Dear Diary

The Real Cinderella Story

Kang Hyo's Diary

Dear diary, today was just like everyday, it wasn't special at al! I got up this morning, ate my breakfast, went to school, then school ended and I went back to home, then I ate again, and
after dinar I went to sleep! Boring he? That's my life, wel it used to be like that until my parents had to leave somewhere for work and my step aunt came with her 2 dauthers to live with us!
They came day before my parents have to leave, I don't know what kind of people they are because I haven't seen them much because they used to live far away from us, but my first impression was
alright, they seem nice. I think It wil be alright living with them, it's only for 6 months.

Next day

Dear diary, I am soooo sad, my parents left just like 30 minutes ago. I feel so empty, I will miss them so much!! Wel atleast I have my aunt and my cousins!
sorry Dear diary, I have to go, my aunt is calling me.
Bye <3


omg, my aunt is calling me. "I'm coming"  ' sorry, Dear diary..' I said goodbye to my diary and went downstairs.
"What's wrong aunt?" I asked her
"WHAT'S WRONG??" Don't you see the dished? Do you think they will get clean by themselves?"
"what.. I " I was so suprised that I didn't know what to say.
"I. I...I Is that all that you can say? GO and do the dishes!" she yelled at me.
"I.. I will!" I said, right when I turned around and she couldn't see my face anymore I stuck my tongue out and made a funny face. Yeah right, like that's gonna help!

"What am I doing?" I just realised that I actualy was doing the dishes. What's going on? Why is she mean all of the sudden? And why are the two sisters not helping me?
I have a feeling that it won't be fun with them around here! Right when I thought that, the song I gotta feeling from Black eyed peace pupped into my mind, it made me laugh.

Dear diary, Oh My God! WHO THE HELL IS SHE?? she's totally a different person!! she's so mean!! I miss my mother and father and where the hell is brother, he almost never visit us now that he
is back to school and in a stupid band, he totally forgot me!! I should give him a call and scold him, and let him know that he missed parents plane, not that he wil care, my parents and he kinda have
a fight because my brother joined a band at school, I don't get what the big problem is, it's already a stupid band so what is their to fight about!!
OOH forget that, let's talk about me, what am I supposed to do with these evil people in my house? they will make me work like a slave, I can feel it in my bones!!  You didn't forget, did you Diary, that
I can feel things? ))) Just joking )) I am so bored, there is nothing to watch on tv, guess what is on? IT'S Mister bean CARTOON, fun he?
OOH GREAT the DEVIL is calling me again!! So sorry diary I have to go now!! Anyo <3


"Listin YOU," The devil said
What did she just call me 'YOU'? I have a name you know!! pff even my name is changed now!! I hate this !!
"Me and my daughters are going to the mals, so I expect to to clean the living room and the kitchen, I don't want to see any dirt, and IF I see any I wil make you change your school! ARASSO?" she said and the ARASSO part she yelled, and after that
they took their pursses and went outside.
"WHAT? CLEAN THE LIVING ROOM AND THE KITCHEN??" I yelled out right after a minute they left the house.  IS she crazy !! she's not serious about changing my school .. is she?
"I don't want to clean!" I said doing something really weird with my body, like everyone does when they are complaining. After a few minutes complaining I suddenly had the erge to go to the computer and see who is online on Twitter, so I totaly forgot
about the cleaning. I run like a happy idiot up the stairs and went to my room, I signed myself on on twitter and "OMG Jang Geun Suk WAS ONLINE" Oh man, and I missed it! what can you do, I'll just tweet him, and maybe JUST maybe he will see it?
Nah, who am I kidding, he wil NEVER read it ((
hours passed and I totaly forgot about cleaning and before I knew it a heard footsteps downstairs. "OMG! they are back!! oh no, I haven't cleaned yet. Otoke?
"KANG HYO!!!" she yelled
I quikly run downstairs, and for your information I almost fell, you should've seen it I sleeped over my own feet, good thing that my hands broke the fall.
"OO.. Aunt... Hello. .. " while I was searching for words she interepted me "WHAT IS ALL THIS??"
"Sorry about that, I ... I just.." I still couln't find the right words
"Didn't I tell you to clean? I don't see anything clean!" she said, to be exact with a devilish looking face.
"I wanted to clean but..." again trying to say something she interupted me, man why can't I ever say something, it's not like I have some good excuse ))
"Shuusht. I DON'tT want to hear your excuse. Do you really thought that I was joking about changing schools? then you are wrong missy. You will transfort to another school when the holidays are over! ARASSO?"
I looked at her like some kinda moron and said "Okey, fine by me" did she really thought that it would anoy me if I had to change schools? I don't really care because I really hate my class, they are so mean, they don't have any respect, not even for the teachers!
So she kept on telling me what she wil do, and bla bla bla...

"Omg, tommorow is end of the vacation, and I have to go to a new school, kinda exciting, I hope I"ll make some good friends, just one friend is enough." talking to myself I went upstairs again to see if my 'love of my life' is online. He's not online, I guess he doesn't have
time!  *ring, ring ..* (phone is ringing)
"Hello?" I answered my phone.
"Hello. Is this Kang Hyo? " the one on the other line said
"Yes, it is. And who are you? "
"Luke, I'm your father" he said
"What? Luke? Dad? Wait who is luke? I'm sorry, I think you got the wrong number." I said
"Yah, Kang Hyo! It's me DONGHAE. Don't you even get one little joke? It's your oppa." He said with anoyed voice
"WHAT?? DONGHAE. OMG! I can't believe it." First I got a little teary but then the anger came "YAH! WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL ME?" I yelled
"Calm down Hyo-ah, you know that I don't have time now that I'm in a band, and with the school.."
"Okey, Okey.. I forgive you, just please come visit me, you didn't forget that parents left, did you?" I interupted him
"No, I haven't, and now you mention it, I called you to see if you are home today,  because I want to come."
"Really? Omg I can't wait, what time will you arrive?
..... (and so the conversation continued)

'I am so thirsty' I went downstairs to get my self something to drink, right when I came out of the kitchen I heard footsteps, I turned around and "AAAH DONGHAE, OPPA" I screamed and ran to him and hugged him really tightly.
"WOW, you are happy to see me"
"Are you suprised? Ofcourse I am happy to see you, how long has it been since we saw each other? 5 YEARS?" I said with a touch of sarcrasme.
"Don't exaggerate, it's been just 3 months, I promise I will come more often" he said smirking
"You don't have to anymore" I said giving back a smirk too
"Why? what do you mean?" he asked suprised
"Well, .. I'll be going to your school from tommorow on"  I replied him.
"Yep! Aunt transformed me because .." right when I wanted to tell him how Evil she is he interupted me
"Oh I forgot, our step aunt. I haven't greeted her yet. Mother called me last time and she was so happy that she could look after you and the house."
Did he had to say that, now I feel guilty, and don't have the guts to tell him, because if I do, he will tell my parents and they will try to come back and then work problems and bla bla .. So in the end I diceded not to tell him.


Dear diary, guess what? Today's my first day at my new school, I'm so nervous, what will my class be like? Will they like me? And will their be a handsome guy? Oh I hope so!!
Okey, diary, I have to go now, or else I'll be late, and I don't want that, not on my first day!! Maybe on the second day ))
Anyo <3

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doraemonmojacko #2
DonghaesOneAndOnly #3
nice and short ))) good job !!
DonghaesOneAndOnly #4
))))))) what can I say!! this was a good chapter!! <br />
stom dat het zo kort was though!! )))<br />
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maar jah update na TRRWHKKL!! okei??!! Okey!! n____n
AllMyHeart #5
@heenim95: Thank you ^_^<br />
I'll try to make it longer<br />
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heenim95 #6
OMG))) I sooo love my school!! )))) <br />
update sooner please!! I can't wait for the next chapter!!!<br />
make it super long, arasso? )) n___n<br />
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btw I sooo loved this chapter!! ^-^<br />
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love it update again! kekeke thanks
LOL she's singing Friday XDD
DonghaesOneAndOnly #9
still can't believe you're the writer!! I mean this is good stuff !! ))))) and you're not!! OMG I'm good! )))))))))))))<br />
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uploud very soon ................................................................................................................................................................................ The Real Reason Why Hankyung, Kibum and Kangin Left!!!!!! Deh??!! )))<br />
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