What If Love/Irene

Last Love

Irene wanted to hit her head against the wall, why was she a complete idiot? She was a coward and was scared to let Wendy know about her feelings. She had open and let her insecurities get the best of her when talking to Wendy.


She knew she had to get it right this time.


Bae Joohyun wanted to be Son Seungwan's. 


The Red Velvet leader only took a bite of the tteokbokki that Wendy gave her before going back to her own room. Opening the door, Joy and Yeri were already waiting for her to talk. “We heard you and Seungwan unnie in the living room.” Joy looked at the older woman with concern. She was surprised that Joy was in her room, since deemed Wendy as her favorite unnie.


“So it finally took a hoobae to take interest in Seungwan unnie, for you to realize your true feelings for her?” Yeri asked Irene directly. Irene joined them on the bed and groaned, “I know…I know. When she first told me about Seungwan liked me more than a friend and group member, I got scared.I wanted to say I liked her too, but I ran. I ran away… away from her, only leading Seungwan to feel more heartbroken.”


Irene finished venting to the maknaes, then looked down. Yeri and Joy glanced at each other, having a solemn look on their faces. The room stayed silent for a while until Joy spoke up. “Thank you sharing with us, Joohyun unnie.” Joy wrapped her arms Irene in an embrace. Yeri joined their hug and asked,”So unnie, what will you do now?”


“I’m going to prove myself that I’m worthy of Seungwan and her love.”




Irene wanted to make a surprise visit to see Seungwan’s parents, but they first dropped by the Red Velvet dorm to see their youngest daughter. She already bought the cake and Wendy’s parents invited her over to the Son residence. Wendy’s mother inserted their pin number which unlocked the door.


“Seungwannie, umma and appa are home. Also one of your members tagged along with us, she’s having dinner with us!” Wendy’s mother announced while taking off her shoes. Irene followed Wendy’s parents and she hid her expression when she saw Wendy and Eunbi together.




The Red Velvet leader offered to help Wendy cook dinner and they started to prepare the meal in silence. Irene knew she and Wendy would cook in a comfortable silence, but the silence is sickeningly awkward.


She felt the physical closeness being next to Wendy, but she can feel the distance between her and Wendy.




Everyone had started to eat with Eunbi complimenting the two Red Velvet members on the meal. Irene placed a piece of meat on Wendy’s spoon. Irene hoped by this action was to let Wendy know that she is still thinking of her.


Irene ended up falling asleep on the couch, being exhausted and overwhelmed from knowing she wants Wendy to be hers, to finally give her heart to Wendy.




Two weeks past since the eventful dinner, Irene and Wendy were gradually talking to each other more each day. Irene would make Wendy hand-drip coffee and would prepare sliced apples for her, then would retreat back to her room. She would also leave little notes for Wendy to have a good day at Youngstreet.


Irene would make the extra effort to make Wendy warm tea after coming back from her Youngstreet schedule for , she would also have sliced apples prepared for Wendy.


Wendy would return the gesture back to Irene, always giving the older woman her favorite tteokbokki, ice cream, or a Gongcha boba tea.




Wendy opened the door slowly not to disturb her members who might have been asleep. Taking off her shoes, the Red Velvet main vocalist gripped on the bouquet of pink roses for Irene. She was determined to make things right with the older woman and decided to confess her feelings again. The Red Velvet main vocalist shared her feelings for Joohyun with Eunbi and was unsure what to do


"Follow your heart, unnie. Who is the first person you think about this morning and the last person you think about when you are going to bed?" Eunbi asked the older woman while they hanging out at Eunbi's apartment. 


The solo artist did have a good point. 


Wendy thought about Irene. 


She wondered why the dorm was so dim and her jaw dropped to find Irene surrounded by hundreds of lit candles and she was holding blue hydrangeas in her hands.


“Joohyun unnie, what is all this?” Wendy was genuinely shocked, is today the day?


“Son Seungwan, today is the day is where I return my feelings for you…” Irene held up the flowers for Wendy to hold. Wendy accepted the flowers, where she gave the pink rose bouquet to Irene. The Red Velvet leader took a deep breath, then kneeled down in front of Wendy.


Wendy’s eyes widened in surprise and kneeled in front of Irene.


“I always liked you more than a friend, but I was scared to reciprocate those feelings back to you. When I saw you with Eunbi, I was jealous and my insecurities took over me. I wanted to sincerely apologize for my actions and I know I hurt you deeply, where I should have effectively communicate with you…I want to you know that I've fallen for you, Son Seungwan.” Irene started to tear up and held onto Wendy’s hand.


“So Son Seungwan, will you be mine?” Irene looked into Wendy’s eyes.


Wendy smiled widely and gripped onto Irene’s small hand. “I was already yours, Bae Joohyun.” Irene tackled the younger woman on the living room floor, where they both laughed out loud. “Is that you singing What If Love?” Wendy asked her now girlfriend and Irene nodded, cuddling into the younger woman.


“May I kiss you?” Wendy asked Irene in a hushed tone.


“You may…” Irene smiled, her lips finally touching Wendy’s.


So much that I don’t know

Honestly, it’s hard

I don’t know the right timing

Why do things keep messing up?


My heart has slow footsteps

So with all my strength, I chased after you

Each step you take

I’m right there so why are you hesitating?


Ooh love love is, what is it, what is love?

Ooh love, what do I do? What if love?

You’re probably my


One one one my one

The only one one one you are

If this is love love love if love

What should I do, what should I do? what if this is the love


I’m looking at you for a while

Wondering if you feel the same way

Of course, I really don’t know

It’s still so hard


My heart has slow footsteps

So with all my strength, I chased after you

Each step I take

You’re right there so why am I hesitating?


Ooh love love is, what is it, what is love?

Ooh love, what do I do? What if love?

You’re probably my


One one one my one

The only one one one you are

If this is love love love if love

What should I do, what should I do? what if this is the love


It’s so foggy between us

Nothing is clear

If I want you, if I desperately want you

In the end, will I be able to reach you?


One one one my one

The only one one one you are

This is the love love love I know

This is the love this is the love

I know this is the love



The song ended and the new couple pulled apart. “I also recorded something for you,” Wendy fished for her phone in her pocket, then connecting her iPhone to bluetooth to play an audio file. It was Wendy’s version of Jimmy Brown’s “Irene.” The Red Velvet leader once recommended the song and the cover of Wendy singing was absolutely beautiful.


Irene fell in love with Wendy all over again.


Baby girl you’re my Irene

You’re my bb

You’re my flower

You’re my everything

My Irene

You’re my bb

Forever in your heart


There’s no end, just everything

I wanted to give

I said pretty

I miss you every day

Take off the pretentious day


What I promised you

I will do it all again

The love I said at first

100 would fill you

My mind adds 904

I saw you, I learned a generous heart


Baby girl you’re my Irene

You’re my bb

You’re my flower

You’re my everything

My Irene

You’re my bb


Forever in your heart

Before we break, we go home

The sound of living busy is behind

If you hit the curtain, it will spread out


Because there is nothing to cover each other

Sad lyrics hurt you

The tears full of hope

Because I broke up now

I still

If you are one, I

I don’t want anything


Throw me at you


Baby girl you’re my Irene

You’re my bb

You’re my flower

You’re my everything

My Irene

You’re my bb

Forever in your heart


“You’re my baby, forever in my heart, Son Seungwan.” Irene smiled lovingly at Wendy, where their lips met once again.













A/N: So this is the WenRene ending of this story, hope you all enjoyed it. I will try my best to write WenBi ending as soon as possible, if anyone has ideas/suggestions please let me know. Please leave a comment on what you think and thank you for your support!

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19 streak #1
Chapter 8: coming back here because I love this couple, I need more wenbi stories to be happy TT
19 streak #2
Chapter 3: omg, I thought I was the only one who thought Wendy looked like Norae, I love fluttering feelings, she's my favorite yuri 😭💕
Chapter 8: i really love how it ends🥹 wenbi🫶 thank you author<3
sapphicsticated #4
Chapter 8: thank you for this <3
sapphicsticated #5
YKanon02 #6
Chapter 1: Bueno, bueno Irene, quien te entiende?
Chapter 8: but what about rene tho ;((
Iamsoshi09 #8
Chapter 8: Ooooo im in with all wenbi fic
Chapter 8: oh ghad i'm down bad for wenbi 💙💜
Usmonsters94 #10
Chapter 8: Honestly, I never knew I needed WenBi in my life. 🤧🤧 love this!