Stars In The Sky: You Give Me Heart Eyes

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When Kim Minjeong starts her surgical career at her dream residency, she does not expect for her ex, Yu Jimin, to be a glorified Cardiothoracic Surgeon, let alone be working in the same hospital as her. With her ex, practically being her boss, Minjeong struggles to keep her emotions at bay as Jimin makes it her mission to be insufferably annoying and desirable, forcing pent up hatred, hidden feelings, and to scratch the surface of their unfinished love story. 


This story/vision has been in my notes for a while now to the point where I dream about certain events to write about (lucid dreaming is cool) and add to this story. Be ready for fluff, , romance, comedy, and heartbreak. Am I going to end this story on a bad note? No, I wouldn't do that to you twice. Happy reading lovelies! 



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slayerkim #1
Chapter 26: Aaaaaa they are so cuteeeeee, thank youuu for the fluff 🥹❤️
Also, what do you mean it will get dramatic 🥲
Chapter 26: So domestic 🥹
Chapter 26: Where can I get my own Yu Jimin? My shopping cart is ready. 😣
1775 streak #4
Chapter 26: aww this update is so sweet.
Keiko_ney #5
Thank u author nim, for update in here..
Aeri_chan #6
Chapter 26: Why do i feel like therenis a storm coming hahahha but deym i love this au so bad
reveluv316 857 streak #7
yayyy a new update
Chapter 26: i love drama!! can't wait for it
taenggo09 #9
Chapter 26: i need to make sure that my heart ready for that drama 😌
kariselleheart 39 streak #10
Chapter 26: oh lord i wonder what drama.. but im ready