Chapter 3

Flowers - jiyoo au

Balm flower.


Means the sympathy. Slowly growing feelings directed to other person. New born friendship.


And Minji still remembers their first friendly meeting. Even if she was sure that Yoohyeon wouldn’t show up. 





Week later Kim Minji was supposed to meet with Yoohyeon after her job. The plan was simple. Minji was going to meet silver-haired girl in the park.


But florist girl saw the mentioned girl walking into her shop.


“Hey, I finished earlier my job.” She walked closer with small and gentle smile on her face. She was wearing white cardigan.



This cardigan is still in Minji’s closet. Standing in empty Flores shop she was imaginations Yoohyeon’s shape in front of her. But as more time passed, that harder was to remember her voice, her face. 


Everything was vanishing. Leaving only memory replaying in her head, in her heart.



“I hope that its’ okay, I won’t disturb you at work.” Yoohyeon’s voice was soft and quiet. 


“Yes, don’t worry its okay.” Minji said with wide smile and closed her cash. “I was planning to close earlier anyway.”


With keys in hand she walked silver-haired to the door, she held them for Yoohyeon so she could leave first. When she locked the door both of them started to walk into the park.


“Do you have anything special in your mind for today?” Minji softly asked. 


“Not really, but my friend Yubin has own bar not that far away, so we can step by if we don’t have any other plans.”


Minji nodded to the suggestion. It was cold outside so it was actually good idea to go to the bar.



Flower shop was empty without Yoohyeon around. Minji didn’t enjoy her work lately. 


Yubin, their friend who owned bar suggested Minji to take a break at work. She should handle own stuff before she decide to be happy person again.


It’s been almost a year and Kim Minji still misses Yoohyeon.



The bar was calm, couple clients in the corners, classic rock music playing in background. Yoohyeon leaded them to the bar. She ordered two drinks with whisky.


“This is Yubin.” Yoohyeon points with finger at bartender who just gave them drinks. Short-haired girl smiled shyly. “Yubin meet Minji, she has that flower shop on other side of the street.”


Girls greeted with each other. Yubin wasn’t talkative that day.


“My apology for Yubin, we lost our friend in car accident couple days ago.” Yoohyeon said with sad voice.


That was why she bought black rose. 


“No need to apologise, I understand.” She took sip of her drink. She knew that talking about this more than it’s needed could be uncomfortable. She sensed that Yoohyeon was fragile type. “I like the music playing here.”


At that moment was playing nirvana’s polly. That song had special meaning for Minji.


“I know right? Yubin has taste.” Yoohyeon laughed. It was nice to hear her laughing, especially after how sad she was looking. Her eyes were empty, as they were missing something.


And that night Yoohyeon’s eyes were different, they were happier.


Because Yoohyeon made new friend with Minji. She let florist into her life.


They were talking about their favourite rock bands whole evening. Minji noticed how Yubin was glancing at them from time to time. Once she saw Yoohyeon’s friend smirking.


When Yoohyeon left Minji for a while just to go to the toilet Yubin walked closer. She put on the bar another drink for her.


“It’s been a while since Yoohyeon smiled that widely.” Yubin said, it was first thing she said around Minji’s presence. “I don’t know how you did that, but keep going.”


Shortly after that Yoohyeon came back, Minji didn’t have any chance to say something back to Yubin.


“Damn I missed whole song of Depeche Mode.” Yoohyeon laughed and they came back to the topic about music.


Yoohyeon couldn’t stop smiling all night. She looked like puppy when she was laughing, the dimples on her face... she was adorable.


Somehow looking at balm at her shop was making her remember how Yoohyeon felt sympathy toward Minji’s direction for the first time. 



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Nam86m #1
Chapter 9: Oh you make me 😭