#2 [Seungri/Daesung, Seungri/TOP, Jiyong/TOP]

SeungriFicFests [CLOSED]

Title: Flaws Of Attraction
Rating: R
Pairing(s): Daesung & Seungri/Seungri & TOP/side GTOP
Length: A whopping 5235 words
Summary: Seungri loves Daesung but TOP is making things hard for him.
Warnings: Almost , Member pairing (if those kinds of things give you a heart attack; be forewarned).
Notes: Took awhile to get used to writing this couple, but then a challenge is a challenge. Hope I lived up to it.

Remixee author: animalgangsta
Title of work remixed: Prompt 3
Link to work remixed: http://animalgangsta.livejournal.com/2672.html

"Ri, I still think you should tell Jiyong." Chaerin's words echoed in his head as he scanned his thumbprint and punched in the code to gain access into the dorm. He sighed heavily, settling the heavy bags onto the kitchen counter, aware that there would be no one home until this evening. He still kept everyone's schedule in his head. It had become a habit that was seriously hard to quit, no matter how busy he had been lately. But he was wrong, of course. Jiyong was standing, arms folded by the kitchen counter, as if he had been waiting for the maknae's return.

"Hyung, you're home," he stated lightheartedly, retrieving the bags quickly, knowing that he had already broken the cardinal rule of keeping the place spick and span. This was not the old dorm. The one that looked messy no matter how hard you try to make it look presentable. This dorm always has rice (although no one really has time to cook or eat it), a big screen television with multi-game consoles (that no one actually watches or plays with) and a small recording studio (as if all their free time was spent singing and performing). This dorm that was not completely lived in as of yet (TOP has his own place, so does Jiyong - really, it might as well be a ghost town). He missed the old dorm every single day and sleepless nights. Until Daesung, of course. Nowadays, if no one comes back to the dorms, both of them were pretty happy.

"Yes. I am." Jiyong stated the obvious. He was quick and snappy when he was angry. Jiyong's anger can be measured by his cold demeanor. The lower the temperature, the angrier he was (Seungri always thought that the lowest degree was reserved especially for him). 

"Where's everybody?" Seungri bided for time, walking slowly to his rooms to put the bags, feeling Jiyong's black marbled orbs staring intensely at his back as if stabbing him with a visual knife that could never bleed but sometimes hurts. 

"I told them to come back a bit later." Which meant, he told everyone he was having a talk with Seungri. Which meant everyone knows something was going on. His phone beeped. He took it out as Jiyong settled himself on the four-seater couch. It was Daesung. Leader-hyung is home and he wants to talk to you, the message said. He wished he had enough time to text back a 'Too late', but Jiyong was waiting, his porcelain face set in a mask of frozen rage. So he deleted it, just as he and Daesung delete all their secret messages to each other immediately after receiving them. With his legs folded and tucked under his knees like a yoga guru, Jiyong was almost sylph-like, yet he took up most of the space on the couch, as if his presence, his essence, had much more substance than his physical being. Seungri settled himself on the footstool adjacent to the couch, resigned to whatever was in store and inwardly cursing himself for thinking he could have trusted Chaerin with such an important secret. "Let's start with Daesung, shall we?" There was something oddly different in the tone of his voice. There was the callous, furious coldness Seungri was accustomed to and something else. Unexpected surprise? Curiosity perhaps? As if, after six years, there was still a lot about the panda-faced maknae he had yet to discover.

How Seungri found love.

Daesung had been pushing himself way too hard since preparations for the Alive album began. Seungri gazed at him furtively from the neighboring treadmill, as the Skrillex track Jiyong had commanded he listen to began blasting into his ears. His own treadmill was set at a leisurely five whilst Daesung's had gone up to an impressive eight, his brisk steps now almost resembling a mid-jog. It had been hard to look at him ever since the unfortunate accident. He had lost so much weight and had turned morose and quiet. It had pained Seungri to see him suffer in the silence of guilt and recriminations. It could have been one of them easily (except for TOP, who is still trolling about getting a driver's license). Lately though, he was even harder to look at and all for the wrong reasons.

The new hairdo, a platinum blonde bob that looked wonderful on him, was plastered against the high forehead. Perspiration fell down his chiseled cheeks in tiny rivulets. His grey jersey t-shirt stuck to his upper body, delineating the wide, barrelled pecs and the impressive ridges of his carved abs, distracting the maknae, who stumbled slightly on his machine. Well, Seungri had been a whole lot of distracted since London, thank you very much. The relaxing photo shoots, to see him smiling again, basking in that spontaneous husky laugh, opening up to them once more put Seungri's worried heart to rest. And now here he was, making the same heart pound restlessly as the maknae began noticing things he was helpless not to. Thankfully, Daesung was too focused on perfecting his workout to notice.

When their thirty minutes of cardio was up, Daesung moved to the corner where the bench presses and weights were. Seungri followed him dutifully, pretending to mull over the dumbbells when he was really observing Daesung secretly again as the golden haired Adonis began adding weights to the pulley machine. Daesung caught him staring and said something. Seungri removed one of the Soul headphones away from his ear and blinked.

"Do you need help putting on the weights?" Daesung repeated, the slits of his eyes crinkling slightly around the edges as he smiled widely. Seungri shook his head, embarrassed to have been caught, and Daesung shrugged, shoulders flexed as gloved hands gripped the corresponding holders tightly. His shirt was sleeveless so that everytime he pulled the holders forward towards his chest, the veins strained tightly against the tanned, fully formed biceps. Seungri watched him do this fourteen more times, his mouth gaping wider in fascination after each and every rep. When he was done, Daesung stood up and pumped his sodden chest deliciously and Seungri smiled wistfully at the sight of it.

"I wish I had your body." Seungri had not realized he had said it aloud. He turned off his iPod, managing a chagrined smile even as Daesung stared at him, as if trying to figure out the intonation in the maknae's voice at the sudden declaration. It had not been spoken in an envious manner, as in Seungri wished he had a body as ripped or as muscular, but instead it sounded more like a desire to hold him in an utterly intimate manner. Which was weird coming from the maknae.

"You can if you follow my workout routine," Daesung answered at last, after taking the more safer (and saner) route of assuming the former train of deduction. They proceeded to the sauna and Seungri knew he should have skipped it for a couple of more wrong reasons he was hopelessly ignoring, mainly because there was no one else in the gym and mostly because he could not resist the thought of seeing Daesung's bare, warm and toned body. He had kept his feelings for Daesung repressed far too long and, like it or not, he was starting to cave.

With their lower bodies wrapped in canary yellow towels embossed with YG's insignia, they sat side by side, the silence between them broken only by Daesung's relaxed sighs. Seungri gazed at him through the steamy haze. He had leaned back on his elbows, his face arched upwards to the ceiling. His hair shone like a golden white halo around his head, his eyes, with the sparse but slightly damp and curled lashes shut tight as if he was in heat (which he was of course, but not the type of heat Seungri had in mind). The hooked nose reminded the maknae of a Roman column, long stemmed, sturdy bottomed. The full lips were drawn into an unintended sensuous smile of satisfaction that Seungri wished he had been the cause of. Then his gaze found the carved, sharpened jaw that led down to the thick, smooth neck with its characteristic Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he breathed. Seungri's fascination grew tenfold as he continued following the spectacular path created towards the tanned, sculpted chest and chiseled abs. Daesung could only be the epitome of perfection in his eyes.

"Seungri, are you... checking me out?" His husky voice penetrated through the fog as if it was coming from a heavenly dimension. Those marbled orbs, clear translucent brown and intense through the slits, pierced through the steam. Seungri's lids, which had gotten heavy with emboldened desire as it scanned and committed the creation that is Daesung to his memory, now moved slowly back to return the gaze. There was no denying it any longer, even the angry bump that had appeared on the crotch area of his towel begged for acknowledgement. He nodded unable to do anything else but be utterly mesmerized.

"Sorry, hyung," he confessed, forcing his voice. Not Daesung-hyung. Just hyung. "You have always looked mighty fine to me but lately....you are just too damn hot." He added, panting slightly, blushing and not because of the room's higher than normal temperature. Daesung looked at him, flabbergasted, obviously not expecting this at all. Seungri knew there was no turning back now. His heart had gone out to Daesung way back after their debut and it was only during the dark days after the accident that he had been forced to come to terms with these well-kept emotions he had harbored so passionately, when he had to face the fact that Daesung might consider leaving BigBang and music altogether. For awhile, Seungri had feared the worst as he witnessed his beloved hyung retreating into the cocoon of his self-imposed inertia. Then as he healed, slowly but with certainty, the maknae saw something else that was incredible, the one thing that made him realize why he had loved Daesung in the first place. Daesung's resilience to overcome the adversity and emerge with renewed will only strengthened the flaming torch Seungri had kept burning for him for almost six long years. When Jiyong's scandal broke and Seungri became helplessly upset, Daesung was the one who rallied him and that, more than anything, made Seungri finally accept that he was even more in love with Daesung than he had before. "Can I just kiss you, hyung?" he asked impatiently. Oh, definitely no turning back now. That ship has sailed into the seven seas blindly and filled with all his long-awaited hope.

"Yes, you may." Came the unexpected reply and for a moment, the maknae froze, wondering if he had really heard the consent and the conviction behind it. "Come on now, Ri, before I change my mind." He added hurriedly, as if the idea of Seungri requesting for a kiss appealed to him only in that split second and that such an opportunity might never come his way again. And then Seungri was there, bending over him, lips clamped shut greedily over the inviting, velvet softness, his tongue anchoring against those even, white teeth, skimming along them before entering the sweet compliance of Daesung's mouth. Seungri groaned in sheer, incandescent pleasure, deepening this intimate touch of their lips, not caring at all that the towel was coming loose against his waist and that his hard rock was in danger of being exposed.

"Maknae...." Daesung sighed again, when the kiss ended, a thicker, richer husk than his earlier relaxed ones. Seungri rested his forehead against Daesung's, gasping for breath but smiling in total satisfaction. Somewhere during the long, uninterrupted kiss, his legs had settled over the older man's muscular thighs and he could now feel Daesung's own warm, throbbing shaft nestled wonderfully between his smooth derriere that was now devoid of both towel and shame.

'Hyung..." He responded before claiming those lips again, more demanding and ruthless this time around, as if the first had barely satiated him. One of his hands roamed hungrily across the glistening expanse of the unrelenting chest, searching the marbled terrain of smooth abs (both of which he had worshiped in silence for two agonizing months now), before settling on the heated prow that was Daesung's . The sharp, sudden intake of breath Daesung took froze them both. Seungri's eyes, heavily lidded now with abandon, seemed to beg under Daesung's slanted slits of uncertainty, though his hand remained where it was.

"Seungri, do you know what we are doing?" Daesung asked, even though it was blatantly obvious and there was no denying how easily he had responded to the maknae's amazing touch.

"Hyung, all I know is that I want you and if you ask me to stop now, I would rather die." Seungri answered, almost in anger and frustration, his winsome face a moue of unhappiness; beet-red and dissatisfied. Daesung looked at him closely, bemused yet somewhat ecstatic by the candid declaration. He sat there leaning against the warm steamy walls with Seungri against him, all bare and milk-white smooth, as if weighing everything that was on his mind now. How this would affect his life, Seungri's life and mostly their lives with and as a part of BigBang. 

Perhaps the old Daesung might have put a stop to this, push maknae off and rebuff him for even harboring such crazy thoughts (it had happened before, of course, a month after their debut, Daesung had woken up to Seungri, kneeling by him, gazing hungrily over the older man's morning ). That had been the cause of so much awkwardness back then. But the new Daesung could barely deny the feeling of how right and wonderful Seungri's kiss felt, the adrenaline rush surging within him at Seungri's eager, greedy caresses and the fact that he had a hard-on, as equally raging, if not more, as the one Seungri was having that very moment. Daesung wanted him, just as bad. He returned Seungri's heated gaze with matching ardor, sliding the towel slowly, willingly off his waist and ended maknae's agony.

"I want you too, Seungri." He whispered, smiling with promise. And that, more than anything, sealed the beginning of their beautiful, secret love.

Back to the present...

"How long ago, maknae?" Jiyong asked, less brusquely. The folded arms were gone and the coldness dissipated slightly somewhat; still there, ready to be called upon at a moment's notice, but not now.

"Five months, but I have always loved him from the beginning, Jiyong-hyung." The maknae answered truthfully, scratching the back of his head and flashing that goofy smile of his, aware that Jiyong was filled with disbelief that both he and Daesung had managed to keep their relationship under wraps for so long without anyone discovering it. It was a feat that deserved some sort of admiration considering that Jiyong prided himself in knowing what was going on in the dongsaengs' lives. Well, he had been busy of late and had lapsed in checking their texts lately. "We delete everything immediately after sending them to avoid discovery." Seungri explained, smiling smugly, and it was unnerving how he had caught onto Jiyong's train of thought so easily.

"What's this whole thing about TOP then?" Jiyong regained his footing mercilessly, the folded arms making their sudden return. He savored the momentary satisfaction of seeing that smug look disappear from that winsome face in an instant. Then those brows were furrowed in confusion and those infamous panda eyes began filling with uncertainty. It was like someone had clubbed him on the head and he had woken up not knowing what had happened, and Jiyong knew exactly how he felt. He had experienced the same thing almost four years ago and that someone was the tall drink of water named Choi Seunghyun, who swaggers around calling himself TOP.

How Seungri got (slightly) distracted...

"Touch me." TOP approached him one evening after coming back from his workout at the gym. Seungri gazed at him in trepidation, a slew of fries jutting out from between his lips as he did so. "Come on, touch me." He urged, puffing up his chest and pointing at it. "Here." He still had those damned emerald green contacts from last night's Fantastic Baby comeback performance at Inkigayo, and those orbs were eerily and intensely commanding. Seungri complied, his hand swiftly running over the said area in less than a second. TOP rolled his eyes in chagrin, grabbing the maknae's hand, and this time splaying the fingers across the area again, more firmly.

"Ah~your muscles are so firm, TOP-hyung!" Seungri announced loudly and removed his hand from the grip, hoping that it was what the rapper wanted to hear and that it would make him leave him alone to finish his fries before Jiyong caught him eating them (the leader was death on the type of food they consumed during promotional periods). Seriously, as far as Seungri was concerned, nothing beats Daesung pumping his flexed pectorals. Just the memory of those lovely things jumping at Daesung's will underneath the anticipating heat of Seungri's hands as he watched the older man come was enough to make him turn hard. 

"Chaencha?" TOP exclaimed, wanting confirmation. Seungri nodded earnestly, copping a few more fries into his mouth and chewing surreptitiously. Suddenly, that handsome face became crestfallen, like a child who was denied that big, shiny lollipop at the window of a candy store. TOP had always been somewhat of an enigma to Seungri. Despite being the eldest, he was more like a child than any of them combined. He was also the most private. Questions leading to his personal life would always lead to an immediate clampdown. 

"TOP-hyung, what's wrong?" Seungri asked now, chewing the last of his fries and discarding the wrapper quickly. Jiyong would be home soon and Seungri definitely did not want to get flak for some very delicious chips he had gotten from the roadside vendor. TOP was pouting now; those wonderful orbs peeking out from thick lashes were filled with hurt.

"You don't love me anymore, Seungri-ah. You play with Daesung more than me lately." He stated sadly, shoulders drooped. More than you know, Seungri added silently in a dreamy smile. A baby, TOP was nothing more than an overgrown baby. Seungri rolled his eyes, wiping his hands on the cloth hung by the fridge.

"TOP-hyung, don't say that. Of course, I love you. You are my favorite hyung." Seungri countered, clasping one turned away elbow in assurance. The older man's reaction was swift. He turned do suddenly that all Seungri could do was back away until he was trapped between TOP and the fridge. Fridge magnets, post-it notes and Polaroids flew to the floor in a hectic scatter.

"You do, huh?" TOP whispered in his low tone, one thigh planted heavily between the hapless maknae's legs, so that he could not move. Seungri's face began filling with dread, his eyes widened, half in building terror and the other in hesitant resignation. "Kiss me, then." TOP demanded, cat's green eyes now lighting keenly on the soft, pink pursed lips in a predatory manner.

"TOP-hyung," The maknae pleaded in a groan. "I can't..." Seungri added, trying to push him off to no avail.

"Can't or won't?" TOP inquired, one skillful hand had crept up Seungri's thigh and began fiddling with his balls, in ample knowledge and full blown shamelessness. A string of curses escaped from the younger man's lips. Seungri would be in so much trouble if any of the remaining Big Bang members walked in right now, especially Daesung.

"Can't and won't, TOP-hyung." Seungri admitted, much to the older man's detriment. The upward raise of a questioning brow made Seungri close his eyes and confessed, "I'm in a relationship, TOP-hyung. And I love him." The hold on his slightly hardened loosened somewhat, but only slightly. Those piercing eyes were gazing at him in sheer surprise.

"Love?" TOP muttered, as if the word was strangely alien to him even though he used it the most often among the five of them so liberally and carelessly.

"Yes, TOP-hyung. Love. I have been in love with him since forever but he's only returning it now and I don't want to it up." Seungri countered, succeeding in pushing TOP away as he stooped down and began picking up the fallen knick-knacks. After awhile, he realized that TOP was still standing there, gazing at him. Seungri stood up, replacing the fallen stuff haphazardly (Youngbae was going to have a fit but Seungri was beyond caring), looking at TOP expectantly.

"Are you really sure it's love?" TOP intoned; that dimpled smile and cat's green eyes suddenly filled with the devil's promise. "You know what I really think of love, maknae?" He whispered low, edging closer towards Seungri again, the dimples going deeper, the smile wider, the eyes brighter. Seungri's back found the fridge once more and the clatter of fallen magnets and what-nots filled the kitchen again. TOP's face, chiseled in all its glory was so close until Seungri's line of sight was fully dominated by that charismatic visage. "I think it doesn't exist. People declare it all the time, but no one has put those words into action just yet. And... I will surely prove it to you." There was no denying the threat in the deep timbre of his voice.

"Wha...what do...you...m-m-me-mean?" Seungri asked, filled with dread at the menace laced in that deep voice. He had never witnessed TOP this way. It was frightening. TOP walked off, leaving Seungri to wonder what he was going to do. As the weeks went by, Seungri realized that TOP was actively pursuing him. It was unnoticeable at first; cutting gogi for the maknae during late night meals at their favorite BBQ restaurants, vitamin drinks during rigorous schedules at weekly award shows. Then it got a little too obvious. Adjusting Seungri's belt whilst in the dressing room, patting Seungri's cheeks after a good performance and whispering a little too close in his ears when sharing a joke. It got so even Daesung noticed TOP's undivided attention, especially when they were spending time at the dorm. For the first time SeungRi, was at a loss, he was clear about his deep feelings for Daesung but TOP's attention was getting pretty hard to ignore. Even when they had their little affair back then, TOP had not been this gracious.

Four years ago, when TOP had been having problems with that mysterious lover of his, he had started a fling with Seungri. It had not been planned, of course; well, at least to Seungri's knowledge. Just a case of one too many drinks that led to a few hot, raw sessions. It had left Seungri conflicted because he was just recovering from the awkward incident that had passed between him and Daesung. With Daesung avoiding him like the plague, TOP's attention on him then had been an utterly wrong but welcome respite until Jiyong came and put a stop to it.

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into, boy!" Jiyong had intoned that rainy night he had caught Seungri sneaking out of TOP's room only to have the angry leader pull him into the familiar cluttered space that was his room. Seungri had hung his head in mute shame. "Seunghyun does not know the meaning of love. He never will. He will lead you along, saying it's nothing but casual s between friends, and then when he realizes you are emotionally invested, he drops you like you are nothing more than a pile of last season's designer threads. You don't want to get caught up in that kind of crap deal, do you?" Jiyong had raged in a low, impassioned whisper. Seungri had remained stubbornly passive, trying to absorb the barrage of words and wondering how Jiyong could know so much. 'Do you?!" Jiyong had repeated, more fiercely this time, pulling at the maknae's collar in frustration.

Back to the immediate present again...

Seungri's eyes widened as he stopped in the middle of his narrative. It looked like he was on the threshold of an amazing discovery, the cusp of a revelation.

"What's wrong? Why did you stop?" Jiyong asked now, face flushed red with a different kind of anger that Seungri had seen only four years ago when he had caught Seungri leaving TOP's room. One that was riled with passionate fury. Seungri looked as if he had been struck by lightning.

"It's you!" Seungri gasped now, standing up from the stool as if it was too much to take sitting down. Those two words seem to break whatever leader-induced hold Jiyong had over the maknae.

"Ya~ what are you on about? Finish your explaining!" Jiyong tried to hold on to his calm composure, but Seungri's eyes filled with realization; truth and discovery was hard to dismiss so easily.

"It's you! You are TOP-hyung's secret lover!" Seungri half-screamed in misplaced joy. "You were the one who broke his heart four years ago and made him the miserable wreck he is now!" The maknae continued, his voice filled with blatant accusation now.

"I didn't make him a wreck. That was his own doing." Jiyong countered quietly. He had stood up now, looking out onto the silent streets, arms still folded but back turned away from Seungri.

"Jiyong-hyung, talk to him for me, please. Hyung is asking me questions and I don't know what to tell him." Maknae pleaded now, the desperation in his voice tearing the edges of Jiyong's heart. 

"You really do love Daesung, don't you Seungri?" He asked now, turning to Seungri, biting his lips in contemplation.

"With all my heart and soul, Jiyong-hyung." Seungri declared without hesitation or fear; Jiyong was suddenly envious of it. The maknae was in love and had meant every word, that was practically graven on his pinched face.

"Then, leave it to me." Jiyong stated with finality.

A week later....

They won the Mutizen triple crown award for 'Come Back', an unprecedented success for YG artists’ collaborations, and Jiyong held a party at the dorm to honour Seungri's and Chaerin's success. As the party wound its way towards the night, Seungri saw something that worried him tremendously. Daesung was at the balcony with TOP, and judging by the look on his handsomely craggy face, he seemed particularly angry towards the older man. The anger seemed misplaced on the face well-loved for its wondrous smiles. The maknae glanced apprehensively at the leader, who was apparently observing the balcony area as well, as he leaned against the kitchen counter beside Teddy, who was losing to Chaerin in their tequila shot game. There was a sad smile playing on Jiyong's pretty and slightly pursed lips. He had spoken to Daesung yesterday afternoon over coffee in a little bistro nearby.

After almost fifteen minutes, Daesung emerged, looking slightly ragged and rained. He sighted Seungri's worried gaze and that smile, full of flowering warmth and the sincerity of love bloomed once again upon those kissable lips. Seungri drank it all in, returning that smile with equal joy. Jiyong watched as Daesung walked over to Seungri, an arm going over the maknae's slight shoulder protectively, and Jiyong could see him mouthing the words kwaenchana over and over again as Seungri hugged him tightly, almost on the verge of tears. Jiyong saw that TOP was looking at them too from the balcony. Daesung whispered something to Seungri now, and with borne slowness, he took out a velvet box from the pocket of his pants and opened it to the now surprised maknae. He nodded tearfully as Daesung sheathed the white gold band with tiny diamonds embedded around its circular body (Daesung had shown it to Jiyong whilst at the café, after he had listened to Jiyong's lengthy narrative and had decided to pursue the course of action he was decidedly taking now), along maknae's held out finger. TOP's gaze found Jiyong and the smile on his lips reflected the leader's own.

"Now that's a sight you don't get to see every day." Youngbae quipped suddenly from behind Jiyong. His crescent eyes were fixed on their dongsaengs, who were now oblivious to everyone and everything as they kissed most passionately. 

"Have I been left out of the loop again?" He asked, already half drunk (something he was more than ready to vehemently deny if anyone dared suggest such a blasphemous thing) from tequila and gazing longingly at Bom, who was playing a silly finger game with Gummy unnie on the couch and losing continuously, judging by her shrill drunken giggles. Jiyong’s gaze returned to the lanky figure, now hunched at the balcony.

"Why can't we be as unafraid, Bae?" Jiyong asked, his voice so low that it took Youngbae awhile to realize that his best friend expected an answer.

"To do what?" Youngbae asked, as if he had not been holding a torch to the giggling doll-like songstress for the longest time.

"To love, you ninny. What else?" Jiyong said with conviction. His eyes were still fixated to where his heart had resided even before their debut, way back when he had been but youth, beatboxing for a slightly cherubic, but amazingly talented, street rapper, whom he had rejected over and over again throughout the years simply because he had a dream bigger than love to chase. Of course, he had thought wrong, because he would not have dragged Seunghyun to audition for YG if he had not wanted to keep the man by his side, and Seunghyun would not have lost so much weight if it had not been to ensure that he had earned his place to be by Jiyong's side. They were so ed up.

"Maybe we should go look for the Wizard of Oz, ask him to give us courage." Youngbae suggested, slurring slightly. Probably the sanest idea he ever had since his attempt at cooking using the ashtray at the last party they attended.

"Seriously Bae, look at maknae and Daesungie. Tell me, we can't even draw at least half of the courage they have now." Jiyong added with longing, jutting his chin at the still lip-locked pair from across the room.

"Shame on us, then." The mohawked one concluded sadly. Jiyong arched his head towards Youngbae. He had given up convincing Jiyong that things could work with Seunghyun just as much as Jiyong had stopped saying that he and Bommie would make a great pair, almost two years ago. Jiyong passed his Bloody Mary to his best friend, combing his hair back with his now free fingers.

"No. Shame on you." Jiyong quipped and sauntered confidently towards the balcony where love was waiting, even as Youngbae gaped after him in shock.

~The End~

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Danees #1
Chapter 20: No no no! This can’t be it ?
ruthyou7 #2
Chapter 12: Chapter 9 is beautifully written but it's so sad T-T
mcir66 #3
Chapter 12: This is so sad.
I'd be glad to check the livejournal page but *ahem* I can't find the url...
i thoroughly enjoyed reading 'The Trouble With Love' (SeungrixDara). well written (: i love how seungri did not decide to be an and actually made an effort to save his marriage with dara. well done to the author
@Chanrae: Please let me know when you post The Trouble With Love Is on your journal, I'll put a direct link!
Tag added!
Of course I'll post the link on my remix as soon as the story is complete! But it's all for the better: since their will be several updates, there will be more readers, more subscribers, and more publicity for the Seungrificfests in the end! ^^
As a way of promoting this why don't we all tag our stories, if we choose to post them on AFF, as 'seungrificfests1,' and then they will all turn up if one was to click on the tag or search for it?

If you think this is good then lemme know? If we do do this, I'm guessing we should definitely tag this main one as 'seungrificfests1.'