A happy memory of us.

Under the Tree called 'Destiny'


                - Flashback -

“There, it’s finished!” I softly exclaimed as I smiled at my recent-finished canvass. Eunhyuk surely looks good in here. I just drew/sketched his face on my oh-so-secret-drawing-notebook. I looked around to check if someone saw me drawing this or smiling at this. Fortunately, no one. They’re all playing soccer on the field and me? Well, I’m sitting here under the shades of my favorite tree and just finished drawing my forever crush - secretly. Luckily, our P.E teacher is absent so we can freely do what we want but still outside the classroom. I looked back at the soccer field and saw someone there who made my heart beat like crazy - that’s right, Lee Hyukjae. I like him since last school year and now that I’m in 3rd year, the feelings still haven’t changed. We’ve been classmates for 2 years and yet, we rarely talk. I sighed as I caressed the piece of paper where I sketched him - I don’t know how to confess my feelings to him. Should I keep this in myself? Will he listen when I say those words ‘I like you’? But what if I’m the only one who’s feeling this way and got rejected?

I exhaled heavily at that thought. My eyes darted back to the field where they are playing - wait, where is he? I looked left and right as far as I could but still no sign of him. Is it time already? I looked at my watch and saw that we still got 20 minutes before the period ends. Where did he go -

“What are you doing there?,” a voice from behind spoke. My eyes grew big and I gulped uneasily because I know whose voice is that. I quickly hugged my drawing pad closed to my chest and looked behind. “W-what are you doing there, Hyukjae-ssi?” I asked him as soon as I saw him peeking down at me from behind the trunk of the tree I’m leaning against. He walked beside me so I hastily stood up, holding the drawing pad with its back facing him. I bit my lips as worry took over me. Did he see it? Oh my gosh, what should I do? What if he realizes my feelings for him? What if he rejects me -

“Can I see it again? You’re drawing someone familiar?” he asked me with his eyes staring at me. How can anyone turn down this guy with that look? I hesitantly extended my arms to give him my drawing pad. I looked away as the set of papers touched his hands. I closed my eyes as I heard sound of flipping pages. He’ll just see my sketches and drawings of him, what should I do? I opened my right eye to peep on him when the sound of flipping pages stopped. He darted his eyes from my drawing pad to me. “M-mwo?” I asked. “Yah, you didn’t tell me you draw this great. But why is it all of your sketches looks like m-“ he said only to be interfered by me. “I drew everyone okay, it’s just that . . .” think of an excuse, hurry, “. . . I took you as my current ‘model’ and coincidentally filling up that drawing pad. Don’t worry, I’ll look for another model to draw for -“ I explained (lied). “Yah, don’t you dare find another model. I want you to draw me and only me,” he reprimanded me. I blinked my eyes several times, not believing what he just said. “Y-you want me to -“ I stuttered. “I liked how you draw me. Like every feature of mine is included in your sketches. Look, I’m posing now, draw me, pali~” he commanded.

He leaned his body against the tree and put his hands on his pants’ pockets. I just stood still like I’m frozen. The words he said haven’t sunk it yet. “Yah, your model is going to be tired if you just keep standing there. Hurry up draw me. We still have 15 minutes more before P.E. period ends, pali~” he requested. I smiled a little and grabbed my pencil and sat down in front of him and started to draw him.

                - End of Flashback -


From that day onwards, we always meet under that tree and I draw him every time I can. After some time, we become close and frequently see each other even outside the school. Our relationship started under that same tree.

We named the tree ‘Destiny’ and even wrote our names on the trunk.

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I feel bad for Han Mi and Siwon though. ; A ;
AT LEAST THEY ENDED UP TOGETHER. Who knows, maybe Han Mi and Siwon can get together LMAO.
BlackMusic #2
Really love this but poor Siwon,Lol.
just saw this ff while searching eunhyuk ff to read... WOW! your story made me smile endlessly after reading the foreword up to final. You've done a great job and I praise you for that ^3^ i hope i can read more eunhyuk ff from you ^3^
Joyvin #4
This story is great ^^ Luv this.
haethrusts #5
love the ending!
careun #6
nice ending!!! <3
xhikari #7
Aw! What a cute ending! Cool story, I really loved it! ^^
xhikari #9
fgkjfkgjfg omg I feel sorry for Siwon but yay ;A;
blue1193 #10
I hate Hanmi already!!!