#9 [Seungri/Youngbae]

SeungriFicFests [CLOSED]

Title: What is a white lie?
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): Baeri
Length: 3,372
Summary: Youngbae didn't lie, but he didn't tell the truth.
Warnings: None I can think of
Notes: I used the prompt very loosely 

Remixee author: cuz_im_a_vip
Title of work you remixed:N/A
Link to work you remixed: N/A
Prompt 1 : [Seungri/Taeyang] Seungri wonders why Taeyang is always wearing lenses, even inside. He thinks Taeyang might be hiding something, so the maknae plans to expose his hyung's reason for wearing glasses.


It’s been about four years since Youngbae and Seungri started dating. Four years of exclusively seeing each other. Four years in which Youngbae really did become the Taeyang at the center of Seungri’s universe. Four years in which they only let a select few people know about their relationship. Now when I say few, I mean few. The only people that know are the BIGBANG members, Yang CEO, and Teddy. As a couple they decided from the beginning that they wanted their relationship to last and that it had a better chance under wraps. Still, of the people that know about them, they are considered a perfect couple. They complement each other so well. Where Seungri is loud, Youngbae is quiet. Where Youngbae is shy, Seungri is outgoing. Where Seungri is cocky, Youngbae is humble. Perfect right? Wrong.

Here’s the thing, there is this tiny character flaw that exists with Youngbae. Seungri is a very upfront and honest person, bluntly so but Youngbae… well he can be kind of indirect. Now don’t get me wrong, Youngbae’s not a liar but he does tend to tell lots of white lies. It’s not to deceive people; he just wants to spare other’s feelings. It’s kind of nice when you think about it. The thing is, when you’re in a relationship, you need to be honest. Now white lies are a part of life but there are some things you just shouldn’t lie about no matter what.

That being said, Seungri and Youngbae have had a happy four years together. In these last four years can you believe that they’ve only ever had one big fight?!  However this fight almost ended them altogether.

Let me take you back to August 2010. If you didn’t know, this is when preparations for ‘I need a girl’ were almost done. The music video was setup to center around none other than label mate, Sandara Park.  At the end of filming, Taeyang invites all of the staff out for soju at a noraebang. It was all very fun but as the night got later, Taeyang got drunker. Soon everybody had left save for him and Sandara, who was probably just as drunk.

“Youngbae, I just want to say thanks. It really does mean a lot that you chose me to be the STAR of your video.” Sandara said as she rested her hand on his thigh. Not that he noticed anyway.

“No problem. I consider myself lucky to have ‘The Youthful and Beautiful, Sandara Park’ in my video.”

“No but really, it means a lot to me. It really does.”

It wasn’t until that very moment, when he felt her breath against his lips, that he even realized how close they actually were. He was about to move away but it was already too late. Sandara was already kissing him. He opened his mouth to protest only to have his mouth invaded by the others tongue. He would’ve stopped it, could’ve stopped it, should’ve stopped it but he didn’t. He was in too much of a daze, too drunk to think, and it felt too good to stop. Who knows how long it went on and might have continued if not for his phone?

Hey y (crack crack crack crack)

Tonight you know (crack crack crack crack)

I’m a strong baby (crack crack crack crack)

“Why is that even still my ring tone?” Youngbae thought.

“Oh right, that’s Seungri’s personalized ringtone.”

It took him all of 5 seconds before everything clicked.

“Oh God! Seungri!” He thought.

In an instant he pushed Sandara off of him.

“Youngbae, what’s wrong?”

“I’m sorry, this wasn’t supposed to happen. I’m so sorry.”

It was all of three minutes before the full effects of 3 bottles of soju caught up with him. Luckily his phone went off again.



Is this what you've been waiting for?

“Jiyong thank god it’s you!”

“Bae, are you alright? Where are you?”

“I’m kind of drunk. Can you pick me up at the noraebang where we had Daesung’s Birthday? Thanks.”

Without even waiting for a reply he hung up. The next thing he knew, he woke up in his bed with the sun his eyes. He couldn’t really remember what had happened.

“You up now, sleepyhead.”

He knew that voice. It was the voice of the person he watched grow from a boy to a man. The voice of a sultry, sweet tenor. The voice of the man he loves, Seungri. In a flash last night’s events came back to him. As fast as those memories came, so did the guilt. He remembered what happened and he felt bad. Seungri didn’t deserve that, he didn’t.

“Baby come on, you half to get up.” Seungri practically sang in that sweet voice of his.

Youngbae didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t look Seungri in the face, he just couldn’t. It would have been a big problem had Seungri himself not intervened.

“Baby, here.”

The next thing Youngbae knew, his sunglasses were poking him in the face.

“Come on, put them on and sit up. You have a schedule in an hour. I would love to stay and help you but I have an interview. I left you some aspirin and hangover soup on the table. Eat all of it! All, I’ll know if you don’t. Now give me a kiss before I go.”

Youngbae put on the sunglasses and leaned forward to kiss him on the lips when he was stopped.

“Nope! Not on the lips. You were drunk last night, who knows where that mouths been.” Seungri joked and let out that bubbly laugh of his.

Youngbae made a face at the words. He knew it was a joke but still felt sick to his stomach at the words. Seungri saw his reaction and assumed that his words were just taken the wrong way.

“Baby, I’m joking. You kiss me anyway you want, anywhere you want.”

With that said Youngbae suddenly felt the urge to kiss his boyfriend, so he did. He, for lack of better word, attacked Seungri’s mouth with his own. The kiss was long and deep, nowhere near as gentle as usual. He slipped his tongue into the other’s mouth without much fight. Slowly, he started to slip his hand up the other’s shirt. It wasn’t long before a small moan escaped from Seungri’s mouth, followed by shallow breath.

“B-Bae, Stop. I- I need to go.”

“Sorry, Ri. I just suddenly got the urge to, to you know.” He said with a faint blush.

“Oh I know that urge alright, and if you can wait I’ll take care of it to night. Really though Baby, I gotta go. I’ll see at 11:00.”

With a quick peck to the lips and another reminder to eat all of the soup, Seungri was gone. After he left the room, it was just Youngbae and his thoughts. He sat there and thought about how lucky he was. He thought what happened last night and what to do. After some time, he decided that Seungri didn’t need to know. After all, the kiss had truly meant nothing. It was just a stupid, drunken mistake. It’s not like he was some cheater. Plus, Seungri didn’t deserve to be hurt like that. So his decision stands. He would forget the kiss ever happened. And forget he did.

The weeks go by and everyone is busy. Then it’s like the MAMA’s came out of nowhere. For about a week Youngbae goes to practice for his performance which, of course, includes Sandara Park. He’s gets worried that something will happen but of course nothing happens, that is not until after the performance is over and Seungri is patiently waiting back stage to congratulate his ‘Hyung’.

As soon as he steps off the stage his eyes lock onto Seungri, who is waiting at the wrong end of the stage. He is making his way over to Seungri when he sees Sandara walk up to him. They’re talking and that just can’t be good. Youngbae tries to get over to them as fast as he can but things are still very busy backstage. By the time he does get over to them he knows he’s too late.

“Youngbae” Sandara starts when she sees him, “I am so sorry. If I had known you were dating someone I would’ve never kissed you. I was just drunk and acting stupid.”

“What?” Youngbae says awestruck.

“Seungri told me you were in a relationship. I am so sorry. It’s no wonder why you pushed me away. I’m truly sorry. I hope we can put this behind us and still be friends. I wish you and your girlfriend all the best.”

She gave a quick bow and left. It was him and Seungri now. The worst part was he couldn’t even tell how mad Seungri was. Seungri had slipped into a poker face for the rest of the night. He didn’t let one emotion cross his face until they were both back at their dorm, inside of their shared room. When bedroom door closed though, all hell broke loose.

“Don’t you have anything to say, Youngbae-Hyung.”


“Fine then I’ll start. How dare you. How could you lie to me like that?”

“I didn’t lie, I just-”

“You didn’t lie? Then what did you do? Tell me? Because you sure didn’t tell me the truth.”

Seungri waited for Youngbae to say something, anything to explain why this happened. Youngbae just hung his head.

“It’s been four months and in all that time you’ve said nothing. I had to hear about it from the other person, who was so worried about what to do. Did really think you could never talk about and that it would just go away?”

Youngbae knew that Seungri would be angry, he knew it. What he didn’t know about was the tears. He didn’t know that Seungri would breakdown in the middle of the room sobbing.

“Is she what you really want? Is that what you really want?” Seungri said through broken sobs.

“Ri, No! I don’t wan—” Youngbae tried to explain but was cut off by the other.

“Because I can’t be that. If that’s what you want I... I just can’t be that. If you can’t love me anymore then you should just leave.”

Youngbae wrapped his arms around the other as tight as he could. He knew what Seungri was thinking. He was thinking that the reason Youngbae didn’t say anything was because he must’ve had some feelings for Sandara.

“No Ri, NO! I love you. I just didn’t know how to tell you. I didn’t want to see you hurt over one stupid drunken mistake. I’m so sorry Ri! I’m so sorry.”

That night they fell asleep just like that. The next morning they talked further. Seungri told Youngbae that he could forgive him, if and only if he promised that this would never happen again. Seungri told him that if it happened again, they were done. Youngbae of course agreed.  Just like that everything was back to normal. Well almost, it was a while before they were intimate again but eventually that went back to normal too.

Fast forward to now.

Their relationship is going strong.  That fight might as well be forgotten. However they’ve come to a small bump in the road. Youngbae has taken to wearing sunglasses at all times. If that weren’t weird enough, he’s also been avoiding Seungri lately. It’s been going on for about a week and it’s really starting to upset Seungri. Every time he asks why, all he gets in return is pure denial. He tries to get the answers as best as he can but truth be told they are too busy.

Youngbae does have a reason for wearing the sunglasses though. He can’t look Seungri in the eye. You see, a very similar act has happened to that of the one way back when. The problem is this time is so much worse. One week ago Seunghyun, Jiyong and Youngbae were all free. Seungri and Daesung however weren’t. They all decided that it wouldn’t hurt to go out and have some fun. They were after all in a foreign country. How often is it that they go to Japan and have themselves some fun times? So they did. They went out to a club and danced and met people and had good, clean, alcohol free, fun. That however was short. At some point in the night Jiyong disappeared, and left Youngbae with Seunghyun. He thought it would be awkward but surprisingly, it wasn’t. They talked and they laughed and it was almost like there was a new person sitting in front of Youngbae. Then, just like that, Seunghyun kissed. He kissed him. His Hyung kissed him. His straight, Hyung kissed him. In such a state of shock Youngbae didn’t even notice that he had apparently let Seunghyun into his mouth. He could feel the elder’s tongue going where no else’s but Seungri’s should be. Youngbae pushed him away.


It was all Youngbae could think to say before he ran away. He ran and ran but he could clearly hear Seunghyun chasing after him. Still he continued to run. The confusion in his brain was just too much. He kept on running until he reached a dead end.

“Hyung stop. Don’t come any closer. Do you even realize what you did?” Youngbae practically screamed.

“Bae, it just happened.”

“How did it just happen? How? Oh god! And Seungri, he’s gonna g-”

“Seungri? What? No, you can’t tell Seungri.”

“What are you talking about? I have to tell Seungri!”

“No Bae. You can’t! Don’t you know what will happen? It will destroy BIGBANG.”

“But I promised him that if thi--” He tried to explain but was cut off.

“No, if you tell him he will never forgive me. Never. We can’t afford something like that right now.”

“I promised him. If I brake that promise he migh-”

“If you tell him, I’ll tell him that you kissed me back.”

“What? Hyung, you can’t!” Youngbae screamed.

“Look, the choice is yours. Now if you excuse me, I’m gonna go get wasted. I trust you’ll make the right decision.”

Youngbae just stood there, not knowing which was the lesser of two evils. He couldn’t break the promise he made with Seungri. He knew good and well that Seungri was serious about them breaking up. Still, Seunghyun had a point. What if he did tell Seungri, how would that affect BIGBANG? Not to mention, Seunghyun’s threat wasn’t to be taken lightly. What if Youngbae decided to tell Seungri the truth but Seunghyun told him that Youngbae was a willing participant in the kiss? What if Seungri believed him? In the end Youngbae chose to keep quiet.

Now here he was a week later and it was really getting to him. He didn’t want to avoid Seungri but he just couldn’t be around him at such a confusing time. Seungri kept on asking questions he couldn’t answer. He couldn’t even look him directly in the eye anymore. It was killing him. There was only one thing that made Youngbae even the tiniest bit happy. It’s that Seunghyun seemed to be having just as hard a time with the secret as him. Seunghyun had been getting drunk every night. He probably was feeling somewhat guilty. It’s nice to know that he feels bad for what he’s doing. Still that’s not really helping Youngbae.

It’s been exactly eight days since Seunghyun kissed him. It’s been eight long days and Youngbae can’t take it anymore. He can’t take all the questions. He can’t take the separation. He can’t take having to think about what might happen. He’s done. He swore to himself that tonight when everyone else is asleep, he would pull Seungri aside and tell him.

It reaches about twelve at night and he decides now’s the time. Jiyong and Seunghyun are still out, and Daesung’s asleep. Now’s as good a time as any to tell and if he waits any longer, it will be too late. His mind made up, he set out to finally tell Seungri. He headed toward the living room where Seungri had been watching a movie but had apparently fallen asleep. Youngbae stopped for a second, he just wanted to get a clear look at the peaceful face of the man he loved, and then he lightly shook the other.

“Ri, get up, we need to talk.”

“Hmm, I wanna sleep.” The younger whined

“Come on baby, I need to talk to you. It’s really important.” Youngbae urged.

“Ugh. I’ve been trying to talk to you all week. Why couldn’t we have talked then?” Seungri said with a small pout on his face.

“Well it’s taken me this long to figure out what to say. Seungri, Seunghyun ki-”

Suddenly the front door burst open and Seunghyun staggered in.

“Hyung!” Seungri said as he raced to his side. “Youngbae I’ll help him to his bed. Get him some water, find him some medicine, and find out where Jiyong is!”

Youngbae didn’t even think twice before doing exactly what he was told. Meanwhile, Seungri practically dragged Seunghyun to his bed. Once he got them there, he waited for Youngbae to come with the medicine as the other just spewed out his thoughts.

“I’m sorry. Seungri, I’m so sorry.”

“Hyung, don’t be sorry, you have nothing to be sorry for.” The younger assured.

“Yes I do. I’ve been a bad hyung.”

“Oh really, and when were you bad?” Seungri asked jokingly. The answer he got was not amusing.

“Last week when I kissed Youngbae.”

“What? You did what?”

“I kissed Youngbae but don’t worry he ran away. I chased him though and when I cornered him he was so upset. He said that I ruined everything. That now he had to tell you. Then I did something really bad.”

“What did you do hyung?”

“Will you forgive me Seungri, will you please? I’m so sorry. Please?” Seunghyun whined like the little kid everyone knew he was.

“Okay hyung, I’ll forgive you but you have to tell me what happened okay?”



“Cross my heart and hope to die.”

“Okay Hyung, now tell me what you did?” Seungri cooed.

“I told Bae that if he told on me, I’d tell you he kissed me too. He didn’t though. He was so upset when I said that. I felt really bad. You forgive me though, right?” Seunghyun looked up with hopeful eyes.

“Yes hyung, I forgive you. You should go to sleep now. I’ll bring some medicine later.” The younger said as he left the room.

Seungri stepped out into the hallway in shock, confusion and hurt. He was shocked for the obvious. His Hyung kissed his boyfriend. What confused him was that he didn’t know why. Why would his Hyung kiss Youngbae? He would probably never find out. What hurt him about the whole situation was that Youngbae actually thought that he would even believe Seunghyun’s lie. It hurt knowing that his own boyfriend couldn’t trust him. What is a relationship without trust? Nothing.

Seungri walked into the living room where Youngbae sat on the couch talking to Jiyong on the phone. He sat down next to him until he finished. Then he took Youngbae’s hands into his own.


“Yeah Ri?”

“Remember earlier when you were trying to talk to me?”

“Of course. In fact I still really need to talk to you.”

“Well I need to tell you something first.”

“Okay, what is it?”

“Youngbae, I’m breaking up with you.”

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Reminder to all authors - please check the livejournal page as well, because people have commented there too!


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Danees #1
Chapter 20: No no no! This can’t be it ?
ruthyou7 #2
Chapter 12: Chapter 9 is beautifully written but it's so sad T-T
mcir66 #3
Chapter 12: This is so sad.
I'd be glad to check the livejournal page but *ahem* I can't find the url...
i thoroughly enjoyed reading 'The Trouble With Love' (SeungrixDara). well written (: i love how seungri did not decide to be an and actually made an effort to save his marriage with dara. well done to the author
@Chanrae: Please let me know when you post The Trouble With Love Is on your journal, I'll put a direct link!
Tag added!
Of course I'll post the link on my remix as soon as the story is complete! But it's all for the better: since their will be several updates, there will be more readers, more subscribers, and more publicity for the Seungrificfests in the end! ^^
As a way of promoting this why don't we all tag our stories, if we choose to post them on AFF, as 'seungrificfests1,' and then they will all turn up if one was to click on the tag or search for it?

If you think this is good then lemme know? If we do do this, I'm guessing we should definitely tag this main one as 'seungrificfests1.'