Well we know that Kyu Jong is leaving for the military service and here it goes my story again,,and lol sorry for being too much in here....apology accepted?


"As usual writIng and updating my fanfics,,,,it was my dayoff anyway,,im just on my bed,,,browsing on net..suddenly a call came,,my phone ringing  for the nth time but i just notice it  late, i have head phones on my ears that's why..i pick up the call and answered immediately when i saw a familiar's a taiwan number that seems was used before..

" it's me kyu,,jong! an unusual tone spoke,,it was sad,,

"Yahhh where are you why you are using taiwan's number...

"Im here..he said...i wonder where so i asked back,,,eodie?

"Where are you? he asked me..

"Im at my bed,,i's my dayoff... i added..

"Can you go out? im waiting outside..he uttered,,i was surprised,,,without informing me and now he's telling me he is outside waiting for me...i squealed and pinned out of my bed...i panic as i don't know what to pick up first,,,do i have to change my hair was tied up in a messy's summer anyway,, it's too hot...and my clothes,,, argghhh,, eotteokke ,,i panic,,

"Hey.. don't you want to see me?,,he asked..

"Ani...i mean,,i want of course..but...i stopped and calm myself...ok seriously,,no kidding..i confirm..

"Just check me out here...he said...palli,,if you wont come out in the count of 20 you will not see any kyu jong anymore..

"I think for a while and snap out...without changing my clothes and fixing myself i ran down the stairs from 2nd floor to the gate...with my phone still in my ear...i saw him just infront of the are really here..i said as i went closer and open the entrance...

"He grab my phone slowly from me and end the call....he smiled,,i stock to where i am seeing him again,,i thought..

"He waved as he gave me his precious smile,,the smile i always wanted to see..

"Annyeong!! he greeted as he shake my hand...

"Eo..yeahh,,,im sorry i didn't believe you at first because,,i thought,,,i thought you were just making prank on me....i said as i fix my hair...

"Why are you here? i asked...

"Nothing just wanted to have a special fanmeeting with my special triple s...he replied..

"Last fanmeet? i asked and lowered my head..

"He heard the news? he asked..

"It's all over the net,,i am a triple s,,,,you forgot? of course i could see any news about you...i's your responsibility in your country to have your military service i know but.......i stopped as i smiled forcefully...

"He chuckled again......surprised about the news? mianhae...he suddenly apologize..

"What to apologize for? you should apologize to all thankyu and triple s,, you broke their hearts you know..they are crying now...i told him..

"That's why i am apologizing to you,,you are triple s right,,,? and i want to apologize personally,,,and yeah of course want to see you...and speaking of you cried too?

"Mwo? ah..ah..ahm..ani...i didn't.. i was just surprise,,, you didn't told me earlier anyway,,,owhh ermmm sorry,, i shouldn't demand for not your responsibility,,not even a girl,,,i said in very low tone..

"It's are a special fan anyway,,especially for me...

"Ermmm,,i gulp my excess what now..? i asked doesn't know what to do,,he can't go was prohibited actually...

"I looked at the ground...suddenly he grabbed my hand and pulled me to him...

"i widened my eyes..i was hugged by him..he looks sad but does he need to do this hugging me just infront of my dormitory....does he knows how sensitive the people around when it comes into a situation like this...i will be the talk of the whole dormitory if they caught me with someone and hugging me just near the highway...but errrmm how can he knows it of course he doesn't know...

"I pulled out..ya..yahhh,,,don't do this,,everyone will mistaken us...i blabbered and looked around to see if there are people watching and good thing there is non aside from the guards and the people at the store but far from us...

"Mistaken for what? as your boyfriend? he asked..

"A,,,ani,,erm,,actually,,,,then don't do hug me here...i told him..

"I want to,,he said as he pulled me again.....

"haisssttt,,i hissed but he tightened his hug...

"I let him since i can't do anything to pull out...

"Do you know that rumors here is strong than a rumors on tv...i will be the dormitory headline tomorrow....i said to him..

"And so what,,,rumors that you were hugged by someone...doesn't matter you don't have a boyfriend,,you are not married yet...or are you?he puloled out and look into me raising an eyebrow..

"Yahhhh kim kyu don't have to mention ok..and i don't have any and i am not married,,,i can get one in due time....i said slapping his arm...'

"I like you,,can you be mine?  he suddenly uttered under his breath...

"m~m~~mwo? i stuttered asking in disbelief maybe i hear words wrongly..

"I want to be your boyfriend...can i? he uttered again but this time he faced me...

"Well..ahmmm,,,i fake a laughed and scratch my back head as i don't know how to answer...

"Should i repeat it....can you be m,,,,,

"Ok don't have to repeat it....i stopped him as i blushed,,,

"Then? he was anticipating from my answer...but....kyu jong ssi....i was cut..

"He gave me a peck,,,i looked around...i need an answer,,or i should give you another set of the same question and,,,,he didn't continue but gestured to come closer again...

"Okay,,okay,,,yes,, don't just do it make me so embarrassed already...

"YES as in,,yes?,,he questioned to make sure..

"Do i have to repeat it? i looked away..

"No...that's enough,,you might change your mind if i ask you to repeat it...he said and took my hand and take me inside the car he was rented...

"Wa..wae?i widened my eyes...

"I want you to be my tour guide...he uttered in surprise of me..

"Mwo? tour guide? did i just heard it wrong..why i answered him yes then...i mumbled in very low tone..

"You are not changing your mind right? i assure you, you heard the right one,,my girl...he emphasized..

"but,,where are we going,,,wait i think i must change my clothes i was just wearing my house clothes..i complained as i looked at myself..

"Nothing is wrong with your clothes you seems prepared...he teased..

"Mwo? yahhh kim kyu jong....i hissed..

"A shirt..white shirt printed with "i am a triple s",,good enough to be a fanmeeting...a shorts,,,ermm,ehem,,he coughed,,you really wear shorts huh?,,he cleared his throat..

"What's wrong on wearing shorts,,i was just at home...i asked...raising an eyebrow..

"Its really short dear..he said,,, anyway not bad its just that it would catch other's attention.....he said

"You don't like it huh? i teased

"Erm..whose boyfriend wanted to make others drool over their girl....

"You chose didn't even gave me the time to prepare...

"Whatever...and you tied your hair in a bun,,nice tie,,you really know how to do it? how did you roll it,,he said examining my hair..

"Yahhh..stop it,, i will just put it down,,,i said as i was about to untie it,,he grabbed my hand,,don't,, it's looks good on you compare to when your hair is down..i like seeing you tied your hair...he said...

"But,,can i just change at least my clothes into a pants...i requested as i pulled down to stretch my shorts...

"Too late my dear we are too far already..he said,,,and stop pulling your shorts it's not even good to see someone pulling down his clothes...just bear with it...he suggested,,,you are confident right?

"I looked around and pouted as i saw unfamiliar way already,,im at lost now..i thought and stopped blaberring as i don't have a choicenow but to follow wherever he was taking me...

"Where are we going jinjja? i questioned again..

"Somewhere...where i can be with you alone...

"Mwo? alone...i tilted my head and took aback widening my eyes..

"Yaahhh im not going to check you in the hotel..i mean i want to spend time with you...we are going somewhere else...he screamed in embarrassment for i misunderstood him..

"Ahhhh arrasseo...

"Do you think i will just take you just like that....he grinned..

"Geunde,,will we work? i mean us...we are too far from each other,, and now you are entering your military service so there is no way to get in touch..i said...

"Everything is possible if you want was two years but we can do it..i will make sure to contact you...just don't you dare to change your number...

"But,,in two years i will come back to my country,,,my contract is done by then...i said..

"Then it is better,,,you don't have to skip work by that time...i can go with you if i wanted you know it..and you will be using your former number right?.he grinned..

"do we really,,or i mean are you sure that i would wait for you? that was a too long span of days,,,,i tried to reverse psychology him..

"That's why i asked you if you can accept yours and as mine...i mean if you answered me yes,,i assume you will wait...i meant what i asked you..

"And how sure i am that you will take it as a promise that you will come back and find me...i questioned him..

"I won't be here if i am not sure..i will ask you once again,,could you be mine until i finished my service and until you go back t your country and continue?

''Is it a proposal or what? or am i just in a hot seat for your sudden questions? i joked..

"No more joke dear...answer me....he seriously look at my eyes,,i avoided it...

"He turn me to face him...i need an accurate and sure answer right now...

"I nodded,,yes,,i answered,,,

"He poke my nose and he released me,,,i looked infront of the road...

"Is he really sure that he wants me to be his girl? i mean,,two years is too long,,what if i am the only one waiting and he is not...what if he could find his long time ideal girl,,arggg what am i thinking....i hit my head while talking to my mind..

"What are you doing? he asked...

"Nothing..i was just suddenly,,,remembered that i didn't unplug my laptop.....

"Ahhhh i see.... you can just call your room mates to infrom them and asked them to unplug it...he suggested..

"The worst thing i don't even know their numbers...i was just 3 moths here you know...and we hadn't exchange phone numbers... it's ok they will see it,,i wish...

"he ran his hand on mind and he squeezed and interlock mine with his...i looked down to them..i smiled a bit with him..i didn't say any words,,i just let him hold my hands...too warm,,,i thought,,am i dreaming? am i officially his girl? i know he is my hubby in my dream,,but is this part of my dream? i don't want to wake up and just stop the time at this moment and cut the part where he will needed to go to his service...i continuously this how saengie and gill end up in the dream the impossible,, a fiction...ermmmm am i that hook with some fanfictions...i laughed and giggle silently...

"I blinked several times confirming what the hell or what a good did my ancestors have done in previous life why i was with this man luckily...

"I sighed..and the car stopped...i search and examine outside...too many people,,balloons around..even rides i can see...i squealed and screamed..yahhhh!!!! not again!!!

"wae? he asked the obvious...this is fun right? he said knowing that i am super afaraid riding the freakin rides...just like the time we first had a tour together..

"He pushed me out of the car as he went out on the same door i used..

"He looked around....and smiled happily..kaja,,he said as he hold my hand...all were looking at us...well who can't be notice with me wearing such a clothes erm house clothes,,i covered my face..

"he took out my hand out from my face...we walked did you know this place?  i asked..

"i asked the driver where can we go for relax,,specifically i mentioned the amusement park..your favorite tour site..he teased..

"Ishhhhh...what the this your special fanmeeting with me?scaring me again? i blabbered non stop...

''Stop for a while ok?,, he closed my mouth and to be notice we were already on the front line....the heck i didn't even notice that we join the queue..i frowned as we will now riding the pirates ship...arghh same with the anchors soul was left down the floor as it goes up and up...i screamed loudly...

"finally it stopped...

"Can you just let me enjoy this..don't freak me out with those scary freakin' rides...just ride alone....i suggested to him as i frowned more..

"Don't frown you look so freakin cute like those rides....ok..let's go...he held my waist as my feet is getting heavier to step forward...

"We join a queue...this is not scary,,,this is just a bus to tour us around...he told me as we sitted inside..

"We took 30 minutes for the bus to tour us around the saffari,,,waahhhh lions are around,,,,and other animals too..i was amused..lions are trying to crawl on the bus while it slowly moving,,,it isn't scary since the bus was closed and the lions are behaved...

"Like it? he asked as he wrap his arm on my waist...

''Hmm,,i nodded...

"Soon it was done...we went out...and so he decided to ride what he wants,,,we went to pass by the UFO thing...i passed by it pretending i didn't saw, since i rode one like this before,,,,it is so scary..and it is too high..

"He pulled me back and we instantly sat in there because there is no queue..who would want to hang on the highest level and been drop down in just seconds...

The seats were full,,i scratch my head..he checked on the safety bar on mine...and hold my hand...

''Im swinging my feet on the we were pulled up while spinning too slow...just to ease my nervousnes...we even reach the fog above...we saw the views down,,,even the parking lot....all were seen up to stopped meaning we reach the highest level.... i prepared because in no time we will be down in seconds...i tightened my grip into his i expected we were dropped down in seconds we were halfway down,,,breath taking..i gasp to take my breath back...another seconds it down again...i closed my eyes and when i opened them he was infront of me already bending down looking at me...i looked around...i sighed in relief...he pulled the safety bar to free me.. i stood up i weaked my knee.. he held me once again and lean me on the side bar...

"are you ok? he asked poking my cheek...

"I shook my head...i want to puke...i closed my mouth,,,,i rushed to the nearest restroom...he followed me inside...i gestured him to go out because i can't talk and it is a lady's restroom...

"He didn't mind,,he patted my back...i washed my mouth and took out my mint and chew it...

"Mianhae...he said and laugh..

"I rolled my eyes...and walked out...our day is not done yet but we rode the mild one this time enjoying every breath taking,,, no scary thing....

'' finally we went to ride the cable car...we get in..since it was full we just shared with the two highschooler,,maybe they were having their tour...they are staring at us...

"He smiled to them as he cuddled me with his arms..

"kyu jong? one of the high schooler mentioned..

"I quickly removed his arms from me...

"You are kim kyu jong right? they squealed...

"Ssshhhhh he gestured...can you keep it as a secret? he begged...

''But we want your autograph....they asked in mandarin..

"He looked at the two..

''Hey..they said they want a sign...i told him,,,you understand mandarin right?

"Ahh ye...ok..he agreed and took out the two youngster's notebook and even took pictures to them...

"The two glared at me....puzzled...

"Erm..i coughed and cleared my throat..i want to run or just fly down to avoid the youngster's curiousity...

"ahmmm,he is my,,..,he was about to say when i interrupted..

"I am his tour guide...

"tour guide?,,,they mumbled..

"errr. i forgot,,kyu is cuddling me a while ago..what an excuse.....whatever...i hope they believe in me....they are too young can...argghhh of all the place,,,i mumbled

"xie xie,,they thanked as they went off the cable car...

"kyu jong as usual bowed in respect even they are just youngsters..


....ahemm,,ahemmmm,,,am i too much now? keke,, just want to share that i will gonna wait for his comeback..haha...cut,,,part 2 in some other time....keke... owhhh yeahhmm gill mianhae i used your fic to some of my thought kekemm i suddenly remember it how the both of you end up in marriage....*wink*

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Unnie ahh, kyaa now i really can't bear for kyu to leave for his duty :'( Wahh but he is soo sweet towards you. Arghh the sweetest centre in the world. Is this your last update for this story until his comeback? Gahhh i will miss reading your experience with kyu. :( Just hope 2 years will fly past soon! ~
Hahahaha unnie! I seriously burst out laughing when I saw 'saengie and gill' here! Hahahaha!! gill and Saengie is true, just that the author of DTI is making it fictional kekeke. >.< Don't worry unnie, you're not dreaming, Kyu is seriously asking you to be his girl~ Kyu is nice, he won't trick you into thinking it's a dream, he is not like Saengie, tricking gill and making her think everything is a dream. aigooooo~~ LOL.
Wahhh Kyu is sooooo sweet! Jinja jinja. You're lucky unnie. Ahhh you're making me even more sad T.T I don't want him to be gone for two years..but I guess, we have to respect his decision and wait for him! :D Esp. you unnie, he will be looking for you straight after he comes out from the army! Be sure to look for him! ^^
So I guess another update will be two years later? will it? Will you insert another chapter just before Kyu really leaves? ^^ I'll be anticipating. hehe. :))
Haha Wahh you really change your title to a diary? Coool!! :D Kyujongie likes you~ not as a fan, but really like you unnie!! Keke. Ahhh unnie, continue pestering him about making a comeback. Don't allow him to change the topic XD
Aigoo, you're posted to the hardest department? Hwaiting ne? Don't be afraid or stressed out. You will shine in your company :) just keep thinking of your HUBBY and the rest of the members as your strength! :P
Kyu oppa, hwaiting! I know ar unnie really likes you too, she is just too shy to say. Kyu oppa, don't give up! Continue liking her! Kekeke
Hahaha address?? Kyu jong wants to pop by your house?? Woah! Lol. Aigoo, I think you can just ask kyu directly for the autograph..hehe.he will sign it for you willingly kekeke
Hahahaha wahh so cool! MET IN TAIWAN! WOW! :DD Kyu is soooo happy to meet AR (you) there. kyeopta! keke. YAY now that kyu got the new number, he can call you everyday! hahaha don't reject his calls ne? Haha. Woah your friend don't know he is the ETERNAL CENTRE KIM KYU JONG??!! arghhh! Anyways, update when you have the time again! :D It's fun reading your life in taiwan ^^
woahhhh~ mr. kyu is missing AR... :)
i'm jealous!! they're having fun together.. keke.
fighting unnie!!!