Yun & Min Time [part 1] ----> A Water To Remember Part 5

A Water To Remember

Hi everyone, here's my new  update, hope you guys will like this (finger's crossed) thank you so much to my new subscriber's,anyways enjoy ^ ^,


Previously on "A Water To Remember"......

“what does my little baby wants?” ChangMin then slowly loosened the hug and sat on JaeJoong’s lap.

“Umma? I want to see appa” JaeJoong then frozed…

To Be continued….


ChangMin looked at his Umma, he saw his umma's lost with his thoughts, so he stood on the bed, and hugged JaeJoong in which Jaejoong woke up from his trance.

"Umma what's wrong?" JaeJoong then loosened the hug and pulled his son to sit on his lap, in which ChangMin did.

"Umma's fine, mianhae, but do you really want to see appa?" asked JaeJoong as he looked outside their window.

ChangMin then happily nod.

"But if umma doesn't want to see appa, then it's okay with me" said ChangMin, that made JaeJoong to look at his son and hugged him on the back.

"mianhae min, i know you want to see appa badly" said JaeJoong as tears fell down from his eyes.

"it's okay umma, your more important" JaeJoong then smiled and patted ChangMin's head.

"Sometimes i've been asking myself if your really a child or an adult?" a minute later, the two was startled when JunSu jumped at the back of JaeJoong and hugged JaeJoong on the back.

"that's not fair, you two are hugging and im not included" said JunSu as he pouts, JaeJoong then smiled as he put his left arm on JunSu and pulled JunSu into a hug.

"why do you have to be a drama queen? i'm always thinking where you learn that?" JunSu then smiled

"where else but my drama queen umma" smiled JunSu in which JaeJoong played angry.

"WHAT? who's drama queen?" said JaeJoong as he chased his two son's.

After the laughter and chasing, JaeJoong told JunSu to wear his clothes and tucked his two son's on their bed. He then kissed their foreheads.

"Good night you two, sweet dreams" said JaeJoong in which the two smiled and closed their eyes, JaeJoong then turned off the lights and closed the door. He then went to his room, and sat on his bed.

"should i tell him? but i don't want to be a bother. **sigh**" JaeJoong then lyed down on his bed as he try to sleep.


Later that morning...

After YunHo fixed YooChun's clothe's, he then smiled and kissed YooChun's forehead "be a god boy at school ne, Chunnie?" YooChun then smiled and nodded, he then waved at YunHo and made his way towards his school service.  YunHo then waved at YooChun before he went inside.

"Someone seems happy" said DongHae in which YunHo nodded.

"Well today's the big day, i wont let anything bad happen" added YunHo as he made his way towards his room.


Meanwhile @JaeJoong's house...

"Are you sure about this Jae?" Asked the curious HeeChul as he took another bread.

"yes, i'm positive" said JaeJoong as he stood from his chair, and grab his phone and key.

"okay, let's go then" said HeeChul as they went out.


Meanwhile @DongBang Elem School...

"YooChunnie!! since our teacher said we'll have break time why don't we play tag?" asked the cheerful JunSu in which YooChun smiled and nodded. JunSu then smiled back.

"yay! since i feel so happy right now, why don't i be the it?" Yoochun then smiled.

"it's okay with me" said YooChun in which he run and JunSu happyly chased after YooChun.

after hours of JunSu chasing YooChun he's still the it, cause he couldn't catch Yoochun, JunSu then pantingly stopped as he collect his breath..

"Yo-YooChunnie! can we take a break, i want to rest, i'm so tired and your so fast" continued JunSu as he took his sit on the swing. YooChun then run towards his bag and tooked his bottle of water, he then run towards the tired JunSu and he offered his bottle of water to JunSu.

"Here, drink some water, mianhae if i run so fast" JunSu then smiled and tooked the bottle of water.

"it's okay, no need to say sorry, next time i'll definitely catch you" said JunSu with a smile and he drank water from the bottle, in which YooChun smiled.

"KIDS! BREAK TIME'S OVER!!" yelled Mrs. Park, JunSu then stood up and the two went to their classroom.


Later @Maret Restaurant..

"Congratulation's Mr. Jung, good job. I'm so proud of you" said Mr. Lee as he shake hands with YunHo.

"It was nothing sir, i couldn't have done it without my team" added YunHo with a smile, in which Mr. Lee patted YunHo's back and smiled.

"promotion is up next, are you excited" YunHo then nodded and smile. After some congratulation's, YunHo and the rest left the restautrant, YunHo then bowed at his boss and he walked towards the bus stop smiling. As the bus came, YunHo let the other's in before he went inside, he sat at back and stared outside.

"I believe this is the greatest day in my entire life, i just wish that my parent's would see me succeed" continued YunHo with a sigh.


Meanwhile @JaeJoong's house...

ChangMin sat sadly near their gate.




"UMMA!!! PLEASE OPEN THE GATE! UMMA!! I'M HOME!!" continued ChangMin as tears fell down from his cheeks. A minute later ChangMin gave up and continued crying.

YunHo on the other hand, who was busyly thinking of what he'll cook for YooChun and DongHae saw ChangMin.

"hmmm, isn't that the crazy guys, son? wonder why he's crying? well who cares"  YunHo then walked past ChangMin.

"UMMA!! WHERE ARE YOU?!! **hiks**hiks**UMMA!!" YunHo then stopped from walking and turned back, he then stared at ChangMin

"aish, i shouldn't care but i can't just let him stay there, aish" YunHo then walked towards ChangMin, and kneeled down he then patted ChangMin's shoulder in which ChangMin slowly rised his head. They then stared into each other's eyes.

"what's this feeling? why do i feel somewhat connected with this kid?" YunHo then shook his head.

"What's the matter kid? your umma's not yet home?" asked YunHo in which ChangMin slowly nod

"I see" continued YunHo as he looked through the gate.

"It seems your umma's not home, do you know your umma's phone number?" ChangMin then shooked his head. YunHo then sighed.

"hmmm, do you want to go to my house for the meantime? my house is just over there we'll comeback later to see if your umma's back, well?" continued YunHo as ChangMin stared at him.

"i know you don't trust me, but i can't let you stay here like this, we don't know when your umma will be back" added YunHo as he waits for ChangMin's response

"aish i can't believe i'm doing this and for that crazy guys son? aish"  YunHo then woke up from his trance when he felt ChangMin shaking him and smiling at him.

"this feeling of seeing this kid smile, makes my heart happy, what's wrong with me?"

"Let's go ahjushii" cheered ChangMin as he hold YunHo's hand, YunHo on the other hand was shock at first but smiled as they walk towards his house

"I really don't understand this feeling, but i'm happy holding this kid's hand" said YunHo to himself as he kept smiling.

To Be continued...


How was it? hope you guys like it (nervouse much) hope you guys weren't bored with today's chappy.... Anyways thanks again for reading, To all Saranghae ^^,

Hi everyone mianhae for the confusion’s at the moment, I see that all of you where really confuse and all are on DongHae’s side about his thoughts and feeling’s if something did happened between YunJae and to lessen your confussion's i'll tell you all yes something did happened between YunJae though Yun doesn’t remember because of something that happened to him, which will be revealed soon too, mianhae for not telling you all yet but I promise you secrets and past will be revealed real soon and about Su and Min being twins you guys guess, i'm sure with my update you all got a clue ^^, mianhae for this i really want my fic to be interesting anyways hope I answer your question’s ^ ^,

@subicbay hi there welcome my new reader, hope you like my new update btw thank you so much for reading ^ ^,

@yunjaemania hi sis, thank you so much for reading btw your comment here remind me of something like you fic lol XD Why sis Why?  Lol XD anyways hope you like my new update ^ ^,

@4everkpopholic Sis your so cute, hehehe no need to say sorry I love your long comment, hahahaha btw I’m so happy to hear that, thank you so much sis and I’m so happy you laugh on those parts and ne HeeChul’s there for Jae he’s Jae’s cousin by the way, ne another flashback from YunJae’s past. Thanks again sis, hope you like my new update ^ ^,

@Sarah_OT5 hi there thank you so much for reading, hope you like my new update ^ ^,

@yunhotic thank you so much for reading, mianhae if I haven’t revealed yet the other parts, I’m really trying to make my fic interesting, hopefully it’s really interesting, secret’s and YunJae’s past will be revealed as the story goes hope you’ll stay with me, anyways thank you again and hope you like my new update ^ ^,

@loyersyeraomar I’m glad you love it, thank you so much and thank you so much for reading it, hope you like my new update ^ ^,

@YeonKi3YunJ  Mianhae it thing’s are making you confuse, more secrets will be revealed as the story goes, your question’s and confusion will be answered real soon, mianhae for the meantime but I promise you it’ll be revealed really soon, hope you’ll stay with me ^ ^, anyways thank you so much for reading hope you like my new update..

@kuroganegirl thanks sis for reading, hope you like my new update ^ ^,

Again thank you all ^ ^, **sent you my bearhug's**

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after all this year, i'm still waiting for this :)
hymeki #2
Chapter 9: Please dont make jae back to hyunjoong,, make yunjae happilly ever after in the end, autor-sii ^^
Minsu, you must fight for appa yun ne!
Really curious what happend to yun, why soo long to remember, how jae will react after he new about yun past?
So, please update faster author-sii..^/\^
hymeki #3
Chapter 7: You're really good to make me going die of curiousity author-sii..
Because of that i will always stay til this story end..
So please make it clear soon, before i die.. hahaha
I'm just kidding autor-sii ^^
thx a lot, I really like your story~~~
Chapter 9: Please update :3 i wanna knw more XD
Krsobsessions #5
spreading yunjae's love dust around the world~~~~
Chapter 8: i really want to know what had happened to Yunho before that made him didn't remember Jaejoong .. please update soon ^^
mickeycute #7
Chapter 10: i wonder what happen to them before why yunho didnt remember everything.. and junsu is a great child. he knows his true father. probably changmin, feels it too but his still young for that. hoping for more updates in the future author ssi!!! fighting ^^
Chapter 9: woohoooo!!

Yunho finally can feel something toward his children and some scenes start playing in his mind.
He's going to remember about him and Jaejoong, rite??

Hyunjoong is a nice man but when he sees that now Yunho is getting closer with his children, Hyunjoong should tell Jae to give Yunho another chance.

Hm, I love this story and I love how Junsu sticks with his opinion and trusts his own feeling that Yunho is the father, not Hyunjoong.

Update soon!!
meechan35 #9
Chapter 10: I am super curious why Yunho forgot about Jae.