Task Force Sleepy Hollow

The Puppeteer
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Task Force Sleepy Hollow


This task force was formed to solve a specific case that had been unsolved for years, and suddenly, the murders of young mutant women had the same signature. Part of the task force is already familiar with the case, having been involved in previous investigations. Newer colleagues bring new ideas, and the extraordinary skills of the officers enable this task force to have an all-round investigative structure. 








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Chapter 11: You’re back! It’s been a while and I had to read the previous chapter to remind myself of what happened😅
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 6: Are there new clues added? Should I reread it once you are all done to see any missing clues for future chapters to figure out who's the bad guy? ;)
friendstolovers18 #3
So cool!
friendstolovers18 #4
Wait wow the effort in this story
Are you reposting the entire story ?
Shinee2020 #6
Happy New Year! :) Can't wait for you to get back to new chapters... ;)
Well we are revamping some things 😀😃🙂
Chapter 1: It’s like I’m reading for the first time haha
Chapter 37: Love the flow of the story, although I have to tell you that I was frustrated with Wonwoo for being a about the marking. I really really didn’t want to read their ‘second’ second date because I was convinced that he will screw it up again. Thank god he didn’t. Haha
On a side note, I wish they could’ve solved and figured out the stuff a little bit more with the clues they had.
Can’t wait to see if they can stop the killer this time with the help of vernon.
Chapter 37: Chapter 37: Chapter 37: Yo ngl, the part with Vernon is confusing. I'm assuming he ended up like that bc a Controller messed him up, but that's all I can deduce with how the facts are presented. Also the system and worldbuilding with mutants doesn't make sense. Does proximity/parameter affect mind control and other such ability? Do they rely on focused/immediate contact? For example, this is my theory: since it is virtually an intangible ability, you cannot constrain it with physicality and direction, (I hope I can explain this well but bear with me) so you have essentially no bounds as to where it can reach, how far, and in which direction it will travel to--since no laws of physics is applied. Or am I wrong in seeing it like this? I am asking because I think this is essential to the plot: if you consider this aspect, some things regarding the case would be solved by now: logically speaking, they can do so much more than ordinary, no-superpower police officers. Also: I had to wonder, if this is 100 years into the future, would there have been more tech advancements by the time? Like, think of this: 100 years ago today was 1923, and everything else is so different and almost everything is accessible to us now that didn't use to be accessible to people in 1920s. The way I see it, the characters are still bound by lack of resources, police and suspect alike. I would think that the enslaved victims were trafficked by underground orgs, because it doesn't make sense that the killer would just pick them up randomly from the streets. (The iron collars proved this to be an organized thing, for one.) If that is the case, the officers could easily look into that as well. Or if the iron collars are personal branding thing by the killer themselves, then that could easily be the most solid piece of evidence. They can narrow it down to one individual, no? Since no other slave owner is branding slaves like that. Another thing was also the fact that the killer was in Danbi's apartment, should there not be surveillance footage that would capture him being there, even in the hallways or lobby at least? Some bases are not being covered, which makes it unnecessarily convoluted, and things and people are being added by them bringing seemingly new things that the old characters could have discovered themselves had they looked for things in a different manner.