The End.(



I walked up the old,dirty,dusty stairs into the dark building of secrets yet to be uncover. My objective for right now is to find  Ic. But then what? What will happen? I guess..only one of us can come out of this alive.. And I'm determined to have the other fall. I closed my eyes for a moment and breathed in deeply. Inhaling and exhaling. The pressure of what's going to happen next is weighing heavily on my shoulders. Ic....You know it and I know it. We both know that it's time. 

I shined my light around the main room. Until something from the corner of my eye moved swiftly. I turned to look at the mysterious thing. Nothing. Something then moved from the corner of my left eye. I rotated to the thing. Nope. My right eye now. This time I turned quickly enough to see a flow of fabric of a robe. In an instant I ran to the strange feature.

Nothing. Left eye. I ran straight towards the robe. Right eye. A few more paces. Right eye again. Nope. The robe would just flow around corners of the building into rooms or hallways. This pattern kept on going on about for a minutes until I stopped trying. And by stopped trying,I mean to trick the thing to come closer and appear. This time knocking noises were being made. The ominous noises and the pounding of my heartbeat was all I could hear. The outside world just continued on normally,not knowing that I'm in the face of danger. Right now, parents and kids would be sleeping. Right now the city would be alive with lights and music. Not right here. Right now, I'm walking around a dark place with a flashlight,not knowing what will come at me. Right  now I could be shot,stabbed to death then be marked "Ic" right on the arm.

The game with the flowing robe and knocking noises continued on. Right corner,room 15, left corner, room 05,left corner,room 13. All the signs just disappear as soon as I get to the spot. I don't understand Ic's scheme. His or her mind is trying to trick me. Trying to guide me to certain death. I won't go down that easily. I'll search and search until I find you. Then it all comes down.

The noises reduced and the robe was no where to be seen. So I went back to my usual plan again. Check every room,hallway, nook and cranny of this 18 story structure. Then the classic hint happened. My phone had a brand new message.

To: -------
From: ------

I see that you're here right now
But can you find me,I'll tell you how.
Remember that surprise bomb that took you off guard?
Now to find me, it isn't really that hard.


The surprise bomb? 

My office. 

As realizing where Ic is, I dashed my way to the room that started it all. Ic. How'd you get in there? Why in there out of all places? I sprinted halls through halls. Turning multiple corners going up the stairs instead of the broken elevator. Passing through familiar rooms that I might not see ever again. Because this is the end.

I stood in front of the dark oak door.The room that held it all. It held Ic and the darkest and deepest secrets. I took one last deep breath,held the stone cold golden knob,and twisted it to the left and pushed. 

I walked step by step slowly into the room,closing the door behind me. Nothing suspicious was in the office. But I eyed my desk. The big black leather chair was turned facing the wide window behind it.I took one more step before the chair started to creak and turned to face me. The only light in the room was the full moon. I didn't think the flashlight was necessary in something like this. In the moonlight, I could see the robed figure with its hood covering the face. The one I kept seeing many times earlier. It reached for its hood and pulled it down to reveal its identity.


"Why hello Sherlock~ Remember me? The woman on the phone?" She said in a familiar voice. So she's the one that talked on the phone during the bombs.

"Why? How? You were supposed to be the victim! How could you be Ic?!" I said,uneasy.

She gave a high pitched laugh. " Oh Jonghyun, I'm not Ic~"


"You heard me. I'm NOT Ic"

"Then who i-"

"Let me explain for you. Ic" she fogged up the window with her breath then drew the letters I and C," If you put those letters so close together, it looks like.." looks like a  k

Ic = k

She continued," And K stands for Kim....Key."

I don't believe it. Key? As Ic!? That can't be...

"But Key was with me when we spotted Ic at the train.." I mumbled.

"That's where I come in. I'm the decoy. I play as Ic. Key is the actual one though. The real Ic...was next to you all along. Ic has been hearing and knowing your thoughts. Key has been wan-"

"That's enough Sica," A familiar voice echoed through the room. I turned around to see the culprit standing right in front of me. Key walked to my desk next to Jessica.

"Welcome Sherlock."

"...Key.." He turned to Jessica and dismissed her, commanding her to go downstairs and check the people in the basement.

Jessica bowed to Key and walked out,giving me a smirk before she walked out. I looked back at Key as he leaned onto my desk. The feelings I'm having right now. Mixed emotions stirred up inside me.







"Why Key? Why'd you kill hundreds? Why'd you do all of this?!" I had so many questions. So many things to ask him. Each one,hoping to understand his feelings. 

"Why? Simple..Revenge"

I stayed silent,not knowing what he meant. But I just stared at him as the moon reflected the dark polished wood on the floor and table.

Key sighed," I guess it's story time since you clearly don't know anything..."


"My parents died when I was just 4 years old. I was at such a young age when I saw them being slaughtered. A man burst into our home one day and killed my mom. My dad,however,did not give up without a fight. He fought for his life with the mysterious man until there was one left. Unknowingly, both of them died in a draw. Both bathing in the blood of their opponent. The police came in and took me away from my dead parents. Then I was told, no one else in my family, not a single relative was alive. I'm the only one left in my entire family!  I lived with a foster family until I was 13 years old to run away. Can you imagine how many years of loneliness I felt? I couldn't stand it. Then I learned who the mysterious man was....Your dad. Your dad killed my whole family."

I didn't believe that either. I couldn't. I just couldn't... My dad? My dad murdered a whole family? ..Why?

"Of course I didn't know why.. But I didn't care. I wanted revenge. I figured out the family of the murderer. His wife, his sister,his brother,his son. Then that was when I became Ic. Did you realize that most of Ic's victims were your family?"

I knew indeed. I never spoke of that at all. He felt lonely because of my dad. All he wants is someone to know the same pain as he does. He doesn't want to be lonely anymore.

"Tell me Jonghyun..did you feel lonely?"


"So now you know how I feel. And since we're the last one in our family.. which one do you think will survive?"

"So you're basically planning to kill me."

"Why not? I mean you get to meet your parents and family again. Unless you want to kill me?"

"I...I-I can't kill you."

"..Why not? It's just a simple cut to the throat."

He took out a pocket knife and flipped it open,displaying its shine and sharpness. Key strolled to my side,the knife close to my neck. I'm at certain death here. I should be reacting to this..but somehow...I don't want to. I don't want to hurt Key at any cost. I understand his pain..He just seems like a lost puppy who lost his home and family. He needs comfort and help.

"Go ahead. Kill me." 

Key smirked and positioned the knife, "As you wish,Sherlock.."

Just when he was about to do the final cut, there was a scream and loud noises downstairs. The scream seemed to have came from Jessica.

"W-what was that?"

I took the moment to knock the knife out of Key's hand then did the unexpected. I took Key by the waist and brought him closer to me. Then I lightly pressed my lips onto his. Like I said.. He needs comfort and help.

I pulled back to see his wide eyes. I took advantage of that too by turning him around and yank his too arms behind his back. Just like being arrested. I went in closer to him and whispered into his ear," You know, I could turn you in right now,the police is here...or you.."

"Could run away with me.."

"Why..?Even after I did all of this?" I could hear his voice trembling as the coldness in his voice was replaced with warmth again.

"Sure it can't be forgiven. But revenge won't change anything. Just come with me and we can start anew."

I turned him around again so now that he's facing me. Wet salty tears descend down his face as I used my thumb to wipe them away. A loud noise was made again,but this time it was louder and sounded closer.

"Decided quickly,Key. Run or get captured?"

He thought for a few seconds then hugged me," Run.."

I pulled him away and kissed him on the cheek. "This might cost me a lot,but anything for you..."

"Now what?"

"We run. Get the first aid kit in the drawer first." I commanded as I opened the big window,letting the midnight air in. I looked to the side and smiled to myself,knowing the escape ladder was still there.

"Why the first aid kit?" He said as stepped on the window sill and swung his leg to the ladder two feet on the left.

"We're gonna fake our death."

I really don't know why I'm doing this...It's a crazy thing. I'm giving up my money,food,shelter for Key. We're gonna be away from Korea now..We won't have much food or money. But we'll be free. Sure they might be finding us, won't be so lonely for the both of us now.. 

Giving up everything,huh..? 

Love sure can make us do crazy things...


"Do you think they're finding us?"

"No,they gave up long ago.."

"Why?The Second Sherlock can't die that easily.."

"Sure,but..we faked our death real good."

"They might be looking for clues..who knows, a third Sherlock might be on our case..or Ic's case.."

"They all think Ic killed both of us. Making Ic a crazy killer."

"Haha, very funny."

"I could sense your sarcasm.."


"...Do you like it?"

"Like what?"

"Life with me?Life right now? Where you're living?"

"...Yeah..I really do. No matter what place or condition we're living long as I'm with you.. I'm okay. I'm happy,living in secret."

"Good..If you're happy,I'm happy."

"I love you.."

"Love you too..."


A/N: O u O 

This is the end~ Thank you guys so much for reading~! I hope you enjoyed the fail ending~!! I'm gonna miss this fic and you guys! ;A; Really,Truly, Thank you guys~! I love you guys for reading~! :D -gives cookies for everyone-

Comments= ♥ No Silent Readers. This is the end,show me some love~! /slaps self

Till we meet next time~

~Dia is Out!~

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OFF OF HIATUS~~ WEEEE~~ *celebrates*


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Chapter 12: i have a feeling that key was the killer before i start reading this story..
and then key just came along suddenly said that he assist jjong in the case and my mind said.. "key is the killer!" xDDD
love hw it turned out!!. xDD jongkeyyyy
Chapter 12: i like this kind of fics.
detective fics..
but..even its jongkey i kinda feel disappoint
jjong should arrest key though...
he is too simply push away everything he reach for key
but thats my JONGKEEEYY!! :*
awww...such a cute ending *^*
i really liked it ^^ and it was unexpected too!! XD
good job!! ^^
I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good story. the riddles were awesome
yes i knew it was Key! well, please don't think im selfish or trying to make u tired but if it is POSSIBLE please make a sequel...u dont have to its just my back to the story it was spectacular but when it came to reading chapter 9 or so it became scary so i had to have music playing...yay kpop hahaha sorry for the random comment overall ur story was AMAZING
aww.. the ending is so cute! it's unexpected but I LOVE IT!! i have a great time reading this ^_^
Onceuponafanfic #7
I had a feeling it was Key when he found the bomb quite easily and 'saw' the ghost of Jessica.
Very well written, a Fic that I'm sure I'll return to.
At first I thought it was Key, then I thought it was Jessica.
Turns out both are the culprits.

Nice story!

By the way, where's the director that asked Taemin to arrest Jonghyun?
And where did Taemin go?
TheCrazy15 #9
OMG!!!# i knew it was Key!! how?? idk i just knew it was him!!!! nice nice nice story!!! love it!!!