Chapter 12

A pretty girl, A ugly girl

Amber's POV

After work, we went back to our dorm while SHINee went back to SM.

I couldn't believed that I actually gave Key my number. Just hopefully, he won't find out anything.

Key's POV

Nicole looked so cute when he smiles and sratches her nose. She does that whenever she smile.

I decided to text her.

To: Amber

From: Key

Hello Nicole! Key here. Are you free now?

To: Key

From: Amber

Hello Key! Yea. I am free now. Why?

To: Amber

From: Key

Oh. Just finding someone to chat. Ohya. I spotted the white bear hanging on your phone. It doesn't fit you. Is it special to you?

To: Key

From: Amber

That bear. It is from my passed away grandmother. When I was small, my grandmother took care of me so I was very closed to her. That bear was from her.

To: Amber

From: Key

Oh. I see. Sorry.

To: Key

From: Amber

Nevermind. Got to go sleep now. Goodnight. :)

Amber's POV

I lie on my bed thinking about what Key text me. He seems very different.

The next day, when I woke up.

I checked on my phone and saw a text from Key.

To: Amber

From: Key

Good morning!

I didn't reply as I was running late to school. I din't have the time.

I only replied his text when I reached school.

Key's POV

I wonder where she is studying. Same school? Should I ask? If she is from our school, I am sure I will meet her one day. I don't want to seem like a stalker to her.

The other guys went into the class where their girlfriends were from. I hate going there. I had to see them being chesy with each other and sit there like an idiot. There was also a girl name Amber, which is also the Queenkas best friend. She is just disgusting.

I stepped in and saw Amber sitting at her table studying. A complete nerd. Her phone was also on the table. I spotted a white bear phone chain that was exactly the same as Nicole. How can it be?!

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lethargic #2
Nice one!
You ended the story? :O <br />
Aigoo... ): <br />
But, the ending was good anw (: <br />
Hope to see more of your fics soon! ^^
sooyoongie #4
so it's end with 39 chapter? anyway they ended make up and together<br />
and i had really enjoyed your fic tnx for writing and if you write keyber fic again i will definetely read that~~
@Reader's <br />
Yeah. This is not a joke. I really ended this story. I don't think this story is suitable for many chapters. Really veryvery sorry.
sooyoongie #6
huh? really what is it? really finished please give reply and<br />
anyway update very soon~~