Multicultural Program + Yeochan's Birthday

Secretly Loving My Friend


It's the 26th of the 4th month of the year.  The school has planned a program which the culture of the other students can be share to others. Kyuhyun and _____ was picked to be the opening prayer of the program. They are sitted in the front along with the MC and the other students who will perform. The students was called and one by one they go to the gymnasium, where the program will be held. ______ saw their friends and other people who knows her secret  about liking Kyuhyun, some of them teases her making a funny faces which made Heeyoung chuckle.

"Goodmorning everyone, We are gathered here to share the culture of each students with different races. Before we start the program, let us join Cho Kyuhyun and Song _______ for their opening prayer" said the first MC.

The two of them started their prayer, and it's in a korean language but translated in English by Kyuhyun.  After the prayer, the program started.



Me and Kyuhyun,started the prayer. While we're reading the prayer I felt really happy. Truthfully, He was the one who's been asked to be the prayer today but he recommend me too and said that we two will be doing the opening prayer. I can see some people who knew my secrets are smiling at me with a hint of teasing.  I just smile at them and focus on the program. Kyuhyun on the other hand who is sitting beside me kept on nudging me and whispering somethings about the woman who is holding a very long speech but she never really read it, which the younger students found a bit boring. There are some a bit dancing and the program end with a closing prayer that's been read by the second MC.  We all headed in our room and Mihyun cling her arms on mine and said "Ayiieee, You and Kyuhyun was so cute back there!!" I laughed and said " hahaha.. only back there?" she chuckled and replied " no!! of course not!! you two are so cute together!! I wish you two go out!" I laugh again and said " uhmm.. oooookkkkkaaaayyy???" . We reach our room and Kyuhyun called me and gave the prayer that we made to me, he smiled cutely and sweetly and said "________-ah~! it's nice that I didn't stutter back there, and luckily we didn't laugh our out!" I smiled and replied " yeah, I thought that  too".   Our substitute teacher arrives and give us a task and we all did it.


We're still in school only we have a half an hour. Yeochan suddenly went to me and said "Hey, _______! Can you go to my house 'cause I'm planning to have a little party and to hang out with you guys and plus it's my birthday right?" I laughed and replied "of course I would love to hang out with you and them guys. Did you already asked them?" 
"I already asked Kyuhyun, Manyoung, Kangdae, Chaeyeon, Jiyeon and you. Just tell Mihyun that I'm inviting her" he said. I nodded and replied "Arraseo!!". I went and sat beside Mihyun and nudge her, she looked at me with a what-do-you-want look. I smiled and told her about Yeochan's little party and the hang out thingy.
"I don't know _______, just ask Kyuhyun." she replied on my whining about the hang out. "But it would be fun! I think Kyuhyun will come. Why does it if he'll come, you'll come too?!" I replied A little bit annoyed to the fact that she's a bit hard to get. "It's because I'm his cousin and If ever one of us come he or I doesn't have a company when going home??" she sarcastically replied. "ugh, right! But he said he'll come!!!!" I replied while stomping my feet. She sighed and closed her eyes. I looked at her and did my puppy eyes. She opened her eyes and looked to my eyes. She smirk and said "That's not going to work anymore _______." I sighed for disappointment. I suddenly saw Kyuhyun entering our room. I smiled and call him. "Kyuhyun-ah!!!" I shouted happily. He looked at me and said "Yes?" while walking towards me and Mihyun. 
"Kyuhyun-ah you're going to Yeochan's house right?" I asked cutely. "Yes, why did you asked?" he replied while smiling. "Because Mihyun eonnie doesn't want to come. I already told her that you'll be coming but she said 'just ask Kyuhyun'" I replied like a little kid who's telling her mom that she was bullied by big guys. He laughed at me and composed his self again. "Mihyun-" he calmly said "you should go with us,plus I don't have accompany while going home. You know mom, she'll freak out if she finds out that her oh-so-great son is walking home alone without her oh-so-love and favorite niece." he replied as a matter of fact. Mihyun sighed. "K fine, I'll go" she replied giving up. I grinned happily at them.
I had just finished talking to my friends and walked straightly in our room. I was 3 steps away to my desk suddenly ______ called me. I went towards them. "Yes?" I asked. "Kyuhyun-ah, you're going to Yeochan's house right?" she asked me cutely. I smiled, she's so cute!! I want to pinch her cheeks! "Yes, why did you asked?" I asked her. She then told me that Mihyun doesn't want to come. Awwe she's too adorable! I laughed at her silliness. She look astounded when I laughed at her so I compose my self back to my posture. "Mihyun-" I calmly said. Mihyun looked up and I told her to go. She just sighed and agreed to it. I saw _______ with a grin on her face while looking at me an Mihyun. She so cute!! 
(After Class)
________  and her friends started walking to Yeochan's house. Kyuhyun and _______was walking ahead of all of their friends. Mihyun on the other hand noticed it that the two are on their own world talking to each other with a smile on their faces, but she didn't say a word and just felt relief knowing that her best friend _______ is happy with him. After a few more walks and talks they have arrived on Yeochan's house and was greeted by a shouting of his brothers who are playing Tekken. All of them headed to their basement and Yeochan brought the pizza and the drinks.
"______-ah come here." Kyuhyun said while looking at the CD games on his hands. ________ walked towards Kyuhyun and kneel behind him. "Yes Kyuhyun?" she asked. 
"Let's play XBOX 360!!" he said with a grin plastered on his face. _____smiled and said "Of course!". Kyuhyun called Yeochan asking for his permission about them playing his XBOX. Yeochan just nodded and went back to his own business______ . then set the XBOX and gave Kyuhyun his controller, while Kyuhyun asks ______ what game they would be playing. 
"uhmm. I want to play this game Kyuhyun-ah" ________ said while holding 'Tekken vs Street Fighter' on her hand.
"okay! I like that game too!" smiled Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun then put the CD inside and the game start.
"Imma beat you Kyuhyun. King of games" said _______. "Psh! Yeah right! Go on and beat me baby!!!" Kyuhyun said with a hint of tease. The game starts and the two of them played. "GAME ON!" Kyuhyun said. _____  just smile and stuck her tongue out.
"Yah! Kyuhyun you're so unfair!!" _______  said. "Hahaha! You're a loser ______!" replied Kyuhyun who is winning the game. 
"What the  ______?! Your such a cheater!!" said Kyuhyun knowing that ______have paused the game. "The Kyu! I didn't do it on purpose!" said ______ resuming the game. 
"No!" shouted Kyuhyun when ______ just did the technique of her player. "haha! In your face Kyu!" replied ______ . "My gosh ______. I hate you" said Kyuhyun. ______  giggled "I hate you too" said ______ with a smile. "I want a rematch" said Kyuhyun after the game. "Okay." replied ______ agreeing to Kyuhyun's Request. They played again and this time ______ is losing the game. "KYUHYUN!!"shouted ______ while tensing up 'cause she's losing the game. Kyuhyun laughs "Haha! That's what you get Loser" said Kyuhyun teasingly. 
"The ?! Hey you two stop that game!!! You two kept on playing!!! It's been two hours since you two played that game! Come on you two, lets all have a bond!!!" shouted Chaeyeon. Kyuhyun sighed "care?!!" he said annoyed. ______ looked at both of them and saw Chaeyeon getting annoyed too to the fact that Kyuhyun is such a hard headed boy. 
"Kyu?" called ______ sweetly. Kyuhyun looked at her. "hmm?" replied Kyuhyun. "come on Kyu. Chaeyeon's right. Let's join them. And I think Yeochan's brothers wants to play the game" said ______ as a matter of fact, looking at the two kids who kept On saying 'gimme gimme' to Kyu. Kyuhyun sighed giving up and gave the controller to the youngest. Kyuhyun and ______ stood up and sat with them. 
"It's boring! Let's play a game!!" shouted Manyoung. "yeah. Come on let's go outside!" said Sunyoung agreeing to what Manyoung just said. Sunyoung and Manyoung went outside and Kyuhyun on the other hand called Heeyoung to play with them. The two of them went outside and started playing with the two. ______ and Kyuhyun helped each other on the game, they offer their hands when someone of them needs it. 
"Let's go back,I'm dead tired!" shouted Kyuhyun and headed to the back door with ______. They went back to the basement and walk towards Mihyun who's sleeping.
"eonnie~" cooed ______ on the sleeping Mihyun. "Mihyun-ah!!" Kyuhyun called out. "What the heck Kyu?!!" exclaimed the startled Mihyun and noticed that ______ and Kyuhyun was infront of her. She smiled and teased Heeyoung by looking at her which made ______'s face turned into red scarlet. Kyuhyun was called by Chaeyeon and went to her. "I'll be in the washroom Heeyoung" said Mihyun. ______ followed her "Eonnie, have you seen it?!!" said ______ happily. "what? That you and Kyu looked happy together and you two been sweet since this morning, and you two been so much close today???. Of course ______!!" said Mihyun. "Oh My!! Really?!!" exclaimed ______ who is blushing badly. "yeah!! I've seen it!" replied Mihyun. "but that's not I'm talking about!" said ______ still blushing. "what are you talking about?" asked Mihyun. "I'm talking about the picture" said ______. "what picture?" asked Mihyun. "the picture that was edited by your boyfriend?? It was you and him with a sweet poem on it?" said ______. Mihyun in return blushed "oh, yes! I've seen it. And if you mind I'll be closing this washroom's door to get some private life!" said Mihyun closing the door and leaving ______ outside the washroom. Kyuhyun went to where ______ is and turn the door knob on the washroom but luckily ______block it "Don't! Mihyun's here!!" said ______. " oh.sorry." said Kyuhyun. Mihyun then opened the door and was surprise to saw them two. "awwe! This two lovey dovey couple can't leave each other in a minute" said Mihyun cutely but with a hint of tease. "awwe! Your boyfriend can't live without editing and making poems about the two of you. It's so sweet that I found myself getting gay!" replied Kyuhyun sarcastically. "Good for you Kyu!! It's nice to be a gay. I bet ______ will still love you even though you're a freaking gay." replied Mihyun. Kyuhyun chuckled "Yeah. Then if that so, I'll be flirting with your oh-so-cute boyfriend" said Kyuhyun. "Whatever Kyu." said Mihyun while laughing knowing the fact that Kyuhyun is just messing with her. 
"Hey! You horse gay! Stop flirting with my five years old sister! She's crying saying that the looking horse boy is scary and acts like a ert!!" Yeochan shouted to Manyoung "But Hyung! I didn't do anything I was just smiling and waving at her! And plus I'm not a gay!" said Manyoung defending his self which made Kyuhyun and ______ laugh and do a high five and unknowingly interwined their fingers. 
Sorry for the boring chapter, and sorry it's not full of sweetness!! Haha.. Please, please comment and subscribe!! I really want to hear you comments about this. Thanks!
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Gujunhye #1
Chapter 17: Please update <3~
Elikyu #2
Chapter 17: update ! I want an update. I have cliff hangers
Chapter 17: Oh no!!! She was hit?? :(((( Stupid Kyuhyun!!
Chapter 17: Whoa a car accident? Update soon :)
Chapter 16: Short?? *pouts* please update sooner! :)))
Chapter 15: Omg i really love this story, hwaiting! :D haha update soon author-nim!
oh i cant wait to knw wat wud happen next...update soon!! im dyin in curiosity far ur story is cute & nice!! ♥(~‿◕)♥