The Devil Is Out To Get Me Again!

The Real Cinderella Story

"I'm soo happy that school's over for today!!" Ha Neul was so excited about the costume ball.
"You can say that again." And so was I.
"I'm soo happy that school's over for today!" Ha Neul repeated herself. She always does that, she knows what I mean but still she does it to annoy me, but in a good way.
"Thanks for repeating, I didn't hear you before" Yes, I said it in a sarcastic way. I know right, I can be funny too.
"You're very welcome.. Ah Hyo, what are you going to wear?"
"Now you're asking something! I don't know. Probably a dress or something." I don't even have a costume, this !!
"Just a dress? Hyo, it has to be a costume." Said Ha Neul
"I know that too, it just.. I don't have money to buy a costume.. Well, I would! But the devil doesn't give me money, so .."
"I knew that that would happen so ... I have a costume for you" what? Is she an Angel sent by God to help me in these hard times?
"OMG? HA NEUL!! Do you really?"
"Yes.. Why would I lie about it?" She has a point, why would she? This is not a time to lie, this is a serious matter!
"Omg," I did something weird with my fingers, I was trying to make a heart shape, but failed!!
"Yah, stop being so scary! And by the way, you can't complain about the costume! There is a possible chance that you won't like it... I'm just saying!" Oh great! It's probably a costume of a cat or dog. I can feel it already!
"Sure, why would I complain? Have you ever hear me complain?" Yep! That's something I shouldn't have asked.
"Hyo, why don't you come to my place and see it for yourself?"
"I can do that.." I was saying but then suddenly remember something "AAAH, I can't! That devil told me to come straight home."
"She really is a devil! I didn't want to talk bad behind her back but this is going overboard!" She looks angry! You should see her face. It aint pretty!
"It's fine, I just come tomorrow before the party or whatever it's called."
We agreed to meet before the party starts at Ha Neul's, and after that we both said goodbye and took our own directions to our homes.


So the reason why that devil wanted me home was because she wanted me to cook something for them! Man they are so annoying, but still I have to do everything she asks, otherwise she won't let me go to the costume ball... Scheiße! I forgot to tell her about it. Yeah, you noticed it right, that's a German word.
I better ask her fast!!

"Aunnnt?" I better be nice to her! This really hurts my pride!!!
"What?" she replied in a rude way.
"See, there's this thing tomorrow at our school and I .." I was saying but then the devil's children walked in and interrupted me.
"Motheeer.. We need to go shopping" they came whining like some kind of 7 year old.
"What do you need my purls?" soo disgusting!! who calls their children purls these days? So stupid!!!
"Well.. There is a costume ball tomorrow and we don't have a costume!"
"What are you still waiting here? Let's go." What? Are you freaking kidding me? Was it that easy,
"Wait.. Can I come too, I don't have a costume too.. See, it was actually that what I was talking about." oh man, all my fingers are crossed in hoping that she will take me too.
Right when she wanted to say something her little one whispered something in her ear, I don't know what it is but it sure took a long time.
While the little one was whispering something, the oldest started talking.
"Mom, she can't go to the costume ball!" That little dumb !
"What? Why ca.." again I got interrupted, and this time by the devil itself.
"I can't take you with us." she said, I guess it wasn't that easy after all.
"Why? Why can't you take me with you?" I was still being nice to her, which I shouldn't.
"You're not going!" WHAT?!
"You can't go, I need you help tomorrow."
"What? Why do you need me tomorrow?" I had to ask!
"I need you to clean my and the girls room."
"Can't I do it today?" Please say yes!!
Her face look confused, it was like she was thinking about something, probably about some excuse that I can't do it today.
"No you can't, I need you today too"
'I'M GOING CRAZY!!! I hate this some much!' Yes, I needed some time to think and take it all in and not get angry!
"What do you want me to do today?" Yes, I asked again!
"Well..." she's thinking again! I swear that face shouldn’t think at all! It's so ugly!!! "Well someone has to carry our bags at the shop." she continued.
"But you just said that  you can't take me with you!" She's doing it on purpose, so that I can't clean the rooms today.
"Did I? No.. You must've heard it wrong." Okay, enough I give up! There is no way I can beat that devil!
"MOOOM! Let's go." That little one again! I wish I could choke her!

"Yu Bin, why are you so mean to me?" Omg, all this time I forgot to mention their names, didn't I? Well the oldest one is Ye-Eun and the little one is Yu Bin.
"I don't know.. I just don't like you." she replied. That makes sense! 'Well.. I don't like you either!'

So we went to the shops and man I was soooo tired!! They went to every shop they could find and I had to drag those heavy bags with me. It was living hell.
After it we came home and man my legs felt like they were falling off.

'Finally, it's sleeping time. Good thing that..' No, don't think that, every time in movies when they think that, something worse ('always happens.
Guess what? I can't sleep because my feet are hurting so much! So that's why I'm gonna check my TWITTER <3
'Oh? I have a tweet. And it's from Cloud' YAAY, this is so exciting
'Sunshine, how are you?' he wrote me, and of course I wrote a replied as soon as I could.
'I'm fine.. How are you?'
'I'm fine too.. Sunshine, which school do you go to, if I can ask.' Omg, he's still on twitter.
'I go to SGHS, and you?'  ( picture of the school: )
'Really? I got there too..' O.M.G we go to the same school.
'Then that means that we might have seen each other..'
'That's a possibility.. Sunshine, are you go to the costume ball tomorrow?' he asked me
'I don't know.. Are you?' Oh great! I actually was trying to be hard to get but I forgot that I'm really not going!!
 'I wasn't planning to go, but now that I know that you might be going there, I'm going for sure!'  Oh My Gosh! How can I tell him that I'm not going, especially now that I know he's going because of me.
'Are you still there?' While I was thinking I forgot to retweet.
'Yes, I'm still here.. I'm sorry I was just thinking'
'What were you thinking of? Don't tell me you're not going?' He always asks difficult questions, what should I say at times like these?
'I am going.. It just that I might be late, that's all...' I lied. I really  didn't want to lie, but you that there was nothing that I could do. You're on my side right?
' That's fine.. The good ones always come late.. So, how will we recognize each other?' Again one of his difficult questions  
 'I don't know.. What will you be wearing?'  And again, this is one of MY stupid questions!
' I don't know yet.. I was thinking about coming like a prince. What do you think?'
'I don't know, do you have the face for it?' Well... I have to know if he's handsome or not.
'Don't worry Sunshine.. My face is irresistible!' Man I hope he's right!
'Then I guess we're on the same level.. ^_~'
'Sunshine, how will I recognize you? What will you be wearing?' That's right, I still don't know how my costume looks like, I really hope it's not ugly or stupid! But I don't think it will, after all Ha Neul picked it out.
'I don't know, I still didn't see my costume.. What's you're favourite number?' Don't worry I have a plan, this is not one of my stupid questions, well you can think it is if you want..
'4, why?'
'Omg, really? I'm number four in my class .. Okay back to the point.. See, I'll be holding a paper with numer 4, that way you can know it's me. Okay?'
'Okay, I like that plan... I really can't wait anymore.. I have to say, at first I didn't believe in fate or anything like that but now I think it's really fate that we're going to the same school!' 
It's exactly what I was thinking... Wow, he must be my soul mate!
'I was thinking the same thing!'
'Then we'll be seeing each other tomorrow? Ah, I almost forgot.. Don't you dare to ditch me.. Arasso?'  He tweeted.
'I should be the one saying that..'
'Believe me .. I would never do that!'  

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doraemonmojacko #2
DonghaesOneAndOnly #3
nice and short ))) good job !!
DonghaesOneAndOnly #4
))))))) what can I say!! this was a good chapter!! <br />
stom dat het zo kort was though!! )))<br />
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maar jah update na TRRWHKKL!! okei??!! Okey!! n____n
AllMyHeart #5
@heenim95: Thank you ^_^<br />
I'll try to make it longer<br />
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heenim95 #6
OMG))) I sooo love my school!! )))) <br />
update sooner please!! I can't wait for the next chapter!!!<br />
make it super long, arasso? )) n___n<br />
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btw I sooo loved this chapter!! ^-^<br />
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love it update again! kekeke thanks
LOL she's singing Friday XDD
DonghaesOneAndOnly #9
still can't believe you're the writer!! I mean this is good stuff !! ))))) and you're not!! OMG I'm good! )))))))))))))<br />
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uploud very soon ................................................................................................................................................................................ The Real Reason Why Hankyung, Kibum and Kangin Left!!!!!! Deh??!! )))<br />
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