Developing Friendship

I never wanted to get away from Baro as much as I did right now. He wouldn't look at me, hardly even spared me a glance, and sitting next to him didn't feel right at all.

That kiss was a mistake, as well as the first one, and I would totally take them back if I could.

We were already at our fourth rest stop and I was beginning to wonder why it was taking us so long to get to a place that was supposed to be only a "few towns away." This whole road trip was sketchy from the first moment Gongchan even mentioned it, and I honestly think there's another motive behind this whole thing that he's hiding from us.

We were at a gas station this time, the driver claiming he needed to fill up the van and take a little bathroom break.

"While we wait, let's go get some snacks. My treat," Gongchan offered as we all hopped off the van.

I eyed Gongchan and I knew he noticed it, but he simply ignored me. It was weird enough that Gongchan was taking us to this street fair for free, now he's even offering to buy us food. Gongchan doesn't waste money on anybody that isn't himself.

"Don't you think this is a bit suspicious," I said to Jaehyun as we walked into the gas station shop together. "Gongchan is buying us snacks. He never buys us snacks. He never buys us anything."

"You never buy us anything either."

"And I never will."

"This is the first time we're all hanging out outside of school," Jaehyun reminded me, "Maybe he's just trying to give us a good impression. I mean, there's not much he can buy us in school, you know."

"We're too deep in this so-called friendship for us try to impress each other anymore."

Jaehyun just shrugged his shoulders and lead me towards the drinks aisle. "Don't think too much about it. You always get suspicious whenever a person tries to do something nice."

I grabbed myself a large can of iced tea and frowned towards Jaehyun. "People don't offer things for free. There's always something behind it."

Jaehyun rolled his eyes and grabbed a water bottle. "Whatever, man. You stay in your own weird little world, okay?"

I slightly shoved him as the two of us made our way to where the snacks were. I don't think I'm in the wrong to be suspicious of Gongchan. That conceited rich brat doesn't show any consideration for anybody, unless your name is Jinyoung, so having him be so nice all of a sudden is enough for my to keep my walls up.

Gongchan and Namsoo were already at the snacks section of the store. They had their arms fulled with bags of chips, and cookies, and candies, and a bunch of other teeth-rotten junk. Jinyoung was standing not to far from them, a disapproving look on his face as he eyed the two males.

"Don't you think we're getting a little too much?" he asked as he reached over to grab a couple of things off from Namsoo.

"Don't sweat it," Gongchan said with a large grin, "I'm paying, remember?"

"I'll never understand you damn rich people," I muttered to myself, "You guys throw your money away so easily, it's a wonder how you guys stay rich." Jaehyun chuckled next to me.

"Where's Baro?" Jinyoung asked after a while, once he noticed that Baro wasn't anywhere around us. In fact, I didn't see him in the store at all.

"He was being all moody and said he was going to wait for us outside," Gongchan answered. "I forgot to ask him what he wanted. What's his favorite snack?"

It took me a while to realize that Gongchan was asking me. Everybody was looking at my direction as they waited for an answer. "He likes Cheese doodles," I muttered.

I was suddenly in no mood to be in the store anymore, so I handed Jaehyun my drink and headed off towards the car without saying anything to the guys.

As I walked out of the store, I passed by the driver who was walking in, probably on his way to the bathroom after filling up the car.

He gave me a look I couldn't read, but it made me completely positive that he had seen the kiss. I was hoping that my eyes was playing tricks on me and that he was oblivious to the kiss just like everybody else. But, of course, I was wrong.

First Baro's maid caught us. Now even Gongchan's driver is in on it. And I have no idea whether he'll rat us out or not. He could easily tell Gongchan what happened just because of the fact that he works for the spoiled kid, and if that happens I don't think I could live with myself anymore. Knowing how much of a big mouth Gongchan is, it surely wouldn't be long before the rest of the guys find out and soon all of them will be up our asses about it. Do you know how annoying that will be?

They'll ask me why we did it, and I wouldn't have an answer to give them.

I made my way to the car and there was Baro, leaning against the van, earplugs in and his eyes on his phone. That reminded me, I haven't texted Baro in over a month.

Baro looked up when he noticed me standing there. "Where are the guys?" he asked, pulling off an earplug and stuffing his phone into his back pocket.

I never thought I'd ever feel awkward just by looking at Baro. "They're still getting the snacks and stuff."

We stood there for a couple of minutes in complete silence, a huge gap between us, both of our attentions used to our phones. To anybody who didn't know us, they'd assume we were complete strangers. It was starting to feel like it too.

"I talked to Gongchan," Baro finally said. He didn't look at me and I didn't blame him.

When did he have time to talk to Gongchan without me being aware? "Did he say we could change roommates?"

Baro shook his head. "He kept asking why we wanted to switch in the first place." He sighed while running his fingers through his hair. I still haven't gotten used to his black hair, even a month later.

"Wait. That means.."

"He's not changing it. He choose the roommates specifically for a reason. Obviously it's him and Jinyoung, Namsoo and Jaehyun, and then us."

Because we're supposed to be best friends and best friends just have to room together.

"I mean, it's not like I can room with Jaehyun," Baro continued, "Even though we've been okay for the past couple of weeks, we're not to the point where we can stay in the same room. And, no offense or anything, but Namsoo says he gets bad vibes from you, so there's no chance he'll agree to switching."

I'll forgive Namsoo for that comment. I don't blame the guy for wanting to keep a certain distance from me. I know I'm not the nicest guy around. It makes me wonder how Baro managed to form any sort of interest towards me, knowing how bad of a person I am. I'm not special at all to catch his attention.

"Wait, what about me and Jaehyun? I can room with him. It makes sense since we're childhood friends and all. And it's not like you and Namsoo have any bad feelings towards each other, right?"

Baro scowled a bit. "He said he's not changing them so just drop it alright, okay?"

I was a bit taken back by how sharp Baro's voice suddenly became. He's never snapped at me before and it surely had me shutting up in an instant. It wasn't that I was afraid of him. I mean, I could have easily snapped back if I wanted to, but this was the first time seeing him like this and I wasn't exactly sure how to respond.

But also, why was the whole rooming thing such a big deal to everybody? We're only going to be at the vacation house for a couple of days. Why were the roommates order such a big deal? Then again, me and Baro were making a bigger deal over it then anybody else.

"I can go talk to Gongchan," I insisted, "I could probably convince him to let us switch. I'm sure Jaehyun would be glad to room with me-"

"I said drop it." This time Baro's voice came out as a low growl and his face had this look that didn't fit him at all. Baro wasn't meant to have anything but a smile on his face.

Still, he was pissing me off right now.

"Whatever," I muttered. We didn't say anything else after that, and after what seemed like an eternity, the guys finally came back.

"What took you so long?" I asked in annoyance. All their hands were filled with bags. Even the driver was struggling to carry some. There was no way all of us could eat that. It was way too much for the 5 of us to handle.

"Idiot here couldn't decide between spicy or extra spicy sauce for the chips," Namsoo said while pointing at Gongchan with his chin.

"So I got both."

We settled back into our seats, but instead of sitting in the passenger seat, Gongchan sat in the back with the rest of us. He was settled in right between Namsoo and Jinyoung.

I managed to convince Jaehyun to let me take his seat by the window so I wouldn't have to sit next to Baro for the rest of the trip. My excuse was that I was tired and wanted to lean my head against the window. Jaehyun brought it in a second and didn't question any further.

"You really do seem sleepy," Namsoo stated when he noticed me yawning. "I don't think you slept at all since we left your house. The rest of us took a nap."

"I couldn't sleep while sitting in the middle. I need something to rest my head on." It wasn't entirely true. The main reason why I couldn't sleep was sitting on the opposite side of the van, with his earplugs back in and his eyes locked out the window. But I was indeed tired, and taking a short nap didn't sound like a bad idea at all.

"I'm surprised Baro didn't offer you his shoulder," Gongchan joked. He was already stuffing his face with snacks and began handing everybody a bag of their own, including me. "Baro would totally do that for you if it means getting to touch you."

I could feel myself stiffen but I tried to relax. I couldn't let the guys notice anything strange.

"You can just use my shoulder. The movement of the van won't be comfortable for you to lean your head on the window." Jaehyun offered.

"Sandeul is a big boy. He doesn't need you to baby him."

All eyes turned to Baro, who was shooting Jaehyun a hard look. The van turned quiet and the only sound you could hear was the cars driving by us.

Jaehyun nervously chuckled while giving me a slight glance. "Chill, dude," he said as he looked back at Baro. "I wasn't babying him. I was just offering him some help."

"If he wanted help then he would've asked."

I can notice the annoyance slowly forming on Jaehyun's face and if this stupid conversation doesn't stop soon, Jaehyun was going to snap and I was going to be the person who would have to calm him down.

"And who the hell do you think you are that you can talk to me like that? Look here, you little brat-"

"Shut up." I cut Jaehyun off before he could finish that sentence. "I can't eat with you two talking nonsense." I opened my bag and stuffed a handful of chips into my mouth.

Apparently those few words were enough to get the two to back off, after sending each other a glare, of course. Great, right when they were starting to become friends, Baro just had to ruin it and get Jaehyun pissed. Jaehyun is probably going to complain about this whole thing later and I would be the one who would have to listen to it.

I leaned over a bit to get a better view at Baro. The two of us made eye contact and I managed to give him a look that clearly said if he didn't stop acting like a moody , I was going to have to shut him up myself. Baro just rolled his eyes and went back to staring out the window.

I was beginning to wonder what happened to the always happy Baro. This Baro was nothing but a pain in the .

"Anyways," Gongchan said slowly, trying to break the sudden awkward atmosphere. "Here." He handed Baro a bag of cheese doodles.

Baro's face immediately lit up as he grabbed the bag out of Gongchan's hand. "Sweet! I didn't know you were getting cheese doodles."

"I got them because Junghwan told me those were favorite."

The atmosphere became awkward once again. I didn't look towards Baro's direction, stuffing my mouth with more chips to make myself look busy. I didn't need to look at Baro to know he wasn't looking back.

"Oh. Cool."

The awkward atmosphere stayed awkward for the rest of the ride.


I've never been to a vacation home before, but I didn't expect it to be this huge. The place was larger than any house I've ever seen before and I swore it was large enough to fit four families and still have empty rooms open.

We dragged our suitcases and duffel bags inside and our mouths gapped at how large it was on the inside.

"Are you sure this is a vacation home? It looks more like a hotel to me.," Jinyoung mumbled as he looked around the large living room. I mean, I think it was the living room. There were so many rooms, I couldn't tell which one was what.

Apparently, only me and Jinyoung were surprised about how large this place was. The rest of the guys seemed so used to being in a place like this.

"Why are you so comfortable being in here?" I asked Jaehyun as he strolled his way around the living room, checking the place out but not looking the least bit surprised.

"I have rich family members," Jaehyun said, "And It's not like my family doesn't have money either."

Jinyoung and I exchanged a look which we both clearly knew meant. Damn these rich kids.

I headed towards Gongchan who seemed to be in the middle of deciding who gets what room. "This place is huge," I said, "Why are we sharing rooms? I'm sure there's enough that we can all have our own."

Gongchan nervously chuckled as he patted me on the back. "Uncle's rule. He doesn't want a bunch of teenage boys possibly making a mess, so he's limiting us to only the first and second floor. The second floor only has four rooms, and the driver needs a place to stay too."

I narrowed my eyes as I watched Gongchan turn and walk away towards Jinyoung. "Uncle's rule, my ," I muttered to myself. Gongchan is lying, I just know it.


Gongchan assigned us our rooms and told us that dinner was going to be ready in about an hour. That gave us the time to check out where we'll be staying and get ourselves more comfortable in this huge building.

I went with Jaehyun to his room first. I knew Baro was already going to be in our room, so I was trying to avoid going there as much as I could.

"Check this place out."

Jaehyun grinned as he scanned the bedroom. There was only one bed, but it was large enough to probably fit more than three people in it.The room itself was huge, giving it enough space to have it's own desk, dressers, and even a personal bathroom. To the side, there was a flat screen t.v and a leather couch facing it. There was even a mini-fridge. It looked more like a hotel suite then a one-person bedroom.

"This is awesome," Namsoo said as he placed his bags by the door. "Who knew Gongchan's Uncle had this kind of money."

"It's weird if you ask me," I muttered. Why on earth would one man have all this stuff in a vacation home?

"Well, nobody asked you."

Jaehyun chuckled when I shot him an annoyed look before throwing an arm around my shoulder and dragging me out of the room with him. "Come on, let's go check out your room."

As much as I wanted to oppose it, I knew I was going to have to go there eventually. At least this way I have Jaehyun with me and I wouldn't have to be alone with Baro.

I was right about Baro already being in the room, but he didn't look up when he heard me and Jaehyun walking in. He was too busy looking for something in his duffel bag.

The room was no different from Jaehyun's and I was glad for the large bed. They'll be enough space between the both us so I wouldn't have to be so close to Baro. And if push comes to shove, I can always just sleep on the couch.

"Finish getting yourself settled," Jaehyun said to me while slightly shoving me away from the door frame and into the room. "I'm going to go take a shower before dinner."

I wanted to stop him and beg him not to leave, but before I could managed even a sound, Jaehyun shut the door and left. I awkwardly shuffled my way over to the large bed and placed my bags on it. Baro, who was standing on the other side, finally looked up and we made eye contact.

"So," I softly mumbled.


I sighed and sat down on the bed. "I think we need to make some ground rules."

Baro raised an eyebrow, and it was the first time I realized how good he looked when he did that. "Rules?"

"We can't let the guys know about what's going on. You know how they'll act once they find out. We need to make sure that doesn't happen."

"Let me ask you a question then." Baro slowly made his way to my side of the bed and sat down right beside me. He left a decent gab between us, but I could still feel his warmth radiating from him. "What do you think is going on between us?"

That question made me freeze for a moment. What the hell was he trying to ask?

"I mean, we had that kiss and then the second-"

"I'm not asking what we did. I know what we did. I'm asking what you think about us. Mostly, what you think about me."

I closed my mouth and stared at Baro. He was looking right back and had eyes locked on mine. I wasn't able to look away.

"I don't know," I finally answered.

"I like you, Sandeul."

I could feel my face suddenly heating up. What is this brat suddenly saying? Why is he making this worst than it already is?

"You said you might-"

"I said that a month ago." I noticed the depth of Baro's eye-bags. The way his collar bone was sticking out. And the way his skin was unhealthily pale.

"I like you. I figured out that I do like you. Those kisses weren't mistakes. At least, to me they weren't."

"What are you-"

"Why did you kiss me back? I know you, Deul. You don't do things on impulse. There's a reason why you kissed me back and I need to know."

"Baro," I started, but quickly shut my mouth afterwards. I didn't have a reason, I honestly didn't.

He was right when he said I don't do things on impulse. I knew I shouldn't have kissed him, but I still did. But why did I?

"Is there a chance you might like me, too?"

For some reason I couldn't respond. I kept trying to open my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I didn't know what to say.

"Deul," Baro said. He scooted closer to me, so that our thighs are practically touching. He slowly leaned in and I was able to feel his breath on my lips. "Do you possibly like me?"

"I feel like this is happening way too fast right now. My mind can't properly processes anything," I whispered. My lips accidentally brushed against Baro's and Baro his lips right after.

"Deul, please just tell me. Is there a chance that you might possibly like me too?"

I swallowed a nervous lump that I wasn't even aware was there.

"It... it might be possible."

I honestly have no idea what this is and it's completely rushed and next chapter will have more details, ok ( つ Д `)

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Chapter 31: Please update I've been waiting for almost a year now so please please please update ^•^
Update juseyooooooo this story is great!
aigooitsbaro #4
Please update!! I love this fanfic, I've been waiting since February :( Pleeeease
author nim!!! please update! please please please! it's been 3 months! I miss your fanficsss! :(
China801 #6
Chapter 31: Hello!
Is this the end of the story? Because I've been checking for a new chapter since the last update because I reallyyyy love this fic so much! I just figured if its completed then I can stop checking for a new chapter! I really love this fic though. Badeul is my ultimate ship!
Miyu_15 #8
I just wanted to say thank you for this story, it means so much to me and it helped me a lot through tough times and I simply love it. Thanks autor, you're great! <3
MomoElF_jn #9
Chapter 31: That's great and all. Yay! They're finally going out!!!! Buuuuut, what about that possible animal that Sandeul bought at the dog and cat picture store? I mean, shouldn't it be suffocating inside of a backpack? Or was it not an animal? I'm seriously concerned about that backpack.
Chapter 31: Oh my god my feels!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can not contain my feels!!!! Its a Christmas miracle!!! (Well in the story) in our time its cupids arrow!!!
Thank you to Deullie's dad who forgot to pick him up! Deullie has finally said yes!!!! *does happy dance everywhere* I just can't contain my feels. Especially the part where Baro is saying all that he likes and Deullie responding.... I was fangirling so bad.
Oh my heart can't contain all this happiness!!!!!!