The truth?

Under the Tree called 'Destiny'


Leaning back to my chair, my fingers trailed up to my lips as I remember the kiss last night. I don’t know but I feel happy okay; illegally happy. I shouldn’t be happy with a kiss from someone who is not my fiancé, but what, every time I remember what happened by the Han River, butterflies come alive in my stomach. It’s like that kiss gives me enough strength. Feeling energized, I went back to work.

I was hand-writing a project proposal to be passed next week when my office door burst open. I heard footsteps of a woman with high-heeled shoes approach me like she’s in a hurry. Without looking up, I said, “Mrs. Kang if you needed something, you could’ve knocked on my door first -“. I looked up; expecting to see a worried face of my secretary. Instead, a pile of papers was thrown to my face. I blinked my eyes a few times, too shocked to even move a single muscle (except the ones in my eyes). “H-Han Mi-ssi, what are you doing here -“ I tried to ask this girl breathing heavily in front of me. I can see she’s angry - but what for? Don’t tell me she knows -

“You dare to ask huh, betrayer!” she is exasperated. Surprise obviously shown on my face, I didn’t budge a bit. I stayed frozen, shocked by her approach. “W-what -“ I stuttered. “I know it all!” she exclaimed. Uh-oh. “I know everything now, everything. Why didn’t you tell me that it was Eunhyuk who dumped you for his dreams? That you had a relationship with him?” she confronted me, anger obvious in her voice tone.

“I-I -“

“Don’t speak!”

Unknowingly, I didn’t really speak. She closed her eyes and breathed in and out. “What happened last night?” she asked. I started to cry mindlessly and just stared at her. “About that, we’re not -“ I tried to explain. “Then what does that picture in that envelope mean?! Can you explain that?!” she yelled. What? A picture? I hastily grabbed the envelope which was eventually tossed with the papers. Shaking, I opened it and reached inside. My hand felt glossy papers, I pulled them out. My jaw dropped as stolen pictures of me and Hyukjae kissing yesterday night appeared right in front of me. I looked back to Han Mi and I can see hurt and pain in her face. “I-I’m sorry, Han Mi-ssi. It’s just -“ I started apologizing. She shut her eyes again and gritted her teeth. “Don’t come near him again or even talk to him or even let him see your effin’ shadow, Mi Yeo-ssi. Don’t. You. Dare,” she threatened through gritted teeth. More tears came out of my eyes. I looked away, not knowing what to say. Right things first okay.

“O-okay,” I said mindlessly. “Good,” she commented, turning around to leave. When she was a few steps from the door, she turned around again and approached my table. She brought out a white envelope and like nothing happened, gently put it on my table. “This is my resignation letter. I can’t work with people like you - someone who doesn’t trust me and someone whom I can’t trust either. And this . . .” she said, bringing out another envelope, but this time, it is purple in color and have designs all over it, “. . . this is our invitation to our wedding. I’m inviting you for good ol’ times sake,” and also placed it on my table. “Hope you’ll come and see me get married to Hyukjae. The wedding is in 3 weeks so I think you’ll be able to attend,” she declared and then left my office.


I remained seated. Tears continued to fall on my lap.

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I feel bad for Han Mi and Siwon though. ; A ;
AT LEAST THEY ENDED UP TOGETHER. Who knows, maybe Han Mi and Siwon can get together LMAO.
BlackMusic #2
Really love this but poor Siwon,Lol.
just saw this ff while searching eunhyuk ff to read... WOW! your story made me smile endlessly after reading the foreword up to final. You've done a great job and I praise you for that ^3^ i hope i can read more eunhyuk ff from you ^3^
Joyvin #4
This story is great ^^ Luv this.
haethrusts #5
love the ending!
careun #6
nice ending!!! <3
xhikari #7
Aw! What a cute ending! Cool story, I really loved it! ^^
xhikari #9
fgkjfkgjfg omg I feel sorry for Siwon but yay ;A;
blue1193 #10
I hate Hanmi already!!!