
Friendly Unwanted Marriage


After the reception, the couple drove off to their house holding hands with a smile on their faces, taking glances at each other. Every time their eyes meet, they would smile in happiness. As soon as the car parked, Young Bae went out first and helped his wife went out of the car while still holding her hand.

The couple stared at each other for a while before chuckling. “Saranghae yeobo~” Young Bae sang, Min Seul giggled and kissed Young Bae. “Nado Saranghae oppa~” Min Seul sang as she let go the kiss. Young Bae gave his eye-smile and carried Min Seul bridal style until they’re already inside their house.

Young Bae played a slow music and they started dancing at the center of their living room. Young Bae’s hands are on Min Seul’s waist while Min Seul’s hands are on Young Bae’s neck. They stared at each other as they continued to slow dance.

As if they are on their own world, no one notice their surroundings. As if they are only the people exist. They started to lean in closer without breaking the stare at each other. Min Seul closed her eyes when their faces are only inches away and they kissed on the lips, a sweet and gentle kiss. They both smile on the kiss as it become more passionate.


“Oppa~” Min Seul sang as she went inside Young Bae’s office. “What does my queen wants?” Young Bae asked as he stood up from his seat to hug his wife. “I have something to tell you.” Min Seul told Young Bae as they let go the hug but not completely. “Is it good news?” Young Bae guessed and Min Seul nodded happily.

“Oppa, I’m pregnant.” Min Seul revealed with a smile. Young Bae stared at her, shocked at what he heard. “You’re what, yeobo?” Young Bae asked, making sure if he heard right. “I’m pregnant; you’re going to be appa.” Min Seul answered, so much clearer now.

Young Bae grinned and kissed Min Seul lightly. “When did you find out?” Young Bae asked his wife with still grin on his face. “Just a while ago, I asked Jin Ah to accompany me in the hospital earlier and its positive, oppa. I’m 2 weeks pregnant.” Min Seul responded with her sweet smile.

“We need to tell to our parents about this, and to my friends! I’m going to be an appa!” Young Bae cheered as he kissed Min Seul’s forehead. Min Seul chuckled at her husband being happy. “And we need to buy things for the baby. Also, we need to decorate the bedroom!” Young Bae added in excitement.

“Oppa, we have lots of time. We’ll do it one by one, ne?” Min Seul said softly at her excited husband. Young Bae kissed Min Seul and let go then kissed her again. Min Seul giggled and gently pushed Young Bae by covering his lips with her hand. “Oppa~” Min Seul whined cutely, Young Bae laughed and kissed her again, this time, sweet and long kiss.

They let go to catch their breath and smiled at each other. Young Bae put his hand on Min Seul’s stomach as if he can feel the baby now. “Annyeong my baby! I’m your appa, I’m really excited to see you in a few months! I love you!” Young Bae told the baby as he keeps on caressing Min Seul’s stomach.

He looked up to his wife smiling with tears in her eyes. “Yeobo, why are you crying?” Young Bae asked Min Seul as he gently wiped the tears which escaped from her eyes. “I’m just happy to have my own family soon when the baby comes out.” Min Seul replied, smiling slightly. Young Bae smiled as well and kissed her on the forehead, down to her nose, cheeks and now lips.

“I’m happy too. I can’t imagine that we’re going to be parents soon. This is my dream come true; to have a family to the girl I love. Saranghae yeobo.” Young Bae agreed and hugged Min Seul.

Five months have passed and Min Seul’s stomach is already big that you can already recognize that she’s pregnant. Young Bae always helped Min Seul in doing things; he never fails to understand her. Young Bae also buys Min Seul the right food for her and for the baby.


“Oppa, how about the color green?” I asked Young Bae oppa as we looked for our baby boy’s clothes. And yes, you read it right, it’s a boy. We just find out last week, and I was laughing when I saw the confusion on Oppa’s face when he saw the utrasound (is that he right word?). He kept on rotating the picture to find the right angle of the baby’s arms and feet.


“Yeobo, where’s the arms?” Young bae oppa finally asked me when he got tired of rotating the picture. I laughed at him and grabbed the picture in his hands. I looked at the small picture and pointed at the arms.

“This is the arms Oppa, this is his feet. And this is his head as you can see.” I explained to him as I pointed to every part of the baby’s body. He laughed and nodded in understanding.

We went to Doctor Kim’s office to know if the baby is healthy and thank goodness, our baby is healthy and doesn’t have abnormalities.


“I like the color blue but if the green is my yeobo wants then I’m okay with it.” Young Bae Oppa answered as he grabbed the color green shirt for the baby. I smiled at him.

Oppa pushed the cart as we continued to stroll to the babies’ store for more things. Young Bae oppa pointed at the cribs section and we made our way there. “What do you want yeobo?” Young Bae asked as he encircled his arms on my waist.

I searched for the perfect crib for our baby boy and smiled as I saw the one. “Let’s buy that one, Oppa!” I told him as I pointed at the crib I like. Young Bae oppa laughed and kissed me on the cheeks. “I’ve been looking at that for a while. I guess we have the same style.” Young Bae oppa said with a smile, I smiled back and we asked for assistance.

When the things are already complete, we went to the counter and paid for the baby things. After that, we made our way to our and started decorating the room next to ours. The room is already painted sky blue and it has clouds and a sun on the ceiling for the baby to look at. I hope our baby will love this; we made this room for him with love.

We put all the things inside the room and started organizing it. Once we finished decorating, we both looked at the room with a smile. Young Bae oppa hugged me from behind. “I hope he will love this.” Young Bae oppa whispered but enough for me to hear.

“I know he will love this. His appa decorated most of his room.” I said to oppa as I turn around to face him. Oppa smiled and caressed my stomach as he wants to feel our baby. “Baby, do you love your new room? Your eomma and appa decorated this for you.” Young Bae oppa asked our baby as he kneelt and put his ear on my stomach as if listening to what will our baby going to say. Suddenly, I feel him kick and I can feel Oppa’s smile on his face. He looked up to me, “Yeobo, he kicked! I felt it!” Young Bae oppa cheerfully exclaimed with a wide grin. “I told you, he will love his new room.” I said to oppa, smiling as I ruffled Oppa’s Mohawk hair. Young Bae oppa nodded happily and he continued to listen to the baby.

“Baby, I can’t wait to see you in four months. Come out already so we can play basketball or anything you want to play. I can also teach how to dance and sing. Appa is good at those things!” Young Bae Oppa continued to talk to the baby with his still wide smile.

It feels so nice to watch oppa this happy talking to an unborn child. Young Bae Oppa is so cute.

Hello guys! Okay, I lied that the next chapter (which is this chapter) is the epilogue. But when I saw TripleS_VIP's comment (can you add some skinship please? and yeah! I liked the end and of course I WANT a epilogue yes yes yes yes!!!) I decided to write this chapter. This chapter have more skinships! Kekeke. Sad to say that Chapter 17 will be the epilogue! 

TripleS_VIP, I hope you like this! Thank you for commenting in every chapters. I feel that you're the only one who read my fic. :( Saranghae <3

Please, please, please comment~ I don't bite. I just want to know what you think about this.

Okay that's it, I don't know what to say anymore. Hahaha. Annyeong! ^^

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5/23/13: I have a surprise for you guys! Wait for it! =D


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Yumi-chan #1
Chapter 17: I like the story :D. It's so cute *-*
JBL511 #2
Chapter 17: like like :>
Unknown-J-B-L #3
Chapter 17: This story really good. I like it.
janella #4
Chapter 15: Waaaah kill me now janna its amazing hhaha I love u :*
Chapter 17: Ohhhh! unnie it's already finished :( but it was good I really liked your fanfic and love u too, see ya' ;)
Chapter 16: LMAO!! and yeah! I liked it kkk thank u ;D I feel honorec that you made this chapter because of my comment lol and I'm waiting to read the next chapter ,unnie FIGHTING! \^_^/
Chapter 13: Hyun su,! Oh my I idn't expect that
Chapter 16: Everyone loves his Mohawk...... He looked like a y gentlemen... Now he just looks y. Lmao.
Chapter 15: can you add some skinship please? and yeah! I liked the end and of course I WANT a epilogue yes yes yes yes!!!
Chapter 14: omo!! the moment is coming! yei!! confession time ;D