Chapter 7

Snow Love


Title: Snow Love
Author: Yunshi Himura
Pairings: YunJae, YooSu (may be)
Genre: Drama, Romance
Length: Short Chapter
Chapter: Chapter 7
Disclaimer: I wish I could own Jaejoongie but sadly I only own the plots and story.
Summary: The kingka Yunho and the nerd Jaejoong is surely not a match. They believe it’s a gross thing ever for a nerd to fall in love with their hot and popular kingka. Until a school winter trip unveiled the affection the kingka and nerd had for each other.


Part 7


Jaejoong just stared boringly at the book in front of him. He pouts his lips as his ears listened to Yunho’s voice. They’re currently lying down on the bed with their back on the head board. Jaejoong laid his head on Yunho’s shoulder, while Yunho’s arm put over his shoulder to hold a book in front of them to read.


“There are four things Korean must do as a citizen; studying, labouring...”


Jaejoong sighs for nth time. He knows that already. Yunho doesn’t need to explain more. Why did he bother to bring school books to this trip at the first place anyway? Oh, yeah. They want to study together for the entrance exam if they’ve time or too tired to play in the snow. Talk about being a freaking nerd.




“Bored?” Yunho looks at the mop of hair on his shoulder. “Should we change to history then? Or are you want to do maths instead?”


“Don’t want...” he whines.


“Tired? You want to sleep?”


Without waiting for his lover to respond, Yunho pulls his arm before he put the book on the bedside table. He pulls the blanket to Jaejoong’s waist and put pillows around him. “Comfortable? Comfortable?”


“Yunnie...” the nerd looking boy whines again.


“You want to lie down?”


Yunho sneaked his hand under Jaejoong’s knees and one under his neck. He lifts Jaejoong up before he lay the black haired boy down on the mattress before he pulls the blanket up to the chin. “Comfortable? Comfortable?”


“Honey bunny...”


“Oh yeah!” Yunho flip his fingers, remembered something.


Once again Yunho cut Jaejoong off. He thought that he’s already know what Jaejoong want and before his lover voiced it out, he will do it instantly. Ah, what a great lover he is. He gets up from the bed and walk to the heater at the window. He turns the heat up to make their room warmer. So that his lover can rest comfortably.


Yunho then walk back to the bed, sneak inside the blanket and lay himself down beside Jaejoong. He pulls Jaejoong’s body closer to his around his waist. His other hand pats and combs Jaejoong’s hair while his lips mumbled a sweet soft lullaby.


Jaejoong pulls his head slightly to look into the other’s face. Yunho already shut his eyes, try to gain sleep himself. He pouts as he shake Yunho’s collar a little.






“Yunnie...” he called again when Yunho still didn’t open his eyes.


“Yes, baby doll?”


“Honey bunny,” Jaejoong won’t stop until his lover look at him.


As lazy as he is, or as much as he loves to hear Jaejoong’s melodious whining, Yunho open his eyes at the end, seeing his lover pouting lips and blinking puppy eyes. Yunho gulp his saliva, trying very hard to restrain himself from attacking the boy in his arms.


‘Calm down, Yunho. Calm down. Jaejoongie is sick now. It’s not good to take advantage of a sick baby doll. Calm down.’


“Yunnie...” Jaejoong called again as he sees that Yunho is lost in his ertland.


“Yes, baby?” Yunho blink his eyes, try very hard to shake the delicious visual in his head.


“What are you doing?”


“Huh? What do you mean? I’m trying to sleep here.” Yunho didn’t understand.


“Shouldn’t you go out and play? You didn’t suppose to be here with me.”


Ah, it’s all about that. Yunho smiles warmly before he peck Jaejoong’s forehead, pulls Jaejoong closer and shut his eyes once again.


“Yunnie bunny,” Jaejoong shakes Yunho’s collar, unsatisfied.


“Don’t want,” Yunho says for he knows what Jaejoong mean.


“Yunnie, what would others says? Just go out and play. Don’t mind me here,”


“Don’t want,” Yunho childishly refuse.


Jaejoong sighs. After they got back from the cable car tower last night, Yunho never once did leave his side. Well, except for nature calling. Other than that, no. Never. It’s not like Jaejoong hate it. Hell no. It’s just that he wants Yunho to have fun rather than stick in this room with him. Furthermore, he’s also worried of what the other students would think. They might think that Jaejoong hold Yunho to keep him company since he himself caught a cold because of the storm last night; he can’t go out to play or to take care of the students.




“Even if there’s fire or earthquake, I don’t want to leave you, ever.”


Yunho pulls Jaejoong closer to his, and that make Jaejoong wonder if it will make his bones crush later.


“Just go out for a while, Yunnie. Take a fresh air,”


“No and no!” Yunho shakes his head.


A sigh escape Jaejoong’s lips. He knows that nothing will stop Yunho from doing what he think is the best at the moment; hugging Jaejoong to sleep all day long. If only something or someone will come and distract Yunho from him and forced him out to play.


And if to answer Jaejoong’s pray, a knock could be heard on their door. Yunho open his eyes as both of them turns to look at the wooden surface.


“Aish, who could that be?” Yunho muttered angrily.


He shoved the blanket and get out from the bed. He walk slowly still mumbled some cursed words to whoever dares to disturb his lovey-dovey moment with his lover. Jaejoong had already sit up on the bed with his back lay on the head board, waiting.


Yunho opens the door harshly. He wants to shout to shoo them away but shut himself before the words can come out to his vocal cord.


“Waa...? Junsu? Siwon-shi?”


Siwon and Junsu stood before him, bowed a little as a greeting. Yunho too bowed his head.




“We would like to meet Jaejoong,” Siwon says.


“He’s asleep,” Yunho quickly lies.


“No, he’s not,” Junsu retailed.


“He is. He’s sick so he’s already asleep.”


Junsu eyed Yunho sharply, seeking if the other boy if speaking the truth or not. Siwon sighs a little.


“I think we have to wake him up. He’s sick but he still needs to eat so he can eat his medicine later. We don’t want him to keep sick, do we?” Siwon woo Yunho out.


Just now that the kingka realize that Junsu hold something on his hand. There’s a bowl of porridge, juice and some pills that he think is for cold pills on a tray.


Even though Yunho wants to shoo them away to let him continues his pampered-hugging moment with his baby doll, Jaejoong still need his medication. He can’t let his lover lay on the bed, sick all his lives.


He sighs as he makes some way to the two to enter their room. But even before he can blink his eyes, he feels himself being push out and a door slam shut on his face and a click of a lock could be heard. He only takes a couple seconds to realize that he already at the hallway, alone and cold.


“Yah! Yah, Junsu, Siwon. Open the door. Yah!” He knocks the door loudly as he didn’t care if anyone saw him. “Yah, open up!”


He stops knocking. His mind thought of some methods to break the door open. Well, don’t blame him then. They’re the one who start it first. If he says he won’t leave Jaejoong’s side, he sure never will.


“It’s no use. Even if you use bomb, the door will never break,” a voice speak behind him.


Yunho turns around. “Huh? Yoochun?”


“I heard that this inn is build with high quality material. Only the key can unlock the door,” Yoochun says calmly.


“How did you know?”


Weird. He didn’t know that his friend here know such things.


Yoochun shrugged his shoulder. “Never mind that. Let’s go to my room.”


Yunho didn’t answer. He turns to the door again, hoping that his baby doll will open the door for him.


“Come on, Yunho. Let them talk. They need to see Jaejoong-shi first before they talk with the others. They won’t let you in even if you wait here disturbing them. Come,” Yoochun says as he pulls Yunho’s hand. “You don’t want to wait here in cold, right?”


Yunho sighs. Sure. As much as he rather wait there at the hallway than go anywhere without Jaejoong, he must go someplace warm. Furthermore, his clothes are not suitable for lying out in the cold. He just let himself being pulled off by Yoochun to his room.


“Take a seat, Yunho,” Yoochun says as soon as they got in and he shut the door close.


Yunho sits down on one of the bed that he didn’t even want to know whose. Yoochun comes after to join him on the same bed with packs of snacks. He dump it all down between them.


“I just have these in my room. I hope this is fine with you,”


“Huh? You don’t have to actually. It’s yours.”


Yoochun took one of the bags and tear its open. “But you didn’t eat anything. You must be hungry. Come on, don’t be shy,”


“I’m not. And besides, how did you know I didn’t eat anything?”


“Because you’re not there when breakfast?” Yoochun guess.


It’s only this time after been forced to leave Jaejoong’s side that Yunho has a good laugh. He shakes his head. No.


“I’d eat with Jaejoongie just now. We have our snacks too, you know. Its good thing that Jaejoongie choose to bought some vegetables biscuits and cookies than worthless junk foods.”


Yoochun look down on the pile of chips on the bed. If what Yunho said is true, then he feels a little shame of himself to serve this kind of food to his-supposed-to-be-too-hungry friend.


“Wait.” Yoochun lift his head, just remember something. “You thought this is worthless? Even these are junk foods, it’s still edible and good to eat, you know.”


Yunho chuckled again. Yoochun pouts but laugh too at the end. Yunho take the open bag and throw some chips into his mouth.


“How Jaejoong-shi?”


“Fine, but a little warm,”


“With all the snow and storm last night, he sure will catch a cold.”


Yunho nods his head. Feeling sad cause he’s not there to protect Jaejoong when his lover needs him the most.


There’s something bothering Yoochun that he chooses to keep quiet too. Since last night incident, he’s been thinking about it till he got lack of sleep.


“Well...Yunho. I’ve want to ask you, personally,”


“Huh? What is it?” Yunho ask with his mouth munching the snacks.


Yoochun shakes the bag of chips slowly, seeing the chips jump against each other. He didn’t know what to expect of Yunho and the nerd relationship. Either it is what he thought or what he believes, he just only has to ask. And since Yunho is here in front of him and there’s no one else either.


“What’s your real relationship with Jaejoong-shi actually?”


That caught Yunho by surprise. Never did he imagine that Yoochun will ask him that. “Why did you ask?”


Yoochun sighs. “Judging from the way you react last night when you know he had lost and when you found him. Also...” Yoochun cut it there to retrieve something in his bag on the bed.


Yunho’s eyes open wide and round, shock with what Yoochun shows him.




Yunho gulp his saliva. Where on earth did Yoochun steal their photo frame? And did he didn’t realize it that the photo is no longer in their room on its place? Oh, well. May be he’s too damn worried about Jaejoong to care about anything else.


“This photo tells me that your relationship with Jaejoong-shi is far more from what I imagine. You’re not just roommates, are you?”


A sigh escape the hot boy’s lips. Well, his friend had already asked, just tell him already. It’s no use to keep it as a secret forever. Yunho take the photo frame from Yoochun’s hands. He stares longingly at the picture. His thumb caresses the face of his lover.


And all this while, Yoochun just watch. Seeing his friend with that look reminds him of a love-sick puppy. Yup. Definitely there’s something about their relationship there.


“We...Jaejoongie and I...are engaged,” Yunho calmly says.


One second.


Two second.


Three second.




It only took a few seconds for Yoochun to realize what had been out from his best friend’s mouth. “’re kidding, right?”


Yunho lift his head. Yoochun stare at his face, seeing any sort of lies and Yunho just try to being funny. But much to his horror, Yunho’s face stays unchanged. Yoochun pale, as if all of his blood drained.


“No way...!”


Yoochun jump out, walking back and forth with his hands palm his face. It’s hard to believe. It’s can’t believe. No way. No ing in million ways. He thought that Yunho and the nerd relationship is just friend, or close friend, or couple, or lover. Whatever. But engaged?


Yunho sighs seeing the other boy going like a mad man. He knows it will be like this when he tells his friends the news. Well, guess its better Yoochun knows before the ball. If the cheesy boy knows when he announces it later to the school, Yunho doesn’t want to imagine what the boy will do later. May be his shock and rants are far worse than this. Furthermore there’ll be many students there than here.


“Oh God! Oh God!”


The hot kingka just let Yoochun has his time to adapt to the new information. When he’s tired, he will stop himself eventually. And sure enough, not more than a couple of seconds later, Yoochun sits back down on his previous seat.


“Why? When? Where?” Yoochun didn’t know what to say anymore but ask. “How?”


Yunho blink his eyes, amused. “What do you mean why? Because I love him.”


The boy startled when Yoochun scream into his palm again. Yoochun heaved a sigh, relaxed himself before he face his friend.


“You two are...engaged, and because you love him? Not because your parents force you to?”


Not know what to say, Yunho just nods his head.




“’s been three years already,”


“Three years? And you’re already engaged when we went to high school?”




“Why you never told me?”


“We want to keep it a secret,”


“Till when?”


“Till someday when we want to tell,” Yunho shrugged.


Yoochun wipe his face with his palms. “Oh God, Yunho. I really didn’t believe you.”


Yunho just smile shortly. He doesn’t want to say anything more. Let Yoochun cool down first. He will only answer to the question.


“But you met him?”


“Em...” Yunho tap his fingers on the snack bag, thinking to remember. “Our parents are good friends so we’re close since little; we’re childhood friend,”


“Why I didn’t know him? Which middle school he goes to?”


“He moved away before middle school because of his father’s work. And they got back just before the high school started,” Yunho nods to his own memory.


Yoochun sighs. Guess he can’t do anything about that. He could just accept the fact and go on with them. They’ll get married after all, and it’s all because of love. He can’t enter the picture and forces them apart.


“And is he really a nerd? I mean...why Jaejoong-shi did wear that nerd-kind looking when he got someone as handsome as you? If you love him so much, I bet he’s not that bad looking himself. Not to offend you, but...” Yoochun scratch his head.


Yunho smiles for he didn’t feel offend at all. Well, maybe if before but right now his friend is just curious. That’s why he asks whatever that bothering him.


“It’s okay. I understand.”


Yoochun sighs.


“Yeah, Jaejoongie is really pretty, in fact he’s prettier than any girls you see. And because of that, boys and girls in his middle school had chased him over. He’s the kingka there but he told me it is not the same as I am here,” Yunho told him.


“How is that not same?” Yoochun tilted his head.


The other shrugged. “They treat him like he’s the real king.”


Yoochun gawk. “You are kidding. That means...”


Yunho nods. “They lines up at his way, clean his desk and shoes, send his lunch, kiss the floor he walk through and they even let him win in every single game or presentation.”


Silent. Yoochun is too shock to say anything.


“I didn’t believe it at first when he sent me mails. But when I go to his school for a festival, I saw it real with my own eyes. They even want to kill me if I try to walk close beside him,”


“Holy cow. It is that bad?”


He nods again. “They treat him like a king rather than a student. He can’t study with all the students and teachers to stare at him 24/7. That’s why when he moved back here, Jaejoongie choose to disguise himself. He wants to study without any disturbance.”


Yoochun sighs. “That’s why eh? But Dong Bang High School students also bother him with his looks; including me,” he mumbled the last part.


“It’s okay, you didn’t know,”


“I’m really sorry, Yunho,”


“Say it to Jaejoongie then,” Yunho smile cheekily.


“Yeah, I will.” He nods his head and sighs.


He feels too embarrassed to face Yunho right now. He had bullied Jaejoong till no end only to know that Jaejoong is Yunho’s love possession. Yunho continued to stuff the snacks into his mouth even though he says he not hungry before.


“By the way, is it really no one knows about it, your engagement of course beside your family?” Yoochun lift his head to ask.


Yunho thought for seconds. “’s only our family who attend the engagement ceremony. That count as family too...”


“Who?” Yoochun really want to know who know it all before him.




“Junsu? As in Kim Junsu? That Kim Junsu?” Yoochun shouts as he point to the bed beside him.


Yunho nods nervously. “Ye...yeah.”


“Why did he know but I don’t? He is Jaejoong-shi’s friend but I am also your best friend, Yunho,”


“Uh...because he’s a family? Junsu is Jaejoongie’s cousin and even he is the one who took this picture,” Yunho says as he shows the photo frame.


Yoochun wants to scream out loud. Really, this is too much for him to handle. First are about Yunho and Jaejoong’s betrothed, Jaejoong’s king like experience in old school, and now even Junsu? No wonder Junsu looks mad every time he talks bad about Jaejoong. He is not only defending his friend but also their relationship.


He really can’t look Junsu in the eyes anymore.



How is it?
Is it bad?
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Sorry for a boring chapter. I just want Yoochun to know about YunJae relationship and add some YooSu here.

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JHeroJ #1
Chapter 9: I love this story so much that I keep coming back to read it every six months or so. It has a special place in my heart. <3
Chapter 9: This story introduced me to yunjae and I am very thankful for that. I lost count of how many times I read and reread this story. It's just that wonderful. Thank you for sharing us this beautiful masterpiece ???
Chapter 3: Baby doll snap when someone was trying to use him as a promotion tool. It scary tho (≧▽≦)
ez_kpop #5
Chapter 9: me : you remembered how many cycle I took now repeating this story??
brain : im sorry,but I lost the count as well.
faithot5 #6
Chapter 9: just know this story now.its so lovely.thank you very much
Chapter 9: I read all the chapter with enthusiasm and impatient feeling about them.. Their love really so cute, sweet and pure. I can see how much they love each other and the way yunho treat jaejoong is make me scream enough XDDDD
I love this couple so much!!
Seulgi need more hard punishement than that. That is too much easy for what hv been he did to jaejoong TT she is so cruel exactly~~~

Happy wedding then (●´∀`●) they will be kingka and queenka the best ever exactly ..
Chapter 1: I just know this story and i love this so much..!! Omggg so... Jaejoong and yunho is a couple..but in the public they such a strangers.. Why??
I can't with his lovey dovey, really so cute and sweet in the room.. Kyaa baby jae and yunho is the best!!!
Brownsugar40 #9
Chapter 3: Its good