Don't anymore.

Under the Tree called 'Destiny'


          - Eunhyuk’s POV -

I didn’t even manage to say anything when she’s leaving. I can’t let her go like this. I gave the waiter cash and just told him to keep the change. I don’t care about money now, I need to hurry. I immediately shot up from my seat and somewhat jogged/ran towards the restaurant’s door. I looked left and right and saw her heading towards her home. Luckily, she’s just walking. I ran after her but when I was near enough for her to hear what I’m going to say, I stopped and shouted, “Wait!”

I saw her stop in her tracks, but she didn’t even look back. This is your chance Lee Hyuk Jae, tell her everything. “I-I . . . I’m sorry, Mi Yeo-ssi - for everything,” I started with a voice loud enough for her to hear. Fortunately, there aren’t any other people passing by that street so no need to be conscious in whatever I’m going to tell her. She still didn’t turn around to face me. I wish she feels my sincerity. “I-I regret everything. I regret having that fight with you, I regret chasing my dreams and especially regretting that I broke up with you,” I continued. She’s still frozen to where she’s standing. “Even after those years of being away with you . . . I-I still love you, Mi Yeo-ssi. I still love -,” I confessed, but cut off by Mi Yeo herself.

“Stop,” she muttered.

“Mi Yeo-ssi, I -“ I tried speaking but . . .

“Stop it I said!” she almost shouted.

She’s trembling, shaking and I can see how her breaths became uneven. Is she crying?


                - Mi Yeo’s POV -

“. . . Mi Yeo-ssi, I still love -“ he said. I can’t take this anymore, my heart is already broken into pieces, what he’s saying is breaking it into more shards of pain.

“Stop,” I whispered but loud enough for him to hear. “Mi Yeo-ssi, I -“ he tried to continue. “Stop it I said!” I shouted, without even knowing that I’m shouting. When he didn’t say a word, I started speaking.

“Y-you . . . do you know how hard it was for me when you left like that?” I began with liquid forming in my eyes. He just stood there, as if he has no intentions of saying anything. “Do you know how much pain and hurt I suffered when you went away? You are my whole world, Hyukjae-ssi. That’s why when you broke off with me and left, I felt that the whole world turned its back against me. I felt alone,” I continued, not really minding the tears falling. “I-I do -“ he tried to interfered but I don’t care right now, all I know is that I need to let out these feelings that had been trapped for the past 2 years. “Everyday, I go back to that bench and sit all day, hoping that you will come back to me. But no one, no one came. Everyday, I stare at my phone, hoping that you’ll call or message me. But none, none came. When I’m alone, I hear your voice calling my name, but when I look around for you, you weren’t there. Even if I try to keep myself busy with work, there’s no day I yearn for you - your smile, your touches, your hug, your kisses. I tell myself to move on but -“ I can’t continue because I started sobbing, literally sobbing. Not knowing what to do, he just stood there staring at me. Is that tears forming in his eyes too? I tried to compose myself from my crying and stood straight, looking at him. “P-please . . . don’t complicate things more. Don’t make it harder for me,” I pleaded. With that, I turned around slowly and resumed my walking - still absent-mindedly.

I closed my eyes when I heard running footsteps towards me then arms hugging my waist. I cried more because I realized that it is Eunhyuk back hugging me. “Don’t go. I still love you; I know I’ve been wrong. But please -” he said as he buried his face into my shoulders.

I cried more and more, and he started crying too. I tugged off his arms that are around my waist. Maybe he grew weak because of his crying so he easily let go.


“Please, don’t love me anymore,” I murmured loud enough for him to hear and started walking away again.

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I feel bad for Han Mi and Siwon though. ; A ;
AT LEAST THEY ENDED UP TOGETHER. Who knows, maybe Han Mi and Siwon can get together LMAO.
BlackMusic #2
Really love this but poor Siwon,Lol.
just saw this ff while searching eunhyuk ff to read... WOW! your story made me smile endlessly after reading the foreword up to final. You've done a great job and I praise you for that ^3^ i hope i can read more eunhyuk ff from you ^3^
Joyvin #4
This story is great ^^ Luv this.
haethrusts #5
love the ending!
careun #6
nice ending!!! <3
xhikari #7
Aw! What a cute ending! Cool story, I really loved it! ^^
xhikari #9
fgkjfkgjfg omg I feel sorry for Siwon but yay ;A;
blue1193 #10
I hate Hanmi already!!!