Chapter 2

Snow Love


Title: Snow Love
Author: Yunshi Himura
Pairings: YunJae, YooSu (may be)
Genre: Drama, Romance
Length: Short Chapter
Chapter: Chapter 2
Disclaimer: I wish I could own Jaejoongie but sadly I only own the plots and story.
Summary: The kingka Yunho and the nerd Jaejoong is surely not a match. They believe it’s a gross thing ever for a nerd to fall in love with their hot and popular kingka. Until a school winter trip unveiled the affection the kingka and nerd had for each other


Part 2

The School Trip


Two buses drove off from DongBang High School early in the morning to start their journey to the ski mountain. As always, the early journeys make the students hyper active and full with excitement. The trip fills with talks, games, laughing, and singing. And some even dance on the bus floor.


As much as the bus leader, Jaejoong and Junsu hate the noise and stick to the rules, they too didn’t have the gut to warn the students to keep quiet. Well, this is the only time to enjoy their life before they need to prepare for university entrance exam. So, just let them having their fun without much rules.


“Really?” Seulgi hiss quietly at their seat, shock.


Taeyeon nods his head. “Yes, really,”


“But how? Why?”


“Didn’t Siwon-shi tell us? The two weeks we had before this trip is for roommates to know each other. Since majority of us is rooming with someone from different class or someone they never talk to,” Taeyeon says.


“I know that,” Seulgi half shouts. Well, if she did shout loudly, no one will hear since the bus is too noisy. “But shopping together? It’s too much,”


Taeyeon shrugged. “It is. But we can buy snacks and Yunho oppa and Jaejoong-shi happen to go together for that since their going to share them,”


“But shopping together…” Seulgi grab his fist, angrily. “That nerd. How can he go shopping with oppa? It’s gross. He’ll humiliated oppa,”


“He already did,” Taeyeon says nonchalantly.


Seulgi turns toward her friend. “Then? What else did you see?”


“I told you before, that I saw Yunho oppa first. I ask oppa to go shop with me but oppa says that he came with someone and left me. I follow oppa secretly and found Yunho oppa with Jaejoong-shi…” Taeyeon trailed off. There’s hint of strange in her tone but Seulgi miss it.


“I know that. You already said before. I ask you what happen next, after that, after you following them.” Seulgi hiss.


Taeyeon keep silent for a while, remembering the scene that replaying in her mind. “Well, there’s not much happen. They shop for snacks and pay, and gone,”


“What? That’s it?” Seulgi doesn’t satisfy.


Taeyeon shrugged her shoulder, indicating that that’s all that happen. Seulgi pursed her lips, a little mad and determined to know more than that.


Taeyeon keep shut. What she didn’t tell Seulgi is what really happened next she followed the couple. At first, Taeyeon didn’t believe her eyes. Kim Jaejoong the nerd is not the nerd she knows. Kim Jaejoong didn’t wear his glasses, his outfit hug fitly and ily around his body, his hair fell stylishly, and his jewelleries shine brightly. And what shock Taeyeon even more, is how close Yunho and Jaejoong is. She saw them holding hands, whispering close to each other ears, smiling and laughing lovingly and Yunho even had plant his lips on Jaejoong’s skin.


And the close proximity is impossible to build in just two weeks. Taeyeon doesn’t want to tell Seulgi that. She knows there something fishy in the kingka and the nerd relationship. And she determined to find it out herself. Besides, Yunho and Jaejoong’s relationship that she saw the other day is so lovely. Like kingka and his quenka; a match that made in heaven. And she doesn’t want Seulgi to ruin that. Not before she knows what exactly their relationship is.


She nods her head at her own thought.


A couple seats behind their back, sit Yunho with Changmin and Yoochun with Donghae. The four talked about who can ski the best and decide to make a bet who is the greatest skater at the resort. All of them make jokes and laughs at their fullest. But sometime, Yunho keep his mouth shuts as his mind wonders to a certain black haired boy with certain black glasses at the front seat. And sometimes, his lips let out a sigh that oblivious to the others ears.


“Attention everyone, attention everyone.” The black haired boy’s voice rang on the speaker, catching all the students in the second bus attention. “We’re entering the ski area and we will reach our ski resort in two more hours. We will stop at the rest area in a couple more minutes so you guys can get some hot drink. Please behave and get back into the bus in thirty minutes.”


A lot groan could be heard as soon as the announcement made. Most of it is about how cold they are and how much they want to get out and get some hot drink.


A couple of minutes later, the bus turns into a rest area, following by the other bus behind them. The busses stop in the parking lot and the bus leader say a few words to the students before the bus door open wide for the students to hop off.


Yunho wait on his seat while the students rushing out from the bus. His friends also seem too eagerly to get down quick. But Yunho stick still onto his seat. He has to make cool and wait patiently. This is not just about his image but about a certain black haired boy too.


“Let’s go, Yunho. I really need hot coffee, it’s getting colder here,” Yoochun says.


“Yeah, and I want lots and lots of ramen. It can keep me warm,” Changmin then says as he stood up.


“You guys go first, I’ll meet you later,” Yunho replies as he plays with his hand phone, as if he’s typing message to someone.


The three boys look at each other before Donghae shrugged and make a step front.


“Okay! Don’t be late though,” Yoochun reminded him before he hop off the bus with Changmin trails behind his back.


Yunho sighs as he put the device in his pant pocket and stands up from his seat. He see Jaejoong and Junsu talk while stand up on their feat at their seat. He smile cheekily and walk closer to them.


“Baby doll,” Yunho call as he circled his arms around Jaejoong’s waist.


“Hey, Yunnie bunnie,” Jaejoong greet him back without look at him and still talk to Junsu.


Yunho kiss Jaejoong’s neck lightly and Jaejoong giggled softly.


“O…kay. It looks weird here. Don’t you guys think that somebody will see you mushy-mushy in here?” Junsu says lowly.


“Who will see? We’re in the bus,” Yunho reply matter of fact as he busily brush his lips on Jaejoong’s chin.


“Yah!” Junsu hiss.


“It’s true, Yunnie,” Jaejoong says as he pulls his face away to look into Yunho’s eyes and untie his arms. “They still can see through the glass window.”


Yunho pouts as he lowered his hands to himself. Jaejoong giggles and Junsu roll his eyes.


“We will be there in two hours. Just be patient, will you? After that, you can snuggle into Jaejoong as much as you want and you can even eat him up in your room later,” Junsu says sarcastically.


“Junsu!” Jaejoong hit Junsu’s arms lightly as a pink tone coloured his face.


Yunho laughs. “Yeah, you right!”


“Bunny!” Jaejoong hump loudly.


Yunho pinch Jaejoong’s cheek as Junsu laughs his trademark laugh at him.


“What are you doing here, Yunho? Don’t you want to have some hot drink as well?” Junsu asks at the end of his laughter.


“Ah…that’s why I’m here.”


Junsu and Jaejoong frown as the black haired boy blink his eyes innocently. Yunho had to restrain himself from pinching Jaejoong’s cute cheek once again.


“And why is that?” Junsu wriggled his eyebrow.


“Well…” Yunho rubs his non itchy brown hair. “We still have two more hours before we reach the ski resort. So I thought…” He trailed off.


“You thought…?” Junsu urged him.


“That I want to sit with baby this two remaining hours,” Yunho says softly.


“We can’t do that, Yunnie,” Jaejoong tilted his head.


Yunho sighs. “I know. But still, I want to try…”


Jaejoong smiles a little as he brush Yunho’s shoulder. Junsu keep his mouth shut, thinking.


“Oh, I know…!”




“Why I must sit with you?” Yoochun hiss quietly.


“Because I said so,” Junsu reply nonchalantly.


“Why did we need to change seatmate?”


“Because I said so,”


“Because you said so?” Yoochun gritted his teeth. “And Jaejoong-shi just let you do that? Who are you anyway? You’re just an ordinary student council member,”


“Yah! What is that suppose to mean?” Junsu try to hold his anger down.


“That means Jaejoong-shi is the one who wants to change seatmate because he wants to sit with Yunho. And Jaejoong-shi could do that because he’s the student council vice president. He’s saying we should sit with our roommate to gain more chemistry and closeness as a reason to sit with his roommate, and that is Yunho!” Yoochun let out in a breath.


Junsu gawk at him but choose to keep his mouth shut before he reveals something inappropriate.


“See! You didn’t say anything so it is true!” Yoochun accuse him.


‘If only you know that that Yunho is the one who eagerly wants to sit with Jaejoong.’


“Poor Yunho. Poor Yunho. Jaejoong-shi will molest him right now. He will try to holds his hand, put his head on his shoulder, hugs…”


Junsu roll his eyes as he tightens the blanket on his shoulder and try to shut his eyes.


“And when Yunho falls asleep, he will try to kiss him…and…yah!”


“Shut up will you?” Junsu squeaked as he pulls the blanket over his head.


“Yah! How could you have the blanket all by yourself?”


“I thought you doesn’t want it since you’re busy mumbling over and over again,”


“How could you say that? The blanket is for the both of us.” Yoochun tries to pulls the blanket to his side.


The blankets are given by student council at the rest area since its getting colder at the mountain. It’s big enough for the two seatmates to share together. It is also the part of getting closer and knows each other. It doesn’t matter to the students to share together since it’s too cold to refuse such a warm blanket. And surely not the hot kingka Jung Yunho.


The blanket covers most of Yunho and Jaejoong’s body to their shoulder. They both shut their eyes and try to have some good nap. This is the only time when the bus falls into total silence as the other students has recharge their energy since they had use all of it before.


Yunho has his head rest perfectly on top of Jaejoong’s shoulder while Jaejoong’s head on Yunho’s. Underneath the blanket, Jaejoong’s hand sandwich between Yunho’s hands and put comfortably on his thigh. Once in a while, Yunho would sneakily blow a soft air to Jaejoong’s ear or kiss Jaejoong’s clothed shoulder lightly. That make Jaejoong wonder if Yunho really napping or pretend to be.


When the bus turns to a corner, Jaejoong put his free hand on top of Yunho’s and rubs it softly. Yunho blinked his eyes as he meet with a soft creamy neck that inviting his lips to touch. Jaejoong pulls the blanket higher to cover his neck from the ert eyes and thus makes Yunho pout as he straightens his head and body.


Jaejoong smiles. “ert bunny,” he whispers.


Yunho growls. “I will surely eat my baby doll up when we reach our room.”


Jaejoong turns his head to the window, ignoring Yunho’s statement as well as to hide his red face. “We’re here.”


Yunho facing Jaejoong, didn’t say a word.


“It’s beautiful,” Jaejoong praise.


“Yes, it’s beautiful,” Yunho says nonchalantly.


Jaejoong turns his head around, just to meet with Yunho’s brown orbs. He gulps his saliva as he straightens his spectacles on his nose. He knows that look. A look that indicating a very hungry and ert honey bunny.


“We’re here!”


Jaejoong quickly turns his head as Yunho lowered his gaze. Junsu’s footsteps echoed in the bus as he runs to the front and greet the couple.


“We’re here, Jaejoong,” he says, oblivious to the tense that the two had.


“Yeah, I know, Junsu,” Jaejoong face him and smiles.


“Go make an announcement,” Junsu urged him.


Jaejoong pulls the blanket off himself and that reveal their intertwined hands. Junsu widen his eyes at that sight and quickly moved his body to cover the loves sign the couple had from wondering eyes. Jaejoong fold the blanket using a hand, oblivious to the state they are in.


“Shouldn’t you help him fold that blanket, Yunho?” Junsu whispers.


Yunho and Jaejoong both turn their head to the smaller boy, confused.


Junsu smiles that obviously faked to the two boys. Junsu use his eyes to show the boys the still intertwining hands. Jaejoong bend his head and widen his eyes at the second. While Yunho frowns still looking at Junsu, didn’t understand. When he feels Jaejoong pulls his hand in his hold that makes Yunho lowered his eyes level too. He pouts as he freeing Jaejoong’s hand unwillingly. Jaejoong smiles reassuring him as Junsu roll his eyes.


Junsu then give the wireless microphone to Jaejoong. And thus makes Yunho wonders since when that Junsu had that microphone in his hand.


“Attention everyone! Attention everyone; students and teachers. We’re now at the ski mountain and will arrive at our ski resort in a couple of minutes. Please make sure you cleaned up your seat and please throw away any garbage in the bin. Please get all your belongings as soon as you step down the bus and please stick with your roommate. We will give you your room key after wards,” Jaejoong’s melodious voice rang in the speaker.




Yunho watch as Jaejoong unpack his luggage and put his clothes in the wardrobe at the corner. He put his hands on his waist as he scans the room. There’re two single beds with a nightstand in the middle, a small table at the corner for two and a heater. He smiles mischievously as he eyed the bed.


“Yunnie bunny, are you done unpacking?” Jaejoong asks without look at him.


“A moment, baby,” Yunho replies didn’t look back at him too.


A pregnant silence fills the room.


Jaejoong push his luggage into the wardrobe and shut the door close. He brushes his palms together and blew an air to warm it. He spun his body around just to meet with a shock in front of him.


“Bunny!” He half shouts.


“Yes, baby doll?” Yunho grins as he still didn’t face Jaejoong.


Jaejoong step up closer to him and gawk at the sight. “Yunnie…”


Yunho put a photo frame on the nightstand as a final touch before he turns around and circling his arms around the small waist. “Yes, baby doll?”


“What are you doing, Yunnie?”


Yunho grins wider. “Don’t you like it?”


Jaejoong turns his head to left and right. The bed on his left is clean as untouchable, but the bed on his right is covered with Yunho’s clothes as well as his luggage.


“Why did you put your clothes like that? How would you sleep?”


“I will sleep in this bed with my baby doll, of course,” Yunho wriggled his eyebrow.


Jaejoong eyed the clean bed before he turns back to Yunho, a pout plant on his lips. “It’s a single bed,”


“So? It is big enough for the two of us,”


“You just want to sleep with me, to hug me, and to snuggle me.”


Yunho chuckles as he kiss the pouty lips. “I can’t help it, can I?”


“I know you can’t,” Jaejoong sighs. “Why don’t you combine this two bed together?”


“No, I don’t want that.” Yunho shakes his head. “If we combine these two beds together, the bed will be too big for even five boys to sleep on. Then it will be hard for me to have you in my arms since there’s too much space left.”


Jaejoong then shakes his head. “Typical Yunnie bunny,”


“I’m your honey bunny,” Yunho grins. “The honey bunny who loves his baby doll so much.”


Jaejoong smiles lovingly as he circled his arms around Yunho’s neck and put his chin on Yunho’s shoulder. Yunho tightens his arms around the small waist as he kiss the soft silky black hair.


His smiles widen as he saw the photo frame that Yunho just put on the night stand. The photo that captures the loves of the young boys, Yunho hugs Jaejoong securely from behind as they both smiles warmly to the lens. Yunho had his arm around Jaejoong’s shoulder as Jaejoong hold Yunho on the same arm. They both had wear a formal suit as well as a white gold rings on their ring fingers.



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JHeroJ #1
Chapter 9: I love this story so much that I keep coming back to read it every six months or so. It has a special place in my heart. <3
Chapter 9: This story introduced me to yunjae and I am very thankful for that. I lost count of how many times I read and reread this story. It's just that wonderful. Thank you for sharing us this beautiful masterpiece ???
Chapter 3: Baby doll snap when someone was trying to use him as a promotion tool. It scary tho (≧▽≦)
ez_kpop #5
Chapter 9: me : you remembered how many cycle I took now repeating this story??
brain : im sorry,but I lost the count as well.
faithot5 #6
Chapter 9: just know this story now.its so lovely.thank you very much
Chapter 9: I read all the chapter with enthusiasm and impatient feeling about them.. Their love really so cute, sweet and pure. I can see how much they love each other and the way yunho treat jaejoong is make me scream enough XDDDD
I love this couple so much!!
Seulgi need more hard punishement than that. That is too much easy for what hv been he did to jaejoong TT she is so cruel exactly~~~

Happy wedding then (●´∀`●) they will be kingka and queenka the best ever exactly ..
Chapter 1: I just know this story and i love this so much..!! Omggg so... Jaejoong and yunho is a couple..but in the public they such a strangers.. Why??
I can't with his lovey dovey, really so cute and sweet in the room.. Kyaa baby jae and yunho is the best!!!
Brownsugar40 #9
Chapter 3: Its good