" I asked for her address and she gaved me and i immediately hang the phone,,i giggled a bit...

"Omo!!! i saw my phone still, the call was active,,i press quickly the end call button..

"Hope she didn't heard me giggle aigoo.... i mumbled and gave the phone to our driver..

""Yahhh why were you so happy since this morning huh? manager hyung asked.. and what is that? hyung pointing to the piece of paper i was holding..

"Ahhh ypou know this address..i asked the driver...

"The driver check it...ahhhh de,,it's too far from here...he answered..



The next day...

"we were at the orientation room.briefing about work..

"Its too boring, signing of contracts etcetera...

"A call came...i answered lazily,,it was an unsaved number..

"Hel---lo...i greeted cutted..

"De its me.....he responded in korean..

"De? i suddenly widen up my eyes...

"It's me yahhh, don't tell me you forgot who i am again...!!!! he yelled..

"Ani...ok mianhae...i was just surprised again..and why did you call again huh? i thought you have your FM  today...

"Yes.. but its not starting yet....anyway i have to go now... see you later...he said and end up the call...

"De? later? wait... i exclaimed but the phone was already ended just like that...



"Kyu jong! young saeng hyung suddenly called and stare aat me sharply..

"Wae? i asked...

"We're starting...why you were always at the phone? he asked

"I'm just talking with there something...wrong? i said smiling...

"Mwo?...neo hoksi, you like noona? he suddenly asked..

"Ahmmmm..i smiled and i? i mean do i? i asked back..

"You seems to like her... he said...

"Molla.... as i was saying and as i said before...i was just enjoying her company... and not all foreign triple s knows how to speak and understand hangeul... i smiled again and before young saeng hyung had spoken his next word the queue of fans starts to move and we start the signing...

"Young saeng hyung just stare at me while signing...

"After the signing event,, i went to manager hyung

"Hyung can we go here? i asked and showed the place on that piece of paper...

"Wae? he asked

"Geunyang...i replied..

"I'm asking why because we might get a flight back to korea this afternoon..

''Mwo? i exclaimed...hyung cancel it please...can we just get the flight tomorrow?..i asked and frowned...

"Yaahhhh... kyu jong what's happening to you lately? hyung shouted at me.. and what will you gonna do to this place...the driver already told me..this is too far from here...

"Hyung jepal...i want to just check her...i said pleading...

"Her? who? is it the girl before? hyung asked angrily...

"What are you doing...this is not good to your carreer.. don't you know that?...

"Hyung...just once... i begged..

"No...just stay here...what do you want from her? huh? manager hyung yelled at me..

"Hyung...i insists..

"You know my's NO! hyung emphasized,, what if reporters will find you there and wrote some false news.. or article...?

"And so what's wrong i am just visiting a good friend...i reasoned out...

"Good friend? kyu jong ah..tell me.. what's your purpose why you always wanted to see her? did she follows you here? is she stalking you? manager hyung continue to scold me..

"Ani!!! she will work in here.. it's just so happen that we met at the airport...just taking the chance to see her..i just want to check on her..that's all...

"Hyung...let's just go there,, maybe there's no ;ots of fans there it's topo far and we can just secretly go in there.. young saeng hyung interrupted...

"Manager hyung click his tongue...Yahhh!!! if the company knows about this you will explain arrasseo? i won't help you out!!! hyung shouted...

"De ok we will explain...just leave it to me.. young saeng hyun said while glaring at me devilishly...manager hyung left us behind..

"Kyu jong... young saeng hyung pulled me back before i get steps forward...

"I face i asked..

"You have to explain to me about you and noona arrasseo?

"De? about us? hyung nothing between us...

"Ok... let's go first...

"Yeee.. hyung gomawo...i thanked him and walked...


"Its already 4pm. we are done..with nthe briefing..we hang out on the bgenches under the trees near the gate...

"We were chatting while others have their own chitchats with their friends...

"One of my friend said... Hey look at those cute and looks like celebrities..are they working here? she asked...

"I just took a glance and answered...maybe not,,if they are working here maybe they can go inside...

"Look friend said..

'I took a glance again and i quickly stood up shocked...

"Why? they all asked in unison...

"I shut my eyes for seconds and open them again...

"The man on the gate waved on my direction....

"I frowned facing my friends who were staring at me...

"You know them..they asked...

"I nodded..all eyes widened,,, really? hey...introduce them to us,, they giggled...

"I frowned again as i walked through them on the gate...

"I went to the guard and told him that they are my visitors..they allow them to get in,, he with young saeng and manager get in

"Annyeong!!! kyu jong and young saeng greeted waving with a smile as i just stare at them and greeted back...

"Annyeong haseyo,, i greeted manager politely...

"Manager greeted me back..

'I turn to kyu jong...what are you doing here? i asked don't you know that what you are doing is too dangerous to your carreer and you were dragging young saeng along... i scolded him,

"Wae? he asked but still with a smile..

"I told him that already but he insisted.. and this young saeng tolerated him...manager said..

" don't have to repeat that,,kyu jong said..

"Mianhaeyo.. i didn't know that he will come here... i explained...i will just talk to him later...jeongmal mianhae.. i bowed apologizing..

"Yahhhh.. you don't have to apologize,, i am the one who likes to go know right? so why you keep apologizing...

''I stare at him and then young saeng just nodded and smile at me..

"Ani i am just a fan,, why you were treating me like this? you dont have to do this os? get it? i said..

"You are good to me that's why... he replied..

"Wait.. maybe we will just wait for you outside,,, manager interrupted... we will just come back later when you're done just call us ok,,,

"Ani.. just take him with you,,,

"I'll stay here.. hyung just find a hotel first and i will just call you later...

"Ani just go ok... you will just ruin your carreer hanging with me,, hope you understand it.... i said..

"No... he rejected my explanations

''Haissst..yahhhh can you just talk,, just talk to him... and wait.. are you two... manager pointed us seems telling us something..

"Both of us look meach other and asked in unison... us? what?

"Are you two dating? manager spit out his question...

"Young saeng laughed..

"We both stunned to where we are standing.. i blushed and we both replied in a bit high tone... NO!!!...



"Are you two dating? manager hyung suddenly asked that makes us both shocked..

"We both answered NO!! at the same time

"Young saeng hyun just laughing at us...manager hyung chuckled..

"Yahhh hyung stop laughing i said shouting at young saeng hyung...i turn to manager hyung..why did you ask such questions like that hyung

" look like just have an LQ.. lover's talk then,, miss just talk to him..manager then left...

"Young saeng hyung smirked at me and tap my shoulder as if he was teasing me...

"Waeee?? i asked childishly..

"Noona anyeong....he waved to her and left without answering me..

" never listen to me huh? she yelled without minding that there are people around...who cares maybe they don't understand that is whgy she is confident to scold me..

"Sit first ok? i want to talk to you..i said as i pulled him on the bench beside me..

"What now? she friends were wondering who you are.. she said in serious..look so mad now... first time i saw that kind of face....unlike before,,smiling and her dimples were seen all the went silent...

"Are you mad? i asked just to break the silence..

"I'm not mad,, it's just that this is not right.. you hanging along with an ordinary fan what if a false article leak all over the net?

"Can we just talk some other topic.. i like the time when we first met.. don't treat me like a celebrity...i said lowering my head..

"kyu jong ssi,, i cant do that...

"Then stop being formal to me.. you are older than me...i said...

"I'm older than you but you keep talking to me informally... wae?you know im older than you but you don't want to call me as required..isn't that awkward to you to talk to me informally?

"Coz i don't want to.. so please let's just talk informally...

"She sighed and lowered her head..

"This is where you stay?..i questioned to change the topic..

"She nodded and so her pouted...

"Wae? you are not happy here? seems to be lots of friends to be with? i said to cheer her up..

"She looked at me with a fierce stare...

"I look at my lap..feeling guilty for nothing..i just want to see you again that's not difficult to just visit a friend if you are in the same place.. i explained..

"Wae? why you want to see me again.. aren't you busy? why you exerted an effortjust to see me? i'm already satisfied being just an ordinary fan and being so distant to you,, searching you on net to have an updates...

"I sighed..satisfied of...being young saeng hyung bias? i questioned..

"Wae? each one of you have the part in's just that young saeng catches my attention first...

"And what am i to you.. where am to you? second bias? third, fourth or last.. i sighed again..


"Sometimes i am thinking that it is better if you just an ordinary fan where i can't talk to my idol nor seen him in person,, at least you long and you always wanted to meet him.. watch him from afar..stare at their pictures and wall papers on your computer and celphones..

"What am i to you? where am i in you? he suddenly questioned those things? wae? i am just an ordinary fan of a popular idol...lucky fabn to mention.. but then who is he to me.. my considered hubby but as a fan only... each one of them have part in me,, i place them in my heart..

"Am i really just a second bias? he asked again..

"Why are you asking that? i asked back..

"Geunyang... don't you miss me? he asked jokingly..

"I miss all of you aigoo so please make a comeback stage soon together as ss501 again...lots of triple s are waiting especially me.. i grin..

"That's not what i mean,, that's different thing....he said pouting..

"De? i faced him confused..

"Aigoo..are you that good in not answering such questions? he sshouted..

"All look at us.. Yaahhh!!! don't shout ok? i rolled my eyes over him...

"Geunde..what i am saying is i miss the time we went out,, we enjoy and the time you treated me like a tourists...can we go out now?

"We can't... i don't have residential I.D yet so we can't go out till we have it..

"Jeongmal? i want to go out...he mumbled,, i look at him..see,s really like to go out..

"Kyu jong ah,, you can call your manager now and rest..

"Shirrheo..we still have much time right?,, so let me stay here for a while.. im bored...don't shoo me away..i feel like you were rejecting me even i hadn't started yet.. he said faing the dark sky already..

"Mwo? i asked glaring at him..

"He looked at me and smiled and turn to the dark sky again..feels good when no fans chasing around...he murmured..

"Are you sure? who knows there are fans waiting and following you,, like sasaeng fans making fancams and post them with negative titles...or paparrazzi taking pictures of us,, omo.. then i must hide my face,,,i said jokingly and laugh..

"Waahh you're laughing seeing those holes on your cheeks..

"Tsskkk.. i rolled my eyes and look at the sky too..

"Triple s are nice.. we don't have sasaeng fans.. if there is..they are still nice..he laughed..

"Are you confident with that..?

"Yes..he answered..

What if i will tell you i am just a sasaeng fan and i always wrote what you are doing?

"Mwo? he exclaimed,,then you are my good sasaeng fan... he grin closely inching to me..

"I avoid him and turn my face on the other side..



"I grin closely inching to her but he turn to the other side to avoid me...

"I poke her face.. i want tosee those dimples always arrasseo? i said and smile..

"Ehh? she faced me..

"You don't want to show me those?

"She pushed me a bit and said.. shirrheo,,, in serious face..

"Palli.. show me once.i pestered her till she thought of something to just avoid my pestering thing..

"You want milktea? she offered.

"I chuckled.. ok as you wished...

"She went to the guard and told them to order...after just 5 minutes she came back and sitted,, it's silent again...

"After another 10 minutes the page her saying that the order already arrived..she stood up again and went to them and grab the milk tea..

"I sip and amusingly complimented with the good taste of it...

"She smiled...

"Yaahhh next time i will visit you here...

"Hey..don't you ever do that....she refused...i am so nervous everytime you are with me.....she said..

"Why? i want to be your special friend...not just an idol to you..

"Just afraid i might destroy your good image to your fans...your career..

"You don't have to worry about that i can take good care of myself..

"Just obey your manager,,he knows what's best for you.

"I do..and i know what i am are special to me now...

"She force a smilee and continue sipping his tea..

"I like you..i said..

"She looked at me for seconds and just ignore what i said...

"I said i like you..i repeated..

"Don';t joke around kid...she said..

"I'm not kid!!! i exclaimed

"So stop joking.. she still a noona to you...

"You are not my noona,, so what's wrong if i like you...


Yahhh!!!!! i scream annoyingly

"He smiled..kyeopta....he said..

"Ahhh jinjja..i irritatedly wiggled..

"He tapped my shoulder and said...gwaenchanha,,

"Isshhh..i bit my lips and frowned but he was just laughing..

"Time really flies.. it's already 9 in the evening and be our need to call your manager it is out curfew soon..i suggested..


"De so make a call now..

"He grab his phone... wait,,, i can't make a call.. i don't have the number here...

"Aehh just use this...i gave my phone to him..

"Your phone? he asked

"De..wae? i asked

"He smiled and giggle...


Nothing,,,he answered while looking at my phone....i forgot that my wall paper is his face..i grab back my phone and dialled the number that he used for calling me..

"He talk to his manager and soon the driver came to fetch him..

"I accompany him at the gate and bid for goodbye..

"Take care...i said but i don't know why i want to cry that time... maybe because i treated him bad this day...

"He went closer to me and gave me a hug... patting my back..take care here,, i'll keep in touch. i don't lnow when will i see my special fan again...

"Maybe years? or neve? i said..

"Ani.. i said i will visit sometime here... jeongmal enjoying whenever im with you...

"Ok bye now.. go...i shoo him as i pulled myself from him..

"He waved and soon the car left with him...

"I sighed and go back inside and my friends bombarded me with questions which i just ignored...they complimented and i smiled only..

"Maybe this is the final momentthat we were together..there's no reason for us to meet anyway.. he likes me wae? that's impossible maybe he likes me as his fan...i chuckled,,, so childish..



"Arggghhhh.. why we are always like this..i said i like her.. can't she just answered me back that he likes me too.. i know he likes me because i am ss501..but other than that,, does she likes me?

"She said ok...what does that mean???'

"When will i see her again? 

"unanswered question again of what i am to her..aehhh jinjja...

''Soon we reach the hotel and the next morning is our flight back to korea...


"As i get in my bed,,i listen to his songs and also to ss501 songs.. miss them already no updates other than him...

"My hubby is asking of who is he to me..of course my hubby,, aigooo...then why he told me he likes me... special fanmeeting aigoo.. what a lucky fan having a sole fan meet ot her idol...

"I close my eyes and think about him...i can't sleep so i continue to write my fanfics about him and me..

'Fanfics? i chuckled.. more on my diary..whatever it is...

"I sighed thinking that tomorrow is my first night of work...they said i am in the hardest department,, good luck to me then...

"I just wish kyu is here with me all the time to give me some stregth,,i heard all other new employee cried intthat department..


....this is my diary as extraordinarygill said,,, yeah it is.. this were what i am doing here for couple of days,, but for kyu is just a fiction...mian actually this chappy is done but i continued it,, so read again... sorry for the typos again and again..

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Unnie ahh, kyaa now i really can't bear for kyu to leave for his duty :'( Wahh but he is soo sweet towards you. Arghh the sweetest centre in the world. Is this your last update for this story until his comeback? Gahhh i will miss reading your experience with kyu. :( Just hope 2 years will fly past soon! ~
Hahahaha unnie! I seriously burst out laughing when I saw 'saengie and gill' here! Hahahaha!! gill and Saengie is true, just that the author of DTI is making it fictional kekeke. >.< Don't worry unnie, you're not dreaming, Kyu is seriously asking you to be his girl~ Kyu is nice, he won't trick you into thinking it's a dream, he is not like Saengie, tricking gill and making her think everything is a dream. aigooooo~~ LOL.
Wahhh Kyu is sooooo sweet! Jinja jinja. You're lucky unnie. Ahhh you're making me even more sad T.T I don't want him to be gone for two years..but I guess, we have to respect his decision and wait for him! :D Esp. you unnie, he will be looking for you straight after he comes out from the army! Be sure to look for him! ^^
So I guess another update will be two years later? will it? Will you insert another chapter just before Kyu really leaves? ^^ I'll be anticipating. hehe. :))
Haha Wahh you really change your title to a diary? Coool!! :D Kyujongie likes you~ not as a fan, but really like you unnie!! Keke. Ahhh unnie, continue pestering him about making a comeback. Don't allow him to change the topic XD
Aigoo, you're posted to the hardest department? Hwaiting ne? Don't be afraid or stressed out. You will shine in your company :) just keep thinking of your HUBBY and the rest of the members as your strength! :P
Kyu oppa, hwaiting! I know ar unnie really likes you too, she is just too shy to say. Kyu oppa, don't give up! Continue liking her! Kekeke
Hahaha address?? Kyu jong wants to pop by your house?? Woah! Lol. Aigoo, I think you can just ask kyu directly for the autograph..hehe.he will sign it for you willingly kekeke
Hahahaha wahh so cool! MET IN TAIWAN! WOW! :DD Kyu is soooo happy to meet AR (you) there. kyeopta! keke. YAY now that kyu got the new number, he can call you everyday! hahaha don't reject his calls ne? Haha. Woah your friend don't know he is the ETERNAL CENTRE KIM KYU JONG??!! arghhh! Anyways, update when you have the time again! :D It's fun reading your life in taiwan ^^
woahhhh~ mr. kyu is missing AR... :)
i'm jealous!! they're having fun together.. keke.
fighting unnie!!!