Confessions, confessions.

A Leaf Apart


After chatting for a while longer, Jonghyun and Key drifted to sleep. I, however, didn’t feel sleepy. I woke up and walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water, not noticing that Taemin was sitting at the kitchen table.


“So I was right. You do like me.”He said.


I jumped back, startled. “Who is that?”


“You love me that much and you can’t even tell it’s me?”


“Ah... What?”


“I heard you talking to Key and Jonghyun.”


. . That was not supposed to happen.


“I thought you WERE my fan.” He continued.


“I never said I stopped liking you, did I? Fans like someone no matter what. But, I can’t call myself one anymore because I hate you for many things now.”


“Tsk. Whatever. Go make out with Minho or something.” He started to get up.


“Taemin. What is your problem, really? Why are you like this?”


“Why would I tell you?”


“Because I want to help. Because I ... love ... you...”He just rolled his eyes.


“I’ve heard thousands of people tell me they love me. Why are you special? You’re not.”


“Why are you special? Why do you think you’re so special?”


“Because I am. I’m SHINee’s cute dancing machine maknae!” He said, doing fake aegyo.


“If your fans knew that you aren’t really like that, they wouldn’t like you.”


“But they don’t know, and they do like me.”


“Honestly, your company could really put anyone in your position right now, make them do everything you do, make them act like you, and all your fans would probably fall for that guy too. They don’t love you for you. They love you for some image your company made up for you. It’s not actually you they love. It’s an idea they have that they’re in love with, like prince charming. I guess it just took me all of this happening to fully realize that. But it’s true. When are you going to realize it? When they replace you?”


He didn’t respond, so I continued. “Just look at that new group, Exo. All your fans love Kai, because apparently he’s the new Taemin. They all say, “Oh, Taemin became too grown up... I miss the young and cute Taemin.”They notice you’ve changed.”


“I’m not saying this to hurt you. I just think you need to see it, for your own good.” I said, finally.


He just looked at me, saying nothing. Did I say too much? I didn’t want to hurt him with anything that I said, I just wanted him to realize it. He was so stubborn that I just wanted to shake him. This wasn’t about me loving him anymore, I just didn’t want him to loose his personality that everyone loved.


Without another word, he turned around and went back into his room, slamming the door. Did I make it worse?


The next day, I went back to my dorm. The girls kept trying to ask me if I had been with Key, and I just shook off their questions and went to bed. I wasn’t in the mood for talking.


Weeks passed that I didn’t see Taemin, and I took my bad mood and channeled it into practicing. Lee Soo Man told me that he was impressed with how I was improving, and he wanted to debut me soon. I crossed my fingers that I would either be a soloist, or in a group with some friendly girls, not the ones in my dorm.


One day, while I was in the midst of dancing, Key called.


“Hello?” He said.


“Hey! We haven’t talked for a while. How are you?”


“I’m okay, I guess. I heard you’re debuting soon?”


“Yeah... I’m nervous.” I paused for a bit, reluctant to ask. “How’s Taemin?”


“He hasn’t really spoke that much since you told him off that night. That’s mainly why I called.”


“Really? I hope I didn’t hurt him... I was only trying to help.”I said, feeling upset. Was I that harsh?


“No, I think it helped him. If anything, he’s thinking about it now, and he’s probably considering what you said.”


“And how’s Minho?” I asked.


“He keeps asking me when I can invite you over again. He’s always asking for you.”


I didn’t answer.


“Well, I was calling to ask if you wanted to try talking to Taemin again.” He started.


“How would I? He’d probably avoid me.”


“Well, tomorrow all five of us were planning to go to the practice room. So, go there at like noon, and pretend you didn’t know anything.”


“Okay, I will.”


“Bye bye! See you then!” He said, hanging up.

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anticipating the next update :) !
love_rivals82 #2
This story has alot of drama~....but it still is good
heartspazz #3
Oo things were getting hot in chapter 9. Can't wait for the next update! ^^
alicelin #4
OMG UR SUCH A GOOD WRITER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE UR STORY... I HAS A LOT OF KEY IN THE BEGINNING !!!!!! <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333