Chapter 11

My Realistic Fantasy

      The next couple days went by as a blur and I don't really remember much of anything. However, I do remember all the death threats and evil lurking everywhere, I do remember the confusion I was feeling, and I do remember how I almost killed Eunmi....again. Eunmi kept her distance from me and a few days later, she requested for a dorm change. It was accepted. Although she was my friend, I don't miss her at all because from that day on, her eyes would turn red and her voice would be coming of Eunmi's mouth every time I saw her. It scared me to death. I thought about all of this as I leaned against the tile in the shower, feeling the warm water hit my back. I picked up the blade I kept in there and began cutting my skin. Another perk about Eunmi moving out: I don't need to hide anything anymore. She was outside the shower but with every drop of crimson, I could hear her wail. I slashed at my legs, drawing more blood, causing her more pain. It was satisfying.

"Stop it, please, stop."  I heard her wail as her voice broke. No, never. I will never stop until you are gone. I continued on to my other leg. There was a pounding on the door. I rinsed off my body, all traces of red washed down the drain before I walked out and dried myself. She was glaring at my back the whole time while lying in a fetal position.

"You should just go die Minji, no one wants you here anyways." She said to me, venom evident in her voice. "Is that what would make you happy?" I whispered as I pulled on my clothing.

"You have no idea the amount of joy it would bring me."  She hissed through her teeth.

"Well in that case, enjoy misery." I told her as I walked out of the bathroom and got the door. I looked through the peephole before opening it.

"Sorry, I was in the shower." I told him. He looked at my wet hair and smiled, causing warmth to spread through my body.

"Can I come in?" He asked with his gentle voice. I nodded as I opened the door wider and he plopped himself on my bed, making himself home.

"So what brings you here this fine day?" I asked him before I giggled and sat on Eunmi's old bed.

"I wanted to make sure you're ok, we haven't talked in ages. I just wanted to see how you were doing." He said ash he played with his fingers. I plastered on a smile.

"I'm fine, totally fine, completely fine." I told him before breaking into another fit of giggles.

"I'm serious Minji, you always seemed so scared." He told me. My face hardened and I pressed my lips into a line.

"Henry, I am perfectly fine. I don't want or need to you to worry about me. I'm ok and I'm happy." I told him, anger beginning to cloud my mind. I guess she finally got a hold of herself because she walked out of the bathroom and looked at Henry then flashed me a smile with her horribly perfect teeth.

"You should go, I'm busy." I said as I pulled him up and pushed him out of the room. He was trying to protest but I just slammed then locked the door. I felt her hands creep to my shoulders.

"What a pity, I wanted to play." She whispered. Leave me alone. I thought. "Minji, how many times do I have to tell you? I will NEVER leave you."



      Maybe I could at least TRY and hide these problems just as well as everyone else in the room. Maybe I could try and ignore the shadows with red eyes and sharp teeth staring and smiling at me. Maybe I could try and pay attention in class seeing that all my grades have dropped below 50%. But I can't, and that's because I can't hide my problems like everyone else, I can't ignore the evil clawing at me, and I can't pay attention in class simply because they are here to get me, and that's my problem. Everyone else can ignore the evil lurking around except for me. When the bell finally rang I rushed out the door as fast as I possibly could before I ran straight into someone, knocking me down. Oh God no! They're going to catch up. I thought as I scrambled to pick up everything I had dropped. I mumbled and apology before standing up, papers flying everywhere and me trying to get away from the creeps. Someone grabbed my wrist and fear gripped at me, they caught up. I tried to pull before I heard a voice I haven't heard in ages.

"Minji, can we please talk?" I look back at Eunmi. No, no. I don't want to see you right now...or ever because you're going to hurt me or I am going to hurt you.

"Sure." I heard myself say. What? No! No! We can't talk because then one of us is going to die.

"I, I..." She said, as if she was having trouble finding the right words. I tapped my foot, great. Now they were going to catch up to me.

"What do you want to tell me?" I asked her impatiently. I was running out of patience very quickly.

"I think you need help Minji," She said. Go captain obvious, I already figured that part out. "I think you should go talk to Kyuhyun, he seems to have information. I think he knows how to help you. He's just waiting for you to ask." I stared at the empty space behind her, there was no way I could face her right now. I already knew there was something wrong with me, I didn't need anyone to shove it into my face.

"Minji! Please listen! I miss you, I'm worried, and I want you to get better." She told me, her eyes burning. I couldn't' say yes but I didn't want to say no.

"I-I'll think about it." I forced out before yanking my wrist ouf of her hand and ran to my next class. I was late but that really didn't matter, I survived the passing period. I huffed out a sigh before slumping all the way down in my seat.

"It's nice of you to join us." The psych. professor said as he turned his attention back to the door.

"Those are obviously lies, just like whenever Henry tells you he loves you. When are you going to stop believing these lies?"  She whispered as she carassed my face before slapping me. I inhaled sharply, the numbness already starting to crawl on my face. I didn't want to believe her, but deep down, I knew she was right. When am I going to stop believing these lies? Everyone at school hates me and want me to die, just like her. Henry doesn't love me and Kyuhyun is not my friend. I have no friends. I couldn't sit stil at all during class, what use to be my favorite class became my worst nightmare. The evil was everywhere  and no one would be able to stop it. The belll rang and I was so relieved until I heard the professor call my name.

"I would like to have a word with you." He told me. My eyes darted around, suspicion clouding my brain. Is he part of them? Is he going to hurt me? I cautiously and hesitantly made my way to his desk.

"Yes?" I asked carefully. His eyes pierced deep into me, making me feel exposed. It was as if he was reading into the depths of my soul. He IS going to hurt me. I need to think of a plan to escape.

"Minji, I'm not going to hurt you." He told me. Lies, lies, they're al liars. Lying is not good, it's a sin. "I want to try to help you, please. I want you to talk to someone you trust ok? It'll help, I promise." Someone I trust.....that's unfortunate. I don't trust anyone. I just nodded my head before running out of the classroom. I hurried down the hall before I saw a familiar figure make his way towards me. I slowed down and the moment I saw his face, all fear went away. The evil slipped away. He sped up and pulled me into his arms and I found myself sobbing into his chest.

"Shhh, everything's going to be alright. You're going to be ok." He whispered into my hair.

"Kyu, please help me. I'm begging you." I said as I pulled away, looking into his eyes. Pain flashed through his eyes and it made me hate myself evenmore. How could I hurt the person I cared for the most?

"We're going to go back to your dorm, you're going to change and take a shower. Then I'll go and take you to help. Okay?" He said slowly. I processed everything in my head before nodding in agreement. He lead me by my elbow and took me to my dorm. I sat on my bed, watching him. He went to my closet and picked out a new set of clothing before putting it in the bathroom and he took me there too. He drew back the curtain and took the knife with him before leaving the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I sighed before turning the water on. I walked out of the bathroom, still drying my hair with a towel. I found Kyuhyun sitting on the ground, leaning against my bed, twirling the knife in his hand. He looked up at me and gave me a weak smile.

"You done?" He asked. I nodded before He grabbed my hand, dragging me to wherever help was.




"Kyuhyun, why are we here?" I asked him as we got off the bus. We were at the university's hospital center. Why were we here? Kyuhyun didn't answer me. Instead went over to the receptionist and handed her a card. He asked her a couple questions before he took me to the third floor. We walked down to the last door in the hall. Kyuhyun knocked and we waited until someone opened the door. I gasped, it was that kind man that helped me when I was lost. We both bowed and he let us inside his office.

"So, what brings the two of you here today?" He us. I couldn't answer the question seeing I did not have any idea. Kyuhyun looked glanced at me before looking back at the doctor.

"Minji needs help, medical help." He said. I turned my head and looked at him. Why? Why would he do this to me? This just proves I'm weak. I'm not weak, I can hide these problems just as well as anyone else, I need to be able to hide these rpoblems as well as everyone else. He refused to look at me.

"Is this true Minji?" the doctor asked me.

"I-I don't know." I said, feeling my eyebrows knit together. The doctor nodded before requesting Kyuhyun to wait where we were sitting and he took me into the room next door. The evil starting crawling back. Oh Kyuhyun, run while you still can.

"Minji, can you tell me what you're thinking about right now?" He asked me.

"I'm trying to think of the maximum amount of ways the evil can kill us." I told him, still looking around the room. His eyebrows went up before he scribbled somethings down on his clipboard.

"How have you been feeling lately?" He asked me.

"Tired. Very tired. I wish I could just stop running from these horrifying creatures but they won't let me go." I told him, shrinking away from one that was starting to crawl up the couch. It looked up and hissed at me. Kyuhyun, save me!  The doctor nodded before asking me to lie down.

"Everytime a thought runs through your mind, I want you to tell me. Ok?" He instructed. I nodded and lay down, closing my eyes. Everything was ok at first, before she started talking again.

"Trying to get rid of me I see? That's not going to happen. How many times to I have to tell you? I will always be with you."  She said.

"I can at least try to get rid of you." I said out loud.

"But I don't want to leave you Minji. You're so fun to play with. Please play with me Minji."  She said as her voice became more childlike.

"No, I don't want to. I want you to leave me alone!" I shouted at her, sitting up.

"This doctor's no good. You should just leave and come play with me." She said, twirling her long black hair.

"I want to stay with the doctor, please, just leave." I begged. Surprisingly, she did leave. But what came to replace her wasn't any better. I clutched at my head at the screeching that was coming out of the creatures' mouths and stood on top of the couch.

"Please sir, help me. They're trying to explode my brains and eat me." I groaned before falling off the couch. The door flew open and Kyuhyun walked inside, puling me up and sat me back down on the couch. He glared at the doctor but didn't say anything. I leaned myself on Kyuhyun's shoulder. Feeling secure and feeling the chaos subside for a little bit.

"Did you figure anything out yet?" Kyuhyun asked the doctor a little sharply.

"You're a little slow for someone so bright." The doctor told him. Kyuhyun's eyes narrowed.

"Well, it's more than a little bit obvious. She is going through psychosis which labels her as a schizophrenic. I'm surprised you haven't figured that out yet." the doctor said.

"Psychosis? She's never been through one that I know of." Kyuhyun whispered.

"It must subside when you're around then. Whatever the case is, I suggest that she come back twice a week for Kleinian analysis." The doctor told Kyuhyun.

"Kleinian analysis? What's that?" I asked, a little scared.

"It's a concept developed by Melanie Klein. You'll tell me what you're thinking, I'll tell you what I think that means and we'll try to find a solution from there." He told me. I just nodded. Kyuhyun thanked the doctor before walking me out of the office. He intertwined his hands with mine but didn't say anything or look at me the whole way back. I felt silent tears fall onto my cheeks. I'm schizophrenic and psychotic. I'm schizophrenic and there is something very wrong with me.



I really hope you liked this chapter! All of your comments make me so happy!

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Chapter 15: Wow...what an incredible story *-*
Please, let her be ok u.u
Chapter 15: She's having hallucinations. It was perhaps caused by severe depression in the past or she is currently experiencing. I've encountered 2 cases same as hers.
This story is fantastic, I read everything in just one go.
I hope you update really soon because I'll be waiting for it really badly.
Chapter 14: Oh dear.. I have subscribed to this such a long time... can I be honest here? At first chapter, I thought your story was boring... and there's nothing attract me to keep reading.. but because I'm so bored, and suddenly I saw your recent update, I forced myself to read it. and oh dear,, the story is good actually. Its something rare here.Now I actually regret of not reading this at first. But on the other hand, I got to read it in one go. but now I'm craving for more. I want to know more about the psychopath side of Minji, and how actually Kyuhyun will help her. Hope to see your update soon, and sorry if I have offended you for being truth. But seriously, I'm started to liking your story.. =)
Momoi15 #5
Chapter 14: OMG Really?! You made my day!!! I will patiently wait for your update!!
Momoi15 #6
I agree with the last comment! >__< please!! update!!! It's an amazing fic! Please!!
Ari-jjang #7
Chapter 13: Please, please, I beg of you...UPDATE! ToT I am absolutely in love with this fic, please finish all the way to the end! You left us all hanging at the best part, it's killing me the I can't read further! Please, when you get the chance, update this awesome piece of work!
Hansulah #8
Chapter 9: Ok lol I'm scared haha and I'm listening to Henry's trap while reading this but I love it
Momoi15 #9
Chapter 12: This story is getting better chapter after chapter *A* Seriously, I love the way you write!! *W* I can't stop reading *A*
Momoi15 #10
Chapter 10: This story is awesome. The best I 've ever read in months *A* Please keep updating! Love the relationship between Minji and Kyuhyun *w*