Who’s the Pretty Boy?

It Started With a Dance Battle

Yuns POV:

I hear the bell ring, signaling that the last lesson for the week is over.

 “Thank GOD it’s Friday!” I exclaim.

“... Friday, Saturday, Sunday… MAZELTOV!” Mimi shouts out and Kiseop quickly follows along,
“Latin girl, Mexican girl, Korean girl, Japan girl!”

“.. Yeah yeah yeah, mirror mirror mirror!” Dongho jumps in and the trio starts dancing around in the classroom while Amy, Kevin and I just watch the entertaining sight.

After a while they seem to realize that we’re watching them and they quickly stop.
I grin at Mimi.

“It was the sugar rush, okay?”

“Aah, I get it!” Amy says.

“Yeah, now that I think about it, she and Kiseop did stuff themselves with lots of candy this past hour...” Kevin recalls.

-I cant remember Dongho eating sweets though.. But I guess that’s just the way he is sometimes-

Kevin looks at the clock and claps his hands.

“Okay children, it’s time to go home now, unless you want to be late for tonight! Now, pair up and hold hands so we don’t lose each other.”

Kevin arm hooks Amy and they skip away. Kiseop, who’s STILL high on sugar grabs Mimi by her wrist and drags her out of the classroom. Dongho and I just look at each other, shrug and follow them out.

Kiseops POV:

I’m at my place, chilling with Dongho and CAP, while waiting for L.Joe to come over.

“Yes! I won again!” CAP cheers out loud after winning five times in a row.

“YAH!” Dongho shouts while pointing at CAP, ”You being good at Fifa just proves that you’re a nerdy gamer with no life!”

“Someone’s a sore loser.” I chuckle.

“It’s because he cheated…” Dongho mutters under his breath, folding his arms across his chest while slumping down in the sofa.

“Ya! Just ’cause you and I’m awesome it doesn’t mean that I’m a cheater! I won fair and square.”

“Shut up, liar.”

-Well at least I know CAPs just joking but if this continues..-

“Heey guys wazzup?” L.Joe suddenly appears, “I let myself in if that’s -…” he trails away as he senses the atmosphere in the room.

 ”Woah, what’s up with you Dongho? And why are you all so quiet?”

“Dongho lost again.”I explain.

 -Anyone who knows him knows what that means-

“Haha! You !” L.Joe laughs and points at Dongho, who shoots him a death glare.

“I guess it’s still too early for jokes.. Ehe..” He says and laughs uneasily while CAP just chuckles.
L.Joe sits down on an empty armchair.

No one says a word. -I guess I should lighten up the mood-

“Hey guys! What do you wanna eat for dinner? My mum left us some money so it’s her treat.” I ask while smiling.




They all scream at the same time.

-Aish, ottoke? >.<-

“Let’s just buy a bit of everything and then everyone can eat what they want?” I suggest.

They all agree and after we’ve split up into teams and bought the food, we have a picnic on the living room floor while laughing together and having a great time. I guess Dongho’s over his defeat, or maybe he was just grumpy before because he was hungry.

Donghos POV:

-Aaah! I’m so full- I glance at the clock. My eyes widen in shock.

“!” The others heads snap up.

“What?” CAP asks.
“We’re supposed to meet the others outside the club in twenty minutes!” I shriek.

NOW they react. They start collecting all the trash from the “picnic”, I run out of the room grab my bag and lock myself in the bathroom. I fix my hair.
-I’m not gay, I just wanna look good tonight since..Anyway, gotta hurry!-

After fixating my hairstyle with wax I quickly change clothes since I’m still in my school uniform. I should’ve changed before coming here but I almost missed the bus so I didn’t have time.

-I’m such an idiot!-

“Hurry Dongho, I have to fix my hair too!” I hear L.Joe call from outside the bathroom.

I unlock the door and open it. He hurries inside and occupies the mirror. I don’t mind since I’m already finished but I still wanna a bit.

“Yah! Your hair’s always like that anyway, what’s there to fix?” I stick my tongue out.

“Whatever, pretty boy. I still wanna so just let me.” He says coolly, not bothered at all by my comment.

-Well, that’s L.Joe for you-“If I’m a pretty boy then you’re..” he looks at me straight in the eyes in an intimidating way.

“I’m what?”

“I don’t know..” -I’m defeated by the “bad boy” and his scary stares..-

“Hey we’re gonna miss the bus unless you two get your asses out of there so we can get going!” CAP calls from the front door.

We both rush out and quickly put our shoes on.
As we walk out of the door I quietly mutter to him:
“If I’m a “pretty boy”, then what does that make Kevin?”

He just chuckles.

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Chapter 4: I know kevin sounds cute. He is. but this makes him sound so gay! Kevin Woo Is Not Gay!
Chapter 22: awww amy and kevin are so cute, i wish i has a friend like kevin :(
Looks great~! xD http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/140121/my-pocky-love-4minute-kpop-exo-fxkrystal ANyways... sorry for advertising here but would you mind checking out my fic? thanks a bunch! :D and subscribe too! :D
xoxo-Shira-xoxo #4
yay! you updated! :D<br />
it's getting good! <3 <3
Plz Update more! I love this
Aww amy & kevin ~
AHHH!!! Cliffhanger!!! I can't wait for the next update :D
Hahah! Wouldn't it be cool to have all the idols in it! Bwhaha. <br />
<br />
OMG What happened to Amy?? D:
Litche #9
LYZAAA: Yeah, my goal is to have every single idol in this!.... Ehum.. Or maybe not. Anyway, I'm gonna add more idols. :D
More of my biases? Haha. That'll be interesting! XD <br />
Love this story btw (: