Chapter 14

Love is falling...Don't Go...


The entire YG family sat in the semi circle for rehearsal for the biggest concert in some years, the YG Family Concert. Se7e, Gummy, Big Bang, and 2NE1 showcasing the family as one. Jokes and laughter filled the air as they continued to rehearse and get ready. Bom sat next to Jiyong but her eyes were on TOP. She kept thinking of Jiyong’s question and of all the memories she had with both TOP and Jiyong. TOP joked with Se7en and Gummy on side of him, being close to the sunbaes. Bom continued to stare as they started to discuss the next song.
“Let’s practice ‘You & I’, Bommie,” Gummy said. Bom didn’t hear as she continued to look at TOP. 
“Unni ” Bom jumped as Chaerin shouted at her.
“Are you okay?”
“Bommieyang, did you eat too much bread to think straight?” Jiyong said.
“No ” Bom slapped his shoulder causing the room laugh. Bom looked to TOP and saw that he was laughing also. His smile was very much bright. As she continued to stare, Bom thought back to Japan and the kiss. Jiyong shook Bom bringing her back to reality and the practice room with the family.
“Ah, right. Ready, unni?” The melody of Bom’s hit solo began as the two vocals began their collaboration.
Practice ended after hours upon hours of joking and chatting and actual practice. Jiyong went up to Bom afterwards and pulled her aside.
“Noona, have you thought about it?” Bom stood speechless as she looked at the sparkling brown eyes of the guy who was always around her and always smiling at her. Though he , Jiyong was very caring, as much as TOP was.
“I...” Jiyong chuckled as he patted her head.
“BomYang is thinking too much about it. Go home and rest. Once you have your answer, let me know, okay?” Bom smiled and nodded before her and the girls left. 2NE1 made it back to their dorm and were ready to fall down except for Bom. She had been thinking the whole ride back. She waited for all the girls to go into their rooms before she snuck out and made her way elsewhere.
TOP shuffled into the kitchen of his apartment. He really couldn’t sleep too well with the Family concert and the unit album coming out soon. Running his hands through the white tussles of hair on his head, TOP opened the refrigerator and bend to look inside.
“You really shouldn’t be eating this late, SeungHyun.”
“Ah! You scared me,” TOP jumped as he backed into the fridge, grabbing his heart and looking to Bom standing before him. Bom giggled as she watched his reaction.
“Noona, how did you get in here?”
“Your manager was up. I think he was sleepwalking but he let me in when I knocked,” Bom moved into the kitchen as TOP closed the fridge with a bottle of water in hand.
“Are you thirsty?” TOP asked handing the water to her. Bom shook her head. TOP stared at Bom as she rocked back and forth looking at him, with a questionable look.
“Noona...why are you here?”
“I have question.”
“Shoot,” TOP opened the water bottle and sipped.
“If we weren't part of YG, would you date me?” TOP choked on the water.
“Nothing!  I should let you go back to sleep,” Bom turned away. TOP reached out, grabbing her and turning her back. Bom looked up to the stern eyes that stared down at her. Anger and worry reflected in his eyes. 
“Bom noona, why are you like this?”
“Why can’t my heart stop beating so fast when I’m near you?”
“It never beat this fast around Jiyong. Why?” TOP softly kiss her lips. Bom felt his lips and remembered the first time they kissed in Japan. This time was different. This time, she didn’t want it to end, but it did.
“Did that calm it?” Bom stumbled back as she continued to stare into his eyes. TOP smiled at the shocked look on her face.
“SeungHyun-ah, Jiyong...”
“Ah. You came to tell me you talked to him and that you choose him?”
“ talked to Jiyong but...since then, you’re all I’ve been thinking about.”
“I like Jiyong but...I’m falling in love with you,” The two stood in the silence of the kitchen as the words drifted in the air.
Jiyong groaned as the rolled in his bed, trying to get away from the constant beeping. He know it was his phone but he didn’t want to be bothered. Jiyong knew that the only way for the sound to stop was to look at his phone. Jiyong dragged himself up and grabbed the phone. After being blinded by the bright screen, he focused on the message.
[Jiyong-ah, I know my answer now. Thank you for being there for me. - BommieYang]
Jiyong sat up in the bed. He continued to stare at the message before he chuckled.
“Take care of her, hyung,” Jiyong whispered before putting the phone back on the table beside his bed and dropping back into his pillows.
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Chapter 20: why I love the gbom ending more? /chuckled/
but yay for gbomtop!!! cant bom have those both? lol
hanhyosang #2
Chapter 20: This is way better ! : ) .
hanhyosang #3
Chapter 15: NOOOOOOOOOO !!!!! :(((( Wrong choice !
hanhyosang #4
Chapter 11: Really cute ! ^__^ .
hanhyosang #5
Chapter 1: `Jiyong turned the soundboard to get his phone from the table to see the deadly stare of T.O.P. at him.` >> this sounds really good ! :)) .
josuke #6
Chapter 5: more topbom moments please....<3 authornim
xiaorongda #7
Ummm...Thank you all! I didn't even know!
Congrats ^^
sea0horse #10