Chapter 13

A pretty girl, A ugly girl

Key's POV

Maybe it is just the same. How can she this nerd be the pretty Nicole that I like. I just don't get it why Hyungs girlfriends always hang out with her. She is nothing. And we always have lunch together. I don't have any appetite al all just by looking at her.

Amber's POV

I felt happy today. I don't know why. After seeing Key.

"Amber, let's go for lunch." Victoria pulled me along with them for lunch.

Key's POV

Aish. Why is she going to lunch with us again? Irritating.

They were all laughing while they chatted. I realised that she has the same exact smile as Nicole. The same exact action too. She sratches her nose while she smiles. It can't be. Surely not. I decided to distract myself from that nerdy girl. I took out my phone and text Nicole.

To: Nicole

From: Key

Hey Nicole! Where are you now? I am so bored now.

When that message was sent out, I heard the same exact ringtone that Nicole had. Than, I saw Amber took out her phone.

How can it be?! Is she really Nicole? But why??

She replied to me.

To: Key

From: Nicole

I am in school now. The same school as you.

Amber's POV

I received the text from Key. I didn't know what to do. I replied that I was in school and I stated that I was in the same school as him as I knew that he would surely ask me which school I am from. He wouldn't find out anything. There are a total of 4000 students in this school. That's a lot. I took a glance at Key. He caught it, I quickly look down to my phone.

Key's POV

I decided to test it out. I called out for Nicole's name.

"Nicole!" I saw Amber turned up and looked at me. I was shocked. Soon, everybody turned to me.

Amber's POV

I heard someone called my name. I turned up and saw Key.

OMg! I am dead now...

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lethargic #2
Nice one!
You ended the story? :O <br />
Aigoo... ): <br />
But, the ending was good anw (: <br />
Hope to see more of your fics soon! ^^
sooyoongie #4
so it's end with 39 chapter? anyway they ended make up and together<br />
and i had really enjoyed your fic tnx for writing and if you write keyber fic again i will definetely read that~~
@Reader's <br />
Yeah. This is not a joke. I really ended this story. I don't think this story is suitable for many chapters. Really veryvery sorry.
sooyoongie #6
huh? really what is it? really finished please give reply and<br />
anyway update very soon~~