the kiss” he said and then I noticed that ____’s eyes widened and kinda seemed sad. Was the kiss that bad for her? Would she have rather it be kikwang? Am I just in the way?




We’re here because of the kiss?! We’re all gonna discuss it? Why JYP? Why father in law? I have to go through this embarrassment all over again and this time if front of others. I tried to lower my head to hide my blurred eyes, “Jinwoon, we all saw the kiss! So you can’t deny it this time” JYP said. I closed my eyes waiting for the pain, this might be the final blow. Maybe it will be my thanks for realizing your feeling but you can’t have him so get over him sign… “I know” Jinwoon said “DON’T TRY TO DENY IT!” Screamed JYP “ I'm not” Said Jinwoon. “I SAID DON’T!...Wait what?!” said JYP. “I said I'm not gonna deny it because it was a real kiss” said Jinwoon i quickly looked up and he was staring right at me..



I'm sorry guys that it's not that long

It might not even be that good! =.=

I'm also sorry to inform you guys but the next chapter might be the last one :(

I'm really busy with school and i just feel like my mojo for this story has ended 

I'm really sorry i hope you guys aren't that disappointed

Please don't hesitate to tell me how you feel 

Sorry again T.T


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gibbo2001 #1
can u plz write more its AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Chapter 32: i need more from this ff pls update soon...thisis os great
Cassiopeia501 #3
Chapter 32: o.O omona your majesty why didnt you send this earlier?
whateveryouthink #4
Chapter 33: Please update faster.. ^^
Chapter 33: OMG I NEED MORE!!!!?!??
I love this story so much. Please update, author. ^^ <3
exo1211 #7
thanks for the update XD
uchiayume #8
So im a new reader... I gotta say this sounds like the taiwanese drama drunken to love you or something like that with rainie yang. Butnim looking forward to it :)
littlemiss10 #9
AHHH YOU UPDATED!! Yay:) hehe awww jinwoon wants confess but hes to shy:( have some confidence! Thanks for the update!