Chapter 27

Three Broken Hearts


  Mr. Cho walked back and forth in his office. The founder and chairman of UPI, one of the biggest companies in South Korea had met his biggest problem. He doubted himself a lot… telling himself that he ‘just’ think too much, and that everything is alright… Telling himself repeatedly that his one and only biological son is not in love with his adopted daughter…

But being in the business for so long, he doesn’t have the habit to doubt himself… What have gone wrong? He always knew that Nana favorite Kyuhyun more compare to Donghae, however, it’s not like she’s not close to her other oppa… Isn’t this taboo? If words come out, this company will lose its credibility! Who would invest in a family who committed such taboo?

Mr. Cho is contemplating on what to do. Is his children’s happiness his top priority or his empire that he had worked so hard in all his life?

Sigh! The middle age man was calling his secretary, “Book me a flight to Japan right now” he said it loud and clear


UPI Japan Headquarter

Cho Kyuhyun was looking at his phone with a wide smile plastered on his handsome face. He was looking at the before and after picture of a plate that his girlfriend sent him as promised.

“Oppa I miss you! When will you come home?”

“Keep missing me and I’ll be there, kekeke…”

“Humfp! Do you miss me?”

“ I do ><”


“No I’m not!”

“Yes you are!”


“Cute oppa”

“Don’t call me cute”

“Are you mad? You’re so cute oppa!”


“Awwwww… Aigoooo uri Kyuhyunieeeee”

“WHATTTT??????? Kyuhyunieeee???”

“That’s my nick name for you… ‘Kyuhyunie’…”

“No!!!! That name is too girly!!”

“Okay then, how about ‘Kyuhyunie Oppa’?”

“I don’t like it! It’s still the same!”

“But Donghae oppa always calls you that whenever you pouted as well ^^”

Kyuhyun’s smile was gone momentarily; the mentioned of his hyung made him stunned, reminding him that he has yet to speak to the older man ever since the incidence took place. Two brothers are in love with the same girl, what’s the odd? Is he doing the right thing? He never thought that it will bring him to this position… He would never be able to hurt his only hyung….

“Sajang-nim”, his secretary startled him

Kyuhyun looked up from his phone’s screen. “What’s the matter?” 

“Uhm,… I just got a call that the Chairman has just landed in Japan and on the way here to speak to you” his secretary said

Kyuhyun was shocked, “The chairman? Are you talking about my Aboji?” he was still confused

His secretary bowed to him, “Yes Sajang-nim” he answered

“Do you know what he wants?” he asked him again

His secretary just shook his head in confusion, “Sajangnim’s secretary just told me to cancel all of your meeting and that he’s on his way” he said

Kyuhyun just nod and look at his phone again to see if he missed any important calls. If his Aboji was to come to talk about the company, he would have known about it earlier, the chairman is very busy after all and will not be able to spare any time to visit his son. If it’s something important and related to the family, Nana would already tell him.

“Where’s Aboji?” he texted Nana

“In the office of course, why?”

When he read it, then he knew that no one in the house knows that the chairman is coming to visit him. What’s with all the secrecy? Does he know about us?

Kyuhyun didn’t have much time to think as the door was slammed open and a tall charismatic figure enters his office. He saw a glimpsed of his secretary who closed the door from the outside in hurry. Kyuhyun stood up and bowed, “Aboji”

The chairman walked and sat by Kyuhyun’s chair while Kyuhyun sat at the other side of the big table.

“What kind of honor that I have to have you visit me personally, Chairman?” he asked his dad

“I’m here not as the chairman, but as your Aboji, the head of the Cho family” he said it loud and clear

Kyuhyun gulped, “So what kind of honor that I have to have you visits me, Aboji?” he repeated his question

“I think we both know” his dad answered

“I’m afraid I have no idea what are you talking about, Aboji” kyuhyun said

BRRRRAAAAKKKK, The Chairman stood up and hit the table with his bare hands. “I know about you lusting over your sister!” he shouted while pointing his index finger to his younger son

Kyuhyun sighed heavily and stood up. He guessed it right. “I was about to tell you myself but I guess you found out about it pretty quick” Kyuhyun kept his calmness

“CHO KYUHYUN!” his dad shouted again, “What kind of person are you? Courting his own sister?” his eyes went wide, didn’t expect his son to keep calm

“Aboji, do I need to remind you that she’s not my biological sister? Besides, this is not lust, I will definitely marry her!” there he said it

“WHAT??? MARRY HER??? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND????” the chairman held on the back of his head to prevent him from collapsing, “DO YOU THINK I WOULD AGREE TO THAT???” he continued

Kyuhyun pressed his lips together, even though he thought he would never care about his dad, but it surprised him that he doesn’t feel that good either looking at the elder holding on the back of his head. But he cannot back down now. “We don’t need your blessing, Aboji. If you give your blessing that’s great, if you don’t then it’s okay too. Na-yah and me love each other and that’s enough for us” he said

“WHAT????” Mr. Cho felt like he was just hit by the head. He walked to his only son and slapped him hard

Kyuhyun did not winch a bit. He does feel the stingy sensation on his right cheek, but he stood his ground.

The young man looked up to match his father’s gaze, “Aboji, you can hit me as much as you want until I die, but that will not change the fact that we love each other and I will marry her,….. whatever it takes!” never once, he diverted his gaze from his dad

“YOU!!!!! I DON’T HAVE A SON LIKE YOU!!! I RATHER YOU DIE THEN COMMITTED SUCH TABOO!!!” he shouted while slapped the man in front of him several times

After venting his anger through slapping, he finally stopped. Realizing this might not be the way to level with his son. He looked up to the determine face in front of him, the face that remind him so much to his late wife.

“If you don’t want to stop this for me, do it for you mother! She will not be happy with her son committing such behavior” he said more calmly now

Kyuhyun scoffed, “Says the husband who remarry only a few month after she passed away” 

Mr. Cho is pressing his lips, trying to control his emotion. “How do you possibly think that you guys can get marry? Do you think I would ever allow such thing to happen? Do you think I would ever let you sit as the CEO if you do that?” he said

Kyuhyun smirks, “Aboji, I could care less about the company, Donghae hyung can have it for all I care. All I know is that when Na-yah happy, I would too. I may try so hard in the past to be at the top of this company so that the woman you remarried won’t inherit what is not belong to her, but my priority has changed. All I want now is to marry the woman I love, and that’s Nana” he explained.

Before his dad can react, he added, “And nothing, nothing you can do will separate us”

He bowed to the elder in front of him. “Aboji, this is my last bow to you. Starting today, I’m resigning my position as the CEO and resigning my position as your son. I will move out from the house and I will take Nana with me. I will pick her up tomorrow” with that he bowed once again and walked out from the office, leaving his dad speechless.

As he walked out, he wiped the corner of his mouth and he could taste his blood and the stingy sensation from both of his cheeks. That’s right, he could care less about the company, his employees, his dad, his hyung, even his mom. He knows that he is being selfish right now, but he would never be able to live without Nana. He doesn’t care that he’s hurting a lot of people in the process, as long as she is with him, he’s okay with that.


Kyuhyun slammed his jacket on the couch when he arrived at his apartment. He buried his face with his two hands and sighed.

He got startled when he hears his phone ring, but a smile of relieve showed on his face when he saw the caller ID.

“Hey baby” he picked up the phone, trying to sound as normal as possible

“Oppa… it seems that Aboji went to Japan this morning” the other person answered directly

“Oh? Really?” he said

“You didn’t meet up with him?” she asked him

“No” he answered fast whenever he lied to her

She stayed quite for a while, “Oppa, you know that you can tell me everything right?” she said

“Uhuh” he answered

“Then tell me” she demanded

“Tell you what?” he asked

“Tell me what’s on your mind” she said

“What’s on your mind” he said

“Oppaaaa…. Tell meeeee” she whined

“What?” he said again

“Tell me!!!” she demanded

“Tell you what??” he raised his voice too

“Tell me what are you thinking right now!!!” she said

“What are you thinking right now” he said, basically repeating what she said

“Yah!!!!” she went crazy whenever Kyuhyun does that when he kept something from her

Kyuhyun stayed quite, he really dislikes lying to Nana

“Oppa… I’m not a kid anymore… “ she said after waiting for a while and hear nothing

Kyuhyun nodded even though she couldn’t see him, “I know, you’re seventeen already, and now an adult” he repeated what she had always said

“Oppa… I’m serious…” she said, “If I’m going to be your wife, I should be able to share your burden too… I don’t like to be always being a burden to you” she sighed deeply

“Na-yah! Never think that you’re a burden to me!” he said quickly, “But everything is okay… I promise” he added. He doesn’t want to tell her now, especially when they are so far apart from each other. He wants to be there to comfort her, letting her know that even though they are committing such a “crime”, they love each other, and that’s what important.

Nana sighed, didn’t want to prolong the torture. “Okay, if you says so” she gave up. If Kyuhyun wants to tell her, he would already tell her.

“I have a surprise for you” Kyuhyun told her in the hope to cheer her up

“What surprise???” the minute she heard the word ‘surprise’, she immediately light up

“I will come to visit you tomorrow” he said

“REALLYYYYYYYYYY? You should have told me sooner!!!” she screamed so happily

Kyuhyun had to close his ears and leaned away from his phone. “And guess what?” he said

“WHATTTTTT? THERE”S MORE????” she jumped up and down now

“If you’re being a good girl tomorrow, I will bring you here for a vacation” he continued

“…” she gasp, she can’t even speak because she’s too excited

“Na-yah?” when he doesn’t hear anything from her

“Oppa…. thank you so much…” she said shyly

“Kekekeke” Kyuhyun chuckles, she’s too cute!

“How long will I stay there?” she asked him

“Uhm… Just bring whatever you want to bring, in fact just bring everything as if you’re moving out tomorrow. I have a house here for us, so you can start moving out your stuff” he said, this excuses will have to do for now

Degh! Finally the reality sank in and she began to think. What if she never comes back to this house again?

“Na-yah? Are you there?” he asked her again

“Oppa… what if Appa and Omma don’t want us to be together? What if they hate us?” she asked him slowly

“It doesn’t matter. We will try hard to make them approve us, okay?” he tried to calm her down

“But until when Oppa? What if they never approve us? Until when we should try until we have to give up?” she asked

“Na-yah, if I could give up, the first time I realize that I fall in love with my own sister, I would have given up. Don’t think about it, we will definitely be together, one way or another” he said

 “Okay…. I would never give up either Oppa!” she said while pumping her hand upwards to show her spirit even though Kyuhyun can’t see her

“That’s my baby! Now pack up your back and sleep.  I want you to look pretty for our date tomorrow!” he said

She blushed, “Oppa, I love you” she said, “And I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you” she added, telling him what has been in her heart

“And I love you too Na-yah! And I can’t wait until the day I can ‘sleep’ with you anytime I want without being labeled a e” he said in return

“Oppa!!!!!! You just have to ruin the moment! I hate you ERTED AHJUSSI!” with that she slammed the phone close with Kyuhyun’s laugh on the background

Ck! Such a ert boyfriend! OH Wait! He’s not her boyfriend, he’s her fiancé! She blushed and began to pack her stuff.



Kyuhyun heard the front door bell was pressed several times; he was getting ready to go to the airport.

He opened the door and not surprise to see her dad standing in front of him…

“Wait here” his Aboji said to his assistant, the middle age man walked in and followed his son inside. He looked around and almost instantly spotted the large garden surrounding the traditional home. He glanced to the side of the garden and noticed the abundance of white roses on that side. Is this why he chose this house? Was it because his late mother loves roses or because of his sister?

“Mr. Cho, please seat” Kyuhyun motioned to the tatami across the table from where he sat

Mr. Cho flinched a little bit when he heard his name called that way by his son. His mind brought him back to their conversation the day before. “Aboji, this is my last bow to you. Starting today, I’m resigning my position as the CEO and resigning my position as your son.”

“What brings you to visit me personally, Mr. Cho?” he asked again

His dad gazed at the flight ticket lying on the table. “I see that you have not changed your mind” he said

Kyuhyun followed his gaze. “I have told you clearly yesterday that I love your daughter and I would marry her, no matter what it takes.” He said firmly

“You clearly love her more than anything”, the middle age man sighed

“If you don’t want to give up on her for your mom, the company, me, or your hyung. Do it for the only person that you care about” he said

Looking at the confuse look given by his son, he continued. “Do it for her, do it for Na-yah. Give up on her, for her own good” he said. “She’s still so young, not even an adult yet… she doesn’t know what she wants… she still has a bright future in front of her… Don’t ruin it for her… don’t ruin her future for her” he added

Kyuhyun shake his head hard, “You might think I’m crazy, but I know that she loves me as much as I love her. So I can’t do that. If I leave her, not only I will break myself, but I will break her too” he said

“Aboji” he finally called the middle age man in front of him, “I told her this yesterday, if I could give up, I would have already given up a long time ago. Do you even know how it felt to secretly fall for your own sister? But I didn’t give up because I couldn’t. So whatever you say now, I won’t give up on her” he finishes his long speech

Mr. Cho sighs heavily, “…”

“Is that all you got Aboji?” Kyuhyun looked at the worn out man in front of him

“…” still no answer

Kyuhyun shrug his shoulders, “It’s a pity that this is the longest heart to heart conversation we ever had ever since Omma’s death. And it has to be the last one as I now will pick up my bride and give you up as my Aboji.” Kyuhyun said and raised from his seat

“Cho Kyuhyun, you are a Cho and you will always be for the rest of your life” the still seated man said

Kyuhyun smirked, “I might be born a Cho, Aboji. But right now, I rather not be one”. With that he walked through the front door and grabbed a taxi to get to the airport.

 Mr. Cho who was trying hard to redeem his emotion exploded when he heard his only son denying their family name. “CHO KYUHYUN! I RATHER YOU DIE THAN COMMITED SUCH A CRIME!!”


“Are you ready?” Kyuhyun called Nana as soon as he’s in the taxi. He needs to hear her voice to calm him down

“I am, oppa…” she sounds so excited

“Oppa, are you okay?” she asked him, sensing something is definitely off from his voice

“I just miss you” he said

“Humpf…. You’re lying” she said, but nonetheless blushing

“Did you pack a lot of stuff last night?” he asked trying to divert her attention

“I did… I almost didn’t get to sleep… I was so excited” she smiles

“I can’t wait…” he said and sighs again

But suddenly, DEGH! Nana was holding on her chest. Her breath becomes irregular… Is this an attack?

“Na-yah?” Kyuhyun asked when he noticed the rough breathing from the other side of the line

“Huh?” she tried to keep herself together so Kyuhyun won’t be worried

“Are you okay?” he asked her

“Yeah…” she said weakly while crunching down

“Are you sure?” he asked her, begin to worry

“Yeah…” she answer again while trying to take a deep breath

“I will be there soon okay?” he was a bit panicked

“O… oppa…. I’m… okay” she said in a ragged breath

“Are you sure you’re okay baby? I’m going to ask Donghae hyung to check on you okay?” he asked

“Oppa… no need…. Just get here… soon” she said. It will be over soon… this attack will go away soon… she tells herself

“Yah… Na-yah! Are you okay? I’m going to call Donghae hyung now!” he said, now panicking… he hated that he isn’t there with her…

Nana is holding on to her chest tightly, the pain does not go away… her breath become shorter and shorter… there’s a sharp pain in her chest every time she tried to take some breath… her phone slipped out smoothly from her finger… Kyuhyun’s voice become faded as the time passes, it changes into the sound of  her own heartbeat…  Her view becomes very blur… In that moment before everything becomes pitch black, she saw Kyuhyun besides her… holding her hand, telling her to fight for her life…

“Nana…. Naaaaa-yahhhhhh!!!!!” Kyuhyun screamed as loud as he can… but he never heard anything back…

“Are you okay, sir?” the taxi driver looked back at him when he heard the screaming…

However, when the taxi driver turned his gaze to look at his passenger who was screaming at his phone, he didn’t get a chance to look at the traffic light…. That now was just turned into red…

It all happened too quickly, within seconds, a big truck coming from the left side of the intersection speed up looking at the light that turns green for him…Unexpectedly, a small taxi speed up right in front of his line… The truck crashed to the small taxi and dragged it for couple meters before making a full stop…


Sorry for not updating for so long... I just had so many new things happened in my life that I got really busy and was lost in my own world :) Thank you for reading and the feedback as always!!!

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katharine #1
We miss your story.
Update soon.
Kyukyulover #2
Chapter 34: authornim plz update.. I am gonna die out of curiosity...
I miss this soooo much
InfiniteSuJu #4
Chapter 34: Please continue with the story. I wanna know how it ends. Please don't leave us with a cliff hanger
What happened to u dear author, can u pls atleast inform us if u're going to continue this story or not.. I miss this story
GoodReader #6
Chapter 34: Where are you author-nim?
You leave us again :((
PLS update as soon as you can!!
Love your story ♥
katharine #7
please update this story soon,don't leave it again
Chapter 18: i love this story so much!! but kyu is too suspicious. It's annoying sometimes. i mean, he is over reacting all the times and he never let her be with anyone other then him? but ut can be understood afterwards. this story is awesome!
my hunnybunny authorshii... r u still there?
just wanna tell u that i ♥ this story... so keep fighting, please... ♪♪♪
What happened to u n to this story?? Pls update pretty plssssss