#11 [Seungri/Jiyong]

SeungriFicFests [CLOSED]

Title: Awake When I'm Sleeping
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): GRi (Jiyong/Seungri)
Length: 1226
Summary: Jiyong loves it when Seungri watches him sleep.
Warnings: none
Notes: First of all, this ain't Twilight. Secondly, remixing Kendall's work was so hard - how do you top someone like her? Choosing one was the hardest, but I managed all right in the end. Meant to be read side by side with the original!

Remixee author: seamanthedog
Title of work you remixed: Breathe and Just Be
Link to work you remixed: http://seamanthedog.livejournal.com/5040.html



A ray of light slipped through the partly cracked blinds, warming the back of JiYong’s head and part of his face. He felt himself slowly awaken as his body became aware of his surroundings. He tried for a moment to hold onto the dredges of the dream he’d been having – one that had been predominantly featuring SeungRi. Speaking of… JiYong felt SeungRi smooth fingers brush against his forearm, indicating that SeungRi had awoken as well. The slight shifting of the bed made JiYong realize that SeungRi wasn’t ready to get up yet, no, SeungRi was going to indulge in one of his guilty habits of staring at JiYong while he was sleeping. JiYong almost smiles in pleasure, but he doesn’t move, wanting for SeungRi to continue.

SeungRi’s soft and gentle breaths permeate in the otherwise silent room, and JiYong listens to each and every one of SeungRi’s breaths, feeling embarrassingly grateful for each one. As he listens, JiYong can almost feel SeungRi’s gaze on him, the way his eyes would trail up and down JiYong’s body. The thought makes JiYong’s muscles contract in excitement and eager for more. He shifts his head in SeungRi’s direction, allowing for the younger boy to have a better view. He knows SeungRi will be staring at his bare skin; the boy had a sort of innocent fascination about it, which was part of the reason why JiYong kept such good care of it. In turn, JiYong imagines what SeungRi’s skin looked like in the morning, beneath his messy shock of black hair. Not flawless, no matter how hard SeungRi tried, but to JiYong it was perfect. No matter how much SeungRi may have despaired over the tiny marks here and there on his face, JiYong loves them, because JiYong loves flaws and loves correcting those flaws himself.

Then again, sometimes it’s JiYong who makes the flaws themselves. Like, for example, the tiny hickies that must be dotting SeungRi’s neck. Of course, he knew he had his own fair share to match, and somehow he wasn’t so thrilled at the thought, but he supposed he could see the appeal. The way SeungRi would blush a pretty pink when the make-up noonas would scold the maknae later and the way SeungRi would sometimes unconsciously reach up to rub at the little spots. And JiYong also likes making the marks as well, likes making good use of his lips to claim the younger boy as his. Besides making the boy squirm beneath him when JiYong lapped at his neck, JiYong loved to make SeungRi moan and beg for more when he bit and worried the younger’s bottom lip, loved teasing the boy with soft kisses on the nose, loved the way SeungRi’s lashes quivered underneath JiYong’s lips as they ghosted over his eye lids.

SeungRi was beautiful. Not the way he thought he was beautiful, with clever smirks and quirked eyebrows, but in a sweet and delicate way that made JiYong want to fall to his knees to please him. No matter how many times JiYong would scold and bully and antagonize the boy, JiYong would always have that special soft spot in his heart for the beautiful boy. He was happy when SeungRi was happy, like when he finally felt as though he’d accomplished something worthy of pride. He was hurt when SeungRi was hurt, when the younger fell too far into the depths of his insecurity and self-consciousness. SeungRi was strong, always managing to pull himself together in the end with a smile on his face and renewed determination, never staying down long enough to be out. Strong enough to want to be the protector, not the one in need of protection, like the way he wrapped his arm around JiYong’s waist just now to pull their bodies closer. Always the one to be the superhero and the one to put others before himself. No matter how he came off on camera, those who knew him knew how much SeungRi took with not a single complaint. Would anyone ever mock SeungRi if they knew he’d already heard it a million times and suffered quietly each time?

Most of all, SeungRi was loving. Loving in a way that JiYong knew would break his heart a few times, loving thoughtlessly and wholeheartedly. Affectionate. JiYong felt SeungRi bury his head in JiYong’s shoulder and JiYong allowed himself a fleeting smile, like he always did whenever SeungRi let a little bit of weakness show. Oh, how much JiYong loved SeungRi. It almost hurt, the extent that JiYong found himself infatuated, obsessed, and utterly in love with the younger boy. It might even be unhealthy, the way JiYong seemed to crave the innocence and care-free attitude, the pensive silence, the animated excitement, the adoration and almost worship in SeungRi’s eyes whenever he looked at JiYong. Sometimes it frustrated JiYong, because it was SeungRi who was to be adored and worshipped, not the other way around.

When he felt SeungRi sigh and press himself closer into JiYong’s arms, JiYong found that he couldn’t resist for any longer. He let his hand trail down the smooth skin he always craved to touch, opening his eyes and looking down into the dark warmth of SeungRi’s eyes, finding himself intoxicated and drowning in their depths. He thought that perhaps they could just remain like this, unspeaking, losing themselves in their love. JiYong raised his hand and reverently caressed SeungRi’s face, tilting it upwards as it flushed slightly, kissing the waiting lips lightly with a bit of a smirk. JiYong laughed and his eyes lit up at the pout forming on the boy’s lips, reveling in the moment. Amused, JiYong leaned forward, only to lean back again with a wagging finger as SeungRi eagerly moved forward to meet him. JiYong’s heart fluttered as SeungRi stayed sighed and stayed still as JiYong leaned again, taking his time to press his lips against SeungRi’s soft, sweet ones, trying to convey the depth of the feelings that JiYong knew they both shared. JiYong looked into SeungRi’s eyes again, thinking about how nice it had felt even to imagine those eyes watching him. He spoke without thinking, “I love it when you watch me.” He delighted himself in the furious blush that crept onto SeungRi’s face in embarrassment, and chuckled at the younger’s out-of-character shyness. “This is why I love you, maknae. Don’t worry, I only woke up when you started squeezing me,” he spared the maknae, smiling brilliantly as SeungRi leaned in to give him a small peck.

“I love you more.”

JiYong could hear the sincerity in the boy’s voice, and almost rolled his eyes when he realized SeungRi believed that. He shook his head and whispered softly into his ear, “No, SeungRi, I love you more, so much more.” SeungRi shivered and began to rain kisses down JiYong’s face. JiYong sighed at the feeling, the feeling of being loved so unconditionally, and once again felt unworthy of it. One of these days, SeungRi would realize how marvelous and beautiful and stunning he was, and then maybe he’d believe it when JiYong told him he loved him, and how perfect he was. He said it anyway, of course, because JiYong loved to argue, but also made it his daily mission to show not just tell SeungRi just how much more he loved him.

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Reminder to all authors - please check the livejournal page as well, because people have commented there too!


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Danees #1
Chapter 20: No no no! This can’t be it ?
ruthyou7 #2
Chapter 12: Chapter 9 is beautifully written but it's so sad T-T
mcir66 #3
Chapter 12: This is so sad.
I'd be glad to check the livejournal page but *ahem* I can't find the url...
i thoroughly enjoyed reading 'The Trouble With Love' (SeungrixDara). well written (: i love how seungri did not decide to be an and actually made an effort to save his marriage with dara. well done to the author
@Chanrae: Please let me know when you post The Trouble With Love Is on your journal, I'll put a direct link!
Tag added!
Of course I'll post the link on my remix as soon as the story is complete! But it's all for the better: since their will be several updates, there will be more readers, more subscribers, and more publicity for the Seungrificfests in the end! ^^
As a way of promoting this why don't we all tag our stories, if we choose to post them on AFF, as 'seungrificfests1,' and then they will all turn up if one was to click on the tag or search for it?

If you think this is good then lemme know? If we do do this, I'm guessing we should definitely tag this main one as 'seungrificfests1.'