I just wanna go home



Jihyo did get released the following morning, she went home with Sunmi, Dahyun was still working, and it wasn’t like the teacher could just not go without real reason. Before being released, however, the doctor warned Jihyo she would need absolute rest, gave her a list of her followup visits, a prescription for the medication she would be taking and instructions on how to take them, a whole lot of recommendations that Jihyo was thinking of a way around and Sunmi guaranteed she would make sure the detective followed them. 


By making sure Jihyo followed the recommendations, Sunmi meant she would be taking a short vacation to look after her wife, it would look great for the public, she was actually allowed to do that, and they had an office in the house, Sunmi could work from home and meet her assistant there. Jihyo, as expected, was angry at that, but she couldn’t do much about it, it was either Sunmi and Dahyun tag teaming, or her mother and grandmother keeping her in Bucheon and she really didn’t want that. Chinsun was already hysterical about the whole thing, Jihyo loved her family but she also loved her own space.


When they returned to Jihyo’s house, Ahin and Jiyoo were already there, fretting all over her, the detective wondered where Chinsun was, but the smell of food and the sounds from the kitchen told her what she was wondering about. Now, the first day was rather tiring, too many people and too much fussing, Jihyo just wanted to lay down and relax, she WAS shot after all. Dahyun, the forever angel she is, noticed her best friend needed rest immediately and managed to get everyone out, incredibly gently.


Sunmi needed to make a few calls, it was still a little before dinner, so Dahyun said she would help Jihyo with her shower that evening. It wasn’t too difficult, they got one of those shower stools and she would only need help with the post shower part. They took their time with drying the older woman’s body, making sure she wouldn’t get any rashes, changing the bandages and dressing the wounds like the kind nurse taught them. Sunmi got to the bedroom in the middle of the bandaging process and was quick to wash her hands and help out.


It felt nice to have people she could count on. Jihyo knew she would have Dahyun, but Sunmi being there too was great, and she wasn’t imposing on her best friend that much. The girls™ had been trying to visit since Tzuyu heard from her friend that Jihyo was released, that was a week ago, and Mina decided she would have her wife sneak them in and camp out just outside the doctor’s office on her next consultation. It was funny, seeing Jihyo utterly annoyed at being forced into a wheelchair and Sunmi looking like she was having the time of her life with her wife’s mood.


For everyone else, they were just a young couple having fun with each other. And in many aspects, they were, but Jihyo still wasn’t seeing what she needed to see, so they remained just good friends who lived together…. With Dahyun, can’t forget the most important part of their trio. Now, it was funny for the couple waiting, but quite surprising for the ones leaving the consultation. Neither would expect to find Mina and Tzuyu waiting just outside the doctor’s office, which wasn’t really that unpleasant but definitely not something welcome.


“What are you both doing here?” Jihyo asked, yep, definitely annoyed.


“We have been trying to come and visit you but you are more slippery than a soaped up catfish.” Mina huffed, her accent and way of talking coming out with her annoyance.


“Well, there had to be some perks to living in a closed neighborhood.” The detective shrugged.


“How about we all go out for dinner?” Sunmi suggests, sensing her wife would start a fight at any moment. “You two can talk to little grumpy here and she won’t be able to lash out much because we are in public.”


“Now that’s an invitation we can’t deny, Sunmi-ssi.” Tzuyu agreed promptly and started moving.


“Now, why are you siding with those two?” 


“I’m not siding with them, sweetie.” The politician boops her wife’s nose as she says it. “I’m making sure these two won’t corner us like this again and guaranteeing an escape route in case you decide enough is enough.”


Jihyo couldn’t really say no to that, going to a restaurant would, indeed, give her the option of just leaving when she decides to, and she knew Tzuyu had more than enough favors to call and do the same ambush again. With the detective’s silence, the group took it as agreement and left the hospital. Sunmi placed a call and got them a table, it wasn’t one of the places she would actually frequent, more middle class and all, but it was much fancier than what Mina and Tzuyu would go for on just a dinner with friends. But Jihyo would be paying, so it was alright, she just wasn’t informed about her wife’s decision yet. 


“So, what do you both really want?” Jihyo asks once their food arrives. 


“The always observant detective Park.” Tzuyu chuckled.


“No need for any special observation here, you both camped out at the doctor’s office. There’s obviously something you two want, so out with it.”


“Now, calm down, gorgeous. You know you can’t get angry like this.” Sunmi intervened.


“She’s right, you know, you shouldn’t be getting inflamed like this.” The nurse agreed. “Don’t make that face, you got shot less than a month ago.”


“I’ve been saying I’m fine.” Jihyo huffed but calmed down.


“Good.” Mina clapped her hands, just because. “Now, why aren’t you allowing any visits and why are the three of you ignoring our attempts to contact you?”


“First, I got shot.” Jihyo begins. “I don’t know if you thought this, but I haven’t really been in contact with anyone. Also, you all know I’m not allowing any of you into my house because Dahyun is there, and I’ll die before I break her trust.”


“And Dahyunnie and I are mostly as tired as Jihyo lately. We mostly work, tag team to help Jihyo with her wounds and sleep.” 


Before her wife can speak, Tzuyu cuts in. “Yeah, I’d imagine you three are mostly running on fumes. Taking care of someone in Jihyo’s condition is hard work, and the patient themself are the most tired of all.”


“Is it really that difficult?” The chief wonders.


“Oh, you have no idea. Plus, the tension they all must be under at all times is enough to tire anyone out.”


“I’ve never been shot, but I’ll take your word for it.” Mina gives in.


They make light conversation after that, mostly catching up a bit and enjoying their meal. Sunmi thought it was quite a nice evening, Tzuyu gave them a few tips on how to shower faster and about changing the bandages. They also order dessert and Sunmi happily announces her wife would be treating them, to which Jihyo doesn’t even bat an eye and swipes her black card with ease. Mina noticed the card and wondered just how much money her old friend had. Last she remembered, Jihyo had splurged on her new house and shouldn’t have as much anymore.


Jihyo, obviously, noticed her card had piqued her chief’s interest, but pretended nothing was going on. It was fun, showing these little bits and pieces and then pretending absolutely nothing was happening and watching them try and figure out something about her. None of them really got close to the truth, mostly because they never cared that much and didn’t put that much effort into getting to know her. But it’s not really time for these thoughts.


Back home, Dahyun decided she would be having a self care day, she got in from work, sent the couple a message that she would be tunning out for the evening, got a notification they would be out for dinner with Mina and Tzuyu from Jihyo, turned her phone off and proceeded to just relax. She went to the kitchen and checked what was available, opting for a simple chicken pasta, filled the bathtub in her room, lit up a scented candle and soaked in the water while listening to some classical music. It was great, she noticed her roommates weren’t back yet once she got out but Sunmi could help Jihyo by herself, so Dahyun just finished her night routine and was off like a light as soon as her head hit the pillow.


Jihyo just smiled when she read her best friend’s plan for the evening, but didn’t mention it. The detective knew Dahyun had been a bit stressed out lately, with the whole thing with Jeongyeon, then it was exam period and her students were more rowdy than ever, not to mention the entire group was trying to get her to talk to Jeongyeon, no matter what happened and no matter what she had to endure all these years being married to the woman. Dahyun should be the one ‘being the bigger person’ and putting all the bulltery her wife has put her through behind, but not this time.


Things had piled up on top of old wounds that had never begun to heal, and new ones were opened time and again. Sure, Jihyo and Sunmi had been supporting her, no questions asked, but the teacher also knew it was time to talk about it with her best friend. Jihyo had always been there for her, no matter her choices, no matter the reasons, her friend would never fail her. Dahyun was just trying to find the best time, now that Jihyo was back home, to talk to her friend without Sunmi around. Don’t get her wrong, she thought of the politician as a great friend too, but this was best friend stuff, her and Jihyo’s stuff.


“I’ll have two meetings the day after tomorrow.” Sunmi says as they are preparing dinner.


“Huh?” Dahyun doesn’t know what sprung this on.


“I know you’ve been meaning to talk to Jihyo for a while. You two never got the chance to, with her being shot and all, ever since you decided to take some time away from your wife.”


“Oh.” The younger woman is a bit flustered. “Thank you.”


“Don’t thank me, you two should talk. I know you’ve been holding it in because of the storm we were thrown into, but you should let it out of your chest.”


“I will. I’ll talk to my boss tomorrow and take the day off to spend it here with her.”


“That’s a plan.” Sunmi smiles.


Both get back to their task, throwing little comments here and there, but finding a nice rhythm with each other. Dahyun is sent to the living room to help Jihyo to sit up so she could eat dinner and put up the little table they got her, while Sunmi makes their plates and brings it out for her wife before going back for her own with Dahyun. They eat while the drama Jihyo is watching plays in the background and the trio talks. It would be a heartwarming scene, had our detective not been gifted with her heightened perception.

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So, I've finished but will keep to schedule (I think).
But I'm still waiting for all those series I'm subscribed to and still hope will be uploaded.... Even when the authors seem to have vanished from the face of earth......


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Wivern #1
Chapter 31: A Home with family. Finally. 🏡
bore_d1020 #2
Chapter 31: Well… I guess the ending is good enough, at least Jihyo is not exactly alone alone anymore. Hahaha… the rich that is Jihyo indeed. LoL! So it got me thinking, among the couples, Chae was one of Jihyo’s exes but nvr really tried to control Jihyo’s life, while Nayeon tried to mess with Jihyo back at the academy coz she’s jealous and insecure, and later on , being Jihyo’s senior/boss but to me, Nayeon is the only one who actually tired her best to get back in Jihyo’s good grace. JeongMo the exes did while their partners SaiDa tried to stop them. And as for MiTzu, Tzuyu was the ex but Mina, had the upper hands to control Jihyo’s life/work being her boss. MiTzu were both on Jihyo’s “naughty list” though for not really realising they were at fault. Hmmm…. Ok nvm. Hahaha.
bore_d1020 #3
Chapter 30: Poor Jihyo there being “assaulted” by Nayeon - first the failed attempt by the bench, second the hug. Hahahahha. Well that was a big surprise, Jihyo have not one but two kids, and one she carried herself. In the end it seems Nayeon really is the better friend to Jihyo (other than BFF Dubu). And I’m surprised SaMo divorced eventually.
seikiri #4
Chapter 31: Based on the double down chapter looks like this is the end... That was a ride indeed and gladly Jihyo found peace now.
Wivern #5
Chapter 29: I'm curious who Ji's totga is or close to being one if ever. 🤔
bore_d1020 #6
Chapter 29: crap... it really is Dahyun and Sunmi huh? that seriously!!!!!
bore_d1020 #7
Chapter 28: Jihyo got ambushed at the blue house? what kind of security is that at the blue house though? someone at the blue house is a spy for Jihyo's wife's lover's organisation i suppose? LOL.
Wivern #8
Chapter 28: That was very brave of them to setup an ambush at the blue house.
Rely on Jihyo to sniff them out.
bore_d1020 #9
Chapter 27: Yeah….. when is life (p/s authornim) gonna give Jihyo a break?! Hmmm… seems like it’s not Sunmi and Dahyun?? It might be more damaging for her reputation if she ended up with Dahyun? So maybe is someone from Jihyo’s “secretive higher up team”? But anyhow… sad for Jihyo as usual. But wow!!! There’s more danger coming for Jihyo. Damn… she sure have it hard huh? Hope they resolve the case without hurting Jihyo too much. LoL… what else do Jeong expect from barging into the station except jail time? Hahahha.
bore_d1020 #10
Chapter 26: i hope Sunmi and Dahyun don't end up together.... that will be worse for Jihyo.
frankly speaking, for Jihyo and Sunmi to work, they actually do need to be divorced and if they do feel something for each other, then they can get back together with no hidden agendas. although, what are the odds that its actually JiHyun all these time? lol.