Chapter 4

Snow Love


Title: Snow Love
Author: Yunshi Himura
Pairings: YunJae, YooSu (may be)
Genre: Drama, Romance
Length: Short Chapter
Chapter: Chapter 4
Disclaimer: I wish I could own Jaejoongie but sadly I only own the plots and story.
Summary: The kingka Yunho and the nerd Jaejoong is surely not a match. They believe it’s a gross thing ever for a nerd to fall in love with their hot and popular kingka. Until a school winter trip unveiled the affection the kingka and nerd had for each other.
Part 4
“I’m better!”
“No…I think I’m better than you,”
“Want to bet?”
“Who scared?”
“Aigoo you two…” Changmin pinch his temples. “We already talk about this, don’t we? Just get down on the ski already.”
Both Yoochun and Donghae turn their head toward Changmin with a grin on their faces. Changmin roll his eyes.
“So, who wants to bet?” Donghae asks, still looking at the taller boy.
“Not me of course.” Changmin wave his hand in front of his chest, backing off.
“Heh, our little Changmin is scared?” Yoochun mock him.
“I’m not scared. I just don’t want to get hurt. And I’m not little. I’m taller than you,”
“Yeah, right…” Both Yoochun and Donghae .
Changmin grunts loudly. “What ever. You three just go ahead. I’ll just take your pictures,” he says as he shows his video camera to them. And where did he hide that device all this while?
Yoochun shrug his shoulder. “Fine then,”
“Me too. It’s good too to have pictures, so we can have evidence to see who is better in case someone didn’t satisfied with the lost,” Donghae says nonchalantly.
“Yah, are you saying it’s me?” Yoochun push Donghae’s shoulder lightly.
“No…I didn’t say anyone.”
Yoochun pouts as he turns his head to the weirdly silent Yunho. “How about you, Yunho?”
Donghae too eyed Yunho while Changmin not interested as he examined his video camera.
Yunho stood still. His eyes stared into a certain black haired boy with a pink baby sheep snow cap on top of his head.
“Yah, Yunho!” Yoochun half shout, seeking attention.
Still, Yunho didn’t budge. Unknown to them, Yunho has grip his fist real hard seeing the black haired boy talking dangerously close to another boy that he despise so much.
Hearing the shout through his ears muffs, Changmin then lift his head towards the two before turns to Yunho. He frowns as he follows Yunho’s eyes and blinks his own eyes.
“Jaejoong-shi and Siwon-shi?” Changmin mumbles questioningly.
“Yah, Yunho!” Donghae wave his hand in front of Yunho’s eyes.
Yunho grunts, annoyed. “What?” Still his eyes lock onto the two far away from their stands.
“What’s wrong with you?” Yoochun asks.
“Nothing!” Yunho mumbled angrily as he turns his body around and make a move toward the top slope.
Yoochun and Donghae look at each other, confused.
“Yah, Yunho, let’s make a bet!” Yoochun called after him and follows his step.
“What’s wrong with him?” Donghae whispers more to himself before he too runs after the two.
Changmin are left behind, still eyeing the nerdy boy and the school president. He saw Siwon push Jaejoong off towards the inn they stayed. He then shrugged his shoulder, on his video camera and directs the lens to the retrieving figure of the trio toward the top slope.
A moment pass by as Changmin can see through the lens that Donghae is ready to skiing down. Seconds after a bunch of students gather around him to watch on the bet, or rather, to watch the hot kingka skiing talent.
Donghae slide down with ease, with great performance. Students each side of Changmin clasp their hands, congratulate him as soon as he cornered and stops in front of them. Donghae raise his hand in the air as a victory sign.
“I’ll win for sure!”
“We will see that,” Changmin smirk.
Donghae step aside, walking cautiously with his ski board and sandwich himself between Changmin and a girl that he never knows. Students around them shout loudly and chants Yoochun’s name as the said boy skiing down the slope. But unlike Donghae, Yoochun just slide down with ease without putting any ski style. He just skis down without hurting himself. One look and they can easily say that Yoochun’s performance is totally plain and uninteresting. But anyhow, the students clasp their hands anyway. Just because he is the hot kingka’s best friend, they say that his performance is great.
“So?” Yoochun wriggled his eyebrows, proud with the clasps and shouts he gets.
“We will see!” Donghae replay Changmin’s words earlier.
Changmin smirks again through his video camera. More students lined up at the side way. Cheering and screaming echoed around the line as the handsome kingka wave his hand at the top of the slope.
“Yunho hwaiting!”
“Oppa so handsome!”
“You can do it, Yunho. You will win!”
“Not fair!” Donghae crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Yunho has great influence from the students. Of course he will win,”
“He is the kingka after all. Even if he’s bad at it, students will pretend blind and says he’s the greatest anyway,” Yoochun says beside him.
“And it even when he is indeed greatest,” Donghae reply sadly.
“Indeed,” Yoochun agree.
“Well, he didn’t have any weakness, that’s why,” Changmin says all of a sudden.
“That…true.” Both Yoochun and Donghae reply at the same time and sighs.
The scream got louder when Yunho slide down on his skis. To top with that, he’s putting much effort and shows the great and the hardest flower style a pro can play.
Yunho stop in front of Changmin’s camera, and take off his goggles before he wink at them. “How is it?”
“You’re great, Yunho!”
“How can you do that?”
“Oppa, you’re so hot!”
Yunho smile at them, showing his perfectly pearl teeth. And the girls squirm loudly. Yunho face his best friend and wriggled his eyebrows.
“So? Looks like I win,”
“It’s hard to accept but yeah, you win,” Donghae pouts.
Yunho laugh. “Of course I will win. So, my prize?”
Yoochun sighs. “Fine. What do you want us to do? Bathing in cold icy water? Playing as a snowman? Sleeping outside when snowing?”
Yunho grins. “I’m not that harsh, you know. I thought…” Yunho trailed off. A certain beauty of a black haired boy pops up in his head. “I want you to…”
“Oppa!” A girl’s voice cut off Yunho’s words and startled the other trio.
“Yes?” Yunho turns around and smiles politely seeing the two girls walk up to them from the line up students.
“Oppa, your ski is so great. How can you ski like that?” Seulgi squirm loudly.
“Practise, of course. I’ve hurt myself enough to archive something like that,” Yunho says truthfully.
Seulgi squeak, clasping her hands together. “Can oppa teach me, then? Can you, oppa? Please?”
“You need a lesson? But aren’t you said that you can ski pretty good yourself?” Donghae in bluntly.
Seulgi send a quick glare toward Donghae before smiling sweetly back at Yunho. “I can ski pretty well myself but I want to learn that style from you, oppa.”
Yunho rubs his hair through his snow cap uneasily. “About that…I don’t think I’m the right one to teach you, Seulgi.”
“And why is that?” Seulgi blink his eyelashes.
“Because I’m still learning from someone and I’m still not as good as him.”
Taeyeon who keep shut all this while clasp her hand in delight. “You’re still learning, oppa? And may I know who your teacher is?”
“I don’t care!” Seulgi cut him off. “What I know is oppa is great at ski and I want to learn from oppa and only oppa.”
Donghae roll her eyes at this as Yoochun grunts lowly while Changmin still record the scene uninterested.
“I’m sorry, Seulgi. I don’t think I can teach you or teach anyone just yet,”
“Why?” the girl with the short skirt whine.
“Because I’m not that great myself. I can ski pretty well, yes. But I’m still not that mastered in this ski thing,” Yunho admit the truth.
“Nonsense. I see it myself, and I know oppa is capable to teach me. Oppa is the best here. No one is better than oppa,” Seulgi still trying her best to coax Yunho.
“No, there’s someone…”
Yunho’s words are cut off when the students screaming once again, seeking attention from the kingka and his friends and the two girls. Changmin change his lens target to the slope, while the other turns around to look.
The screaming is not something to cheer or to feel proud toward that someone. But the screaming is more for a mock and a boo.
“Whoa…who is that?” Changmin asks.
“He’s good, heck he even better than Yunho,” Yoochun says.
“I’m not going to argue with you,” Donghae nods. “He is even great than Yunho. Look at his skill, its looks like he is some kind of an angel slide down on a snow.”
‘Of course he is an angel. He’s my angel. And he is sure greater than me.’
Yunho smiles secretly. Even though his friends still didn’t know the boy skiing down the slope despite the screaming the students gave, he still feel warm inside.
“Wah, he’s good.” Taeyeon says.
“But why they scream like that?” Yoochun asks, just realize the tone in the students’ voice.
The boy skis pass the line up students and Yunho and his friends, before he stops in front of his own friend, and take of his goggle.
“Jaejoong-shi? Ew. No wonder they boo him like that,” Yoochun says mockingly.
Changmin’s eyes widen through the video camera. “It’s him? How can he ski like that?”
Yunho frowns, unnoticed. What is that suppose to mean?
“Isn’t he supposed to be the nerdy kid? How in hell a nerdy kid can ski like that?” Changmin says as if he’s heard Yunho’s asking.
“Yeah, how can he ski like that? His world should be around books, not sports. And he should fell as soon as he wear that ski,” Yoochun agree.
Donghae frown his forehead. Yes, he acknowledges the facts, but he doesn’t want to think about that. Just let Yoochun and Changmin figured that out. What messing inside his mind is that how the nerdy Kim Jaejoong’s style is as perfect as Yunho. No, scratch that. His style is more perfect than Yunho, his moves, his speed, his choreograph is even better than Yunho. The two shared the similar ski style but even though it’s hard to admit, Yunho’s style is an inch lower than that nerdy Kim Jaejoong.
Seulgi crossed her arms in front of her chest, feeling mad without reason.
“Yunho oppa, I don’t know who did you say that are better than you, but in my opinion, Jaejoong-shi is the better one,” Taeyeon stated the fact.
‘Of course. Jaejoongie wouldn’t be my ski teacher without nothing.’ Yunho smiles secretly to himself.
“That nerd! How can he ski like that? How dare he copying oppa’s style? Did he think he’s good enough to beat oppa?” Seulgi hiss dangerously low.
Yoochun gulp his saliva while Changmin sweat dropped and Taeyeon just roll her eyes; didn’t care about Seulgi’s wits. For Donghae, he still caught up in his own little thought. And Yunho…don’t ever mind him. He’s too drown into Jaejoong’s angelic form that are talking with Junsu while slowly walking away towards their inn.
“You really surprise them today, baby doll,” Yunho says while sitting down on the bed with his back on the headboard.
“Why?” Jaejoong asks as he makes way toward the bed and plop himself down beside Yunho.
Yunho circled his arm around Jaejoong’s shoulder, bringing him closer. “Your ski talent, it’s so great till the students going aww and ohhh. You really amaze them there, Jaejoongie,”
“Really?” Jaejoong ask, interested.
Yunho nods. “Really,”
“But why do I heard them going booo and bleehh?” Jaejoong blink his eyes innocently, as if there’s nothing wrong in the change of his tone.
Yunho sweat drop, his plan for cheering and congratulate Jaejoong break into pieces. “Jaejoongie baby…” He rubs Jaejoong’s shoulder, easing him.
“Its okay, Yunnie.” Jaejoong laid his head on Yunho’s chest, feeling Yunho’s warm breath against his hair. “I know they would be like that,”
“Jaejoongie baby…” Yunho call softly, worried evident in his tone.
Jaejoong sigh. “Even though I am a good ski, they still wouldn’t acknowledge me. They even says that I’m too low because I’m copying your style, and that it’s just my lucky day since I shouldn’t be that good in sport since I am, after all a bookworm nerd,”
“Baby, don’t say like that. May be…may be they thought that way because you ski just right after me. They just saw me ski with great performance and there you just skiing down after me. Of course they didn’t acknowledge you after they watch me. May be they will acknowledge you if you ski before me?” Yunho try very hard to persuade his lover.
“No, Yunnie.” Jaejoong shakes his head. “Even if I am ski first before you, they still think low of me. They wouldn’t even think of a nice thing of me,”
“Baby doll…” Yunho plant his lips on Jaejoong’s forehead, worried.
“Like yesterday too. I know that I am the one who suggest that you should come to me and ask me to play. And you did come to me and force me to play with you. Even they saw that you’re the one who coming to me, they still think that I am the one who want to seduce you and use this opportunity to molest you,” Jaejoong state the truth sadly.
Hearing that comes out from Jaejoong pink kissable lips make Yunho feels hurt in his heart. He use his other arm to circles around Jaejoong’s tiny waist, secured him in a love lock. He kiss Jaejoong’s hair once again. Silence fills their room for a moment. Only their breathing creates music in the cold room. There’s snowing outside and its getting colder. Yunho pulls Jaejoong’s body closer into his. There’s no need for word. But they know that their heart beating for each other.
“I’m sorry,”
“What for?”
“For being a jackass and not protecting you as promise.”
Jaejoong smiles. “You’re protecting me right now, Yunnie. It’s just that…they still can break through your protection.”
A sigh escape Yunho’s lips. “I’m not protecting you enough. I’m a bad bunny.”
The hot kingka smiles as his ears caught Jaejoong’s soft and melodious chuckles.
“Yeah, Yunnie is a bad honey bunny,” Jaejoong childishly agree.
“But you love this bad bunny.” Yunho silently thanked God for quickly change the atmosphere around them and makes Jaejoong forget the scene this morning.
Jaejoong fell into total silence as he buried his face into Yunho’s chest, feeling warm radiated from his neck. Yunho brush Jaejoong’s soft silky hair lightly as his lips plant its way on Jaejoong’s hair.
“You’ve being a good boy today when you decide to play and go ski,” Yunho breaking the ice.
“Thanks to Siwon then.” Jaejoong’s voice muffled by Yunho’s shirt.
Yunho frown his forehead. “Why him?”
Jaejoong pulls his head to look at Yunho in the eyes. “Because he did forced me to go play while he takes the duty.”
“Yunnie?” Jaejoong blink his eyes innocently.
“Well, since you’ve been a good boy, I will let you rest for tonight. You’d already play all day today,” Yunho says quickly, ignoring a burning jealousy in his heart.
Jaejoong nods cutely. “Em, I’m really tired, Yunnie.”
“Let’s sleep, okay?”
Jaejoong nods again. Yunho kiss Jaejoong’s temple, lay Jaejoong’s body down on the bed and lays himself beside Jaejoong on the small single bed. He pulls the blanket over their bodies up to the neck. He then turns to Jaejoong’s side and throws his arm and leg on Jaejoong’s body as his other arm sneaked under Jaejoong’s head, making a pillow.
Jaejoong turns around facing Yunho and buried his face into Yunho’s chest, hearing Yunho’s heart beat as a lullaby to fall asleep. Soon enough, a soft snore could be heard from the pretty nerd. Yunho smiles seeing the black haired beauty sleeping like a baby in his arms, protected by his love.
“Choi Siwon eh?” Yunho’s eyebrows twitch at that name.
How is it?
Is it bad?
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JHeroJ #1
Chapter 9: I love this story so much that I keep coming back to read it every six months or so. It has a special place in my heart. <3
Chapter 9: This story introduced me to yunjae and I am very thankful for that. I lost count of how many times I read and reread this story. It's just that wonderful. Thank you for sharing us this beautiful masterpiece ???
Chapter 3: Baby doll snap when someone was trying to use him as a promotion tool. It scary tho (≧▽≦)
ez_kpop #5
Chapter 9: me : you remembered how many cycle I took now repeating this story??
brain : im sorry,but I lost the count as well.
faithot5 #6
Chapter 9: just know this story now.its so lovely.thank you very much
Chapter 9: I read all the chapter with enthusiasm and impatient feeling about them.. Their love really so cute, sweet and pure. I can see how much they love each other and the way yunho treat jaejoong is make me scream enough XDDDD
I love this couple so much!!
Seulgi need more hard punishement than that. That is too much easy for what hv been he did to jaejoong TT she is so cruel exactly~~~

Happy wedding then (●´∀`●) they will be kingka and queenka the best ever exactly ..
Chapter 1: I just know this story and i love this so much..!! Omggg so... Jaejoong and yunho is a couple..but in the public they such a strangers.. Why??
I can't with his lovey dovey, really so cute and sweet in the room.. Kyaa baby jae and yunho is the best!!!
Brownsugar40 #9
Chapter 3: Its good