
A Water To Remember

Hi everyone here's my update, mianhae for my late update, hope oyu guys forgive me, anyways hope you guys will like this(finger's crossed) Enjoy!!


Previously on "A Water To Remember"......

“WAAAHHH, MR. MONSTER!!!” yelled JunSu that caused YunHo and the rest to stared at him. JunSu then hurriedly hid behind YooChun.

“what’s wrong Su? Where’s Mr. Monster?” asked the worried YooChun, JunSu slowly walked on the side of YooChun and pointed at YunHo who on the other hand stared shock..

“BWOH? Me?” said YunHo angrily as he points at himself.

To Be Continued…


JunSu hurriedly hid behind YooChun. YunHo on the other hand calmed himself, he then slowly approached JunSu. He then touched JunSu’s head and patted it.

“hey little kid, can we forget about it? Uncle YunHo didn’t mean to be angry like that, I had an important meeting that time, so im really sorry, sorry for saying such word’s towards you and your brother, I want to make it up to you, to be friend’s with you, so what do you think? You’ll give uncle YunHo a chance?” YunHo then stared at JunSu whom at the moment slowly let go of YooChun and stared at him.

“wow I can’t believe im doing this? I must be possessed”

“Hyung just give Uncle YunHo a chance, he’s a really nice and cool guy” said ChangMin whom run towards them and now holding YunHo’s hand. YunHo then smiled at ChangMin. JunSu on the other hand stared at the two he was about to speak when he notice something on YunHo’s neck. JunSu then touched YunHo’s necklace and stared at YunHo with teary eyes.

“it’s just like umma’s, so that means”

Tears then fell down from JunSu’s cheeks, YunHo and the rest became shock, YooChun then pulled JunSu into a hug.

“It’s okay Su” JunSu then loosened the hug and hugged YunHo, YunHo on the other hand was shocked with JunSu’s sudden hug. YunHo was about to hug JunSu back when..

“APPA!!! I finally found you” DongHae and the rest stared shocked at YunSu.

“EH? appa?” said YunHo as he loosened the hug and stared at JunSu, whom at the moment wiped his tears and smiled.

“appa, I’ve been waiting for this to happen, I’m so happy to find you, im really angry with you for abandoning us but now it’s all gone all I want is for you, me, Min and umma to be together, saranghae appa” JunSu then kissed YunHo’s cheeks and hugged him again, while YunHo on the other hand stared at nowhere trying to digest all the thing’s that Junsu had said. ChangMin on the other hand cried and joined the hug, while DongHae and YooChun whom still shocked smiled at the three.

YunHo then slowly lossened the hug and stood up, he then stared at the two smiling boys.

“why does this seem familiar? Only the difference was it’s not the crazy guy but his teo son’s, ,does this mean they inherit his craziness?”

“look I don’t what you mean, but im not your appa okay? Im not, let’s…. just eat” YunHo then started walking but was stopped by JunSu whom run in front of him.

“your our appa, your necklace is the proof and….”

“this necklace?” asked YunHo in which JunSu nodded. YunHo then smiled.

“everybody can have this kind of necklace, i think I saw this kind of necklace being sell downtown, so that means im not your appa…”

“I remember umma told me that the necklace where unique especially made for appa and umma, so your our appa” said JunSu with a smile, ChangMin then went near his brother and stared at YunHo.

“there’s also another way, DNA” YunHo then sighed.

“you two are really smart, but I can’t be your appa, I just can’t, this necklace,I just saw this on my bag and I liked it so I wore it and about DNA let’s do it so I’ll show you im not your appa okay? Let’s eat then” with that YunHo went to the kitchen with MinSu staring sadly at the kitchen entrance. YooChun and slowly approached MinSu, he then patted JunSu.

“smile now ne? all this is really shocking for uncle YunHo” DongHae then approached them

“true, it’s like a repeat of his past anyways to know the truth why don’t you two ask your umma about your appa, you might be wrong, im not saying this to make you two sad but the best solution is to ask your umma” MinSu then sadly nodded and they all went to the kitchen, as they eat no one said a word.

After they finish eating, YunHo then looked at the wall clock and looked at the two sad boys, he then sighed.

“kid’s it’s time for you to go home, let’s get you home” JunSu then rised his head.

“im sorry about earlier uncle YunHo, I just want, ani we just want to be with our appa badly and with your necklace and this feeling, I kinda thought you’re my appa, mianhae” YunHo then smiled.

“it’s okay, no harm done, if you want you can call me appa, you too Min” MinSu then stared at each other then at YunHo with a smile.

“I’ll care for the two of you like my own children” MinSu then stood from their chair’s and run towards YunHo and hugged him.

“I really wish you’re my appa, I have this feeling’s about you that feels so warm” said JunSu, a tear then fell down from YunHo’s left eye.

“I really don’t understand myself, but I gotta agree with this kid, I have this unexplainable feeling about them”

“so are we still gonna do the DNA?” asked ChangMin in which JunSu smacked his head.

“OUCH!” ChangMin then rubbed his head.

“pabo!, mianhae about that uncle YunHo” YunHo then smiled and nodded.

“im still on for the DNA” the three then smiled.

“EHEM!” DongHae then cleared his throat.

“are you guys forgetting that we’re still here?” YunHo and the rest smiled.

“well then let’s get the two of you home” said YunHo in which MinSu nodded

“bye Chunnie, see you tomorrow” YooChun then nodded.

“thank you, uncle DongHae, hyung” DongHae then waved his hand.

“come again ne?” the two then nodded. YunSuMin then started walking hand in hand to the direction of their house, with JunSu holding YunHo’s left hand and ChangMin with YunHo’s right hand. As they get near MinSu’s house they saw their umma with a guy, that the two kids do not know, JaeJoong on the other hand saw his two son’s, he then smiled, but it faded away as he saw the man with his two son’s, he was shock to see YunHo. MinSu then run toward their umma.

“UMMA!!” shouted the two as they hugged their umma.

“I’m so worried with the two of you, how’s your tummy ChangMin?” asked JaeJoong worriedly as they loosened the hug. The two then smiled.

“we where at Uncle’s house, he took care of us while you where gone, mianhae for making you worry umma” said JunSu as JaeJoong slowly stood up and stared at YunHo.

“ne, I had fun, he’s the coolest and funny uncle ever, ow and im fine now umma” continued ChangMin.

“I’m sorry for going home just now, umma went somewhere” JaeJoong then looked at HyunJoong in which HyunJoong walked beside JaeJoong whom at the same time who’s eyes where fixed with YunHo. MinSu on the other hand stared confusedly at their umma.

“who is he umma?” asked the curious JunSu. JaeJoong then smiled at JunSu.

“ChangMin, JunSu, meet your appa” MinSu stared shocked at their umma. HyunJoong then kneeled down in front of JunSu and smiled.

“Hi Su, Min… I’m your appa and…” MinSu then run towards YunHo and hold his hands.

“ANI! YOUR NOT OUR APPA!!” yelled JunSu. HyunJoong then stood up shocked and sad, JaeJoong on the other hand approached his two son’s.

“JunSu? ChangMin? He’s your appa” the two shook their heads.

“OUR APPA IS HIM” said ChangMin as his points at YunHo.

“AND WE’RE GONNA LIVE WITH APPA! If he stay here, Mianhae umma, but he is not our appa, we will not accept him as our appa” continued JunSu. MinSu then let go of YunHo’s hand and run towards the direction of YunHo’s house, leaving YunJae and HyunJoong staring at the retreating figure of the two. JaeJoong on the other hand, run after his son’s.

“your YunHo right?”asked HyunJoong in which YunHo stared confusedly at HyunJoong.

“how did he know my name? did I introduced myself? Did I tell him my name?”

YunHo then nodded, HyunJoong then walked in front of YunHo.

"I hate you, why do you have to show up again?" with that he left and followed JaeJoong leaving YunHo confused.

"what does he mean? have we met before?" YunHo then run towards his house.



JaeJoong’s POV:

“I really can’t understand what’s happening, does this mean YunHo admit that their his children? But why now?”

I then saw my son’s entered the house, I run towards the now closed door and knocked.

“SU! MIN!” the door then opened and revealed a very familiar guy, the guy then smiled at me

“have we met before? You seemed familiar to me” I then stared at his face and I remembered.

“u-uhm ne, ne 5 years ago near the café”  the guy flicked his hand and smiled

“now I remember your JaeJoong right? Wow it’s so nice to meet you again” he then hugged me. He loosened the hug and smiled at me.

“I like to chat some more ,but I have to talk to my two son’s” the guy then nodded.

“ow right, I was shock to see them went inside crying, ow im DongHae by the way, please come in, they went inside YunHo’s room, I’ll get them” we then entered the house, I sat on the sofa thinking about my two son’s. As I scan the place, one thing caught my eyes. YunHo and DongHae’s picture.

“are they together?” I then touched my chest and shook my head “that doesn’t concern me, but what if YunHo really admit their his son’s then what about me? wait it’s like im waiting for YunHo take me with him and be a fmily, aish”

I then heard the door opened I stood up and saw my two son’s I then, walked towards them and hugged them.

“why did the two of you run? What’s wrong? Aren’t you happy to see your appa? Uncle YunHo isn’t your appa but HyunJoong” I then loosened the hug to see them crying.

“ani, his not our appa, we just knew it umma, we got this feeling about Uncle YunHo and also his wearing a necklace just like yours” after JunSu said that JaeJoong then touched his necklace and stared at his son’s.

“YunHo…. What’s the meaning of all of this? Are you playing with me? And why now?”

“Jae!” I then snapped out from my thought when I heard HyunJoong. HyunJoong then kneeled in front of my son’s

“Su, Min, I am your appa, I understand how you feel, mianhae for leaving you, I promise the two of you I will never leave you again, we’ll be a happy family”

“trust your appa” I then stared at YunHo with aching heart.

“and I thought you will say you’re their appa and we’ll be together”

I saw ChangMin hugged HyunJoong but JunSu run behind YunHo.

“He’s not my appa, but him” he points at YunHo as he hugged him.

“Min you can’t trust that guy, his not our appa” I then stood up.

“JunSu how can you say that, he is your appa, he asked for forgiveness and he wants to be with us”

“then why now? Why now umma? Why not before?” I was stopped as I heard that from JunSu

“you should tell that to YunHo not him”

“Su please come here, give him a chance ne?” JunSu shooked his head.

“I’m sorry to interfere and I know I have no right, but from what I see JunSu here, needs some time to accept thing’s, you can’t blame him, let him sleep here for a while and I’ll talk to him if that’s okay with you?” I then stared at YunHo then at Su.

“o-okay, t-thank you, let’s go Min, HyunJoong…. See you tomorrow Su” JunSu didn’t look at me and it hurts me.

“but his with YunHo so I guess it’s okay though it would be better if you’ll say something.”

I then looked at YunHo for the last time before I walked out with HyunJoong and ChangMin.

“YunHo did you know that your still on my heart for all this years? Did you know that even thing’s that happened today confuses me I was happy to the thought that you accepted your children and you’ll ask for my forgiveness, tell me your reason’s and take me with you cause I’ll accept you, but I guess we’re really not meant for each other”

End of POV


JunSu then loosened the hug and stared at the door, YunHo then kneeled in front of JunSu and patted his head.

“Su I understand how you feel, but it seems your appa’s really sorry for abandoning you, maybe he had a big reason for leaving you, can’t you forgive him? He’s back and he wants to make it up to you, min and to your umma, can’t you accept him?” JunSu then shook his head.

“He’s not my appa, even if he is, I don’t want to accept him, he hurted my umma, if I want an appa then I want that appa to be you” JunSu then hugged YunHo as YunHo re-think about his feeling, a feeling of not letting go of JunSu.


Later that night….

While they where enjoying cleaning the dishes, JunSu accidentally slipped that caused the plate to fell and brake, YunHo who heard it run towards JunSu, whom at the moment is about to pick the pieces.

“JUNSU! Don’t touch it” JunSu then stopped and watched as YunHo approached him. Tears then fell down from his cheeks.

“mianhae about the plate, I slipped and it…”

“shhhh, it’s okay it’s just a plate, what matter’s is your not hurt” YunHo then hugged JunSu, when JunSu calmed down, he loosened the hug and smiled at JunSu.

“smile now ne? you go to the living room and join Chunnie on watching T.V appa will just sweep this broken plate ne?” JunSu then nodded and left. YunHo then started picking the plates as he pick, he kept seeing blurred images. He then shooked his head, to clear his mind, as he shook his head, he accidentally cut his finger with the piece of the plate that caused it to bleed, he then put the piece down, as he stare at his bleeding finger a clear image of blood came flashing on his head. He then shooked his head and he heard his name being called.

“YunHo are you alright?” YunHo then snapped from his trance and looked at a worried DongHae. YunHo then smiled and nodded.

“I’m alright” YunHo then picked the pieces of plates again, in which DongHae helped after that they threw it on the trash can.

“are you sure?” YunHo then nodded.

“yes, though it’s just weird” DongHae then stared at YunHo confusedly

“what do you mean?”

“after I cut my finger, something kept playing on my head, I kept seeing blood and I heard someone calling my name”

“really? Do you think it’s a bad omen or something?”

“I don’t know I hope not, I’m gonna pray tonight, anyways let’s go we better sleep early and the kid’s has school tomorrow” said YunHo in which DongHae nodded, YunHo then left leaving DongHae thinking.

“I’m so curious with what he said, hmmmmm, I hope nothing bad happen’s to him”

With that DongHae followed YunHo.

To Be Continued….


Hi everyone so how was my new update? hope you guys liked it and hope you got a little hint here to answer little of your question's, anyways thank you so much to my new subscriber's, my subscriber's and silent reader's love love you all, because of you all i got motivated and got this, btw please leave a comment ne, so i'll update even more fast, hehehehe


btw this is my inspiration on this chappy, if you guys find it boring blame to this lol XD


@Haebaragiclouds hi there thank you so much for reading, about Yun hope you got a little hint on this update about why Yun can’t remember his past we’re almost there,  btw I like what you said ne, Yun will regret everything when he remembered but only to find out Jae’smarried to HJ hehehe like like it, waaah i love your idea maybe I should do it, lol waaah I became evil hahaha, btw hope you like my new update ^-^ ow and im so happy you enjoyed reading my story, thank you <3 <3 <3

@Sarah_OT5 ne he’s going back to HJ, but maybe something will happen., we’ll see hehehe so stay tune ne? anyways thank you so much for reading, hope you like my new update ^-^

@subicbay hi there thank you so much for reading, hope you like my new update, mianhae for my late update…

@yunjaemania nope Yun doesn’t forget about the incident, about the past because of the incident yes he remember but a little, anyways thank you so much for reading hope you like my new update ^-^

@Caribbeanpop17 hi there thank you so much for reading, about YunHo hope you got a little hint from this update, hehehe anyways thank again hope you like my new update and ne Always Keep The Faithg DB5K 4ever ^-^

@YeonKi3YunJ he might remarry and might not be hehehe mianhae about that btw about Yunnie, hope you got a little hint from this update,btw thank you so much for reading and hope you like my new update…

@loyersyeraomar hi omo please don’t go crazy mainhae bout this, btw about Yun hope you got a little hint on this update, btw thank you so much for reading anyways hope you like my new update ^-^

@kuroganegirl yup Jae did marry KHJ, glad to hear that btw about Yun hope you got a little hint on this update. btw hahaha ne YunHo will beg on his knee’s for Jae’s forgiveness lol XD thank you im so happy you love it, btw hope you’ll like my new update and thank you so much for reading ^-^

@ kuranyuuki about Jae we’ll see what’ll happen next, Jae might change his mind ne? btw hope you got a little hint on this update, btw hope you like my new update and thank you so much for reading ^-^

@ chenxinyi hi there ne he doesn’t remember Hae hehehe thank you, hope you like my new update and thank you so much for reading ^-^

@yunhotic hi thank you so much for reading, ^-^ glad to hear that ne, it cleared most of the question and yes but no worries that ultimate question is gonna be answered real soon, though hope you got a little hint on this update ^-^, btw im glad you love the update thank you so much, hope you like the new update ^-^

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after all this year, i'm still waiting for this :)
hymeki #2
Chapter 9: Please dont make jae back to hyunjoong,, make yunjae happilly ever after in the end, autor-sii ^^
Minsu, you must fight for appa yun ne!
Really curious what happend to yun, why soo long to remember, how jae will react after he new about yun past?
So, please update faster author-sii..^/\^
hymeki #3
Chapter 7: You're really good to make me going die of curiousity author-sii..
Because of that i will always stay til this story end..
So please make it clear soon, before i die.. hahaha
I'm just kidding autor-sii ^^
thx a lot, I really like your story~~~
Chapter 9: Please update :3 i wanna knw more XD
Krsobsessions #5
spreading yunjae's love dust around the world~~~~
Chapter 8: i really want to know what had happened to Yunho before that made him didn't remember Jaejoong .. please update soon ^^
mickeycute #7
Chapter 10: i wonder what happen to them before why yunho didnt remember everything.. and junsu is a great child. he knows his true father. probably changmin, feels it too but his still young for that. hoping for more updates in the future author ssi!!! fighting ^^
Chapter 9: woohoooo!!

Yunho finally can feel something toward his children and some scenes start playing in his mind.
He's going to remember about him and Jaejoong, rite??

Hyunjoong is a nice man but when he sees that now Yunho is getting closer with his children, Hyunjoong should tell Jae to give Yunho another chance.

Hm, I love this story and I love how Junsu sticks with his opinion and trusts his own feeling that Yunho is the father, not Hyunjoong.

Update soon!!
meechan35 #9
Chapter 10: I am super curious why Yunho forgot about Jae.