The Truth Game

My Heart Only Belongs To You (On Haitus)

NICHKHUN and Victoria has finished eating their special dinner and now making bbopki for their dessert on a campfire and a moonlit sky.

"Let's play some game while waiting for it to be cooked." Victoria said referring to the bbopki cookies that they are making.

"What kind of game?"

"Ah... truth game?"

"Do you have a question for me?" Nichkhun asked while mixing the bbopki

"When we first met each other, do you know that I'm going to be your wife?"

"Aniyo, but I really saw you when we did Star King together. That's when I realized that I want to be with you and I don't want anybody else. But a lot of news came out that I will be with others, but I really want only to be with Victoria-sshi. And I was really happy when you were the one standing on the elevator and answered my question right."

"Jincha?" Victoria asked Nichkhun with a smile on her face and blushing cheeks

"Yeah. How about you, Victoria? Did you like me the first time you saw me?"

"I don't know anything about Nichkhun before I joined We Got Married. But I know that you are part of 2PM though." Victoria said but the truth is she has been checking facts about him but is too shy to admit that she likes him as well.

"Ah! So that's the truth, you are not interested at me at all. Well I can't do anything about that." Nichkhun said while feeling disappointed inside he just continued making the cookies to ease away the feeling.

Victoria on the other hand don't know what will she feel too because she realized that both of them wants the same thing. But she is feeling sad at the same time seeing Nichkhun's reaction on what she said to him. How will she tell him that she likes him too when he's right in front of him? I will just make up for him next time and make him feel a bit better.

Does Fate really exist between these two? 


Hi! GnaixNiQ here. It's a triple update everyone because I know some of you have waited for a week or so for this (or am I just hoping about it? LOL ^_^ )

Thanks for subscribing everyone and I hope you enjoy reading. Gomawo <3 Xie xie <3 Arigato Gozai masu <3

I'll try to update more soon...  ~GN^^,



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kyulyea #1
nice fanfick..
can't wait any longer..
update please >,<
eyqasong #2
coolgirlaamy #3
Hm, interesting. I like it. Subscribing :D update soon
Skaisha #4
Looking forward to the next chapter...