Time for you and me

The Real Cinderella Story


"AAAAAH" I yelled

"KANG HYO!! YOU'RE AWAKE!" Yelled Ha Neul

"What am I doing here?"

"Don't you remember?" asked Ha Neul

"Remember what?" I started thinking about what she could be talking about and "Oh!"

"What? Did you remember?"

"Hold that thought, I'm having a flashback." And yep, I was indeed having a flashback! I remember it now..

"PEAS!" I yelled, I just remembered what it was that I vomited.

"Peas?.. Ah, you mean the vomit? Yeah it was the peas."

"If I just had.." I started saying but Ha Neul interrupted me.

"YAH! Kang Hyo, how many times did I tell you to eat something before you go somewhere?!!" Said Ha Neul with an angry tone.

"It wasn't my fault!" I said with sad voice and with some touch of cuteness.

"Don't give me that! It's no one's fault that you didn't eat! You have to take care of yourself, no one else will!" She continued being angry.

"You do!" I said looking away awkwardly. "I told you it wasn't my fault! That evil family didn't leave anything over for me!" I explained.

" I-I ..." She didn't know what to say anymore. See, told ya it wasn't my fault! "Well.. It doesn’t mean that if they didn't leave you any food, that you don't have eat anymore!"

"Yah! Stop it now, I'm still sick!!" I tried to act innocent.

"Okay.. Forget it.. If you ever do that again, I.will.kill.you" she said, after she said 'I.will.kill.you' in parts, she smiled. Ha Neul you are so good to me!

"ah, I forgot.. Why were you yelling when you woke up?" she asked

"Ah... OMG! Ha Neul, I had the most scary dream ever!" I replied, and man It was scary!

"What was it about?"

"In my dream it was time for dinner, I sat down and I was about to take some bread, but the bread moved away, so I tried to take something else but they also moved away, they even jumped off the table and I run after it but they kept on running.. I was so hungry!" I explained my dream, I was getting teary because I remembered how hungry I am.!

"Hahaha... What a funny dream! See! that's what you get if you don't eat!" first she laughed and then she took the food's side! How unfair!

"Are you done? Even if you're not, let's go eat something! I'm hungry and I don't have money, I'm tired, I miss my parents, I hate that "Heechul" guy, MY LIFE IS SO UNFAIR!"

"Yah Kang Hyo, I get it, I will buy you something to eat so stop complaining.. By the way, how can you say your life is unfair, am here, aren't I? It's an honor to have me by your side!" She said. YES she knew where I was going.. I'm so evil.. but in a good way ^_~




"OOH, this is good!! I've missed you food, and I was afraid you would run away!" you should’ve seen me, I was eating like a pig.. no, worse than a pig!

"Glad you like it" said Ha Neul smiling.

"Neul-ah, what time is it? Don't we have class?" I asked with my mouth full.

"It's 14.19" she replied looking at her cell phone "And no, we don't have class.. well, you and I don't"

"What do you mean?" I asked after I swallowed the food in my mouth.

"The principal said that you don't have to go to classes today and that I have to look after you."

"I bet you asked him the last part" I said teasing her.

"Yeah duuh, of course I did, if I didn't, would you look after yourself? I think not!"

"I knew it.. Neul-ah, why don't we go somewhere fun?" I asked

"Where in the world could we go?" That girl never sees the bright side of something!

"I don't know.. Anywhere is fine!" I stood up and took her hand and dragged her with me.


"Neul-ah, I was thinking.. Why don't we go play paintball?"

"Are you out of your mind?"

"Why?" I asked

"You are sick, you fool!" she replied

"I'm not sick! I was just hungry, that's all.. Please Ha Neul, let's go, just this ones?" I begged her, I know she can't say no to that!

"Even if we did go, how can we play with just the two of us? It would be so boring, I'll hit you, you'll hit me and bla bla bla.. Does it sound like fun to you?"

"YES IT DOES!! OMG let's go!!"

"Oh, fine! But if you will hurt me, then I.."

"Then what? You'll love me even more?" I interrupted her. Man I love teasing her..




"Are you ready Hyo? Are you done?" Ha Neul asked

"Al most" I replied

"Ooh, take your time, like always"

"I'm ready" I said jumping out of the room where you can change your clothes. Ha Neul turned around to see me and started laughing like crazy.

"HAHAHAH ... OMG ... Look at you!! You look so funny" she said trying to catch some breath.

Do I look that weird? I wanted to see myself and looked into the mirror, "HAHAHA! now I know why you're laughing, and I almost wanted to say 'look at yourself'" I was wearing the pants in a weird way, I never get those stuff, why would they make it so hard!


"Kang Hyo, I'm warning you, if you hurt me or scare me, I won't let you off easily!!"

"I know you won't, after all you're Ha Neul!"

"Okay, let's do this. Hyo-ah don't forget our promise, okay?" said Ha Neul

"He?... What promise?" I asked.. I hope she doesn't bring it up again, what if I'll lose?

"Well.. You know... That the loser should do everything the winner says, the whole day." she replied, and nope, she didn't forget it! Her brain doesn't forget something like that, especially not if there's a chance she can win!


We started playing and man we were having fun, you're probably thinking 'How can just 2 persons have fun?' Well, let me tell you, I'm surprised too.. But I didn't expect anything less, after all I'm with Ha Neul, everything is fun when I'm with her!

This game is so hard, I haven't hit her ones, that human is so fast, but I've been hit twice already! I'm doing all that I can, I even tried to cheat, but I couldn't fool Ha Neul!

It's so hard to find that girl between all these people, there are so many people here.

"AAAH!! HA NEUL! Don't hit me so hard!" Gosh, it's the third time already, I was so angry and turned around looking for that girl! "Neu-ah, don't try to hide after hitting me!.. You just wait, this time I won't let you off!" I think that was a threat, wasn't it?

"Excuse me.. I wanted to say sorry.." some weird guy came to me and started talking but I wasn't listening, I was too busy looking for Ha Neul.

"I'm sorry I don't have time, I'm looking for a devilish looking girl who just hit me!" I said, I started looking for Ha Neul again and walked past that guy, but I was stopped when someone grabbed my hand.

"I'm sorry for grabbing your hand, but I think you're angry with the wrong person?" That guy started talking again.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well.. I was the one who hit you.. I'm so sorry, it wasn't my intention."

"What? You're the one who hit me? Oh man, and I wanted to kill Ha Neul, I guess I have to kill you now." I said without thinking about what I'm saying. Man, that guy must be freaked out!

"Kill me? isn't it too exaggerated? You can hit me back but not kill?" Wow, that guy wasn't afraid at all, instead he's asking me to hit him back.

"What? Can I hit you back?" I asked and man I was happy!

"Sure, It was my fault in the first place" he replied

"I was joking about killing you but if you insist that I hit you back, I can't disappoint you!" I said and I was getting ready to hit him " could you stand a little further?"

Right when I wanted to hit him, Ha Neul came out of nowhere laughing like crazy, as always!

"THAT WAS SO FUNNY!!" she said

"Were you watching the whole time?" I asked

"Yeah.. It was so funny seeing you looking for me.. and that face of yours!!"

"Sorry for this, she's the one I thought that hit me" I said to that guy

"I see" he replied

"So, let's get back to where we were, shall we?

"Are you really gonna hit him?" asked Ha Neul

"Of course, why not?"

"Isn't it kind of rude to hit him?"

"Why? He hit me first!" I don't get why I can't hit him..

"I think it was a mistake, he didn't mean to hit you."

"It's fine, she can hit me, beside it was me who hit her first." said that guy.

"enough about hitting.. I won't hit you! Are you happy Ha Neul?" I don't even want to hit him anymore.

"Yes, I am." replied Ha Neul "Sorry for troubling you.. She's a little" said Ha Neul and did the 'she's crazy' sign.

"WHAT? I'm not crazy! pff.." I said and walked away.

"Wait! You dropped this" Said that guy and was coming towards me, I turned around and suddenly I tripped over a paintball and for my surprise that guy broke my fall. Before I knew it, that guy was holding me. It was so awkward!! A handsome guy was holding me like in the movies, Oh I forgot to mention that he's SUPER HANDSOME! Our faces were so close.

"You dropped this." He said looking into my eyes. "I think this phone is yours"


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doraemonmojacko #2
DonghaesOneAndOnly #3
nice and short ))) good job !!
DonghaesOneAndOnly #4
))))))) what can I say!! this was a good chapter!! <br />
stom dat het zo kort was though!! )))<br />
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maar jah update na TRRWHKKL!! okei??!! Okey!! n____n
AllMyHeart #5
@heenim95: Thank you ^_^<br />
I'll try to make it longer<br />
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heenim95 #6
OMG))) I sooo love my school!! )))) <br />
update sooner please!! I can't wait for the next chapter!!!<br />
make it super long, arasso? )) n___n<br />
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btw I sooo loved this chapter!! ^-^<br />
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love it update again! kekeke thanks
LOL she's singing Friday XDD
DonghaesOneAndOnly #9
still can't believe you're the writer!! I mean this is good stuff !! ))))) and you're not!! OMG I'm good! )))))))))))))<br />
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uploud very soon ................................................................................................................................................................................ The Real Reason Why Hankyung, Kibum and Kangin Left!!!!!! Deh??!! )))<br />
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