Chapter 47 - Your Not-So-Happy Birthday

The In Between


"Happy birthday dongsaengie~ you've grown up too fast~", Dongwoo said as he hugged you. You hugged him back and patted his back. 


"Don't worry grandpa, you know you always look cute despite your real age", you teased.

Dongwoo laughed his signature laugh and ruffled your hair. He then caught a figure right beside you, fiddling on his feet in awkward manner. 



"So... Who is this cute guy standing next to you? Your second boyfriend?", he teased as he smiled playfully. His question just made both of you blushed in shyness, although he didn't mean to. Woohyun noticed this, and scoffed under his breath. 


"Nooo! He's my boss, Sungyeol. Sungyeol, this is Dongwoo oppa, and that grumpy uncle sitting there is Woohyun oppa, you've met him before", you said, introducing the two to your boss, emphasizing word 'uncle' when you pointed to Woohyun. 


"Good evening, I'm Sungyeol", Sungyeol said and bowed. Dongwoo bowed to him too, while Woohyun just glared at you. 

"How dare you to call me uncle?!", Woohyun snapped before ruffling, uhm, messing your hair. You giggled and tried to block his attack. Dongwoo and Sungyeol just laughed inside to see the scene. Dongwoo then offered his hand for a handshake. 



"I'm Dongwoo, nice to meet you. Thank you for taking care of her"


"Nice to meet you too. No need to thank, it was my honor to have her as my make up coordinator", he said. Dongwoo just chuckled once at his sentence and went back to your little fight with Woohyun. 


"Is she burdening you much?"

"No of course, in fact, I'm happy to have her as my make up artist"



"Make up artist? I thought you were her boss in the salon! Haha stupid me. Are you an actor or something?"

"Well, you can say that Dongwoo-sshi"


"Drop the formalities, you're the same age as her right? Then I'm your hyung"


"Okay Hyung, you're really nice person, she keeps telling me about you everytime we meet"



"Really? Haha whew proud to hear that", Dongwoo laughed as he went back to see your little fight with Woohyun, and so did Sungyeol. Dongwoo then took a glance of the new guy next to him, and noticed something shining over Sungyeol's eyes which following every move you made. Dongwoo examined his figure slowly. 'Did he fall for her? Let's find out'


"She's adorable isn't she?", Dongwoo said, after clearing his throat. He wanted to fish out the real feeling of Sungyeol's towards you.  Sungyeol blushed as he slowly nodded his head. 



"No one could ever resist her beauty right? Especially with her personality. She's perfect", he continued again and Sungyeol just nodded in agreement. 

"I wished I were her boyfriend", he continued again, testing his reaction, and again, Sungyeol just nodded. 'Positive'


That was when Sungyeol found out he chose the wrong action towards Dongwoo's statement. Now, the dinosaur hyung was staring at him with investigating stare. 


"Seems like there's something between you two that I don't know?"


"N-no. It's not like that. I just...."


"Look, whatever you up to, don't ever try to hurt her or anything in her life. Including her family, her friends, her career, her feelings, and her love life", Dongwoo said with a serious tone. The smile on his face gone for a while and it just added the tense he gave on Sungyeol. 


"I know she's perfect, and... maybe you are planning to get her as yours. Do what you want, as long as it's not hurting any part of her life", he said again as his stare lingered on you who were still avoiding Woohyun's attacks. 


"H-hyung, do you happen... to love her... too?", Sungyeol asked nervously. He thought Dongwoo would act towards him like how Woohyun did. Dongwoo then turned his head to him and said. 


"Take my words seriously, all of us love her, although maybe in a different way from yours, but yeah,  we still don't want her to be hurt. You can say I love her, but in brotherly way."

He could just nod, while inside he felt relieved to know Dongwoo wasn't after you too. 


"Speaking of her, is she the reason why Woohyun acted coldly to you?", Dongwoo asked. 

"Maybe.... I don't know", Sungyeol trailed on his word. Dongwoo smiled as he patted the younger's back. 


"He had... sacrificed a lot. And he really loves her. Please understand his position. I think you and him will be good friends later" 

"Yes.... I understand"



Then it was silence between the both of them and you walked towards them with pouting face. 

"Oppa, that meanie uncle ruined my hair", you said to Dongwoo while pointing at Woohyun's direction. Woohyun just stuck his tongue out and went back to his seat. Dongwoo just chuckled and led you to your seat. Sungyeol than took an empty seat between you and Woohyun, letting another seat between you and Dongwoo empty. You glanced at the empty seat beside you. It was for Hoya, and speaking about Hoya, he hadn't showed up yet. 


"Hey I wanna go to the restroom first. Talk comfortably, I'll be back soon"

Then, you dashed off to the restroom, leaving the three sitting close to each other. Woohyun eyed Sungyeol in annoying manner, and Sungyeol just ignored it. 


"Why is this jerk here?", Woohyun spoke up, underlining the word 'jerk'. Sungyeol knew it was addressed to him, but still he ignored him. 

Pissed as he got ignored, Woohyun then grab Sungyeol's collar. "Hey, I'm talking to you Sungyeol"


Sungyeol looked at him uninterestedly, knowing that it was because of you he acted like this, and if Sungyeol respond it in a wrong way, everything would be just worse. "Well maybe you should have called me by the name at the first place. I'm not a jerk", he said cooly. Dongwoo just sat there, waiting for the right moment to stop them two from fighting. 

"Yes you are", Woohyun hissed. 



"If having feelings on her made me a jerk, that would go for you too Woohyun-sshi", Sungyeol said as he slapped away Woohyun's hand from his collar. 


Woohyun was taken aback on his statement. Sungyeol just sipped on his drink. Dongwoo on the other hand was looking outside to find a familiar figure approaching them. 


"Isn't that Hoya?", Dongwoo asked to the others. It didn't take their response to answer as the figure was now on the edge of their table, leaning with his uncontrollable breath. 


"Hoya? What happened? You look tired", Dongwoo asked as he helped Hoya to sit on the empty seat. Hoya surprisingly rejected his offer and just pulled out a box from his back. He passed it to his hyung, earning a confused stare from all of them. 


"Give this to ___-ah for me", Hoya said with his raging breath. Dongwoo stared at him confusedly. 


"Why don't you give it to her yourself? You're here and she's here", Dongwoo said. 


"I... Need to go back to the office as soon as possible. Tell my apologies for her okay? I'll be going now", Hoya said again as he about to walk away from the three. But then he stopped as he felt a grip on his wrist. 


"Wait there. Why are you doing this? You know it is her birthday right?", Woohyun held his wrist and stopped him from going anywhere. Hoya stayed in silence first. 



"It will hurt her even more if I showed up in front of her just to say I need to go back to the office soon", he said sternly as he pulled away from Woohyun's grip 




"I gotta go", Hoya said. 

"Yah Lee Howon", Dongwoo called and Hoya just had to stop again. 



"Can't you just wait for her to come? She won't like it to know you came here just to go back to your office again", Dongwoo said. Hoya's face hardened at is sentence. 


"Just tell her I'm sorry, she will understand"


"I don't think she will", Sungyeol spoke up as he stared at his crush's boyfriend. Hoya stared him back. 


"Dongwoo hyung is right, why don't you stay a while until she comes back here? She really anticipates this dinner", Sungyeol said again. Hoya gulped tiredly as he felt thirsty. he glanced at his watch and noticed it was already the time for meeting.


"Just take care of her for me. I'll try my best to come back here after the meeting


Then he ran out from the restaurant and caught a taxi, before going out of the three's sights. Woohyun glare at Hoya's  figure going further. 'Screw you and your meeting'


 That was when you decided to walk back to the lifeless three men sitting on their seats. "What happened? I heard Hoya's voice earlier"

None of them answered your question. You just shrugged it off, and sat on your seat, to find a box was held by Dongwoo. 



"What's that oppa? Present for me?", you asked and the three of them nodded. "From who?"

"Hoya", Woohyun spoke up. Your eyebrows furrowed at the mention of Hoya. 



"Hoya? When did he come?"


"He just left by the time you reached here ___-ah", Woohyun said. 



"He what?", you unconsciously raised your tone. Dongwoo felt you were about to explode in any second and decided to distract you as he clapped his hand together. 

"Let's just pass this off and start the dinner!", Dongwoo awkwardly changed the topic and you weren't happy about it. 



"No, tell me. He just what?", you repeated your question. You felt tears started to blur your vision the second time you asked. It wasn't that you didn't hear what Woohyun said, it was more like you didn't want to believe. You unconsciously grabbed Dongwoo's sleeves. 


"___-ah", Dongwoo said. 



"No. I don't want to hear anything. Drive me home. Now", you said. Tears were b your eyes as you ran out from the restaurant. Everyone was frozen for a while, couldn't respond directly to your reaction. 

"___-ah", Dongwoo reached out his hand to ruffle your hair but you slapped away his hand. 


"Drive me home", you demanded. 


"I can't ___-ah, I need to stay at the restaurant", Dongwoo said. "Besides, Hoya said he would try his best to be here before the dinner ends"



"I don't care. Woohyun oppa, drive me home please"

"I... didn't bring my car", Woohyun lied, hoping it would stop you from going anywhere. You grew impatient for all of their act. 



"Sungyeol", you called. Sungyeol awkwardly turned his head to you. 

"I... think it will be better for you to eat first ___-ah, you're hungry right?", Sungyeol said as he passed your plates to you. You slapped his hand and thank goodness his reaction was fast enough to catch the plate before crashing the ground. Woohyun and Dongwoo startled at your action. 


"I'm going home", you muttered, grabbing your bag and stood up from your seat. Dongwoo grabbed your wrist. 


"___-ah, calm down. He said sorry", Dongwoo said. 


"Let me go. His sorry doesn't fix anything. I'm going home". With that, you rushed to the front door, leaving the three again. Sungyeol stared at your sad figure sadly. He then heard a clang near his feet and found the hairpin he gave to you was there, slipping from your hair. He took it and stared at it blankly. 

Dongwoo tapped Sungyeol's shoulder. "Give this to her", he said as he handed the box to Sungyeol. "Take care of her for a while please. And... don't drive her directly home, take her around somewhere and have her heart calmed a bit before going home"



Sungyeol couldn't help but just to nod. His eyes were searching for where you were and he saw you were standing like a stone in front of the door, waiting for a taxi. He quickly stood up and bowed to both of his crush's friends. 


He was about to walk towards you, when Woohyun once again spoke up. "Make her call Hoya as soon as she calms down. Both of us know whom she belongs to"



Sungyeol was once again frozen at his place. Woohyun's words just hurt his heart, and also Woohyun's heart itself. It was like a reality that couldn't be accepted by the both of them yet they should. 

'Who cares to whom she belongs is. She needs me and I will be always there for her'

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And happy birthday to our lovely choding Lee Sungyeol! Best wishes for you and INFINITE! We love you


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Chapter 55: I hope you update soon enough...:D I want team woohyun... hihi!
Chapter 1: I'm blushing just by reading this

- Inspirit fan....
Chapter 36: omg. i dont know if i can continue reading...AHH! i'll cry if she deosnt end up with hoya. >.< Update soon Author-nim! :) love the story!
Cute-Inspirit #4
Chapter 54: Finally you update!
I love this story very much <3
Update soon
1069inspirit #5
Chapter 54: OMG thanks for updating!! I'm looking forward. Nice story author-nim *bows* :')
Chapter 52: when will you update? i'm so in love with this story X(
Chapter 53: OMG !!! Update soon author-nim !!! <3