New Place to Stay

My Bestfriend is an Idol



Rian ssi, I just wanted to tell that.... its been almost 2 months since you haven't paid your dorm rent. Yumi said

OMO! My money's gonna come next next week! I promise I'll pay you double! Triple!  why did you suggest triple? 

Im very sorry Rian, but we cant wait for another 2 weeks... we really need your payment because my mom needs that too cause this is hers. Yumi said

Mianhae... Ok ok... I'll just leave?

Ne... Mianhae  Rian. Yumi said  

WAIT! Let me just call a friend! I'll come back later!!! I said while heading out.


Yoseob ssi, please answer the phone!!!! NOW!!!

*ring ring ring*



Were already talking *laugh* 

I mean we need to meet! Right now! JEBAL!!! Lets meet at the park!

Araso araso! I'll come there in a few minutes.. what's the problem anyway?

I'll tell you later! Just come!


*after 20 minutes* 


YA! Rian ssi! He ran and gave me a hug I really missed him

Yoseob.. Ahmmm... Well, Can I borrow money from you? PLEASE SAY YES!!! SAY YES!!!

Ahmmm.. waeyo? Yoseob said

That's my problem! I dont have enough money to pay for my dorm rent right now! My money's coming in 2 weeks and Yumi cant wait *sigh* Yoseob was about to say something then someone came into us and it was Doojoon. WHY DID HE COME HERE?!?! I dont want to let him hear this..its embarassing

Annyeong Rian! What you guys talking about? Doojoon asked  Then I gave Yoseob a dont-tell-him-or-im-screwed look but it was nothing

Rian ssi is borrowing money from me to pay for her dorm rent. Wow Yoseob... really? Weve been bestfriends for many years and youre betraying me

Ahhhhhhh.... that's really a hard thing...... WAIT! Why dont you just live with us! For awhile if you want *smile*  Doojoon said.  Did he just asked me to live with them?! I can see there everyday lives without the camera and fans screaming

He's right Rian ssi! Just live with us until you get youre money back and find another place! Yoseob said happily

Ok Yoseob! Lets help her pack her bags! Doojoon said

Wait! Wait! I can do it by myself! Just tell me the address and I'll just call Yoseob if Im almost there!  I dont want them to see my dirty room.. I mean my unpleasant looking room.

Araso araso... Just try to be there before 7PM Doojoon said

Doojoon ah! Thanks! Thanks for letting muy bestfriend living with us! *smile* Yoseob said while he gave Doojoon a friendly hug

Ok.. Things just went good but Im kinda thinking twice about living with beast. If I live with them, I cant be myself in there! Ok Ok Rian, calm yourself. Just pack everything. After an endless hour of packing all of my things, I felt sad. Ive lived in there with Yumi even if were not very close. 

YA YUMI! Come here! Then I gave her a tight hug because of her being understanding for this months even Im not yet paying. I know that its too much right now *sigh*

Omo... Mianhae Rian mom will be really mad at me if she knew that youre still living here even if I havent send her some money. Yumi said

I know. Dont feel too bad about it. Its also my fault. I forgot to save some money so I forgot to pay last month and right now, my money is just like for food and school.... Thank you Yumi! *smile* Ok.. Ill go now.. Bye!

Ok Rian... but where will you go? Its almost getting dark! Yumi said

Kwaenchanayo.. I'll live with my bestfriend for a while... Thanks for your concern *smile* I leave as I as waved goodbye


I called Yoseob, and Im almost there. I fel both sad and happy.




Yay! Rian just called and she's almost here! Should I tell them? or just make them shocked later *evil laugh* 

GUYS! Please come here... I have an announcement!

*all of them came*

Ok... ahmmmm... Somebody's gonna-  Then the doorbell rang. Hyunseung ran off to the door. After a few seconds he just screamed and ran back to us.

YAH!!! ITS RIAN SSI!! Hyunseung said as I went to the door.

I gave her a hug as I let her enter.

Ok guys! This is what Im about to tell you! She's gonna live with us! for awhile! I hope you'll understand

Ahmmm... Annyeong! Rian said shyly 

Annyeong!!! We haven't live with a girl before... Hyunseung said

YA! This is just like our reality show before.... when there are noonas everyday at our dorm. Junhyung said

Ok ok ok.. so much for that! Ill just lead her to our room.

As we enter our room, her eyes widened.

Omo! You guys only have one bedroom! Rian said

Yah... sorry about that... Just sleep here at my bed, araso? 

Ahmm... anni, I'll sleep at the couch. Rian said


Were all gathered at the living room, some eating, some doing absolutely nothing. And I told them that Rian will sleep at my bed and I'll sleep at the couch. Everyone's ok with it but Rian is just saying anni anni anni. 




I went out to get some fresh air. Why did Yoseob just tell her to stay here? And Doojoon ah, he's the one who suggested about it. Ok ok! I need to get over it. Its just a girl living with us for awhile. It makes me nervous. Its like Ive never lived with a girl before. JUNHYUNG STOP THINKING ABOUT HER LIVING WITH US! 


Its already 11PM and the light's out already. Maybe the guys talked about it. About sleeping early for our special guest. Its really dark so I just used my phone as a light. I the tv and I saw someone's lying in the other couch. Yoseob is really sleeping at the couch. I poked him a few times and he's not moving but when the tv came on and its light surrounded the place, it was Rian. OMO. I thought she'll sleep  at Yoseob's bed. Aish! Yoseob is really crazy. He just let her bestfriend sleep here.


I stand up and carried her to the bedroom, I just put her at my bed. I'll feel bad if I just leave her there even if I know that she should be sleeping at a bed. As I put her down, she just grabbed me like Im a stuff toy or something then after a few seconds, she let go of me. I kinda feel weird about it. Its like my heart just beat faster than before. I was about to give a kiss on the cheek then someone just snored so loud. 




It was already morning, and I step out of my bed and I forgot that Rian should be sleeping at my bed! OMO! Then I look at the othr guys sleeping, Rian was sleeping at someone's bed, I forgot if who's bed was that. I went out and I saw Junhyung sleeping almost at the floor. So it was his bed. I felt really bad about it. 


After a few minutes, all of them woke  up. Some are looking shocked that tehres a girl sleeping with them. Others are just, I dont know. Were eating breakfast and i decided to make a conversation with everyone cause its so quiet.


Ahmmm... So... how's your sleep? I asked awkwardly


Okaaaay... Oh! Rian! Good morning!

GOOD MORNING! beast said in unison then she smiled 

Yoseob ssi, I said that I'll be sleeping at the couch! But why did you put me in your bed? Rian asked

Actually, youre in my bed. Junhyung said bossly

OMO!?! Jinjja?! Rian said 

Ne. Junhyung said

So, youre the one that I hugged last night!? Rian asked. What? They hugged? Hmmmmm

Ne.... you hugged me like Im a bear! Junhyung said as the other's left the dining room and wne to the living room

Ahmmm... its getting really warm in here.... I need some air. Me too! KAJA! Some of them said as they leave


This is really getting fun... so I just leave them fighting in there like theyre married. How cute kekekeke


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hey update daw! gusto ng reader! :))
SooYeon92 #2
update dear!!
i'm loving your story...(^_^)v
kaw gumawa ng poster mo? :) NICE! parang tayong yung character hah :))
Love your story Update soon ! :]