
Friendly Unwanted Marriage


As the night came, just like Seungri said, it started to rain hard. Min Seul made a dinner for the two of them and they ate their dinner. After eating, they went to the living room to watch some drama. “Aren’t you tired Min Seul-ah? It’s already 10:27.” Young Bae breaks the silence between them. “Ah really? Let’s sleep then.” Min Seul looked at the clock hanging at their wall. Young Bae stood up and extends his hands to help Min Seul. Young Bae went to their room first because Min Seul went to the bathroom to wash up.

As soon as Min Seul finishes her bath, she dressed herself into her pajamas and walked out of the bathroom and jumped into their bed. “You’re so cute!” Young Bae chuckled at Min Seul’s childish behavior and went to the bathroom to wash up too. Min Seul on the other hand, lay down on their bed at the right side. What if Seungri didn’t call oppa? I guess we already kiss then. Min Seul thought as she feels her cheeks become hot. Wait, am I blushing? Of course you are babo! Min Seul mentally scolded her.

Suddenly, a loud thunder stopped her train of thoughts and the electricity went off. “Uh oppa?” Min Seul asked feeling afraid because of the dark. “Min Seul?” Young Bae called out. “I’m right here on the bed oppa.” Min Seul answered while trembling. “Don’t worry I’m here.” Young Bae said as he finds his way to their bed. He hugged Min Seul while her hair. “Don’t be scared Min Seul. I’ll protect you no matter what.” Young Bae whispered to her as he lay beside her while hugging her. “Sleep well, my princess.” Young Bae kissed her in the forehead. “Saranghae.”


Last night, because of the rain pouring hard outside, it causes the electricity to go off. I’m really grateful that Young Bae oppa is always beside me all night before I fall asleep. But before I drift into my dreamland, Young Bae oppa kissed my forehead and mumbled something that I couldn’t understand.

I wonder what he told me. I woke up, him, still hugging me from last night. I looked up to see his face and silently chuckled to myself. He smiled in his sleep while I continued to watch him. Oppa is so cute when he sleeps. I wonder what he’s dreaming of and why he is smiling. I thought to myself as I smiled at the cute person in front of me. As if my hand has its own mind, I suddenly caressed his cheeks, tracing his every part of his face, to his cheeks, cute small eyes, and his almost perfect nose until to his soft lips. He moved a bit and tightened his hold to me which made me buried my face to his well-built chest.

I suddenly felt the same feeling when we’re still in Paris, heart pounding so fast and butterflies spread all over my stomach as we’re still close to each other.


I woke up because of someone caressing my face but kept my eyes shut and I knew it was Min Seul. I moved a bit and I tightened my hold to her which made her buried her face to my chest. I silently smiled to myself. All of a sudden, I felt a light weight on my waist and I realized that it’s her hand hugging me.

I felt her smile on her beautiful face while cuddling closer to me. I smiled to myself hoping to stay like this forever, hugging each other. Please remind me to thank Seungri later. We went back in our own dreamland while feeling each other’s warmth by hugging.


Meanwhile, Jin Ah went to grocery store to buy her mother’s ingredients for her Daeji Galbi (Spicy Grilled Pork Ribs) and Bibimbop (Beef & Mixed Vegetable Rice) with her guy cousin. They walked around the store, searching for the right ingredients since Jin Ah’s mother is really strict when it comes to her cooking. After buying all the ingredients they made their way to the car placing the plastic bags at the back of the car. “Kamsahamnida Oppa.” Jin Ah smiled as they finished placing all the bags inside. “No problem dongsaeng.” He smiled back.

“So where do you want to go next?” He asked as they went inside the car, him in the driver’s seat Jin Ah in the passenger seat. “Uhm, let’s go to my favorite café near the house.” Jin Ah answered excitedly. It’s been a while since she went to that café. “Arasso.” He started the engine and drive off to the café.

As soon as they reached the café Jin Ah excitedly went out of the car waited for her cousin to lock the car. The moment they walked inside they immediately smell the aroma of the coffees. “Jin Ah!” someone called her which made her turned around to look at the person. Out of all places, why would I meet this girl again in this café? Jin Ah mentally asked herself. “Ji Eun!”

“Don’t forget about my plan” She smirked as she said that. “What plan?” Her cousin butted in. “Oh that’s nothing oppa.” Jin Ah told him and forced a smile. “I thought the guy you’re with last time is your boyfriend. Who is he?” Ji Eun asked as she eyed the guy head to toe, she doesn’t know why she did that. “You have a boyfriend?” Jin Ah’s cousin asked, shocked that he doesn’t know that. “Uh well, he’s my cousin.” Jin Ah answered pointing at her cousin beside her, avoiding the topic between her and Seungri.

“Oh yea, I’m sorry for being rude I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jang Wooyoung. Nice meeting you.” Wooyoung smiled while extending his hand for a handshake. Ji Eun stared at his hand eyebrow raised. “Well it’s not nice meeting you. Bye!” Ji Eun said then walked away leaving Wooyoung dumbfounded. They walked towards the counter to order they want. “What was her name Jin Ah?” Wooyoung blurted out after taking their order. “It’s Ji Eun. Lee Ji Eun.” Jin Ah answered as they walked towards a table near the big glass window. “Oh, so who’s this guy she thought your boyfriend? Is he actually your boyfriend?” Wooyoung asked in one breath. “He’s name is Lee Seunghyun and no, he’s not my boyfriend. He’s just a friend.” Jin Ah answered who suddenly became gloomy. “Woah, you sounded like you’re sad when you said he’s not your boyfriend. Tell me, you like this guy don’t you?” Wooyoung questioned her as their order came. “How about you, you like Ji Eun?” Jin Ah asked changing the topic. “Ya! Don’t try to change the topic! So, do you?” Wooyoung asked again. “Aish! Why do you need to know?” Jin Ah answered back eating her food.

“Aigoo, I will never win to you. Fine, if you don’t want to answer then I won’t ask you again.” Wooyoung said as he started to dig in to his food. Jin Ah smiled. “Ah, do you have, uh, uhm…” Wooyoung stammered as he finds his courage to ask Jin Ah. “Do I have what oppa?” Jin Ah asked looking up from her food. “Well, her number?” Wooyoung shyly smiled at her cousin. “Who? Ji Eun?” Jin Ah asked while smiling widely. Wooyoung only nodded in embarrassment. Jin Ah laughed at Wooyoung who gave her a death glare. “Ya! What’s so funny here?” Wooyoung questioned her while pouting.

“Nothing and here, that’s her number.” Jin Ah held her laugh as she gave her phone, Ji Eun’s number on the screen, to Wooyoung. Jin Ah straightened up as if an idea popped out in her brain. She smirked, if I let them date and Ji Eun will fall in love with oppa, she’ll forget Young Bae oppa then Unnie and Young Bae oppa will be at peace. And I think they’re suit for each other, they’re both single too. Jin Ah smiled at her thoughts, determined to solve this problem alone. “Ya! What are you smiling about?” Wooyoung snapped her back into reality and she shook her head. “Nothing.” Jin Ah answered.

“You’re smiling because of nothing? Seriously, are you crazy?” Wooyoung asked sarcastic. Jin Ah sarcastically smiled showing her white beautiful teeth. “Since we’re already done eating, let’s go?” Jin Ah spoke and Wooyoung nodded. They went to the car and drive off.

The couple is beginning to wake up, Min Seul rubbed her eyes then looked up to see if Young Bae is still sleeping but he’s already awake and is staring at her then he smiled at her. She smiled back. “I’ll just cook breakfast, or maybe lunch.” Min Seul spoke with a chuckle, Young Bae chuckled as well. They stood up from their bed; Min Seul went to the bathroom to do her daily routine while Young Bae is waiting for his turn to use the bathroom.

After doing her stuffs, she head to the kitchen to cook for them. While cooking their food, Min Seul felt Young Bae sat on his usual sit. “Want me to help you?” Young Bae asked. “Aniyo, it’s already done anyway.” Min Seul answered with a smile as she turned off the stove. Young Bae got the plates and placed it on the table. Min Seul placed their foods on the table then sat across Young Bae. “Let’s eat!” Min Seul cheerfully said and they started to dig in.

“Min Seul, I’ll go to Seungri’s office later. I just need to discuss something.” Young Bae said breaking the silence between them. Min Seul looked up from her food and smiled. “Arasso.” Min Seul replied. “Are you okay here alone?” Young Bae asked in concern. “Yea, I’m fine. But I’ll call Jin Ah later.” Min Seul answered with a smile. Young Bae smiled back.


“Min Seul, I’ll go now!” Young Bae spoke as soon as he went out of their room. “Arasso oppa. Drive carefully!” Min Seul smiled while waving. Min Seul closed their door and sat at the couch. She took her phone on the table and dialed Jin Ah’s number. “Yeoboseyo?” Jin Ah answered. “Jin Ah, let’s go shopping!” Min Seul spoke cheerfully. “Arasso unnie! I’ll be there in 30 minutes!” Jin Ah replied and hung up without saying goodbye. Min Seul shook her head and got dressed. Knowing Jin Ah, she takes an hour to get ready so Min Seul turned the TV on.

“Unnie! Open up!” Jin Ah’s loud voice echoed while knocking. Min Seul opened the door, “You’re early!” Min Seul said. “Well, I said I’ll be here in 30 minutes. And I’m already ready when you called.” Jin Ah smiled. “Okay, I’ll just get my bag.” Min Seul walked in to the living room and took her bag before making their way to the parking lot to get Jin Ah’s car.

Young Bae walked inside Seungri’s office after he heard him say ‘come in’ “Oh hyung!” Seungri stood up as soon as he saw Young Bae walked in. They sat on the couch. “So what do you want to tell me hyung?” Seungri asked him. “Uh, well, I just want to ask, how do you confess to a girl?” Young Bae stuttered. “You’re going to confess to noona, eh?” Seungri teased with a smirk. “Yeah, I want this to be real.” Young Bae answered. Seungri nodded. “I’ll call someone who can help us.” Seungri said with a smile.

“Unnie let’s go there!” Jin Ah shouted while tugging Min Seul’s shirt like a kid. “Aigoo arasso, arasso.” Min Seul laughed at her younger sister’s childish behavior. They went to every shop they see, bought the items they like. Just like the old days.

“Jin Ah, aren’t you tired? These are so many!” Min Seul whined as she lifted her hands to show all the things they bought. “Oh let’s go home then. Omma wants to see you anyway.” Jin Ah said as she innocently smiles. Min Seul sighed as they walked towards the parking area and Jin Ah’s car. They placed all the paper bags they bought at the back of the car. Jin Ah started the engine and made their way to their house.


“Annyeong Omma!” Min Seul said as she waved goodbye to her omma. It’s already late so Min Seul bid her goodbye and their mother told their driver to company Min Seul to her house. “Unnie, call me if you want to go shopping again! Annyeong unnie!” Jin Ah shouted as the car fades away.

“Oppa?” Min Seul asked as she went to the living room. “Oh Min Seul! Where did you go? It’s already late and I was so worried!” Young Bae rushed to her side and hugged her. “I just visited Omma since Jin Ah told me she wants to see me.” Min Seul explained as she caressed Young Bae’s back in comfort. Young Bae let go and smiled, Min Seul smiled back. “Did you eat already?” Min Seul asked as they sat on the couch. “Yea, I already ate with Seungri. What about you?” Young bae answered with a question. “I already ate, don’t worry.” Min Seul replied with a warm smile.

The next day, Jin Ah called Seungri, since he messaged her telling about Young Bae wants to confess to Min Seul last night. “Yeoboseyo?” Seungri’s hoarse voice entered her ears. “Uh Seungri? Are you okay?” Jin Ah asked worriedly. “Yea, yea. I’m okay, just a little fever.” Seungri answered. “What? Did you eat already? Did you take your medicine?” Jin Ah asked a lot of questions in worried. Seungri chuckled at the other line. “Ya! You’re already sick but you still laughing?” Jin Ah shouted. “Ani, it’s just you really sounded worried.” Seungri replied which made Jin Ah blush. She did sound worried.

“Aigoo but seriously, did you eat and take your medicine?” Jin Ah asked in a serious yet worried tone. “Actually no, I can’t get up since my whole body is aching.” Seungri honestly answered. “You over-work again!” Jin Ah said with a sighed. “Okay, wait for me there.” Jin Ah spoke and hung up without saying goodbye.


Aish! That girl has a habit on hanging up without saying goodbye! I placed my phone on the night stand on the side of my bed. After an hour of doing nothing but just staring at the ceiling, I heard a key jiggling unlocking my front door. “Seungri?” I heard her knock and opened slightly the door poking her head that made her look cute. I faintly smile at her. Aish! Why did she have to see me like this?

She went beside me and touched my forehead, “Omo! Is this what you call little fever? You’re burning hot!” She told me as she went to the bathroom, maybe to get a wet towel. She placed it on my forehead. “Just sleep for a while. I’ll just cook porridge for you.” Jin Ah smiled as she tucked me in duvet. She walked out in my room.


Jin Ah went to the kitchen and started doing the porridge. She bought the ingredients earlier before going to Seungri’s apartment. She also bought a medicine for fever. As soon as Jin Ah finished cooking the porridge, she got a bowl and placed it on the tray. She also placed a jug of water with a glass. She made her way to Seungri’s room and laid the tray on the night stand before waking Seungri up.

“Seungri, eat first then take your medicine and you can go back to your sleep.” Jin Ah smiled as she sat on the couch, watching Seungri eat his food. “Why aren’t you eating?” Seungri asked breaking the silence. “I already ate.” Jin Ah answered with a smile. She stood up when Seungri is done eating and took the tray to him. “Here, take this medicine then you can sleep again.” Jin Ah gave the medicine to Seungri.

After taking the medicine, Seungri thanked Jin Ah with a smile. Jin Ah responded with a smile. She placed all the things on the sink in the kitchen and went back to Seungri’s room. She touched Seungri’s forehead, “Aigoo, your fever is not going down. Just sleep again, it will help.” Jin Ah said with a smile, she covered Seungri in duvet. She was about to go when Seungri reached for her hand. “Please stay.” Seungri spoke, eyes close. “Don’t worry, I won’t go.” Jin Ah told him, she grabbed the nearest chair and sat beside Seungri’s bed still holding his hand.


I stared at the sleeping man in front of me, and then looked at our hands holding perfectly with each other. I entwined our hands, carefully not to wake him up. It fits perfectly with mine. I studied his face and noticed his eye bags became darker. He’s probably always in his office late. I sighed at the thought.

“I told you not to over-work! See what happened?” I whispered scolded him in his sleep. “Your dark circles are showing!” I continued to talk to him even though I know he’s sleeping. I stared at him for a while. I silently chuckled, “I’m staring at you again, but that’s okay, I think I can stare at you like this forever.” I told him but I know he can’t hear me. “Listen, I will not repeat this if you didn’t hear me.” I said to him, silly me; of course he’ll not hear me because he’s sleeping, babo! “Saranghae. I wish you’re mine.” I revealed with a relief sighed. “That’s it! I told you my feelings.” I whispered with a satisfied smile.

“I’m already yours.” I blushed when he opened his eyes. I suddenly stood up causing our hands to let go. “Were you listening?” I asked him as he smiled. “Yea, I heard it all.” Seungri answered with smile. “Nado saranghae.” He confessed in husky voice. I slowly sat again with a smile. Seungri carefully sat up and entwine my hand with his again. He started to lean in while staring at my eyes, when our faces are only inches away, I covered his lips and pushed him that cause him to whine. “Oops. Stop right there! Not now, I’ll get sick” I reasoned with an innocent smile. 

Annyeong Haseyo! Chapter 12 is here, i hope you like this! It's actually already a year since I started writing this. Hahaha. Thank you to annesha for voting, also to TripleS_VIP for always comenting! You don't know how much happy I am everytime i read your comments. And of course to my 21 subscribers for always have a time to read this fanfic, i really appreciate it! Thank you very, very, very much! This story is coming to an end, maybe 2-3 chapters more. :))

Okay, now I'm being dramatic. Hahaha. Alright i got to go! Have a nice day! :D

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5/23/13: I have a surprise for you guys! Wait for it! =D


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Yumi-chan #1
Chapter 17: I like the story :D. It's so cute *-*
JBL511 #2
Chapter 17: like like :>
Unknown-J-B-L #3
Chapter 17: This story really good. I like it.
janella #4
Chapter 15: Waaaah kill me now janna its amazing hhaha I love u :*
Chapter 17: Ohhhh! unnie it's already finished :( but it was good I really liked your fanfic and love u too, see ya' ;)
Chapter 16: LMAO!! and yeah! I liked it kkk thank u ;D I feel honorec that you made this chapter because of my comment lol and I'm waiting to read the next chapter ,unnie FIGHTING! \^_^/
Chapter 13: Hyun su,! Oh my I idn't expect that
Chapter 16: Everyone loves his Mohawk...... He looked like a y gentlemen... Now he just looks y. Lmao.
Chapter 15: can you add some skinship please? and yeah! I liked the end and of course I WANT a epilogue yes yes yes yes!!!
Chapter 14: omo!! the moment is coming! yei!! confession time ;D