The Way We Met...

The Real Cinderella Story

“Siwon, I still can’t believe that you two are friends!” Said Heechul

“Why? She’s such a nice girl. Why don’t  you like her?” asked Siwon

“ I just don’t, she’s so stupid! .. I don’t know I just don’t like her.”

“Is that even a reason? You can’t hate a person for being stupid!”

“Well .. I can! I’m Kim Heechul.”



Dear diary, how are you?

Me? Well I’m sick, and don’t feel like doing anything. I’m sorry that I haven’t talked to you for a while, my life is so messed up right now. I’ll tell you why.

Well do you remember that Heechul guy I told you about? It seems that he’s friends with Siwon, the guy I told you that’s really handsome. That’s not the only reason, you know my aunt? Even though I’m sick, she’s making me do all kind of stuff, but when her daughter was sick, she had to stay in bed all day and eat all kind of food. I HATE HER SO MUCH!!! I wish my parent’s came home!!

I’m sorry diary, I have to go now, the Devil is calling.

Anyo <3


“I’M COMING!” I yelled. I hope she didn’t hear it, she’ll lecture me again about yelling in the house, she’s so weird, I can’t yell in the house but she can? SOOO unfair!!!


“What are those clothes doing here? Didn’t I tell you to iron them?”

“You did, but I told you I’m sick and I’m not feeling well” I said to excuse myself, it’s true that I’m sick and all but at that moment it was a lie because I forgot it, again the part that I wasn’t feeling well, wasn’t a lie.

“And I told you before that I don’t care if you’re sick or not, you caused it yourself. I told you not to eat the ice cream!”

“You only told me not to eat it so that you could give it to your daughters!” I said. Yes, the truth has to be told!

“If you knew it, why did you still eat it? If you didn’t you wouldn’t be sick right now, so do as I say!” she’s so … CRAZY!! Aaaah I don’t even know what to call her anymore, I used evil and devil already.


So, like always she won and I did what she told me.  While I was ironing I had to check my Twitter, I just had to.

“Ula, ulala, my soulmate was online again, he was telling all kind of stuff, like what he did today.

“What is this?” I looked at my twitter and .. OMG! Those stupid girls used my twitter! I can’t believe it. The only thing that was mine and they ruined it! They changed my name into something that I don’t even know what it is and they’ve send stuff to my friends. I WILL NEVER FORGIVE THEM FOR THIS!!



Now because of what they did, I have to make a new account, how stupid is that? Well.. I guess there’s no other way.

“Let’s see what I can do here” While I was trying to follow my “friends” again, I saw that someone I never saw before was following me, so I got curious and clicked on him, and there was no picture of him, just some weird name ‘A Lost Cloud’ and his age, which is 19. So it was apparently no one I know.


Meanwhile I was still ironing and listening to my playlist on my phone and singing along, I swear it was just me singing, you couldn’t even hear the singer himself. Oh, I forgot to mention that when I sing, I sing REALLY loud!

So after my singing career began and saw that I had 1 tweet, and it was from that person that I mentioned before.

‘Hello sunshine... Is that your real name?’ that is what he wrote me.

I was really socked and too shy to answer, so I was walking through the room trying to think of what to say. After thinking for awhile, I wrote the stupidest thing ever

‘Yes, don’t you like it?’I mean, COME ON girl, is that all you got? I swear, sometimes I wonder why I even think, if nothing good comes out of it!.

Well forget about that, after my reply I was waiting nervously for a reply. And he actually did reply.

‘I do like it.. That’s why I asked you’Wow! So he does like it?

‘Sorry, I lied. It’s not my real name, it’s just a nickname I gave myself.’I tweeted. AAAH KANG HYO!! Why would you say you gave it yourself? Now he’ll think I’m a freak!

‘I see. I think you’re the first girl that I know, who gave herself a nickname... You’re cute!’I was so disappointed with what he wrote when I was reading it, but then I got to the end and saw ‘You’re cute!’ that’s when my world got brighter. Omg, it’s the first time that a guy called me cute, well except for Donghae, that doesn’t count!. 


My sick days passed so quickly and I didn’t feel miserable staying home alone because ‘Cloud’ and I kept on writing to each other. It’s so weird, I’m talking to a stranger like I’ve known him for ages. We said to each other that we wouldn’t tell our names cuz it was much more fun calling each other ‘Cloud & Sunshine’. Through my sick days, Ha Neul called like every second, checking on me. It was annoying I tell ya! And she would visit too, not that I’m complaining, because I’m glad she did cuz I’ve told her about Cloud and man she was excited, more than I was.




“KANG HYO!!!” I heard someone calling me, I could even hear it while I was dreaming.

“Yes Satan” I really thought that it was the Satan, cuz her voice sounded so evil.

“KANG HYO!!” Man, can’t she stopped calling, I heard you the first time!

“WHAAAAT!” I replied without realizing that I yelled to loud. I walked down the stairs, still half asleep as usual. Right when I was about to say something, I felt her devilish hand on my cheek. DID.SHE.JUST.HIT.ME?

“Don’t ever yell at me like that!” she said, and I was just standing there like an idiot because I was shocked and didn’t know what was going on.

“Take that foolish look of your face.” After I was done looking like a fool, like she said, I realized what she just did and man I was not happy! I was about to give her something back, if you know what I mean, but got interrupted by my phone. Yes, it’s Ha Neul, she always knows when to call! I mean for real, if she didn’t call me at that moment, I don’t know what I would’ve done.


“Kang Hyo, where are you? Why aren’t you at school? Didn’t you say you’re coming back today?” So many questions at the same time, I didn’t know what to answer first.

“I..I.. I’m coming” I stuttered, I was still not over the sock that that satan hit me. Omg, I just realized, I have a new word for her, Satan!

“Are you sure? I mean are you really better now? Don’t you have to stay home a little bit  longer?”

“ No, I’m fine! Really.. I don’t wanna stay home with that” I said looking at Satan and giving her my most disgusting look. And not to mention that I got out of the house before she could say anything.




Well, I arrived at school, and life seemed a little bit easier. I was looking for Ha Neul and saw her sitting somewhere, well I think its her cuz I don’t see her face, only her back. I was walking towards her and heard one of the most annoying song ever, well that’s what I thought at that moment.

“It’s Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday...”she was actually singing out loud. I don’t think that’s Ha Neul, she wouldn’t sing something like that! So I walked past her.

“Yah, Kang Hyo! Don’t you see me sitting here?” said someone behind me, and it sounded like Ha Neul. I turned around, and yes it’s her.

“Ha Neul?” I said surprised

“What? Why are you surprised?”

“You... You were singing some weird song, thats why I assumed it wasn’t you and walked past you.” I still can’t believe she was singing that song.

“Aaah!” She started laughing “My little sister really loves that song, and I kind of like it too!”

I really didn’t know what to say to that.

“Don’t look at me like that, it’s just a song. Get over it! And by the way, you’ll be singing it too before you know it. It’s such a catchy song!”

“Okaaay.. I hope not.. But .. Ha Neul, did something fun happend while I wasn’t here?” I had to ask, cuz I really wanted her to ask me about Cloud, so that I could tell her the new stuff.

“AAAH! Kang Hyo!! You will never guess what’s next week!!” She said and she sounded really happy.

“WHAT? What’s next week?”

“I said guess!” She always does that, how on earth will I be able to geuss it?

“  I don’t know, pleeeease tell me!” I whined, she really can’t take it when I whine!

“Oooh alright! Are you ready? ... Okay, I won’t tease you any longer... NEXT WEEK IS COSTUMEBALL!!!” She screamed the last part.

“OMG! REALLY??” That’s something I always wanted to do!!

“Yes, and guess more.” She said again “Oh, who am I kidding, you’ll never guess it... Well, SIWON IS COMING TOO!”

“Ha Neul, don’t scream like that, what will people think? What if Siwon hears it” I whispered

“Relax, why would he hear it? After all, he only started walking over here just now, he was standing there and looking for almost half hour, I think he was waiting for you.” She always says something embarrassing.

“Yah, stop it!” I said making some weird expression with my face “ He wi..” I tried to say but Siwon came and I stopped, GOD I was afraid that he would hear us.

“Hello girls.” He said with his manly voice, and we greeted him back.

“So girls, are you both going to the ball too?” he asked.

“YES we are!” Said Ha Neul before I could say anything.

“Great, I’m looking forward to it.”

“So are we!” And yes we really were!

“Looking forward to the weekend…”Ha Neul started singing again after she heard Siwon saying ‘looking forward to it’

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doraemonmojacko #2
DonghaesOneAndOnly #3
nice and short ))) good job !!
DonghaesOneAndOnly #4
))))))) what can I say!! this was a good chapter!! <br />
stom dat het zo kort was though!! )))<br />
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maar jah update na TRRWHKKL!! okei??!! Okey!! n____n
AllMyHeart #5
@heenim95: Thank you ^_^<br />
I'll try to make it longer<br />
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heenim95 #6
OMG))) I sooo love my school!! )))) <br />
update sooner please!! I can't wait for the next chapter!!!<br />
make it super long, arasso? )) n___n<br />
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btw I sooo loved this chapter!! ^-^<br />
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love it update again! kekeke thanks
LOL she's singing Friday XDD
DonghaesOneAndOnly #9
still can't believe you're the writer!! I mean this is good stuff !! ))))) and you're not!! OMG I'm good! )))))))))))))<br />
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uploud very soon ................................................................................................................................................................................ The Real Reason Why Hankyung, Kibum and Kangin Left!!!!!! Deh??!! )))<br />
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