No Hit!!

I'm Sorry


 “We are here.” GD got out of the car and opened the door for Dara.


“Thank you” She got out. “Whoa!” She looked up at the house. It looked like it was straight out of a horror movie. “It looks very victorian.” It had a dark eerie look to it but Dara found it charming.


“Yes, T.O.P had it designed that way.” GD got her bags out of the trunk.


“It's beautiful.” Dara was still in aw.


“Master GD.” A woman came out and bowed.


“Master?” Dara smirked knowing she was right.


“Er please take these to the nanny's room.” GD set the last of 3 suitcases own the ground.


“Yes sir.” The woman and 2 others came.


“This way.” GD's good guy persona disappeared his tough guy came out.


Dara followed silently and nervously as he lead her into the house. The inside had a very different charm to it. It was all white and pristine, everything perfectly in it's place. Dara felt a little lonely in the white room she wanted to see some color to make it warm and happy. The white was mature, modest and modern.


“Keep following.” GD called at a huge door. “Hyung would like to speak to you.” He opened the door.


Dara walked in quickly not wanting to make her employer wait. As soon as she stepped in the room GD closed the door behind her. She looked at the long desk in front of her.


“Hello I'm T.O.P” He said. A tall, skinny, handsome man said from behind the desk. His voice was deep and precise.


“Hello, I'm Sandara the new nanny.” Dara bowed nervous.


“Aren't you a bit young?” T.O.P said laughing.


Oooo if this didn't mean so much I would punch him in the face!!! Dara thought. “Aren't you a bit young to be the leader to the greatest gang in Korea?” Dara quickly shot back with a calm sweet girl smile.


“How'd you know?” He asked calmly unconcerned. “And I'm only the heir.”


“An old friend told me all this company has to tell.” She stood rocking on her feet.


“Sit down.” He looked at her carefully.


“Thank You.” She very cautiously sat down.


“Now to business.” He folded his arms. “Are you sure you can handle my niece and nephew?”


“I don't know them!” Dara exclaimed. “The worst I have taken care of were probably, the druggie, suicidal, gangsters, ho's, and of course little whiny brats.” She listed.


“Then you will do fine.” He just laughed. “Here let me show you around.” He got up.


There was something way to familiar about his man. Dara thought.


He lead her around the house. Dara could feel eyes on her. All the other workers depending on gender and age gave her different looks. Younger boys looked at her friendly and would do a quick wave. Younger girls glared at her and give her a nasty look. Older woman and men gave her pity eyes and sympathetic smiles.


“I don't feel very welcomed.” Dara finally said as he lead her to her room.


“Don't mind them they are all mad since I didn't accept their feelings.” He just shrugged. “This will be your room.” He opened two big doors.


“Whoa.” Dara gasped. The room was a huge light pink, light grey striped walled room. Her furniture was all black framed. The bed had apple green shiny pillows, and a white comforter.


“Come meet my niece and nephew.” He beckoned her to follow.


They walked in through a door in her room to the next room. It was a rather typical nursery light pastel colors and little animals everywhere. Two kids no older then 7 sat playing with some blocks.


“Hye Min, Ji Bin please meet your new nanny Sandara.” He introduced her to the kids. The girl had perfectly curled ringlets in her raven hair that was messy and tangled. She had fair skin in contrast the dark maroon night gown. The boy much younger than the girl had raven hair as well but it was short and had a casual spike to it. He had fair skin that was reflected off the dark blue pajamas.


“Nice to meet you I hope we will get along.” Dara smiled.


“Hello.” They said emotionlessly.


“It's bed time do you think you could get them ready and in bed?” T.O.P asked.


“Yeah don't worry.” Dara smiled.


“Then I leave you to it.” He left.


“Have you guys already brushed your teeth yet?” Dara asked.


“Sandara right? Sandara ma'am we don't need you we can take care of ourselves.” Hye Min snarled.


“Somebody has some serious rule issues.” Dara twitched at the girl's rudeness. “Rule #1. I'm Dara got it? Rule #2. You do what I tell you to do. Rule #3. I don't do back talking.” Dara smiled nicely. “If you follow these rules we will get along just fine.”


“What ever screw you!” Hye Min stuck her tongue out.


“Right.” Dara grabbed her hand. Hye Min winced. Dara froze.


“Don't hit noona please.” Ji Bin whispered.


“I'm not going to hit you.” Dara knelt to their level. “Who hit you?”


“Momma's boyfriends and other nannies.” Hye Min answered.


Dara held the girls hand. “Remember this I won't hit you.”


“How do we know we can trust you. We haven't been able to trust the others.” Hye Min frowned.


“You can never know until you take a chance but for now time for sleep. I'll hurry and brush your hair.” Dara smiled softly.


She got them to go to bed easier then expected. She was in her room unpacking all of her stuff. Even rich kids have problems. Dara thought.


“T.O.P isn't that girl the girl you grew up with?” GD asked sitting on the desk.


“Yeah.” T.O.P answered.


“Isn't it a bit dangerous for her to be here?” Seungri threw a dart directly in the center bulls eye.


“Safer than anywhere else. That jerk is going to break everything.” T.O.P growled. “Where is Daesung? I need those reports.”


“Here T.O.P” Daesung came in through the window.


“And?” T.O.P waited.


“He picked up some girl and when they went on their date through the park they ran into Dara and the other orphan kids. The girl is named Ginger and after he dropped her off he picked up another girl Anna.” Daesung started reading from a notebook.


“What a nasty ho...anyway no go to the threats.” T.O.P sighed.


“Oh he met with a few small neighborhood gangs and he picked up some drugs.” Daesung read out of the notebook.


“Ok we will handle that lets let Dara do her thing, she will tear him to shreds soon.” T.O.P smiled.



Er things pick up quickly in the next chapter....promise. 

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nice <3
kristinamay17 #2
happy ending!!!:) WEE:
Oh.......Happy ending~~~~~~~
winterflowr #4
oh my gosh...this is so tear-wrentching!!!
ah i luv picture of Gummy.......
mine2love #6
how cute! ^^ ♥ great update!
kristinamay17 #7