Chapter 10

Love is falling...Don't Go...


Bom followed her bandmates into their apartment, dragging her feet and trying not to rub her eyes. the girls just getting back from the night’s award show with their new fashion friend, Jeremy Scott as , were still on a high of excitement but tired. The most energetic ones of the group, Minji and Dara, still ran around, reliving the night with the leader just nodding as she tired to escape to her bed. Bom entered her room and began to get undressed when her phone vibrated. Looking at the screen, she saw a message.

⌈Noona, can you meet me on the roof for a minute? -TOP⌉

Bom was surprised by the message. TOP had been at the award show with them. He even sat with them most of the time. What was it that he wanted to talk about?
⌈Give me five minutes.⌉
The night air was a little chilly but nice. Bom stepped out onto the roof and quickly spotted TOP.

“SeungHyun...” TOP turned and smiled.


“Noona...”Bom moved toward and noticed that he was chuckling.


“What’s so funny?”


“I like it when dresses like this,” Bom looked down at the sweatpants and hoodie she threw on before leaving. She wore them usually around the apartment or as sleepwear. “You look nice.”

Bom chuckled as she moved on side of him. The two stood in silence with the far off sounds of the city in the air.
“Oh! Congratulations to you and the rest of 2NE1 for winning tonight.”

“Thanks and congratulations to you too, Mr. Movie Star. You are doing very well.”

“Thank you,” TOP turned away in embarassment which made Bom laugh.

“Now What is it you anted to talk about?” TOP rocked back and forth on his heels before turning back to Bom.
“Noona...about that night in Japan. Ji...”

“SeungHyun, if you think that Jiyong will be upset with what happened...”

“No! It’s not about what Ji would think. It’s about what I’ve been thinking about. About us.”

               “Huh?” TOP took Bom’s hands and held them tight as he looked into her eyes.

“What I said that night, I still mean it. I will always be here when you need me.”

“I don’t understand,” TOP cupped Bom’s face. She jumped as he held her and continued to look at her. Bom couldn't move as she felt his warm hands meld into her skin.

“Noona...Bom,” Bom’s eyes grew wide. TOP hardly called her by her name. It was usually ‘noona’.

“Bom, I don’t want to see you get hurt anymore.”

Bom was stunned speechless . She had always seen TOP as the person she could joke with or make fun of as he did her. They were the odd persons out both being the oldest of their groups and both getting along with others in odd ways. The that stood in front of her was someone that she had come to care about as much as she did Jiyong.

Top continued to look into Bom’s eyes, moving closer to her. Bom could hear her heart in her ears again as he inched closer. Inches from Bom’s face, TOP stopped as his phone rung.
“Hello?” He said into the phone, his face still close to Bom.

“Where you at, hyung?” TOP sighed as he stood up straight.

           “Busy right now, Ji. What’s up?”

“Jieun noona wants to discuss our concept hairstyles that we told her about now. Meet me at the salon.”

           “Alright. I’ll be there,” TOP ended the call and sigh. He smiled at the still stunned and blushing Bom.

“Get some rest, noona. Take care,” TOP sauntered off.

Bom stood still as she took in what had happened. She took in how she felt and how her heart beat. Her mind turned as her heart and mind fought to think.

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Chapter 20: why I love the gbom ending more? /chuckled/
but yay for gbomtop!!! cant bom have those both? lol
hanhyosang #2
Chapter 20: This is way better ! : ) .
hanhyosang #3
Chapter 15: NOOOOOOOOOO !!!!! :(((( Wrong choice !
hanhyosang #4
Chapter 11: Really cute ! ^__^ .
hanhyosang #5
Chapter 1: `Jiyong turned the soundboard to get his phone from the table to see the deadly stare of T.O.P. at him.` >> this sounds really good ! :)) .
josuke #6
Chapter 5: more topbom moments please....<3 authornim
xiaorongda #7
Ummm...Thank you all! I didn't even know!
Congrats ^^
sea0horse #10