Trying to make everything fine.

Under the Tree called 'Destiny'


I smiled foolishly as I indulged the beauty of the ‘dancing colored-water fountains’ in the Han River(bridge). Those days were good, aren’t they? I’m always like this since the break-up: staring at nothing and began reminiscing the good ol’ days. And in the end, I always find myself smiling like an idiot at those memories. I sighed and let my chin rests on my crossed arms leaning on the railings. Unfortunately, happenings last night occurred again in my mind. Why did he come back at the wrong time? Why did he say he still loves me when I found another guy to love? Why did he say those words when it’s all too late for us? I must be crazy and selfish because after that hug he gave me last night, I wish to come back in his arms. I yearn for more moments with him. I hope for more time to say these feelings I’ve kept for a long time. Is it bad if I just wish him for myself? I don’t want to hurt Han Mi and Siwon though.

“M-Mi Yeo-ssi?” a voice interfered my thoughts. I didn’t move even a little budge and stayed leaning against the railings. “I know it’s you, don’t act like -“ Eunhyuk said. “What do you need?” I replied coldly. I think he was taken a little back by my coldness; evidence is that he didn’t respond quickly. “For last night, I-I’m sorry -“ he started. “If it’s about that, don’t worry about it. Let’s just pretend it didn’t happened and nothing really happened at all,” I continued replying coldly. Suddenly, he grabbed a hold of my shoulders and turns me so I’m facing him. “When would you stop pretending? Until when do you plan to keep all those hurt and pains into yourself? Until when do you plan to keep acting like you don’t care? I know it, Mi Yeo-ssi; I know you care and I know you still lov-“ he lectured me. “Stop it,” I cut off his sentence. “Nothing will happen if you keep wishing that I’ll stop. You can’t stop me; you can’t even stop my heart. No one can. So please, accept me once again and I promise, I’ll take good care of you this time and not hurt you anymore,” he almost pleaded.

What is this? Why my mind is keep telling me that this is wrong yet my heart is giving in to what he’s saying? All of these are making me weak. “B-but -“ I tried speaking, aware of my voice showing weakness and defeat. He cut me off and suddenly held my chin and pulled me in for a kiss. The kiss was gentle and sweet. Unknowingly, I closed my eyes, cherishing this very moment with him. I wish this moment will last forever.


Too engrossed in the situation, we both didn’t know that behind a streetlight post, a flash of camera lightened up the night a little bit.

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I feel bad for Han Mi and Siwon though. ; A ;
AT LEAST THEY ENDED UP TOGETHER. Who knows, maybe Han Mi and Siwon can get together LMAO.
BlackMusic #2
Really love this but poor Siwon,Lol.
just saw this ff while searching eunhyuk ff to read... WOW! your story made me smile endlessly after reading the foreword up to final. You've done a great job and I praise you for that ^3^ i hope i can read more eunhyuk ff from you ^3^
Joyvin #4
This story is great ^^ Luv this.
haethrusts #5
love the ending!
careun #6
nice ending!!! <3
xhikari #7
Aw! What a cute ending! Cool story, I really loved it! ^^
xhikari #9
fgkjfkgjfg omg I feel sorry for Siwon but yay ;A;
blue1193 #10
I hate Hanmi already!!!