We meet again ^_^

The Real Cinderella Story

‘Ring.. ring’ Oh, someone is calling me! I wonder who it is? Oh wait, who else could it be, only Ha Neul calls me.. So I bet it’s her.

“Hello” I answered
“Yah! Kang Hyo! Do you have any idea what time it is?” Ha Neul whispered. I was right, it it her.
“What do you mean? It’s ..” I looked at my watch and ‘AAAH’ an alarm went off in my head. “OMG! Ha Neul! It’s 9 am already! Why didn’t you wake me up?”
“I called you like a thousand times! Get dressed fast and come!” I could barely hear her.
“I be there.” I was about to hang up but was stopped by Ha Neul’s yell.
“KANG HYO, DON’T YOU DARE TO FORGET TO EAT AGAIN!” Now she talks loud, how typical. I swear that the neighbours might’ve heard it.
“Don’t yell! You’ll get in trouble, of course I will eat, believe me I’ve learn my lesson.”
“Aras, kuno” she said quietly,  I think she’s already in trouble.

I got downstairs and got my bag and I was headed to the kitchen to get something to eat, but the voice of the evil stopped me.
“What are you still doing here?” she asked, there was full of hate in her words.
“I overslept” I simply replied.
“What are you? Some kind of ? They sleep till afternoon too cuz they’ve been up al night.”
‘What? How dare she to call me a ? You.Son.of.DEVIL!’ Without thinking it through I held my hand up with intention to hit her but I didn’t because of my parents. Instead of hitting her I just walked out of the house acting like I don’t care about what she said.


‘What? A ? What the hell does she think she is? Oh man, I miss my mother, if she was here, she would’ve beaten the crap out of her’
“I HATE HER” I screamed my longs out. I arrived at school and was walking through the hall way cursing at the woman I hate the most when I suddenly bumped into someone.
“Aah..” I said and while I was standing up I remembered the time when that ‘Heechul’ guy bumped into me “Deja vu” I was actually scared that it was ‘Heechul’ guy again.

“I’m so sorry” said the person.
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault that I’m stuck with the devil” I was still really angry and was saying all kind of things that didn’t make any sense. I looked up to see who the person was.
“OMG! The guy who hit me!”
“This must be fate” said that guy smiling.. man what was his smile charming. “I’m sorry for hurting you again” He apologized.
“It’s fine, you don’t have to apologize, it’s my fault, I wasn’t paying attention.”

After apologizing to each other for a million times, we went outside and we were talking for some reason, the weird thing is, I don’t feel shy around him, It’s like I can tell him anything without being ashamed.

“Are you new here, cuz I haven’t seen you around?” he asked
“Yep, the devil sent me here, she sees it as a punishment” I replied, yes, I already told him about the devil and my situation... I know what you’re thinking ‘wow, she’s fast and bla bla’ but I know, I’m surprised too, I just feel like telling him everything. Weird he?
“I see.. I kind of feel sorry for you.”
“Don’t be, I’m fine, It’s just another 4 months that I have to endure.”
“I guess the “I HATE HER’ part was for her?” he asked
“What? … Aaah that. Yeah, it was” I replied

“What are you doing here? Don’t you have class?”
“I do, but I overslept and I’m just waiting till the school bell rings so that I can go to the next class.. You see, I don’t like math” I said smiling, and by the way I really don’t like math, I hate it so much that I would trade it with anything in this world if I could!
“Haha, I know what you mean.. Who does like math?”

‘Ring..ring.” (school bell)
“Oh, the bell’s ringing.. Damn it”
That guy looked at his watch and said “Have we been talking this long? This is weird..”
“What? Didn’t you like talking with me?”
“No, No, I don’t mean it like that, I’m just surprised that’d talk with me that long, I though you hate me because of what happened last time.” Poor thing, he thought I hate him, which I don’t, I actually kind of like him, I mean in a friend way… And not to forget he’s really HANDSOME!
“I don’t hate you, I actually like you.” Man, did I had to say that, I’m soooo stupid.
“oh.. Really?”
“D-don’t .. get me wrong, I don’t me ‘like-like’ I mean I like you like friend, you know what I mean?” Stupid Kang Hyo! Now he probably thinks that I’m a freak or something.
“I know, I think about you the same, I didn’t misunderstand, so don’t worry.” WOW, that’s a relief!!  .. While we forgot about we had class and were talking like best buddies, Ha Neul came running towards us.
“YAH! Hyo-ah! What are you still doing here?” She kind of sounds angry.
“I-I’m just talking to my new friend.. ah, Ha Neul, do you remember the person who hit me? LOOK it’s him. And by the way he bumped into me, well actually I did, but who cares” I said smiling.
“Oh, Hello” Said Ha Neul
“Ha Neul, he’s..” I stopped talking when I realize I don’t even know his name.
“Kang Hyo, don’t tell me you don’t even know what’s his name?”
“W-well, I forgot.. pff, .. It’s not just me who forgot! He did too, he doesn’t know my name either.”
Ha Neul started laughin, I kind of understand why, who talks for minutes without asking someone’s name.
“I’m such an idiot.. I’m so sorry.. Let’s start over..” He said, omg he’s so cute when he’s embarrassed. “Hello, I’m Siwon” he continued.
“Well hello, nice to meet you, I’m Kang Hyo by the way.” I played along.
“Siwon? That name sounds so familiar…” said Ha Neul while entering her own world, thinking really hard to figure out why it’s familiar to her.
“Yah, Neul-ah, it’s just your imagination.. You don’t..” I was saying but then again got interrupted by Ha Neul
“AAH, I know where I’ve heard that name before. Kang Hyo, didn’t Donghae mention the name ‘Siwon’ when he was talking about his group members?”
“What? No, there’s no way!”
“Well, it’s kind of true what she’s saying, I’m a member of Super Junior” Said that guy, oh I mean Siwon.
“OMG! REALLY?” I basically screamed
“Yes.. But how do you know Donghae?” he asked
“Oh that, he’s my brother.” I replied proudly, It sounded like he is some kind of god to me. Which he’s NOT! I only 13elieve in one God!
“Really? He’s your brother? That’s weird, he never mention that he had a sister.”
“What?” I said. ‘WHAT! He didn’t mention me? That son of a.. Oh wait a minute, my mother is not a .. You son of our devilish aunt!’  “How could he not mention me?” I continued after I stopped thinking like for a half minute.
"This is so great, I guess we'll be seeing each other more often." It sounds like he wants to see me back.. OMG, like he said it sure is great! I guess this is my reward for putting up with those evil people.
"I guess we will"
"Let's go now Hyo-ah, we'll be late." Said Ha Neul.. She always knows how to spoil fun!
"Which way are you going?" Siwon asked.
"That way" Ha Neul replied pointing at the direction where we're hedding to.
"I'm going that way too, let's walk together" He suggested.
"Sure" said Ha Neul.
"Oh yaay, let's go!" I said, I think it was obvious that I liked it, so what? It's the first time that a guy wants to be my friend.

We were walking through the hall way, talking and laughing, making jokes and all. I was so talking like a crazy person who got just out of jail and had all kind of stories to tell.
"Omg, really? Wow that's great! I mean, it's a great opportunity for your parents but it kind of for you, I mean it that you have to live with that 'devil' like you said"
"Yeah true, but still, if it wasn't for that devil, I wouldn't have met Ha Neul, and I'm actually kind of gratefull for that ... And by the way I wouldn't have met you, which is also somthing to be gratefull for" I said with a big smile on my face.
"That's true" said Ha Neul coming into our conversation out of nowhere. Because of the face expression Ha Neul made when she said that Siwon smiled.. His smile is so beautiful.. So charming, I could look at it forever.
While we were walking Siwon said "Hello Hyung" waving his hand at someone.
"Oh, Hello Siwon" Said someone, I wanted to see who it was and turned left to see him.
After he greeted Siwon he was just walking past siwon, but then stopped when I turned left to see him, we both saw each other at the same time and man I was surprised.
"Y-Young Seok?" said that guy, and yep it's Heechul.
"You!" I said in a rude way.
"Do you guys know each other?" Asked Siwon
"Siwon, what are you doing with her?"
"She's my new friend, we've met few days ago by fatefull circumstances"

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doraemonmojacko #2
DonghaesOneAndOnly #3
nice and short ))) good job !!
DonghaesOneAndOnly #4
))))))) what can I say!! this was a good chapter!! <br />
stom dat het zo kort was though!! )))<br />
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maar jah update na TRRWHKKL!! okei??!! Okey!! n____n
AllMyHeart #5
@heenim95: Thank you ^_^<br />
I'll try to make it longer<br />
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heenim95 #6
OMG))) I sooo love my school!! )))) <br />
update sooner please!! I can't wait for the next chapter!!!<br />
make it super long, arasso? )) n___n<br />
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btw I sooo loved this chapter!! ^-^<br />
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love it update again! kekeke thanks
LOL she's singing Friday XDD
DonghaesOneAndOnly #9
still can't believe you're the writer!! I mean this is good stuff !! ))))) and you're not!! OMG I'm good! )))))))))))))<br />
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uploud very soon ................................................................................................................................................................................ The Real Reason Why Hankyung, Kibum and Kangin Left!!!!!! Deh??!! )))<br />
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