The Almighty Rules and Information Post - Ficmix

SeungriFicFests [CLOSED]
What is a ficmix?

A ficmix is a clever combination of the words fic and remix. Thus, a ficmix is a remix of a fic. What does this mean? Well, if you've ever read a fanfic and wondered how you would have written things differently, characterized someone differently, ended the fic differently, then this is your chance! You will be assigned an author - whether it be from LiveJournal or from AsianFanFics, depending on your preference - which you will get to choose one of their fanfics and remix it, or rewriting it. Alternate universes, different point of views, whatever you can think of. Think of it like a cover to a song.


So I can do anything?

Well... yes, to a certain point. There are things that you can't change, because if you do you'd be changing the whole fic itself, like if you were writing an original fanfic. Things like the main plot or the main pairing are things that should be kept consistent with the original fic. This doesn't mean that you can't add to the plot, you can. You can also choose to portray the main pairing differently, or make it gen, if you wish. Just keep the main ideas consistent.


Which fanfic should I remix?

First and foremost, this is a Seungri fanmix. It goes without saying that any and all fanfics you choose to remix must include Seungri either as the central character or a part of the main pairing. This means that you can't choose a fanfic where Seungri is just a secondary character, but you can choose a fanfic where he is part of the main pairing but isn't the character focus. Pairings include, but are not limited to: GRi, DaeRi, BaeRi, TOPRi, Seungri/OC (original character), a Seungri/2NE1 crossover, etc. Keep in mind that you are only choosing one fanfic to remix, and that if you're not comfortable with writing these pairings this ficmix might be a challenge. But challenges are always good!


Do I qualify?

There are only a few simple rules to follow in order to qualify; you must have at least three (3) fanfics that are 500+ words, or six (6) drabbles that are 100+ words, not including any remixes you may have done previously. These must be available via masterlist by the time signups are complete.

I understand that some people do not meet these qualifications, but still want to participate. Because this is the first ficmix, I will make an exception, but you must specify in your signup that you are an exception. If you do not meet the qualifications, you can provide 3 prompts that include a pairing, as well as a prompt. They should be written prompts of at least 2 sentences. Please remember that this is an exception and will not be repeated. Don't sweat too much about it, though, this is all for fun after all!


♥ Anything else?

Just a few more things. Remixes must be at least 1000 words regardless of original length. There's is no maximum, though, so write to your heart's content! Keep your assignment a secret until after we post it during the Grand Reveals. It's not fun otherwise! This means that you can't post it to your personal journals until after the Reveal. We'll post the fics all anonymously before revealing them as well. Exciting? Yes! After the reveal, you can post it wherever you want!


♥ Deadlines

Yes, we have deadlines, and it would be extremely preferable if you finished on time, since then you could be part of the Grand Reveal! If you find you cannot finish on time, don't worry, try to tell a mod asap so we can assign a pinch hitter (explained later).

Signups open: Friday, April 20th, 2012
Signups close: Friday, May 4th, 2012
Assignments sent out: Friday, May 11th, 2012
Deadline Reminder: Friday, June 1st, 2012
Entries Due: Friday, June 22nd, 2012 (tentative)

♥ One Last Thing...
  • You can sign up here at this screened post. Encourage your friends to participate as well!
  • Details about submitting finished work will be included once assignments are sent out, as well as a later post. Remember to keep the email - it's important!
  • We're not responsible for what happens to your story, for better or for worse. Please remember that whether you liked it or not, someone took time out of their day to work on it! Therefore, whether you liked it or not, write a comment thanking the writer, at least! That goes for everyone!
  • Submissions must all be beta'd. This means that your grammar/spelling must be looked over. If you need a beta, you can always ask around, or ask me (Martina), I'd be happy to help!
I still have questions!

PM a mod, or email us at [email protected].

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Thank you!
Reminder to all authors - please check the livejournal page as well, because people have commented there too!


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Danees #1
Chapter 20: No no no! This can’t be it ?
ruthyou7 #2
Chapter 12: Chapter 9 is beautifully written but it's so sad T-T
mcir66 #3
Chapter 12: This is so sad.
I'd be glad to check the livejournal page but *ahem* I can't find the url...
i thoroughly enjoyed reading 'The Trouble With Love' (SeungrixDara). well written (: i love how seungri did not decide to be an and actually made an effort to save his marriage with dara. well done to the author
@Chanrae: Please let me know when you post The Trouble With Love Is on your journal, I'll put a direct link!
Tag added!
Of course I'll post the link on my remix as soon as the story is complete! But it's all for the better: since their will be several updates, there will be more readers, more subscribers, and more publicity for the Seungrificfests in the end! ^^
As a way of promoting this why don't we all tag our stories, if we choose to post them on AFF, as 'seungrificfests1,' and then they will all turn up if one was to click on the tag or search for it?

If you think this is good then lemme know? If we do do this, I'm guessing we should definitely tag this main one as 'seungrificfests1.'