Chapter 5

Snow Love


Title: Snow Love
Author: Yunshi Himura
Pairings: YunJae, YooSu (may be)
Genre: Drama, Romance
Length: Short Chapter
Chapter: Chapter 5
Disclaimer: I wish I could own Jaejoongie but sadly I only own the plots and story.
Summary: The kingka Yunho and the nerd Jaejoong is surely not a match. They believe it’s a gross thing ever for a nerd to fall in love with their hot and popular kingka. Until a school winter trip unveiled the affection the kingka and nerd had for each other.


Part 5

“Dong Bang High School students, Dong Bang High School Students, please get inside. It’s already lunch time. Attention to Dong Bang High School students…” Choi Siwon, the president of Dong Bang High School student council makes an announcement through the megaphone toward the snow filed.

Students slowly stop whatever activities they’re doing and walk to the inn. Other student council members had either waiting inside the inn or the canteen. And Jaejoong had stand beside Siwon, holding a look like clip board close to his chest, examining and ticking students name that pass by them.

Yunho walks with his friends, Yoochun and Changmin toward the inn while talking and laughing happily. Seulgi walks behind them closely, staring dreamily at Yunho’s back, leaving her friend, Taeyeon walk with Donghae far behind.

From far away, even with the long distance, Yunho’s eyes caught the sight of a black haired boy stand dangerously close to the Choi Siwon. Immediately, Yunho had shut his mouth completely and fist his knuckles. Unnoticed by the jealous gesture, Yoochun and Changmin still talking and laughing, till Yunho too silent to answer them that make the two realize the quietness.

“Yah, Yunho! We’re talking to you,” Yoochun called.

“Em?” Yunho reply nonchalantly.

“What do you say, coming to my room tonight? Since there will be snow storm, we would just play monopoly together,” Changmin suggest.

“Emmm….” Yunho too enraged to answer them.

Yoochun quirk his eyebrows. “Yah, did you hear us?”

Changmin frown seeing the still quietness and stiffness. He changes his eyes and follow Yunho’s gaze upwards. His frown doubled as he mumbled to himself. “Jaejoong-shi and Siwon-shi, again?”

“Yah, Yunho!” Yoochun try his luck calling again.

Still, the said hot kingka didn’t budge.

“Aish, you!” Yoochun gives up seeing the non-response from the boy beside him. He turns his eyes to the front, looking at the way their walking through. Unconsciously, his eyes caught something…rather disgusting; to him that is. “Jaejoong-shi and Siwon-shi. They look close aren’t they? As is they’re a couple.”

“Yeah…they look perfect together,” Changmin reply absent-minded.

Yoochun snort. “Well, I approve of them as long as that means Jaejoong-shi would stop fantasying Yunho.”

Yunho still stared at the two with jealous fill in his eyes till they’re close enough to the inn. Unconsciously Jaejoong lift his head to the group checking one by one before he could jot down their names. Jaejoong’s eyes meet Yunho’s. The pretty nerd frown his forehead as he saw red flames in Yunho’s eyes. He tilted his head to the side and blinks his eyes cutely.

Yunho turns his head as his lips form a small pout. ‘I’m lost to Jaejoongie. I never could win against baby’s cuteness. Hump!’

Jaejoong still blink his eyes to the retrieving group toward the inn, clueless at the thought of the mad Yunho. Even Yunho didn’t say anything, from his eyes and from his body, Jaejoong knows for sure that the handsome boy is really angry over something. But the point is, what is it that makes the other boy flaring much?

Till the final student show up at the entrance, Jaejoong and Siwon then walk in the inn and toward the canteen. Students line up at the counter waiting for their turn to get their lunch tray and other students already get on their seat, gobbling down the food to their empty stomach. Playing in the snow really tires them out.

Yunho and his friends already sit on their seat beside the window, enjoying their lunch with the beautiful scenery of white snow.

“We’re asking you this once again, Yunho. Let’s play monopoly in Changmin’s room tonight,” Yoochun says as he feels like Yunho would pay attention to their talk this time.


“What do you mean why? It’s not like we could get out and play. Its snow storm tonight, and we don’t want to spend the time sleeping through the storm,” Changmin reply.

“And it’s not like we can sleep peacefully with the storm outside either,” Yoochun added.

“Snow storm?” Yunho frowns. “How did you know that?”

Yoochun snort. “Junsu-shi told me this morning and he did warn me to tell others that.”

Changmin tilted his head. “Jaejoong-shi didn’t tell you? Junsu-shi said all student council members already know this morning and they need to warn students first.”

Yunho shakes his head as he sips his water, no.

“Huh, I guess Jaejoong-shi is too busy checking you out to warn you about the weather,” Yoochun wriggled his eyebrows.

Yunho’s mind wonders somewhere else before he put the cup down on the table. “May be he busy and forgot,” he make an excuse not to back Jaejoong up but to calm his beating heart instead.

“Yeah, busy checking you out till he forgot to tell you that important warning,” Changmin mock, then he shakes his head. “What ever. Let’s play in my room tonight.”

Yunho keep silent for seconds before a sigh escaped his lips. “Sure, why not? But only for an hour though,”

“What? Why?” Yoochun half shout. “Oh, come on, Yunho. Don’t tell me you want to go sleep in that room with that creepy geek?”

‘No, I have better thing to do than that. No one will hear Jaejoongie’s scream through the snow storm.’

Yoochun and Changmin look at each other then at Yunho who smiling naughtily and ertly.


“There will be snow storm tonight,” Seulgi says as she combs her hair with her fingers.

“So?” Taeyeon asks uninterested.

“So…” Seulgi turns toward her friend, a devil smirk decorated her lips. “I’ve thinking of something…fun.”

Taeyeon tilted her head to the side. “What fun?” She swears that whatever plan in Seulgi’s head is anything but good.

“You will know.” Her eyes caught a sight of Kim Jaejoong watching over students playing in the snow. Once in a while, he will take a glimpse at his watch. Look like he’s all ready to call the day off. It’s going to snow storm tonight after all.

Taeyeon saw the stare Seulgi give to the nerd. A hateful and disgusting stare indeed. She frown her forehead as she can sense something bad would happen, and something…good will happen the next. She doesn’t know, but she can feel it.


Snow starts to fall badly. Wind blew hardly. No souls are seen outside the field nor the mountain. Every students had been rush inside the inn the moment the first snow falling. They gather either in the hall or at dining hall or in their room.

Yunho and his friends sit on the couch near the fireplace, with group of other students around them, doing nothing but talking. Once in a while, Yunho will stretch his neck longer and roam his eyes around the hall, searching for a black haired boy. And every time Yunho did that, he will end up with a frustrated sighs.

Student council members are all around the inn, guarding other students. But none of them is his beauty nerd.

“Yah, I’m bored!” Changmin says as he turns his eyes from the burning flame.

“Yeah. What are we still sitting here? Let’s play monopoly in Changmin’s room,” Yoochun agreed.

Yunho keep his silence still, as if he’s didn’t heard anything his friends’ whining. A deep frown paint on his forehead as he saw Junsu talks with Choi Siwon not far from where they sit. Nervousness clearly shows on the both student members’ faces.

Yunho’s heart skips a beat, hard. He didn’t like it. He didn’t like it at all. His heart screaming loudly that something bad, terribly bad had happen.

“Yunho!” Changmin and Yoochun half shout, calling him from his trance.

Ignoring them, Yunho stand up and make a quick run to the two. Changmin and Yoochun startled, and look at each other.


Junsu and Siwon turn their head to look at him.



“Where’s Jaejoong? Have you seen Jaejoong?” Yunho quickly asks.

“Jaejoong…” Junsu trailed off as he turns to look at Siwon for seconds before back to Yunho. He doesn’t know how to tell that handsome kingka.

“What? What?” There’s something that Junsu hide from him. Something bad. He sure of it.


“Tell me where Jaejoong is!” Yunho half shout as he grows impatient.

Siwon blink his eyes, surprise by Yunho’s sudden rant. “Calm down, Yunho-shi. Jajoong-shi will be alright.”

Yunho turns his face toward Siwon. Right now is not the time to feel jealous. He is more worried about Jaejoong than to deal with Siwon at the moment. The point is, why they didn’t tell him where Jaejoong is. What alright? Why calm down?

“Yunho! What are you doing here? Come on, let’s go,” Yoochun tugs at Yunho’s sleeve, coming out of nowhere.

Yunho shrugged him off. “Tell me!”

Junsu plays with the hem of his shirt nervously.

“Siwon, Junsu, got any news yet?” Mr Kim Heechul asks suddenly, sneaking behind them.

Siwon turns facing Heecul while Junsu still fidgeting on his spot, refuse to make any eye contact with Yunho.

“There’s no news yet, Mr Kim,” Siwon replies worriedly.

“Aish these kids. The storm is really bad outside. Where would they go? We already warn them not to go out.”

Yoochun still tries his best by tugging Yunho away from the spot, unaware of the talk and at the same time also refuse to look at Junsu. While Changmin at his side just frown his forehead, trying to digest the commotion is all about.

“What’s wrong Mr. Kim? Did anything bad happen?”

Heechul look at Changmin, turns to Siwon then to Changmin again. “Aren’t you rooming with Lee Donghae-shi, Changmin-shi?”

Changmin nods awkwardly. “Ye…yeah!”

“Did you know where he is?”

Changmin startled for a while, he then look around the hall searching for the said roommate before facing Heechul. “No, I…didn’t…”

“Come to think of it…” Yoochun says, his fingers still grip around Yunho’s arm sleeve. “We didn’t saw him since this evening. He also not there for dinner,”

“Had you try to call him?” Heechul ask again.

Changmin shakes his head. “He left his cell phone at the room.”

Mr Kim sighs. The last method he could think of also failed.

“Junsu, tell me!”

The four startled by Yunho’s outburst as the said boy gripping Junsu’s arm, with Yoochun’s fingers still around his.

“Yunho-shi, calm down,” Siwon pulls Junsu away from Yunho’s grasp.

“Jung Yunho! I know you’re worried. We’re too,” Heechul half shout.

For the first time, Yunho turns his head from Junsu to Heechul. His other two best friends also turns toward the teacher, didn’t understand.

“Did anything happen, Mr Kim?” Changmin asks his unanswered question.

Heechul sighs again. “There’re students absent. I just hope they’ll be fine in this kind of weather.”

Yunho’s heart beat loudly. He is worried for the worst. Silently he’s praying that whatever it is that Heechul is going to say, it is not what he is thinking of.

“Don’t worry, Mr Kim. I’m sure they are finding shelter somewhere,” Siwon calm the young teacher down. “Furthermore, Jaejoong is with them. He knows what to do.”


There’s no sound alive. No snow storm. No burning flames. No students’ voices.

The time has stop.

Junsu slowly and nervously turns his head toward Yunho. Seeing the dumbstruck and stiff face of the said boy makes Junsu worried. “Yu…Yunho?”

Both Yoochun and Changmin turn their head toward the said friend. Frown visible on their forehead as they saw Yunho’s pale and cold face.

“Yunho…wha…?” Before Yoochun can complete his sentence, he’s already being cut off.

Yunho spun his body around and make a run to upstairs, startled not only the boys around him but also the group of other students in the hall.

“Yunho!” Junsu, Yoochun and Changmin shout his name at the same time, surprise.

In the blink of an eye, Yunho already disappear to the second floor. Junsu run after him and call his name hoping to stop him. Yoochun and Changmin look at each other, confused. But neither of them seems can move their feet to follow their friend.

Yunho stormed into his shared room with Jaejoong and toward his bed like closet. He rummaged through his jacket before his hand snatch the thickest and fluffiest jacket he brought. A couple of jackets thrown on the floor and he ignored.

“Yunho!” Junsu got inside and run toward Yunho. “Yunho, what are you doing?”

Yunho wears a thick jacket himself before he wear the second jacket; the thickest and fluffiest white jacket. “I’m looking for Jaejoongie!”

He then turns around and runs out from the room, making the other Kim startled.

“Yunho!” Junsu called after him and followed behind as his feet stumbled across the jackets. “Yunho, stop! You can’t do that,”

“Jaejoongie is in danger. I need to save him,” Yunho shout as he jump three stairs at the same time.

The shout surprise his friends, Siwon and the teacher. Siwon quickly walk to him and Yoochun and Changmin also followed. Leaving Heechul behind.

“Yunho-shi!” Siwon stop him when Yunho already arrive at the door. “Yunho-shi! What are you doing?”

“Don’t stop me. I’m going to look for Jaejoongie!” Yunho warn.

Siwon stunned for a moment. “It’s dangerous to go outside. The storm is too heavy,”

“I don’t care. I need to go!” Yunho stubbornly says.

Junsu suddenly hugs Yunho from behind, startled both Yoochun and Changmin while Siwon still try his best to pulls Yunho’s hand before he can open the door.

“Yunho, don’t! It’s dangerous!” Junsu squeak.

Yunho use his free hand to pry Junsu off while try to pulls his other hand from Siwon’s hold. “Let go of me!”

“Yunho, please. What would I say to Jaejoong if anything happen to you?” Junsu begs him through his thick jacket.

“And what would you say to me if anything happen to Jaejoongie?” Yunho shout desperately.

Changmin gasp as he turns to look at Yoochun only to see the other friend is frowning deeply. They both shared the same thought; Jaejoongie? What the hell going on here?

Junsu had loose his hug after that, too shock for what Yunho had ask him. In the time like this, he’s still can think of what to answer for that question. And thus, Yunho take advantage of him to pry his hands of and pulls his other hand with all his strength. Junsu stumbled backward and lucky there is Yoochun to help him before he hit the floor.

And before they knew it, Yunho already get out and run in the snow storm.

“Yunho!” They all shout.

Siwon turns to the students in the hall. “Students! Don’t you dare to go out from this door.”

And then he also runs outside. Its good thing that he already wears a thick snow sweater in case anything like this happen. Junsu then push his body up from Yoochun’s hold. He picks something from the floor when Yoochun and Changmin exchange glances. There’s no need for words. Their eyes already told them each other thoughts.

They both started for the door but stop in their tracks when Junsu called for them.

“What?” Both shouts as they turn their head just to be greet with a bunch of thick jackets thrown into their nose.

“Waa?” Changmin startled.

“When I run after Yunho just now, I stumbled across these jackets. I believe its Yunho’s and I think he wouldn’t mind if you guys wear these,” Junsu says.

Without wasting any seconds afraid of Yunho got too far, Yoochun just snatch a jacket from Junsu and go out. Changmin too then take one and wear it when Junsu wears the last one. They both follow Yoochun outside despite the heavy storm.

“Yunho!” Yoochun shouts to nowhere.

“Yunho!” Changmin called to as soon as he got to Yoochun.

“Yunho!” they both scream loudly.

It’s all covered with white snow. The wind and the storm make situation worse. They can’t see any life soul walking.

“Is that him?” Junsu asks.

Yoochun and Changmin turns toward Junsu as the smaller boy pointed to somewhere. They look at the pointed finger and sure enough, they saw Siwon has been chasing over Yunho.

In the snow storm, they can’t see clearly what in front of them and what path they take. In a time like this, they can only pray to God to let them go through this thick weather and find their friends safely, as same as their safety too.


Yoochun and Changmin got to Yunho’s left while Junsu neared Siwon. All of them tried to take him back to the inn. Yunho, being the hot kingka and the good lover he is, ignore anything they said as he just continue his search while shouting and screaming Jaejoong’s name.

“Yunho, the storm getting bad. We have to stop searching,” Yoochun shout.

“Jaejoongie! Jaejoongie!”

“Yunho! It’s no use. We didn’t know where they are and we can’t see clearly,” Changmin try his hardest.


The wind blew hardly and it’s stop them to move. But Yunho just walk through as if the wind didn’t affect him at all while he shouting Jaejoong’s name over and over, in hope the wind will brought his called to the place Jaejoong is hiding.

“Jaejoongie. Baby. My baby doll, where were you?” he cried desperately.

------------------------ to be continued

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JHeroJ #1
Chapter 9: I love this story so much that I keep coming back to read it every six months or so. It has a special place in my heart. <3
Chapter 9: This story introduced me to yunjae and I am very thankful for that. I lost count of how many times I read and reread this story. It's just that wonderful. Thank you for sharing us this beautiful masterpiece ???
Chapter 3: Baby doll snap when someone was trying to use him as a promotion tool. It scary tho (≧▽≦)
ez_kpop #5
Chapter 9: me : you remembered how many cycle I took now repeating this story??
brain : im sorry,but I lost the count as well.
faithot5 #6
Chapter 9: just know this story now.its so lovely.thank you very much
Chapter 9: I read all the chapter with enthusiasm and impatient feeling about them.. Their love really so cute, sweet and pure. I can see how much they love each other and the way yunho treat jaejoong is make me scream enough XDDDD
I love this couple so much!!
Seulgi need more hard punishement than that. That is too much easy for what hv been he did to jaejoong TT she is so cruel exactly~~~

Happy wedding then (●´∀`●) they will be kingka and queenka the best ever exactly ..
Chapter 1: I just know this story and i love this so much..!! Omggg so... Jaejoong and yunho is a couple..but in the public they such a strangers.. Why??
I can't with his lovey dovey, really so cute and sweet in the room.. Kyaa baby jae and yunho is the best!!!
Brownsugar40 #9
Chapter 3: Its good