What was that?

The Real Cinderella Story

"OH MY GOD! This school is BIG and BEAUTIFUL!!" I was so suprised that a school could like this. "THANK YOU Evil aunt for doing this to me" I said with a evil smile.
'Oh, Oppa is there'
"OPPA! IT'S ME" I yelled while waving at him.
He looked around to see who was calling him, he is so cute when he's confused.
"I'm here" I said
He finaly saw me "Oh? Kang Hyo? What are you.. Ah right, I forgot." he said and walked over to where I was standing.
"So? Are you nervous?" He asked me
"Nah. Not really." I said
"Yeah right. Don't lie, I know you are!"
"No I'm not!" I said looking around me
"If you’re not nervous, then why are your hands shaking?" He asked me
“What? ... Okay, Okay. So I am A LITTLE nervous! I mean A LOT, Donghae what should I do?"
He put his hands on my shoulders and said "Don't worry, It will be alright! There are good people in this school." He tried to calm me down.
"Omg, look at the time, I have to go meet my band mates, I'm so sorry, you'll be alone from now on" He said while taking steps back and before I knew it he ran off.
"YAH! Don’t leave me here... Alone" Who am I kidding, I will be alone FOR THE REST OF THIS YEAR, as always!
They bell is ringing "IT'S TIME ... LET'S PLAY" I said with a rough voice, I saw a video on youtube and they used those words, it was a trailer for Twilight made by Nigahiga, It was soooo funny!!
"Here goes nothing" I opened the door and walked in some classroom, and omg, all eyes were on me 'aaah, what should I do?'
"He ... Hello, I am Kang Hyo, uuhm, I am new here" I greeted the class and the teacher
"that's right, I totally forgot, Hello Kang Hyo, nice to meet you. Class this is Kang Hyo, say hi everyone" the teacher said.
"Anyo" everyone in the class said to me.
"Anyo" I replied
"You can take the seat over there" she pointed at the seat on the second row next to the window, well almost next the window, because on that seat there was a girl sitting and I was supposed to sit next
to her.
"Okay, Thank you" I said and sat down on the chair.
"Hello, I'm Ha Neul, I'm so glad that there is a new girl in our class, I hope you will like our class" a girl sitting next to me said
"Hello, Thank you Ha Neul, I hope so too cuz my other class " I said smiling

Hours passed really quickly, I was surprised that school could be fun. I and Ha Neul talked like we knew each other for years, it was so weird, I felt so comfortable with her.
It was time for lunch and Ha Neul asked me if I wanted to eat with her, so I said yes and we were on our way to the canteen and suddenly I bumped into someone
"Aw" I said still looking to the floor
"WATCH OUT" said the person who bumped into me
"What?" I stood up and looked at the person in front of me, she looked really angry.
"I'm sorry" I said, I know it wasn't my fault but I didn't want any fight so I just said sorry.
Ha Neul and I continued walking.
"Even though she's cute, she can't be that rude to people she doesn't know" I said with a angry tone
"She? It's a boy, I had a feeling that you thought he's a girl, because everyone does at first." Said Ha Neul laughing
"WHAT? A BOY??" I yelled and started to laugh so hard that everyone was looking at me, man I never laughed so hard before, seriously, not only my stomach was hurting, my back was too.
"A BOY" I said still laughing
"Kang Hyo-ah” said Ha Neul hitting me on my shoulder.
"What’s wrong?" I said still laughing like a crazy person.
She pointed at something behind me, so I turned around and saw that girlish looking boy infront of me, he was standing so close to me, I took a step back and said trying to hold my laugh in “I’m  ... So.." but he interrupted me
"What's so funny?" He asked
I looked at him and the thought that he is a boy but looks like a girl made me laugh even harder.
"YAH? Your spitting on me. I asked you something!" he said grabbing my arm, he came really close to my face and said "So? Aren’t you gonna answer me?"
Suddenly I stopped laughing and gave him a serious look “Let go of me" I said really angry.
"I will if you answer me" He said
"Do you really want to know what's funny? I mean do you REALLY?"
"Yes, I REALLY want too" He said pulling me closer.
"Okay, If you really want to, I will tell you"
"Kang Hyo, don't" Ha Neul whispered
"It's okay Ha Neul, If he really wants to know it, why wouldn't I tell him?" I said to Ha Neul
"Well, I was laughing because I ... ( I started to laugh again) I thought you were a girl, and when I found out that you were a boy, I couldn't help but laugh" I explained him.
"What? I have enough of this” he pulled me closer to him and suddenly kissed me. "OMG WHAT? IS HE KISSING ME RIGHT NOW?" I realized what he was doing so I pushed him away.
"YAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I said really angry
"Do you still think I’m a girl?" He asked me with a smirk on his face as he wiped his mouth.
"NO... YOU'RE WORSE THAN A GIRL YOU’RE.... YOU'RE A ERT " I screamed out without thinking about what I’m saying.
"WHAT? A ert? A ERT? Take it back or else you will regret it!" He said
"Make me!" I said and stuck my tongue out “Let’s go Ha Neul"  I took Ha Neul's hand and walked away, I was so angry!!
"Yah! Don't forget I told you,  you will regret it!" He yelled.

"Why did you do that? Now he won't leave you alone."  Said Ha Neul scared.
"I don't care! How dare he to kiss me? Is it my fault that he looks like a girl?"
"Kang Hyo slow down"
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was walking this fast" I didn't realize that I was walking so fast until Ha Neul asked me to slow down, because I wanted to get away from him as soon as possible.

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doraemonmojacko #2
DonghaesOneAndOnly #3
nice and short ))) good job !!
DonghaesOneAndOnly #4
))))))) what can I say!! this was a good chapter!! <br />
stom dat het zo kort was though!! )))<br />
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maar jah update na TRRWHKKL!! okei??!! Okey!! n____n
AllMyHeart #5
@heenim95: Thank you ^_^<br />
I'll try to make it longer<br />
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heenim95 #6
OMG))) I sooo love my school!! )))) <br />
update sooner please!! I can't wait for the next chapter!!!<br />
make it super long, arasso? )) n___n<br />
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btw I sooo loved this chapter!! ^-^<br />
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love it update again! kekeke thanks
LOL she's singing Friday XDD
DonghaesOneAndOnly #9
still can't believe you're the writer!! I mean this is good stuff !! ))))) and you're not!! OMG I'm good! )))))))))))))<br />
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uploud very soon ................................................................................................................................................................................ The Real Reason Why Hankyung, Kibum and Kangin Left!!!!!! Deh??!! )))<br />
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