From Cold To Warm



Park Yuri (Primrose Park):

17 years old

Lived on the States

Very funny accent – bullied because of that

It’s smart at school but dumb in love

Cold hearted

Likes to be in strange places

Dream about going to the States



Cute and caring

Very smart

Allways think positve

Sometimes misterious

Fluent in korean, english and chinese



Oh Sehun:

17 years old

Funny and dorky

Loves sushi more than ramen

Likes to dance but isn’t brave enough to show it up

Good at making friends

Popular at school



“Park Yuri!” called my mother. She never uses my Korean name except if it is something important (for her).

“Yes mom” I said coming outside of the garage.

“What are you doing in there?!” She asked surprised. I didn’t answer. *what?! I like to be in strange places where someone would never think I would be there*

“Whatever…” She said. “Did you prepare everything you will need? Remember, you will live there just some months… Maybe the Korean discipline will make an improvement on your behavior.”

I just stayed there while she was giving me more advises. *If she would be like this why did she agreed with dad about me moving to the other side of the world…!?*

After a boring talk with my parents I went to the airport, ready to fly till Seoul. *Hope this “some months” will go fast*


Hi! This my first fanfic and my english isn't my first language so sorry for the errors.

I really really like EXO and they inspire e to write this fanfic ^^ 

Hope you enjoy it and please comment, I really want to know their opinions ^^


I'm still working on my poster.



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Chapter 8: LOL!! EXOtic Coffee Shop! :)
I Like it! :)))))
Please Update soon! XD
great story!! but im confused xD is luhan her uncle or cousin? huh?
peterhan #3
please update soon this is really cute!
14 streak #4
Awwwwww that was cute!!! >.< update soon~~~^^
miyi_strawberry #5
miyi_strawberry #6
Update soon!
@Dazzine endelig sant!! XP eg tror eg kommer til å "update" igjen imorgen :D thanks ^^
Dazzine #8
Fint at du fikk ordnet datamakskinen din :) Your very talented writer!
Dazzine #9
LOVE IT !!!!!!! <3 <3